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Afternoon Energy Crash

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For me, too much sugar in my overall diet does this. It's not so much what I eat on a given day or at a given time, as far as I can tell (that does play into it, but not significantly). Mostly it's just that if I'm eating white flour and sugar, I crash in the afternoons. If I'm eating tons of fresh fruits and veggies, some legumes, a little meat, maybe some dairy and only a *little* whole grains (and no sugar/white flour), I'm fine and my energy levels stay very steady. If I add in more grains or any white flour and sugar... I have that afternoon crash. (And then I eat more sugar to get myself through it, further perpetuating the whole thing.)

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I used to be able to set a clock by my 3 o'clock crash. My husband said I needed serious protein for lunch, instead of a salad or sandwich with very little meat/protein. I said, 'But they always say we Americans eat way too much protein and we should increase our other foods.' Andrew said 'Maybe. But generalizations aren't about individuals, and you need more protein.'


By golly, he was right. :D


Recently I cut way back on my intake of all forms of grains and sugar, with a significant improvement in steady energy throughout the day, with no hunger pangs.

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Make sure you are having a good breakfast each day. Most people that have low energy in the afternoon don't eat a good breakfast. It needs to be healthy and well-balanced. Oatmeal w/blueberries and pecans is wonderful and gives energy to boot. Try to have a fruit/protein and whole grain carb. That will go a long way. Also, have an afternoon snack that delivers a quick boost. Nuts, banannas, Peanut butter & celery, a handfull of berries etc..


Limit your sugar and bad carbs. Drink LOTS of water and get enough sleep. Exercising 30 minutes a day will really help a lot as well. You may want to keep a food journal for a month or so to figure out what foods are contributing to the crash and what foods help give you a boost.


Good luck!

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Lately I've been eating a lot more like my toddler, meaning, small well rounded snacks every 2ish hours rather than 3 meals a day. I've been feeling a lot better and not "crashing" quite so often.


Usually when one of us is in that kind of situation we have some peanut butter crackers and milk and everyone perks up.

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I used to be able to set a clock by my 3 o'clock crash. My husband said I needed serious protein for lunch, instead of a salad or sandwich with very little meat/protein. I said, 'But they always say we Americans eat way too much protein and we should increase our other foods.' Andrew said 'Maybe. But generalizations aren't about individuals, and you need more protein.'


By golly, he was right. :D




This is me.

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For me, too much sugar in my overall diet does this. It's not so much what I eat on a given day or at a given time, as far as I can tell (that does play into it, but not significantly). Mostly it's just that if I'm eating white flour and sugar, I crash in the afternoons. If I'm eating tons of fresh fruits and veggies, some legumes, a little meat, maybe some dairy and only a *little* whole grains (and no sugar/white flour), I'm fine and my energy levels stay very steady. If I add in more grains or any white flour and sugar... I have that afternoon crash. (And then I eat more sugar to get myself through it, further perpetuating the whole thing.)


This is me 100%. I CAN NOT eat high carbs or any sugar if I want to have any energy in the afternoon. Protien in every meal/ snack with fruit, vegies and w/ whole grains does the trick. No more 2PM zombie.

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I always have that crash, and I dont eat sugar or white flour, eat plenty of fruit and veg, not too many grains and only whole grains. Always have protein for brekkie.

I learned to live with it- I literally schedule our day so that I can go and rest in the early afternoon- mid afternoon at the latest. I am a morning person and we start at 8.30 so we can get some solid work in- then the kids can read in the afternoon while I have a rest.

On days when I am out at classes for the kids- I have been known to have a nap in the car.

Its not such a bad lifestyle anyway, having afternoon naps :) My dad is English and he and all his English relatives always had and still have naps, so it seems to be a family tradition. Its a nice time to curl up with a book, too.

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I find that if I take 2 fish oil capsules with lunch I have more energy in the afternoon.


Please be careful with this. I'm not sure of the dose you are taking but too much fish oil can cause liver damage. Most fish oil comes in 1000mg doses. You should only have one (1000mg) every other day.

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I always have that crash, and I dont eat sugar or white flour, eat plenty of fruit and veg, not too many grains and only whole grains. Always have protein for brekkie.

I learned to live with it- I literally schedule our day so that I can go and rest in the early afternoon- mid afternoon at the latest. I am a morning person and we start at 8.30 so we can get some solid work in- then the kids can read in the afternoon while I have a rest.

On days when I am out at classes for the kids- I have been known to have a nap in the car.

Its not such a bad lifestyle anyway, having afternoon naps :) My dad is English and he and all his English relatives always had and still have naps, so it seems to be a family tradition. Its a nice time to curl up with a book, too.


Indeed. I can't help but wonder why our society that has determined that we should be going strong from x to y, except for economic purposes. I don't understand the obsession and the implication that, if you have energy swells and troughs, it is abnormal and clearly something you've done wrong. Everyone I know has a definite energy rhythm during the day. Even dogs, as a species, have an observable energy rhythm. Do not even get me started on all the "techniques" to employ so you can live on less sleep. Ugh!


