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Yesterday, I actually said

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"Please put down your history book so that we can do some history."


My dd's response was "Oh the irony" followed by a fit of laughter. There is of course more to the story - she was reading a Roman history book, and we are studying the Middle Ages, and we have already spent more than a year on Rome. Still, that is one of those things I never pictured myself saying to anyone.

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My son still jabs me about this one, and it happened about 7 years ago.


I was in the bedroom, on the 2nd level of the house. Ds was in the living room on the main level and EX was in the basement. EX hollers something I can't make out. Ds translates, hollering, "Dad want's to know why he has no clean pants!" I yell back, "Tell Dad he has no clean pants because none of his pants are clean!"


Well, duh. :001_rolleyes::glare:

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"Please put down your history book so that we can do some history."


My dd's response was "Oh the irony" followed by a fit of laughter. There is of course more to the story - she was reading a Roman history book, and we are studying the Middle Ages, and we have already spent more than a year on Rome. Still, that is one of those things I never pictured myself saying to anyone.


More than a year on Rome....

That is awesome.

I am wondering if I will ever get beyond the great Egyptians.

I want to study this forever.

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