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Are we ahead or behind? (Is it a cop out to say this is a bonus year?)

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I looked up what lesson we are on (prompted by another thread) and discovered that we are only on lesson 55 today! I knew we were "behind" but this has me almost hyperventilating.


Here is our situation so that you can give me your WWYD advice:


1. I am starting to slowly recover from chronic illness. My vitamin D levels are finally normal and so are my thyroid levels after getting medication. My adrenal glands are shot. I have difficulty with fatigue and really can't push myself any more than I am. Last year I was so bad (I was almost an invalid at Thanksgiving time) that we almost stopped homeschooling. Dh persuaded me to take time off to focus on my health instead and said the kids were fine because they are ahead in some ways and were happy. We started up school again late Jan. of last year and limped to the end of the school year. We had one week off between last school year and this school year.


2. Dd7 has a December birthday and would only be in 1st grade in the public schools. She is doing 2nd grade work at home.


3. Ds11 would be in 6th grade in public school. He is doing Singapore 6 in math, Rod & Staff 6 in grammar, Beautiful Feet Middle Ages/Renaissance history - junior high level (gr. 7 & 8), Abeka Science gr. 7 level, Latin Prep I. We also study music, art, and Japanese. He will be taking swimming lessons for P.E. next month.


4. Ds11 does about 2 1/2 hours of school on one of my bad days. He always gets math, history, Latin and grammar in. On my good days he will do at least one more hour of work.


5. We are holding steady with one week's worth of school per week at this time. Last year and the at the start of this year we did 1 week's worth of work over 3 weeks and then over 2 weeks and then over 1 1/2 weeks (does that make sense?) So as my health has improved, the kid's school schedule has improved. For us to "catch up" we would have to do more than a week's worth of school in a week and I just don't see that happening.


So WWYD? I figure that dd7 legitimately has a bonus year and if 2nd grade work spills over into the next school year it isn't a big deal. Is it ok if ds11's work spills over into the next school year? He's either at grade level or accelerated on all his subjects. He gets in the top 90% on his SATs every year so comparatively I'd say he's at grade level or above too. I guess I'm asking really for permission to go at our current pace without guilt. Dh does ask on occasion how we're progressing in school but is not pushing one way or another. If we go at our current pace and next year becomes a 6/7 year and the next becomes a 7/8 etc. would it be a huge problem if he finishes high school a half a year late?

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Well, maybe this will help you.

Ds went to K when he was 5, turning 6 a week later (Sept birthday). He repeated 3rd grade. We homeschooled high school, and he worked a bit over the summer last year, so we could graduate him in 2008, in December, "on time." In other words, he worked a little harder and did hi sch in 3.5 years (with a few extra weeks that summer). Make sense?


You are not behind, really. Just because your curriculum says a certain number does not mean your children shouldn't be in whatever "grade" is right for their age. Every school, public, private or homeschool, is different in its requirements, so you can just say that these past few years were a little easier, academically. Your kids are ahead, even with the shorter school year. Don't stress--they are so young yet. They will still start high school on time, I'm sure!

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So you're behind....


I wouldn't worry about it too much. Your kids are pretty much on level (give or take here and there :) ). Also, I think you're worrying about the end of high school WAY too early. Surely, you could make up a semester over the next 6.5 years!


So you'll have to be careful and not get WAY behind or anything....but stuff happens.

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Remember that one of the beauties o homeschooling is that you get to go at your own pace. There is no behind, really.


You are working on your health, and you are just going to feel better and better. You will be able to keep up this momentum, and set a comfortable pace for you.


I've talked you your kids- they are brilliant, happy, and healthy. They are learning all the time- whether you do school or not.


The Dude used to tell me this, and I will tell you- "You have done such an amazing job with these kids, that you could skip an entire year of schooling, and they would be just fine."


It was fun to see you three today- I am glad you like your haircut!