It's not uncommon for other cultures to break up the business day to accommodate that lull. We, being fortunate to not be governed by the time clock, can simply plan according to our natural rhythm. As Peela alluded to, our schedule is built around doing focused, technical activities in the morning, when we are most alert. We reserve quiet reading activities for the mid-afternoon, after a quiet rest period. In late afternoon / early evening, we have another energy rise, and use that time for other things.


That seems, in my experience, to be the "normal" way of things.

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Indeed. I can't help but wonder why our society that has determined that we should be going strong from x to y, except for economic purposes. I don't understand the obsession and the implication that, if you have energy swells and troughs, it is abnormal and clearly something you've done wrong. Everyone I know has a definite energy rhythm during the day. Even dogs, as a species, have an observable energy rhythm. Do not even get me started on all the "techniques" to employ so you can live on less sleep. Ugh!


It's not uncommon for other cultures to break up the business day to accommodate that lull. We, being fortunate to not be governed by the time clock, can simply plan according to our natural rhythm. As Peela alluded to, our schedule is built around doing focused, technical activities in the morning, when we are most alert. We reserve quiet reading activities for the mid-afternoon, after a quiet rest period. In late afternoon / early evening, we have another energy rise, and use that time for other things.




That seems, in my experience, to be the "normal" way of things.



I agree with your train of thought. It is easy to feel like we should be on the go at all times w/o rest. I think that each person should know their own body and what is "normal" for them. If you have always needed a nap since as far as you can remember, then that is what you should continue to do. That is "your" normal. If one tries to change their normal rhythm, it can be detrimental or counter productive.


I took the OP to mean that her afternoon crash was not her normal, and that she was trying to figure out why she is crashing and what she can do to have more energy.


I use to crash a lot in the afternoon but it was because I was not drinking enough water, eating the right foods or getting a good nights rest. Stress contributed a lot as well. I slowly changed each of my habits and now have tons more energy and no longer have the afternoon lethargy.


Hopefully the OP can figure out what works best for *her*.



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I am not a fan of a CARB FREE diet, but I am all about limiting carbs- all kinds. I stay carb-free until dinner and I found 2 things I had a lot more energy and felt a lot more full (meaning I ate less) all day.


Also I stopped all caffinne intake and felt a lot more energized throughout the whole day becuase I wasn't on a dip and surge energy cycle from caffine.

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Please be careful with this. I'm not sure of the dose you are taking but too much fish oil can cause liver damage. Most fish oil comes in 1000mg doses. You should only have one (1000mg) every other day.


My understanding is that it is cod liver oil that can be bad for your liver because it contains vitamins A & D (which can be bad for your liver in large quantities). The studies I have read have stated that fish oil is beneficial to your liver. I take fish oil to raise my good cholesterol, but found that a side benefit is that I have more energy (and my skin looks great!). I am following the serving size and directions on the bottle with my doctor's knowledge.

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You are right, no one should take Cod liver oil because of the high vitamin A, headaches, dry skin etc.. I am glad to see you are under your doc.'s supervision. A lot of people just take suppliments w/o researching them and it can have a lot of negative side effects.


Generally, one should avoid all oil from any fish liver, not just cod.


Oil that is derived from the flesh of the fish does not contain vitamin A and is the healthiest. My problem is that many companies don't list where they extract the oil from so it can be diffictult to know *for sure* where they are getting it from. Of course, you run that risk with any suppliment..but I digress.


I do agree that staying under a doctors care, even with suppliments is the wisest route to go.

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You are right, no one should take Cod liver oil because of the high vitamin A, headaches, dry skin etc.. I am glad to see you are under your doc.'s supervision. A lot of people just take suppliments w/o researching them and it can have a lot of negative side effects.


Generally, one should avoid all oil from any fish liver, not just cod.


Oil that is derived from the flesh of the fish does not contain vitamin A and is the healthiest. My problem is that many companies don't list where they extract the oil from so it can be diffictult to know *for sure* where they are getting it from. Of course, you run that risk with any suppliment..but I digress.


I do agree that staying under a doctors care, even with suppliments is the wisest route to go.


You sound so certain, yet it is a controversial issue and many traditional cultures have consumed cod liver oil for a long time, to their own benefit.

I prefer to keep my mind open AND do my own research, and not jump on every scientific study that comes through as the absolute truth.

My experience is most doctors do not have the time or inclination to keep up with the research on supplements, and nor do I have much confidence in them generally.

Giving up responsibility for your own health to doctors is a sure path to sickness. Taking responsibility for your own health, educating yourself and using a doctor for their areas of expertise, is a responsible and healthy path.

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Wow! I haven't been able to get back to follow up on this post for a few days, and am delighted with all of the helpful input!


I'll try to work more protein into the diet, esp in the a.m. Right now, I'm gulping down a gigantic mug of strong black tea and a bowl of cereal. I'll try to work some protein into that -- a yogurt, hard-boiled egg, etc.


And I'm probably finally at the age where I need to back off of the sugar some.


Finally, I love the idea of pacing the day. I remember when I was in the corporate world, how I was geared up to get things done in the a.m., but in a totally different mode in the afternoon. I see that rhythm in DD1 too.


We usually do "nap/quiet time" after lunch, so that DD2 can get a nap and we can all get a break from each other. I'm hoping that adding a bit more protein to lunch will help make that less of a "screeching hault for Mommy time."


Thanks SO MUCH for your help, everyone!

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