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Book A Week in 2009 Week 6 update

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Today, Week 6 starts in the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks and should have you starting book # 7.


Recap of the rules:



Feel free to join in at any time


  1. Read an average of a book a week - 52 books in 52 weeks
  2. Re-reading a book counts--as long as you first read it before 2009
  3. School related books don't count (unless you want them to)




You guys are rocking with all the books you are reading. My wish list has been growing by leaps and bounds.


I'm not the only one who thinks you rock. We received an Award from Think!





They say it is because "We love to read and this has been a great resource for us!" Go to their blog and scroll down. The award is listed in the sidebar.


I will be posting about the award on the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Blog but I need your help first. Here are the rules:


There are rules...



  • *List 6 things that make you happy.
  • *Pass the award on to 5 other bloggers
  • *Link back to the person who gave you the award.
  • *Link to the people you are passing it on to and leave them a comment to let them know.


So - while you are updating us with what books you will be reading, list 6 things that make you happy. I'll put up the list on the blog.


Instead of just 5 bloggers I am passing this award on to all of you because you rock! If you have a blog, then you will have the pleasure of passing it on.

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I am currently reading: Journeys to a Mythical Past by Zecharia Sitchin. I am about half way through and enjoying it very much. It is an alternative history book which is a favorite subject of mine.


Six things that make happy:


My hubby

My family

When my children actually listen

Plenty of sleep

Peace & quiet

A Clean house

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Not sure yet what my choice will be this week.


Last week, I started Whirlwind by Cathy Marie Hake but couldn't make it past a quarter through the book (not my cup of tea) so read Shelf Life by Suzanne Stempek Shea instead about an author who works in an independent bookstore in New England, very interesting look at the life of an author on the road and the inner workings of a small bookstore.


Week 5: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Week 4: Mosaic by Amy Grant

Week 3: The Faith Club by Idilby, Oliver and Warner

Week 2:The Body in the Kelp by Katherine Hall Page

Week 1: Nightingales: The Extraordinary Upbringing and Curious Life of Miss Florence Nightingale by Gillian Gill



6 things that make me happy:

spending one on one time with my hubby

hearing my son pull safely into the garage after he has been out driving somewhere alone


reading in the bath or while floating in the pool

babies laughing

browsing in a bookstore

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It's official, I'm behind. Climbing Parnassus has 3 chapters. Granted they are long ones, but I am struggling halfway through the first chap. I had 10 days to read it, but life got crazy and now I am not sure what to do. I think I will read my dd's 2nd installment of The 39 Clues for this week so I can continue on last week's book.

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I finished "So Many Books, So Little Time: A Year of Passionate Reading" by Sara Nelson. It's about reading 52 books in 52 weeks... appropriate, right? ;)


I finally got my turn with the library's copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Starting out nicely first few pages.


I can't think of 6 things that make me happy. Err... not sure if it's cos I'm never happy or just suffering a brain-lapse at the moment!

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I'm still reading The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. I've read other books but can't remember whether they were for last week or not. :D


6 things that make me happy:


1. Chocolate

2. Babies

3. Sleeping children. :D

4. My RSS feed reader :D

5. Drawing with my oldest.

6. Mopped floors!

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by James Owen. It is written for the same age level as the Harry Potter books, perhaps, and is the first of the Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographic. Not the best-written book, and the plot is rather contrived, but it was a fun book to read, expecially with the little twist at the end.


Started The Glass Castle, a non-fiction book that makes every single one of us on the boards look like the best parents in the world. It's the true story of incredibly disfuntional parents who somehow produce functional children. It sucks you in, but I can't say that I like it exactly.


Also started The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and love it so far!

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I did finish Self Talk Soul Talk early in the week and started on A Hunger for God by John Piper. I thought I might read this one quickly too, but it has challenged me spiritually (in a good way), so I'm going slower and taking more of it in. I'll probably finish it this weekend, so I'll start Crunchy Cons by Dreher next.


6 things that make me happy:

1. My DH

2. Hugs from my oldest son

3. Listening to all of the ideas from my middle son

4. Cuddling with my youngest son

5. Fixing healthful meals to eat

6. Keeping up with the laundry

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Week 1: The Nice and the Good by Iris Murdoch

Week 2: The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

Week 3: The Book and the Brotherhood by Iris Murdoch

Week 4: The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie

Week 5: The Moor's Last Sigh by Salman Rushdie

Weel 6: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman





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I am hoping to finish Joan of Arc by Mark Twain tonight. I loved this story.


Then I will move on to The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson.


6 things that make me happy

1) my dd's imagination

2) my ds's sense of humour

3) my youngest dd's wacky personality

4) Coke (as in the beverage)

5) chocolate

6) the sunset

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I just finished a book on genetic engineering. After a series of light fiction, I thought it was time for something intellectual :) I'm planning on The Hunchback of Notre Dame, but might just go a few more novels before I start on that :)


6 things that make me happy:


1. Good food

2. Markets

3. Happy kids

4. Kitchen gadgets

5. Books

6. Finishing craft projects





Edited by Rosie_0801
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Not sure what's up next. Here's what I've read so far:


Week 6: The Book of the Dun Cow by Walter Wangerin, Jr.

