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Update from meeting the oncologist today -

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Ladies, I just wanted to update you on our visit to the oncologist today. We really like him a lot!! He was very optimistic, encouraging, and believes that God is the ultimate healer! He was encouraged that I feel good, am eating healthy foods, have energy, haven't been sick this winter, show no signs of bronchitis or pnuemonia, no coughing blood, have never smoked, have lost 20 lbs. (not due to the cancer, but due to thyroid/adrenal FINALLY working), etc. All of this is too my advantage. He told me to continue doing what I am doing. Another praise is that the cancer is contained to my lung and is not in any of my organs. My organs are all healthy and functioning properly. Praise!!! It did spread to my bones, but that is why we did the radiation, to stop the cancer from eating my bones in my lower back. The radiation must be working because I'm weaning off of the steroid right now and I'm not in pain. So, that's good news! There is a bone medicine I will take each month starting this week through iv that will strengthen my bones and keep the cancer out of the bones.


We're waiting to find out some lab information so we can make a decision about what chemo meds to use, how aggressive to approach it, etc. We'll meet with him next week to discuss this further and possibly start chemo the next week. So, if you'll be praying for wisdom in making these decisions, we'd appreciate it.


God has been so very good to us through this whole situation! We stand in awe at what He is doing in our lives and how this is touching other people's lives. Your prayers are holding us up and we can truly feel them. We are experiencing peace that passes all understanding like we've never experienced before. May each of you be blessed for your faithfulness to pray for our family!


Trusting in Him,



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Molly, of course I am encouraged by what God is doing in your health situation. But I am amazed at how you are allowing God to work through your attitude toward this--that is powerful all by itself! Your attitude encourages me to have a better attitude! Thank you!

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Ladies, I just wanted to update you on our visit to the oncologist today. We really like him a lot!! He was very optimistic, encouraging, and believes that God is the ultimate healer! He was encouraged that I feel good, am eating healthy foods, have energy, haven't been sick this winter, show no signs of bronchitis or pnuemonia, no coughing blood, have never smoked, have lost 20 lbs. (not due to the cancer, but due to thyroid/adrenal FINALLY working), etc. All of this is too my advantage. He told me to continue doing what I am doing. Another praise is that the cancer is contained to my lung and is not in any of my organs. My organs are all healthy and functioning properly. Praise!!! It did spread to my bones, but that is why we did the radiation, to stop the cancer from eating my bones in my lower back. The radiation must be working because I'm weaning off of the steroid right now and I'm not in pain. So, that's good news! There is a bone medicine I will take each month starting this week through iv that will strengthen my bones and keep the cancer out of the bones.


We're waiting to find out some lab information so we can make a decision about what chemo meds to use, how aggressive to approach it, etc. We'll meet with him next week to discuss this further and possibly start chemo the next week. So, if you'll be praying for wisdom in making these decisions, we'd appreciate it.


God has been so very good to us through this whole situation! We stand in awe at what He is doing in our lives and how this is touching other people's lives. Your prayers are holding us up and we can truly feel them. We are experiencing peace that passes all understanding like we've never experienced before. May each of you be blessed for your faithfulness to pray for our family!


Trusting in Him,





Sounds good, Molly.


Keep us updated!

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children to have healthy muffins - :-) ) - This has been such a growing experience of faith for me. I have come to a place where I am totally surrendered to the will of God. He is in complete control of my life, where in the past, *I* thought I had to have my hands involved. When this shock happened, it has been all I could do, but to just give my total life to Him. The freedom that has come with that, after all the years of wanting control, has been so freeing. Our life and times are truly in His hands. When you are given a diagnosis of cancer, it truly puts a whole new perspective on your life and how you view everything. I am sure there will be challenges to come, but I'm planning to continue to keep my hands off and let him orchestrate whatever He needs to in order to bring maturity to my life. I've have found out just how much the Lord loves each and every one of us. *WE* are always on His mind and He cares about every single detail of our lives. He has become a precious Daddy to me that I can climb up in His lap and love on. I now have an attitude of gratitude that I *thought* I had before. Thanks for walking this journey with me!

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Ladies, I just wanted to update you on our visit to the oncologist today. We really like him a lot!! He was very optimistic, encouraging, and believes that God is the ultimate healer! He was encouraged that I feel good, am eating healthy foods, have energy, haven't been sick this winter, show no signs of bronchitis or pnuemonia, no coughing blood, have never smoked, have lost 20 lbs. (not due to the cancer, but due to thyroid/adrenal FINALLY working), etc. All of this is too my advantage. He told me to continue doing what I am doing. Another praise is that the cancer is contained to my lung and is not in any of my organs. My organs are all healthy and functioning properly. Praise!!! It did spread to my bones, but that is why we did the radiation, to stop the cancer from eating my bones in my lower back. The radiation must be working because I'm weaning off of the steroid right now and I'm not in pain. So, that's good news! There is a bone medicine I will take each month starting this week through iv that will strengthen my bones and keep the cancer out of the bones.


We're waiting to find out some lab information so we can make a decision about what chemo meds to use, how aggressive to approach it, etc. We'll meet with him next week to discuss this further and possibly start chemo the next week. So, if you'll be praying for wisdom in making these decisions, we'd appreciate it.


God has been so very good to us through this whole situation! We stand in awe at what He is doing in our lives and how this is touching other people's lives. Your prayers are holding us up and we can truly feel them. We are experiencing peace that passes all understanding like we've never experienced before. May each of you be blessed for your faithfulness to pray for our family!


Trusting in Him,




Oh, Molly, I'm teary in reading this update/praise report! I'd already prayed for you this morning so to get up and read this is so exciting. :grouphug:

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children to have healthy muffins - :-) ) - This has been such a growing experience of faith for me. I have come to a place where I am totally surrendered to the will of God. He is in complete control of my life, where in the past, *I* thought I had to have my hands involved. When this shock happened, it has been all I could do, but to just give my total life to Him. The freedom that has come with that, after all the years of wanting control, has been so freeing. Our life and times are truly in His hands. When you are given a diagnosis of cancer, it truly puts a whole new perspective on your life and how you view everything. I am sure there will be challenges to come, but I'm planning to continue to keep my hands off and let him orchestrate whatever He needs to in order to bring maturity to my life. I've have found out just how much the Lord loves each and every one of us. *WE* are always on His mind and He cares about every single detail of our lives. He has become a precious Daddy to me that I can climb up in His lap and love on. I now have an attitude of gratitude that I *thought* I had before. Thanks for walking this journey with me!


:grouphug: Amen, and we will continue to pray for you.

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