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Guess what happened in my neighborhood today? some cc

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I came home to see that 3 police cars were almost in front of my house. Apparently, they had pulled over a car full of teenagers. However, the police had a dog and it was going crazy. Eventually, two kids were taken away in the police car while the other two kids parents came to pick up/drive the car with the other two children.


Personally, I think this is sooo sad. I am guessing that there must have been drugs on the other teenagers. I hope this is a wake-up call and not a downward spiral for them that will haunt them. My friend said we should move and has no sympathy for the teenagers because they did something wrong and now they have to face the consequences.


I must be living in a dream world because, personally, I was crying and praying for everyone involved in the situation: police, teenagers, families... Moving didn't even cross my mind...... As far as the consequences, sure we all make choices and have to face consequences, but I guess, I tend to stop and wonder what is going in their life they have resorted to drugs.... I also think, man, that could have been me, actually, it was me... I didn't do drugs that would get me in trouble with the police, I just was promiscuous....

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I think you're right. Pray. For the teens, the parents, the police.


Teenagers in any kind of neighborhood get involved in drugs. Teenagers being arrested for drugs is not a reflection on the neighborhood. There are a lot of other factors that would make me want to move, perhaps some combined with such an arrest. However, an arrest by itself is not a reason to move.

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That is sad. Hopefully this will be a wake-up call for some of these families.


There are many reasons that people take drugs. Peer pressure can be a catalyst. It is a counterfeit kind of pleasure that has bad physical and relational consequences but there is pleasure from the use of drugs or people would not keep taking them. Sometimes it can be because the teen wants to avoid problems at home but many kids come from loving homes and still get caught in the trap.


Unless your neighborhood was dangerous and had people dealing drugs on the corner (and I've lived in a place like that) I don't know how moving would help. People do drugs in all kinds of neighborhoods.

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Drugs are EVERYWHERE...in good neighborhoods as well as bad. Good kids, rich kids mostly, smoke pot, buy cocaine...it is an epidemic in this country. I went to a private highschool with a bunch of kids whose families were well off. We were not, but I got lucky and my mom found a way to send me there. The biggest "druggies" in the school were the rich kids driving their Lexus' and Mercades!

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I agree with your friend as far as they made the choices and now have to face the consequences. I wouldn't be thinking of moving though I would use this as a discussion topic with your dc. A case of guilty by association, if your 2 friends have drugs on them and you are with them you can also be in trouble with the law. Yes the whole situation sucks, and yes definitely pray for the parents dealing with the fallout of the choices their children made. I am just a firm believer in paying the price for those sorts of choices, if it had been my own chld being arrested for drug possession(or any other illegal activity) I would feel the same way, and they know it, so it's not that I don't have compassion for the situation. I just know that often it takes a reality check like this one to get some people back on the right path kwim.

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I think your friend's suggestion that you move is just silly. The kids were driving through your neighborhood when they got pulled over. It's not like they lived next door. And, even if they did, it's not likely these teenagers are necessarily dangerous to you.


Of course, this is coming from someone who's had three drug houses within a block of my house with one of them being a meth lab. Another drug house a few blocks away was just shut down and we have a level 3 sexual predator living 1 block away. Which is why I don't let my kids outside unsupervised. Now, if your friend told me to move, I would agree with them. We just can't right now.

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I agree, pray for the teens, the families, and hopefully the teens will wake up and find the right path in their lives.


Drugs are everywhere, we live in a 'good' neighborhood, and a house a street over was raided for drugs a few years ago. There is a very nice couple there now, but that is the only incident here in over 8 years. Those in high class neighborhoods are just better at hiding drugs. An exclusive neighborhood in our area has routine arrests of teens for drugs, so don't move unless you feel unsafe.

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As far as the consequences, sure we all make choices and have to face consequences, but I guess, I tend to stop and wonder what is going in their life they have resorted to drugs.... I also think, man, that could have been me, actually, it was me... I didn't do drugs that would get me in trouble with the police, I just was promiscuous....


There are many sober, helpful, law-abiding people around you who were "troubled teens". I wouldn't give up on a teen. Each of us should remember how much we changed in our 20's.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling compassion and praying for those involved, but consequences must be met. The laws are there for a reason, and if they are broken then there should be consequences. Other wise we live in a world of chaos.


I could go on and get on my soapbox, but I'll do everyone a favor and stop here.

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Well, I would like to move but right now it's not possible. A month or so ago, someone offered my teen son drugs while at the corner store. He came home and told me so I called it in. They had two guys to search but found nothing on them. There are drugs and predat ors all around us.

One morning we had to go out so we hopped into the car, turned the corner, stopped at the stop sign and saw men with guns at the park. This is where school buses stop. Well, of course we went right to the police station which is very close and told them. We have had so much around here and I feel like we are the only people who see it. My dh says it's just because we are home all the time, schooling, walking, etc. Everyone else in the neighborhood is at work.

I'm glad you prayed for them. I do that when I hear the sirens going off..which is many times...or if I see an accident, etc.

I hope this makes those teens think before they get into more trouble. And I also could have been one of those teens way back when...

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