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CC - looking for on-line fellowship

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I think these boards here are great. I LIKE that there are so many different points of view and opinions because it makes me think... and also I know that some people will disagree with me and I figure that others will agree...


But sometimes I want to call out to Christian women on topics and not have it be here at this board... I am looking for a place where you don't have to wear a dress/skirt as a female (I don't mind those who believe this at all, but I am not one of them)... I am also looking for a place where I am not asked "What does your dh say about this?" every time I ask for opinions or advice... (with respect to those who honor their dh in that way) I am looking for a place where you can be conservative in some ways and not in other ways and it's okay... Do any of you have favorite web sites or other Christian places you enjoy?


I hope that no one is offended by my preferences, I am not putting anyone down or being mean in any way... I have just been burned in Christian groups in recent years and am not finding a place like I mention.




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I am in a similar but not so similar place. I don't fit in anywhere really. I am a Orthodox Christian that is a crunchy-con. I am an attachment parenter, an extended breasfeeder, a homebirther, a babyweaer, a cloth diaper-er. We don't do cry-it-out. BUT I am a creationist that believes in the old earth theory. I head cover and skirt wear. We baptize our babies and they take communion from birth. We kiss icons and prostrate in church. I am not a unschooler and we don't practice "gentle discipline" (but, um, duh, we don't abuse our kids either!)


There are people here that don't get me and people on mothering.com that don't get me. I'm just a little too unique! I'd start my own forum, but I'd be the only one there! lol! That said- I have felt more excepted here then on the AP hsing board so I am happy about that :)


My mom gets me. I have to take comfort in that! lol!

Edited by Macrina
typo of course!
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Well, Macrina, I'd enjoy fellowship and I could learn some from you... even if I don't match up with your lifestyles in each unique way... that's what I'm looking for. A place where we can say "Jesus is my Lord" and share how we grow in following God, yet, if I've got jeans on or say, "My dh trusts me, I don't have to ask him about everything.." There wont be a gasp and an avoidance of anything that I post... If I struggle with something, that's okay... If I ask for help, I don't get a feeling that the rest are all living really great lives and cannot understand what my struggle is all about... No plastic Christianity. And if I fall (yell at a child or some such thing), I'm still respected and not kicked for airing my humanness... Anyway, I'm just rambling. What I like about these boards is that, though they are not mainly Christian and they don't claim to be promoting Christianity, I can be ME. People here think through things with me. I just sometimes wish I had a place to share more of my walk with God or ask more Christian ethics type questions... That said, I have become more willing to post more of that part of me recently...

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Another thing to look into would be Mothering.com. It's an Inclusive board and they have a spirituality forum, but you have to have been there for xx number days and have xx number posts. We have a thread for headcoverers of all faiths. A thread for EO's. Etc.


btw, I'm skirt wearing/head covering also ;)

Edited by mommaduck
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Another thing to look into would be Mothering.com. It's an Inclusive board, but they have a spirituality forum, but you have to have been there for xx number days and have xx number posts. We have a thread for headcoverers of all faiths. A thread for EO's. Etc.


Yea, I have just moved over from mothering hsing board because it was very unschooling to the point I felt defensive. I still hang out on the breastfeeding sub forum board. All in all APers are a good fit, it's APers and homeschooling that's not and APers and discipline that's not.....in the words of Margret Wise Brown "oh where will a bunny find a home!"


I appreciate all your ideas though! Even on the Orthodox forums, there are APers, but they get sucked in to the unschooling and gentle discipline philosophies, and well, same old story.


PS- I am ahdoula on mothering.com :)

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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a sincere question about your views on gentle discipline, as I have struggled to find a "fit" on forums like the gentle Christian mothers board (I think that's what it was called - it's been awhile since I have visited that site) myself.


Honestly, at times I feel like I am still in flux about this issue. What my dc seem to need are clear limits, with predictable responses from me when boundaries are crossed / rules are broken in a context which provides consistent nurturing, love and encouragement.


We are a Messianic Jewish family (dh is a Jewish believer in Jesus; I'm a gentile believer), so I don't fit in anywhere either :001_smile:

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Yea, I have just moved over from mothering hsing board because it was very unschooling to the point I felt defensive. I still hang out on the breastfeeding sub forum board. All in all APers are a good fit, it's APers and homeschooling that's not and APers and discipline that's not.....in the words of Margret Wise Brown "oh where will a bunny find a home!"


I appreciate all your ideas though! Even on the Orthodox forums, there are APers, but they get sucked in to the unschooling and gentle discipline philosophies, and well, same old story.


