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Selling stuff vs. just donating it--how do you decide if it is worth it?

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We are continuing our de-junking and downsizing here. I was just wondering how you decide if it is worth the time and effort to sell somethings---very nice winter jackets/ski pants, books, bigger items, etc. and when it is just not worth the time and effort.


We could use the money for the horse barn I am building this spring but then again, is it worth my time to list stuff on Craig's List, weed out the people, have them come here, etc? Or do I just hand down the clothes to people I know, donate the books to the library, give the household goods to a local charity that runs a thrift store as well as giving stuff away?

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I would say that it is worth it to try to sell the better items - meaning items in excellent condition - through an appropriate venue.


I would take clothing in excellent condition to consignment, put books on Amazon Marketplace. Household items could go to consignment (based on whether you local shops carry such items) or into a pile for a yard sale. Then, set a time limit you would like to stick to, and when that comes, donate whatever remains unsold.


I tried to sell a large sofa, a refrigerator, and a stove on Craig's list last year. The only (ONLY) responses I got were from people pulling the "I'll send you a check for $2000 for the $10 item, then you send me the change" scam. It was ridiculous. I ended up giving all of them to friends, or friends of friends in need of the item. It made me very happy.

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I don't do yard sales. It's just not worth it to me. I'd rather donate than sell something for pennies.


Items that are in very good condition and are more expensive I will sell at a consignment shop. My town has a great children's consignment shop. That is where I buy and sell winter coats, boots, ski pants, party dresses, basically things my kids have to have but don't get huge wear and tear.


I also sell many books at the used book shop. I've participated in one curriculum sale and will do more.


My daughter participates in a childrens yard sale my town sponsors. She loves this. I let her sell just all toys and nonschool books we are not using. She gets to keep the money, except the fee I pay for getting her a spot.


One rule I have about decluttering, if anyone calls for donations (Amvets, Purple Heart, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc) and tells me when they are bringing a truck I always say yes. Always. Then I am forced to get rid of stuff, because I know the truck is coming in two days.


I also get rid of stuff on freecycle. I recently put large foam blocks on freecycle. I stated that they first had been used for child's play (my dd) and then therapy (younger ds) and that they had been great for both purposes. You don't have to do first come first serve on freecycle and one of the responders said she had a child with autism. So, I gave the blocks to her. (Yes I know she could have lied, but I will trust that most people wouldn't lie about having a child with a disability--that's so base.) I like to pass things on and among families of persons with disabilities, because I know everything in life is just more expensive when you live with a person with a disability. You might have your own preference for giving. I saw a freecycle ad for an AG doll--the poster wanted it to go to a child whose mother or father was serving overseas.

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I used to have successful garage sales. Maybe that was when we had better stuff to get rid of. :001_huh: Now I tend to donate many items. It's just easier. I also have been blessed to find many great items in thrift stores over the years. I feel it's a kind of paying back for me.


Books get listed on paperback swap if they are postable, I sell what I can here.


I'm so very liberal about handing things down to other families. If I know someone who needs it, I offer.

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I do not have time to do yard sales. I give most things away. The things that are in excellent condition, I give my 11yo daughter to sell on ebay. She takes care of getting it shipped (gives her dad the item with the address because he owns shipping stores). We split the money. She is ebay queen around here.


That way, she makes some money for herself and I get rid of things I don't need or want.

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We give away here, usually the Goodwill but many times I drive farther and take really nice stuff to a non profit resale shop that benefits battered women and children.

I don't know if it is just my area, but no one is stopping for garage sales anymore, I see my neighbors have them and no one stops. I don't have the time/energy for that so I just give my extra stuff away.

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It's rarely worth it for me to sell an item, unless it can be sold for at least $50. I sold a crib, a backpack, and a bed through Craigslist. I sometimes give away nicer things, or specialty things, through Freecycle. I like to pass clothes on to family and friends, if I know anyone. Everything else (household goods, etc) go to the local thrift store.