Week 5: The Reason for God by Tim Keller

Week 4: TWTM (for the ??th time) by Susan Wise Bauer

Week 3: Watership Down by Richard Adams

Week 2: A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson

Week 1: The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

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Okay, I decided. This week's book is Hercule Poirot's Christmas by Agatha Christie.


Yes, I know we are way past Christmas, but I didn't get around to it at Christmas time. It is one of two books left to read for Winter Reading Challenge. Yeah! I have so many other books calling my name from my TBR pile right now. Can't wait to get to them.


okie doke - 6 things that make me happy


1) Hubby

2) Son

3) Books

4) Chocolate

5) Flowers

6) My animals.


At the end of the week, I'll post everyone's 6 things along with the award on the 52 books blog.


Hey, there is a fun meme going around the blogosphere called interview me. Another blogger asked me 5 questions and my answers are up now. Come check it out at my blog.


Let me know via comments if you want to be interviewed...If you dare!!!. :)

Edited by Mytwoblessings
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The Bell at Sealey Head

Alphabet of Thorn

Od Magic

In the Forests of Serre

Coffe, Tea, and Me

The Tower at Stony Wood

Music of the Dolphin

My Blue Castle

The Eye of the Heron


I read The Eye of the Heron by Ursula LeGuin. This is an emotionally hard book, in many ways, but I love it anyway. I love Ursula LeGuin's writing. And I love the way she writes as non-violently as possible about both cultures. The Shantih people reminds me SO much of the Nipponzan Myohji monks, and why I want my children exposed to them as much as possible. I had that brought home to me again yesterday when my peace-walking son read an article by John Taylor Gato. He dismissed his arguments with the comment that he had lived with people like that before, and they did not work well in groups, and if the world were full of people who considered it a hardship to coordinate themselves with other people, it would be a problem. He said that the ones he had met had no sense of personal property and grabbed your spoon when you set it down to reach for the salt, and lay down on your sleeping bag just because it was nearer to them. I hope my youngest does at least a little peacewalking and absorbs some of that Japanese/Native American groupmindedness. They need it to balance their own very individualistic lives. Anyway, the book is lovely. And it is interesting to think about how it relates to some of her short stories, which look at the disadvantages of living in the USSR. At least, that is how I remember them.


And 6 things (sort of randomly from amongst an infinity):


Peacewalking with the Nipponzan Myohoji

Mayors for Peace

My family

Water in the wind

Fur in the sunlight

My guitar



Edited by Nan in Mass
forgot the 6 things
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I finished Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and began In the Company of Cheerful Ladies and The Prince, which my boys are reading this week for school. Hopefully I'll finish one of those this week.


ETA: I guess I was in a hurry yesterday and forgot my list of things that make me happy. So here it is:


1. Seeing dh's car come up the driveway

2. Spending time with my kids

3. Reading a good book

4. Hiking in the mountains

5. Snuggling under a down comforter

6. Serving a good meal to a crowd (sometimes just my family is the crowd :))

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Well, I just finished my 4th book, Team of Rivals by Dorothy Goodwin. Wow! I absolutely loved the book.


It was about Lincoln's election campaign and that of his 3 competitors and how he eventually selected them for his cabinet. It then continues through his Presidency until his assassination. I was really drawn into it and loved taking the step back into time and seeing intricate details that made Lincoln such a truly amazing man. It took me some time to finish, just because I felt like I needed to slow down my reading pace to really take in all of the awesome details.


Not sure if I can articulate why, but I think it might be one, if not number one, of my favorite books I have ever read. Okay, enough gushing. I am going to now start, Book Thief.


6 things that make me happy:



everything about my children

laughing with my husband


delicious desserts


warmth of the sun


oops that's seven... guess I am really happy!

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1. Bel Canto

2. In Cold Blood

3. Joy in the Morning, Sister Carrie

4. Sense and Sensibility

5. Queen Bee Moms and Kingpin Dads

6. Before and After You Get Your Puppy


In case there is anyone who hasn't heard, I'm looking forward to adopting a puppy in a few weeks. I have been wanting a dog for several years, now, and I seem to have puppy on the brain. So, this was about the only thing that really held my interest this week.


I'm also about half-way through re-reading Oliver Twist. I DVR'd the first part of the new Masterpiece Theatre adaptation, but had to turn it off less than an hour in because it strayed so far from the book.


Anyway, I'll probably finish the book in a couple of days and count it for this week.


Edit: Ooops, forgot the six things that make me happy. These, I should mention, are in no particular order..


1. Thinking about getting a puppy. (I warned you.)

2. Seeing my kids happy.

3. Reading a really great book while eating a snack all by myself.

4. Singing along with Broadway soundtracks.

5. Seeing a great show that makes me think, especially if I can follow it up by having an interesting conversation with someone I like about the show.

6. Watching/listening to my kids be cute.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Howdy, I just finished and posted review for Hercule Poirot's Christmas. Link below to 52 books blog and my blog. I am in the middle of reading "The Book thief" so guess that will be my next book for week # 6. I'll post the update thread tomorrow, unless Kay in Cal takes care of it.


Happy Reading.

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