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Need some perspective...

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I am currently buying next year's curriculum for my two school age girls. I am trying so hard to reconcile buying used curriculum. On one hand, I want to support the small companies whose products I love, but on the other hand, I need to save money by buying used. And then there are the sources like Amazon and Rainbow Resource that are clearly less expensive than the small companies. What do you all think? Please, I don't want to start a debate. I just want you to share your thoughts/ideas. Thanks!!

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I hear ya. I am more of a "convenience" girl. I like RR because I can get almost everything I need in one place. But having been an owner of a "mom and pop" shop it is really frustrating trying to compete with the big boys.


Maybe you could do a little of each? Buy your big ticket items used and small ticket items from the mom and pop shops?

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I tend to do a little of all. Some new, some used, some borrowed. Don't assume RR is a huge company; it's really a family-run company with some additional employees. Don't let the phone-book sized catalog fool you!


I think you have to do what works best with your budget and time. Trying to find everything used can be a lot of work and stressful, but buying everything new could be unwise if it means you can't buy groceries.


I say, support the companies you can without shooting yourself in the foot. :)

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I say buy where you can afford. Many years I didn't have an option to support the small publisher, now I have more options. I look at the publisher's website and decide from there. There are benefits from ordering directly from the publisher.


Last year I ordered an expensive DVD package from a supplier. I had had the set for several months before I realized it was not the most updated DVDs. This year I'll be ordering the next level directly from the publisher.


I also ask around to see if I can get a shipping deal from the publisher. Life of Fred offers free shipping on his products. He wraps his books as if he is mailing out gold. I will always order directly from him.


I also try to support them after a purchase. If it is a product I would/will use again I leave positive reviews for them at place like Amazon or RR or CBD. I let the word of mouth advertising work for them.



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I forgot to mention my FAVORITE way to shop.... directly from the publisher at a homeschool convention! You get to see the materials in person and NO shipping charges! Plus, many of them discount their materials if you buy it at the conference. I am going to the Midwest conference this year and plan to get everything I can while I am there.

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My approach has been to buy a mix of used and new. I do not think it behooves me to buy the cheapest product out there used if the small family companies go under this coming year. I want them there next year but I also will not put my family in a difficult position financially by buying all my items new.


Think of it this way...you are helping families by buying used as they will have money to purchase and stimulate the ecomomy themselves. We are all connected this way it seems to me. I guess that is an arguement against stopping all buying, if we all stop it will come to a sceaching halt. (as we have seen) Used is better than none at all.


All the best finding your balance!

Edited by Once
spelling again!!! bye by buying:-)
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I buy most of my stuff from Amazon (I won't buy from RR anymore); I always assumed that even if I buy it from there, that is still supporting the original publisher. I mean, it's not like Amazon is stealing books and reselling them, they buy them from the publisher, don't they? Even if it is at a smaller cost.


I should say that I buy most of our supplementary books from Amazon; a lot of the curriculum we use I get straight from the publisher.

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And then there are the sources like Amazon


Amazon does me a huge service. I can "look" at books I'd have to call and drive all over to look at. I can read reviews, I can get them new or used. They have a terrific return policy.


There are a lot of moms and pops employed by them, people who are happy to have something that is doing well. I'm also pleased they save the gas I'd use schlepping about to look for these books, or the trees for maliers. Amazon has never sent me ads in the mail, and since I made a teeny typo in my name, purposefully, I can track if they "sell" my name. Years of use, and my name appears to be "unsold". I have no qualms supporting them.

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Life of Fred offers free shipping on his products. He wraps his books as if he is mailing out gold. I will always order directly from him.



:iagree: AND he will personally autograph your copy if you request it!


I used to purchase all used because that was what I could afford. Over the years I have found that what works best for our family are materials that are written by homeschoolers for homeschoolers, or materials that are written by people that have experience teaching homeschoolers.


So I prefer to purchase directly from the publisher, but if someplace like amazon offers the same thing for less money, I will purchase from them because it still benefits the publisher.


I don't have anything against small mom & pop stores, but they rarely carry anything I am looking for.