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I told dh about this post. He just rolled his eyes and said "Whether they are behind or not is relative. They're working at an even pace."


I also went to the website for what would be ds11's school. According to what they have listed as their curriculum he's way ahead. So it's not like I would do him a service by stopping homeschooling him and enrolling him there!


Thank you for the support. The panicky feelings are subsiding!

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Hang in there, Jean. We're "behind" this year, too.... Moved in August to a house 1/3 the size, haven't totally unpacked because there's no room... I am needing to work 20 hours a week... I also have Vitamin D deficiency (not up to par yet) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, anemia, etc.


This is our "worst" year yet. We try to get the 4 Rs in.. Religion, Reading, Writing, and aRithmetic...


We'll be doing some work over the summer this year. (I sure wish the kids could/would work more independently, but not all are cut out to do that.)

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I looked up what lesson we are on (prompted by another thread) and discovered that we are only on lesson 55 today!


I don't know what you mean. Lesson 55 in what, based on what, designed by whom...? It sounds like you're doing all right now. When a homeschooling parent is challenged to the point that school doesn't happen, my advice (when asked) is that the parent-teacher investigate other schooling options. That doesn't seem to be an issue for you now since you're able to spend more energy on the job. I'm glad you're feeling better!

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It sounds like you are doing fine!


I also wonder lesson 55 in what? How many lessons are left?


If it were me and I felt the need to finish before next year, I would keep going in the summer with a half load. Say do half a weeks work in a week. I would either do just a bit of time every day or I would do 2 long or 3 short days. Just to keep moving where ever you felt like you needed to.


Otherwise, I would just carry it over to next year.

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I figured Lesson 55 by counting how many full weeks of schoolwork we've done since the end of August. 55 x 5 days of school = 55 days of school.


I don't know exactly (and have been too overwhelmed to take the time to figure it out) how many lessons are left in the math, history, Latin and grammar. It may well be that we get done with some subjects earlier.

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  • 1 year later...

Life happens sometimes right? That is one of the joys of home school. When you have to deal with something else, you can always catch up. Part of our reason for hsing is to teach morality. A very special lesson to learn is that family comes first. I hope you continue to get better. So glad you are on your way:001_smile:

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I definitely would say you sound like you are doing wonderfully! However, if you need something to ease your mind, what about continuing throughout the summer (not hard core, just not quitting completely for 3 mo)? If your kids get 1/2 a week done in 1 or so weeks, they still will be "catching up" to where you want them to be, they won't be stressed out b/c it won't be a full schedule, and since you aren't taking 3 mo off, you will not need to do some of the lessons @ the beg. of the next year since a lot of that is review...just a thought...

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LOL! This thread is a whole year old. We managed to get through the year last year - in August - and had one full week of summer vacation before we started in again. This year, this same date, we are on lesson 82 (compared to lesson 55 on this date last year) so we're doing much better. My health is still a struggle. I'm more comfortable with doing a split grade with dd this year. She's doing work in both 2nd and 3rd grade depending on where she is developmentally and skill-wise. But thank you for the encouragement!

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I still wonder how that happens. How does one find an old thread and reply to it?


I know a lot of people who combine 7th and 8th grade then start high school early. I also know a lot of highschoolers who get done early by a semester, so I am sure we will all be fine!


I am not even sure when we will start third grade or if all of our subjects will be third grade when we get there. I think we just started second.:)

Edited by Lovedtodeath
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LOL! This thread is a whole year old. We managed to get through the year last year - in August - and had one full week of summer vacation before we started in again. This year, this same date, we are on lesson 82 (compared to lesson 55 on this date last year) so we're doing much better. My health is still a struggle. I'm more comfortable with doing a split grade with dd this year. She's doing work in both 2nd and 3rd grade depending on where she is developmentally and skill-wise. But thank you for the encouragement!


Tonight is the night of Old Threads popping up... I'm gonna check the date before I read the next thread...


Glad you're doing better!!



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