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Runners (and any other interested parties), I did run the half marathon on Sunday.

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Thank you again for the advice re working (or not) the trade show on Saturday. As the day progressed, I knew with certainty I couldn't have spent the day there. I drank a good deal of tea; watched the steady, slushy downpour; tried to take a nap (to no avail...naps just don't seem to work for me); and finally worked up the energy to get my stuff together and take off for Sunday's half-marathon. I got down there at the very end of the expo, just in time to pick up my race packet, then checked into the hotel and made myself a pasta dinner. Had my requisite glass of wine (forego that because of a run the next day? perish the thought!:D) Turned in at 11:30 (which most of you know is very early for me!) and had an off-and-on night of rest.


When I woke early Sunday, the skies had cleared a good deal and there was a strange yellow orb in the sky. So I couldn't use the excuse of bad weather to bow out of the race.;) I suited up and headed out, trying to ignore the remnants of the stuffy head/runny nose syndrome. And actually, while I was running those things didn't bother me at all. My lower leg/ankle (if you recall the tendonitis issue) was fine, too. Yeah!


About four miles in, though, I began to get nauseated. It just seems like any time I do these races with early start times, I battle nausea. I'd been running at an 8:30 pace up until that point, and was kinda hoping, deep in my heart, I'd be able to keep that up for the duration. Well, I wasn't. For one thing, this is a very hilly course so that took a bite out of my pace. And for another, by the halfway mark I felt so sick to my stomach, I realized I needed to forget pace and just focus on finishing the darn thing.:tongue_smilie: Luckily, the nausea subsided for a while and only flared up again at the very tail end.


I finished in 1:57 and while I hope to eventually bring that time down, I was happy with it for this particular day. Very happy! My strength and stamina have improved a lot in the past year. The past two times I ran this race, I was completely wiped out afterwards. That wasn't the case this year, which is encouraging.


One thing that was kind of a bummer about the race this year is that the two major sponsors ~ Nature's Path and Organic Valley ~ pulled their sponsorship. With the financial climate, companies like ours and others are having to carefully weigh which events to sponsor and this one didn't make the cut. Consequently, this race went from having some great perks due to great sponsorship, to feeling rather bare bones. But running along the open water with views to the east and west of snow-capped mountains is a bonus that will never go away!:)


Oh, and after the race, I did go work at GreenFest. Not serving food, but interacting and answering questions and what-not. That kind of thing always energizes me. Only later in the evening when I was done with everything did I realize I was pretty wiped out. So, since it's nearing 1 a.m, I guess I'll go to bed soon!

Edited by Colleen
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You did run a good race! Even if it wasn't the 8:30 pace you wanted. Like you said, you're happy with this race on this day. I'm glad the weather cleared up for you too.


Do you eat before you run, is that why you get nauseated? Or is it nerves, but you said only when you have early start times. Hmmm...


Yes, sleep long this morning! You deserve it. Lots more tea as well. Have a great recovery!

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Colleen, I signed on just to see if you had done the race or not! I'm glad to hear that you did, and that you felt good at the end. Sorry about the nausea, though. I know how hard it was for me on Saturday... I can't imagine trying to push through it for that long!


I'm also encouraged by your perspective on your finishing time! You're absolutely right... being happy with your performance on that day is more important than the time. And not being exhausted at the end is a testament to how conditioned you've become! :)


It sounds like it was a lovely course to run, too! I'm glad you were able to do it! I'm happy for you!

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Congratulations! That's a big accomplishment!


Last night I had a dream that I ran a half marathon in an elementary school building. When I was finished (a breeze, of course) I pushed a cute little girl out of line so I could be first to accept my award medal. Not sure I want to analyze this one.

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Okay, I promise I won't post about this any more, but I just have to share about my overall placing. My official chip time was 1:56:34, which put me 14th out of 44 in my division, 108th out of 884 women, and#300 out of 1304 overall. Yeah!!! (Interesting, how many more women than men ran the race!)


I noticed in the results that about a dozen young people, including two 12 year old girls, ran the half. A 14 year old boy finished in 1:48. I'm way impressed!

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Okay, I promise I won't post about this any more, but I just have to share about my overall placing. My official chip time was 1:56:34, which put me 14th out of 44 in my division, 108th out of 884 women, and#300 out of 1304 overall. Yeah!!! (Interesting, how many more women than men ran the race!)


I noticed in the results that about a dozen young people, including two 12 year old girls, ran the half. A 14 year old boy finished in 1:48. I'm way impressed!


I noticed the same thing here at the marathon - more women than men running. hmmm....

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