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I buy most of my stuff from Amazon (I won't buy from RR anymore); I always assumed that even if I buy it from there, that is still supporting the original publisher. I mean, it's not like Amazon is stealing books and reselling them, they buy them from the publisher, don't they? Even if it is at a smaller cost.


I should say that I buy most of our supplementary books from Amazon; a lot of the curriculum we use I get straight from the publisher.


Can I ask why you won't buy from RR? You can pm if you want. Thanks.

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Thanks for all the replies.


I definitely agree with Tara about reducing resources.


But, my favorite curriculum is MFW. What is the best way to support them without breaking the bank? They have everything I need, but there prices are more than Amazon or Rainbow Resource.

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Can I ask why you won't buy from RR? You can pm if you want.


Since several people have pm-ed me I'll just put my answer here..


They carry some anti-Muslim titles in their catalog (like people who convert from Islam then talk about what all is wrong with it, or how to go about arguing against Islamic beliefs or proselytize to Muslims). I know Amazon carries those and even more, but they carry all titles; you could probably find books that are anti-every group out there. Equal opportunity offenders I guess, lol.


So if I can get the books I need from somewhere else, I'd rather not support RR. Not a big deal, it's just not my thing.

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Well, as the author of one of the products sold on RR, I can speak to some of your concerns. The smaller companies, like mine, can negotiate with RR as to how much of a discount RR gets on the material. When I sold to them, I still made money, but not nearly as much as when I sold from my own website. The trade-off for the smaller company is exposure. Lots of people saw my product on RR. I was able to offer something on my website that RR did not - pdf student pages for my science curriculum (so families with multiple children could print their own pages rather than having to buy pre-printed sets for each child...it was a cheaper option for larger families), too.


As for buying used, I wouldn't worry about that, either. As long as you are not breaking a law (check the copyrights on the materials), who can complain? I knew that people were going to resell my materials. The only thing that I prohibited was resale of the PDFs that I sold.


BTW, my curriculum was called My World Science. I don't sell it anymore, although pieces of it are still on RR's site....I have no clue why since I'm no longer selling the missing items. LOL.



Edited by Ria
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I do what I can afford. If I can find it a significant discount then I buy used, but if it about the same price (within $10) then I buy from the original company. Some times it is a matter of shipping and tax that keeps me from buying new ($15 for that at one company I looked at for two books:001_huh:).

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I see nothing wrong with buying from RR or Amazon or used.


Buying from RR, you support a HSing business -they do a HUGE service for us just by printing out that huge catalog with reviews of eveything under the sun. (religious objections aside - I understand that.)



Buying used, you are helping another HSing family raise funds for probably their next purchase. Who knows? It might be the only funds they have, esp this year.:confused:


Mom and pop places survive b/c they offer great stuff with great cs. I love buying curriculum from authors who are active on their Yahoo group - that's just worth a LOT to me.

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I buy a lot used, frequently through a local homeschool consignment store or the used section of our small local homeschool bookstore---pretty much everything I can because I need to watch our spending. I also check a couple of the used bookstores in the area, because we have credit with them from bringing in books and one gives a 10% discount to homeschoolers for kids' materials. I will also attend used curriculum sales. Only once or twice have I bought curriculum used online because shipping often wipes out the discount.


If I need something new, I will first ask if that homeschool store can order it for me. This usually saves me shipping and supports a local business that has been very valuable to me in being able to look at things hands-on. Many things they can or will get, some they either can't (our grammar program) or won't (for instance, they flatly told me they refuse to carry the Singapore standards edition, though they carry the other Singapore materials, which didn't make a lot of sense to me, but, oh well, not my business). If not, then I will order directly from the publisher.

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I used to buy most things used, usually from a used-curriculum sale. We are able to buy new now and I do try to purchase directly from the publisher.


I do buy used books (just for our reading pleasure :) ) almost exclusively from Amazon. I love having the reviews to read and all the used buying options! Many times I can get a book for 1 penny plus $3.99 shipping. Four bucks for a book? And I didn't have to go anywhere? Or put on shoes? Makes me happy!

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