PS- I am ahdoula on mothering.com :)


:grouphug: I think I've run into you over there! (mommaduck there also). I'm glad I'm not the only Square Peg/Round Hole person here :D I don't fit anyone's mold.

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I think these boards here are great. I LIKE that there are so many different points of view and opinions because it makes me think... and also I know that some people will disagree with me and I figure that others will agree...


But sometimes I want to call out to Christian women on topics and not have it be here at this board... I am looking for a place where you don't have to wear a dress/skirt as a female (I don't mind those who believe this at all, but I am not one of them)... I am also looking for a place where I am not asked "What does your dh say about this?" every time I ask for opinions or advice... (with respect to those who honor their dh in that way) I am looking for a place where you can be conservative in some ways and not in other ways and it's okay... Do any of you have favorite web sites or other Christian places you enjoy?


I hope that no one is offended by my preferences, I am not putting anyone down or being mean in any way... I have just been burned in Christian groups in recent years and am not finding a place like I mention.





Well, Macrina, I'd enjoy fellowship and I could learn some from you... even if I don't match up with your lifestyles in each unique way... that's what I'm looking for. A place where we can say "Jesus is my Lord" and share how we grow in following God, yet, if I've got jeans on or say, "My dh trusts me, I don't have to ask him about everything.." There wont be a gasp and an avoidance of anything that I post... If I struggle with something, that's okay... If I ask for help, I don't get a feeling that the rest are all living really great lives and cannot understand what my struggle is all about... No plastic Christianity. And if I fall (yell at a child or some such thing), I'm still respected and not kicked for airing my humanness... Anyway, I'm just rambling. What I like about these boards is that, though they are not mainly Christian and they don't claim to be promoting Christianity, I can be ME. People here think through things with me. I just sometimes wish I had a place to share more of my walk with God or ask more Christian ethics type questions... That said, I have become more willing to post more of that part of me recently...



:iagree:BMW - I could have written your posts! I've experienced church abuse in the extreme (as in ostracized by an entire church, betrayed by lifelong "friends" for no reason at all) and subsequent hurtful church experiences that I won't belabor. Hence, no church family now and no real fellowship either.


If you put something together online - I'd be a likely member! Keep me in mind... or if you don't put together a forum, pm me or something! I'd welcome fellowship with the likes of you;)



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:iagree:BMW - I could have written your posts! I've experienced church abuse in the extreme (as in ostracized by an entire church, betrayed by lifelong "friends" for no reason at all) and subsequent hurtful church experiences that I won't belabor. Hence, no church family now and no real fellowship either.


If you put something together online - I'd be a likely member! Keep me in mind... or if you don't put together a forum, pm me or something! I'd welcome fellowship with the likes of you;)



btdt...I've grown from it though.

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my sails for a long time - especially going into other hurtful churches after that. It's true, nothing like "godly people doing ungodly things" to push you towards the Lord.... :glare: Left in unrepentance (if they are - and it went on for years that I know of), they are without excuse, really. That I have grown is an aside.


btdt...I've grown from it though.
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I don't want to hijack this thread, but I have a sincere question about your views on gentle discipline, as I have struggled to find a "fit" on forums like the gentle Christian mothers board (I think that's what it was called - it's been awhile since I have visited that site) myself.


Honestly, at times I feel like I am still in flux about this issue. What my dc seem to need are clear limits, with predictable responses from me when boundaries are crossed / rules are broken in a context which provides consistent nurturing, love and encouragement.


We are a Messianic Jewish family (dh is a Jewish believer in Jesus; I'm a gentile believer), so I don't fit in anywhere either :001_smile:


I missed the question....? But I am happy to talk about it!

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I think these boards here are great. I LIKE that there are so many different points of view and opinions because it makes me think... and also I know that some people will disagree with me and I figure that others will agree...


But sometimes I want to call out to Christian women on topics and not have it be here at this board... I am looking for a place where you don't have to wear a dress/skirt as a female (I don't mind those who believe this at all, but I am not one of them)... I am also looking for a place where I am not asked "What does your dh say about this?" every time I ask for opinions or advice... (with respect to those who honor their dh in that way) I am looking for a place where you can be conservative in some ways and not in other ways and it's okay... Do any of you have favorite web sites or other Christian places you enjoy?


I hope that no one is offended by my preferences, I am not putting anyone down or being mean in any way... I have just been burned in Christian groups in recent years and am not finding a place like I mention.





Dear Bee,


It's nice to know that you are out there. I am a believer in Christ and am trying my best to pray for as many requests as I can/see here. Please feel free to post. There are people here who love the Lord and really care.

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