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Am I the only one who doesn't care for Apologia Elementary?


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I have 3 of these books, and they look like something we should like, but I just dread them! I did do part of the bird book a couple years ago, but only because the Knowledge Central lapbooks made it fun.


Now, I have plans to start Astronomy, but I have *no* enthusiasm for it.


I'm just talking it through. I want a good strong program that my 1st and 4th can do (and maybe even together!) That I could continue into 2nd and 5th would be even better! I don't want to hunt down tons of books and supplies, but I don't mind putting a bit of effort forth for a good program.


Also, I'm not sure I want an overly *religious* science program. My kids are very aware that God created the world... in however long it took, and it doesn't really matter anyway. :)


So, thanks for listening to me talk this through. Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Wow, yeah, can't empathize with ya, we love them in our house. And we are secular homeschoolers, go figure! We just glib over the religious mentions that pop up here and there. We have tried other sciences, never seemed to stick with them for more than a few months, and my son doesn't remember alot from them. But I am loving the whole in-depth of doing one basic topic for a while, year or so. We are doing Swimming Creatures, and the book is just so interesting. My son can tell you lots of things about aquatic animal life. We have Astronomy and that will be next for us. I am looking forward to it!



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They weren't/aren't appealing to me. And you know what? If you don't love them and won't use them, SELL THEM and choose something else!!! We're so blessed to have a tremendous number of resources available to use to teach our children -- why use something we dread?!?


Really. It's okay to say, "This might be great, but it's not great for me/my kids, so I'm going to find something that *is*"...


If it were the only elementary science program out there, I'd recommend differently. But it sounds like you've given it a fair shake, and it just doesn't work for you. So now it's sitting on your shelf, giving you guilt, and preventing you from buying some other program you *would* like and *would* use. So sell it. Somebody else out there is dying to use it.


And find something you'll enjoy and use. :)

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No. Can't say that we don't like them because we do. We have the Swimming Creatures book and right now we are enjoying it. I'm also using the Knowlege Book Central lapbook along with it too.

I'm sure there are others here where its not been a good fit. If your not enjoying them then I say sell them. Hope you can find something that works better.

Have you looked into Sonlight's science. I like their science too.

Edited by TracyR
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My oldest daughter uses them. She reads them, does the notebook activities, and the experiements mostly on her own. In her case, they are working out tremendously well. I am guessing that is because I am mostly detached from the process.


I tried to do Botany with all 3 girls a couple of years ago, and it was a flop. I am doing Astronomy with the twins now. I have a VERY hard time being motivated to teach any science, so I am not sure this is a fault of these books in particular.


I think I have finally figured out why I don't always want to use them. They are very, very wordy. So, even though I have all the books, the twins will be using Real Science 4 Kids next year. I like the lay out of text, so we will see. If I didn't have a science hungry 9 yo, I would be even less inclined to do science with them.



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They weren't/aren't appealing to me. And you know what? If you don't love them and won't use them, SELL THEM and choose something else!!!


Brilliant-er words have never been spoken. Don't let those books taunt you anymore. Sell them and get something you enjoy and something you have enthusiasm for :001_smile:.

Edited by JudoMom
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Wordy! That's exactly what it is. I think they make good resource books, and so I'll keep them. I need something else for science.


Pandia Press Science looks great. I haven't seen Real Science 4 Kids, though. I guess I'll go on a journey through the Curriculum board and see what people are using these days!



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Nope. Don't like them. I thought they were word-y and boring, and so did my science loving kids.



Same here. We loved the colorful layout and the text was informative but my children became bored midway through Astronomy. They just don't like the one year subject study. I think it would be great if the books were broken up in a year perhaps one book per semester.

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We started in the middle of the serise with Swimming Creatures, and so far the kids love it. We are going through a bit more slowly, because they love to go check out more books on each animal. They are in the animal loving phase right now though. If you do decide to sell the books it sounds like there are several of us that would like to purchase one or more :001_smile:


The great thing about having many resources is having the option to try something different until you find what works.

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My daughter (9) is using and enjoying the flying creatures book this year in co-op. They are taking 2 weeks per chapter and I must say, she is getting weary of studying the same thing month after month. Next year our co-op will be studying one chapter per week. That way we can get through 2 books per year.

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I didn't like the bird book! I do like Astronomy and Botany though.


What didn't you like about the bird book? My dd loves birds and bugs, and I thought it would be perfect to start in the spring and do throughout the summer. I was also considering Botany-now you've got me wondering!


We are taking the Astronomy slow, and I'm adding lots of other reader books and DVD's, and they love it.

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I tried the Astronomy course with my dd and didn't care for it. I wanted to like it - I wanted something somewhat Charlotte Mason in style and God-honoring. But--it was too detailed (IMO) for young elementary. Maybe older students (3rd/4th and up), but even I found parts of it so detailed I got tired of it. I also didn't like the way the author presented her Christian viewpoints. I'm a Christian, but I found myself having to gloss over or explain things that we disagreed with - it was a hassle for me.


I understand wanting to like it and make it work. Even after our experience, I've looked at a couple of other Apologia products to consider if they could possibly work. After doing that a couple of times I've realized Apologia just isn't going to fit our family - and that's ok. I've found other excellent curricula that do work for us.


Do what the others recommended. There are lots of great science curricula out there. Sell what's not working and buy something you think will fit your family.





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I think I have finally figured out why I don't always want to use them. They are very, very wordy. ... Jennie


I have a love/hate relationship. Love the content... hate reading them aloud! It took me a few years to figure this out. Now my 5th grader reads them herself and does note booking. This works for us. Older uses Apologia high school (self-taught,) and I have time to read simpler books with youngest. Of course I do help them all with hands-on activities.

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We tried Astronomy and it sucked the life out of me and the kids! I really don't know why but it just wasn't right for us. Right now we are working in RS4K and my very science minded kiddos are loving it. It really is about finding the right thing at the right time, and if it's not right, find what is. I wanted to love the Astronomy book, but it just didn't click. I say move on and find something you love.

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We'll keep them as reference, because the kids do look at the pictures and things sometimes.


My Aunt sent me several packets from NASA that we will be using for the rest of the year. We'll study rockets, gravity, Astronomy, and mapping perspectives. I think it will be lots of fun.


We'll reconsider our science options again next year.


I'm thankful for all the input I've received here!

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Nope, we don't care for "readable" science, we want demonstrations, inquiry, and lots of question-asking.




This is my goal for science. I get books on various subjects from the library but they are just the jumping off point. We like hands-on science.

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I am another person who just doesn't do the Apologia books. When we started homeschooling, I went to a friends house to look at her curriculum. They were one thing she recommended highly and I looked through and read and just couldn't go there.


We use BJU science and love it. We are Christian, but like to keep bible study and science study times separate. We skip over their little "extras". They have a great balance of book and hands on investigations (if you do all they suggest between the labs & demonstrations). My son has learned a lot, learned it easily and retained it well. It has also been a lot of fun.



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