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What do you do for your arthritis?

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I am wondering what has been working for you guys...anything from drinking herbal concoctions to prescription meds.


I've been taking Excedrin PM and Osteo-Biflex and using my heating pad. I have it in my neck (wish it were my arm instead :tongue_smilie:). I need a whole something more. I am wondering if it would be bad for me to take extra glucosamine. I already take the recommended dose of Osteo-Biflex.

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My dh takes Voltarin, and my ds6 takes Methotrexate (he took Enbrel for awhile, but we pulled him off).


Voltarin kills my stomach. I threw my pills away. The stomach pain was as bad as the arthritis. I don't know Enbrel.


How come your little guy is taking arthritis meds? Is that a permanent arrangement?

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Voltarin kills my stomach. I threw my pills away. The stomach pain was as bad as the arthritis. I don't know Enbrel.


How come your little guy is taking arthritis meds? Is that a permanent arrangement?


Dh found he has to take it at lunch with his food, otherwise he had the same problem.


Ds6 has Juvenile Arthritis. I'm hoping he'll outgrow it as he gets older--some JRA kids do and some don't.


Enbrel is a biological (I think they call it) medicine. It's fairly heavy-duty, and has to be given in shot form.

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What is Remicade? Aren't you worried for your dh's stomach?


So far his stomach is good, but he was just recently diagnosed.


Remicade is a drug I get through an IV once every two months. It takes a couple of hours. Costs $4000 a shot. Thankfully covered by our insurance or I'd be in a wheelchair.


I was diagnosed at 25, and it's in every joint, including my jaw. I really would be bedridden without the Remicade. I've been on it for seven years, and on just about every other type of med before that.

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Granted I only have the beginning symptoms of RA, but watching what I eat (limiting sugars and red meat, eating more fish), taking fish oil, and really watching my stress levels are what help me.


I notice a lot more stiffness if I am stressed out or worrying. Also if I start having too many sodas in too close a time frame will cause a flare-up.

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Granted I only have the beginning symptoms of RA, but watching what I eat (limiting sugars and red meat, eating more fish), taking fish oil, and really watching my stress levels are what help me.


I notice a lot more stiffness if I am stressed out or worrying. Also if I start having too many sodas in too close a time frame will cause a flare-up.



Oh, I am so guilty of sugars and red meat. Seriously, those are the mainstays of my diet, coffee too.

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I am wondering what has been working for you guys...anything from drinking herbal concoctions to prescription meds.


I've been taking Excedrin PM and Osteo-Biflex and using my heating pad. I have it in my neck (wish it were my arm instead :tongue_smilie:). I need a whole something more. I am wondering if it would be bad for me to take extra glucosamine. I already take the recommended dose of Osteo-Biflex.


I was just diagnosed w/arthritis in C5&6. (Had an MRI) I started out w/pain and stiffness at night and in the morning. My main symptom now is incredible pressure in my head. I'm on muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory (naproxin) which will hopefully calm the muscles/nerves that are causing the pressure.


I'm basically vegetarian, but I eat fish once in a while.


I was on a therapeutic level of ibuprofen for a while, which helped with the pain. (800mg 3x per day)


Where in your neck do you have it, and what are your symptoms?

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I was just diagnosed w/arthritis in C5&6. (Had an MRI) I started out w/pain and stiffness at night and in the morning. My main symptom now is incredible pressure in my head. I'm on muscle relaxer and anti-inflammatory (naproxin) which will hopefully calm the muscles/nerves that are causing the pressure.


I'm basically vegetarian, but I eat fish once in a while.


I was on a therapeutic level of ibuprofen for a while, which helped with the pain. (800mg 3x per day)


Where in your neck do you have it, and what are your symptoms?


It looks like the whole neck. I only had an MRI done on my neck. The ortho PA said my discs were dry. It was said as a passing comment because I was really there to find out about a bulging disc and spinal stenosis. We were talking about that and then he said," Oh yes, I did want to mention that you also have arthritis".


My neck is totally stiff and it extends into my deltoids. For me it is neckache, shoulder ache, and headache. I can't sleep that well without a muscle relaxer or sleep aid/painkiller combo. Sometimes there is a slight stabbing pain when I bend my head in a certain way. Despite the stiffness, I do have full mobility. If I didn't complain about pain, the doctor told that I would appear completely healthy.


My kids' new chore is to heat up my pad for me in the morning and basically whenever I demand it.


Next month I go in to see the MD and talk about the Medrol patch.

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Please don't shoot me....I recently heard of avoiding nightshade vegetables. I have a feeling what you all are talking about is more serious, but I thought I would throw it out there.


Food allergies and intolerances can cause very serious disabling symptoms. I won't shoot you. Each person has different allergies though. I wouldn't think it would be likely that avoiding nightshades would work, but it might.


I just started on GABA and Udo's Oil. They both have studies for RA treatment.


Egoscue is a good method of physical therapy for your problem too.

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