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Son is Done!

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Film Buff is officially done with high school. He finished his coursework with us in December, but then we found out he had to have a GED to apply to VCU in Richmond. He took a practice, did well, and just last week took the real deal. Two days, 9 hours (with administration stuff), 4 subjects, including an essay.




He's done!

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Film Buff is officially done with high school. He finished his coursework with us in December, but then we found out he had to have a GED to apply to VCU in Richmond.


Congratulations to *you* and *your son*. I wonder what that feels like - to finish with the first child? We're not there yet.


I am intrigued that VCU wanted him to take a GED test. Can I ask why? Did he have SAT or ACT test scores?


I don't mean to be nosy but my limited research says there are exceptions (of course!!!) but that usually Homeschool diplomas are accepted alongside standardized test scores. Anyone know what percentage (or a wild guess from a knowledgeable source) wants a homeschooled graduate to take a GED test.


Lisaj, mom to 5

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It feels...weird to finish with him. I can't believe he's done. I wasn't really very present with him his last semester, and we limped to the finish, but I feel ok about it because it was just one of those things.

VCU, I guess, just wants validation that the kid actually did something in high school. Even on their recommendation forms (you need someone other than the parent to recommend the kid for VCU), they ask for an opinion on how this child will do academically in college.


Christopher's scores were low on the SAT, so I'm glad he scored fairly well on the GED. I was not going to have him take it, feeling it was a "lower level" credential, but I am glad he took it--it sort of validates that he's about a B student.

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