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TTapp?? Does anyone still do this??

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I am starting the TWO again this week after not doing it for almost 2 years. I quit because my waist was getting thicker.


But, I have been having trouble with my back again lately. I did the BWO+ last week and the back pain improved tremedously! By the 4th workout I was convinced I need to start this program again.


So, any of you ladies still do this? Any advice? I spoke with one of the trainers this morning who gave some suggestions for my particular back issues. But, I guess what I am after is some cheering on!



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I started up on the Basic Workout Plus (I think that's what it's called) a couple weeks ago after not doing it for at least a year (maybe longer). So I don't have any advice, but will offer encouragement! I know I feel better after I do the workout, and really would like to keep with it this time.

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I used to do it with great results. And then I stopped (why do I stop doing things that help me??). I'd like to get back into it.


My beef is that I can't always figure out which exercises to do...there are SO many. I want it more organized for me. I do like the walking workout, and regularly do the Diva Derriere and Awesome Legs.


Any advice on a more complete workout (that doesn't take forever)?

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Any advice on a more complete workout (that doesn't take forever)?


IF you do the TWO omitting the water breaks - it is an even 45 min (according to the trainer I spoke with the a.m.). I did that this morning and I do think that is pretty accurate. There are a few moves I have to drop out on early - one of the lunges, one of the swing kicks, and something else I cant remember the name. So, I get my water sips then. 45 min is about right for me. That is what I have been doing with my other program. I dont know if there is anything new out there with TTapp. I have been completely out of it for the past year. I actually forgot I had it until a friend reminded me how much it helped my back.

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Any advice on a more complete workout (that doesn't take forever)?


I do the 15 min. workout -- it's the first 15 min of the BWO Plus, I think, but I forget what it's called. And then I do some Hoe Downs.


I do it a few days a week, and I lift weights. I need to walk more, but I only have about 20 minutes to accomplish exercise, so I don't always get any walking done.

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Yes! I love the way it makes me feel (and look!) I like the Tempo series...they have a new one that has the Tempo with 8 reps on it and the Tempo Intermediate with 10 reps on it. The Intermediate really makes me sweat. I used to run, but have found much better results with T-Tapp...and I don't have to work out as much.


I really do think it helps with my immune system also...I haven't caught a cold or any of the bugs since I've been doing it. (I am in my 3rd year of doing it.)


Go for it! You will feel much better after you push the "play" button!!! (I know sometimes getting up and pushing the "play" button is the hardest part!!!)


Yes, you can!!!

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I had to drop it. Having had several abdominal surgeries, I just don't have the stomach muscles to hold the positions correctly and I end up with a very sore neck and head-aches.


However.....my dd (19yo now) LOVES it! She started doing it at 17yo (the 15 min workout with Hoe Downs) and it really helped her in ballet class.


She has continued using it when she can fit it in, and took it to college with her. After a long stint of studying, she can pop in the DVD and do this right in her dorm room. It takes care of all those muscle aches, revs her up, and I agree that it must help the immune system because a lot of the kids on campus got sick last semester and even with a total lack of sleep dd didn't catch anything!

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Go for it! You will feel much better after you push the "play" button!!! (I know sometimes getting up and pushing the "play" button is the hardest part!!!)


Yes, you can!!!


Thanks for your encouraging words, Amy! I've been thinking about doing T-tapp for a long time, and I finally ordered the Basic set last night. Now, to just push the play button....:D

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I was just thinking about restarting this.


Thanks for the inspiration... I'll do what you did, OP, and just do BWO+ this week and go from there.


TWO is great, but I hardly ever have the time to do the whole thing. Good to hear about Tempo! 38 minutes is doable. I see they don't sell it online though- you have to call and let them know you already know how to do the TWO workout, which makes sense. I guess I had better take the time to re-familiarize myself with TWO again anyway. Now, to make the time...

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is only 38 minutes long. It is the same as the regular WO but without any stopping for instrution. She still give pointers though. Mine is gathering dust for now b/c I have started Callanetics - which is also supposed to help with back issues.



I've been doing Callanetics for years with good results. I don't know TTap. Is it similar?

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TTapp has changed a little bit since I bought mine - there seems to be more package deals and such.


I bought Total Workout (TWO) which includes the Basic Workout + (BWO plus hoedowns). The BWO+ is the first 15 minutes of TWO. It is a fine workout and great to get you started or if you are recovering from something. But, I do think you will not find it enough after a while.


I would suggest getting TWO if you are in reasonable condition. By that I mean reasonable health with not a bunch of weight or inches to lose. IF I understand correctly, they have another program called MORE if you are in the category of recovering from something or not in strong enough condition to withstand the BWO or TWO.


In the BWO intro, she says something about creating BWO for folks with diabetes, fibromyalgia,etc. or just folks who cant fit in more than 15min/day.


The tempo workouts sound great, but you MUST have an instructional to do this program. THat is my only complaint about TTapp. It does have a learning curve. And as you progress, you will need to view the instructional again to tweak your form.


It does work. I did BWO 4 days last week to get rid of back pain -which it did. I have done TWO 3 days this week. Yesterday and today, I have sweated buckets. I am sore today (but not yesterday). But, I feel much better. It gives much more energy. Try the "try before you buy" section on their website and call the trainers if you need more info.

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My advice is to get the instructionals and beginner rehab dvds. After you have worked through those, you should get T-Tapp to Tempo.


I have dropped 4 dress sizes 4 times using T-Tapp. I went from a size 16 to an 8 after my first child, 16 to an 8 after my second child, 18 to a 10 after my third child and 20 to a 10 after my 4th child. All I do besides T-Tapp is nurse my baby, I rarely watch what I eat.

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