I hate consignment shops. The local ones only pay 20% of the 50% resale value. It's not worth my time and energy to deal with them. I hated only getting about $18 for all my maternity clothes, which I knew were worth at least $200. I'd rather just pass them on to someone, and hopefully bless them.


I list nice

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I will sell larger items on Craigslist if we have a weekend when we will be home and don't have plans. I have about a $50 limit for it to be worth it. Dh will list and sell items on Craigslist for me sometimes. We usually do this for bigger furniture items.


Last year we donated some big ticket items to charity for convenience, thinking that we would at least be able to use them as a write off. We did our taxes, and ended up better off taking the standard exemptions instead of itemizing so that was a waste.


I will sometimes do a yard sale but I have to have at least $300 worth of things that I figure will sell, to make it worth it. Then I will donate the remaining. To make this worth while I need a lot at once so I have to do a whole house cleaning to get ready and identify items to go.


I do take kids clothes and toys to a consignment shop. I buy a lot there for dd2, so it makes it worth it. I find that I can buy toys used for her, let her play with them for a few months and then sell them at the shop again. I loose a few dollars but it is nothing like buying new and donating them. This way I can trade out toys on a regular basis. I also sell some kid 'furniture' items there too. I will ask them what price they sell items for before I bring them in to make sure it is worth it. Sometimes it is worth it, sometimes it isn't. Those are the items I will save for a garage sale.

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I hate yard and garage sales. To much work for to little return and everyone wants to give a quarter for everything. I rather bless others with what I do not need. Now, if I have time and think about it I sign up to consign in the children consignement sale that happens twice a year. Everything else gets donated or passed onto my niece.

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One rule I have about decluttering, if anyone calls for donations (Amvets, Purple Heart, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc) and tells me when they are bringing a truck I always say yes. Always. Then I am forced to get rid of stuff, because I know the truck is coming in two days.

Wow, thanks for sharing your decluttering rule! I am going to try this to try to rid our house of some of our excess stuff.

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I did something fun to help de-clutter before our last move. We were moving out of state and I knew I wouldn't see many of them for years. I set out all the home accessories I was getting rid of and had a give away party. My friends came over we chatted, had coffee, and each boxed up some of my better home accessories and took them home.


My house was cleaner, my friends had something to remember me by and we had a girls night.

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We always give away. We have "free days" a couple of times a year at our house -- put everything out in the yard and a big "FREE" sign.


I feel like we always end up just as well off. I can't believe some of things we have received for free in the very same way. :)


Also a fun way to meet new people!


Take care,


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Thanks. I WISH that the charities around here had a truck that would come and pick up donations. We live too far out for that.


Garage sales do NOT do well when you live out in the country on a dirt road so those are out as well.


I might sell a few big things on Craig's list but otherwise I guess I will just keep giving away things.


I like the idea of setting things out with a FREE sign on them. Even out on our dirt road, things rarely last more than a few hours before they are picked up---hopefully by someone that can really use it.

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Is there a Freecycle group in your area? Are you familiar with it?


FreeCycle is an e-mail group designed to keep good "stuff" out of landfills. It hooks up the "givers" of things with those who want/need those things. People simply place "OFFER" ads, or "WANTED" ads. Those are sent out daily e-mails. Then, those who wish to receive or give those items e-mail the OP (through the list). It's a great way to find just the right recipient for your things.


Look on Yahoo Groups (http://www.groups.yahoo.com), and search for Freecycle. There is probably one in your area.

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A couple of times per year we donate to the Salvation Army. We used to load up the pickup and take it to the Goodwill, but we found out that the Salvation Army will come to our house and pick it up. Much easier.


I tried yard sales before, but they are such work! My very organized neighbor has had a yard sale (multi-family) for many years (during the local neighborhood annual sale, so there was a lot of traffic). She told me that she's finally given up on all that hard work--it's much easier to donate. It hasn't been worth her time for the past few years.


I've tried selling some bigger items, like furniture, etc., on Craigslist, and I was successful a few times, but there were some scammer emails. I didn't like giving out my address to strangers, either. I feel more comfortable donating to charity.

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