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I'm dealing with grief over my dear neighbor...

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She was the most vital 82 year-old woman. She was an ever-flowing well of love for me and my children. Whenever she was outside at her mailbox or in her yard and we saw her, we would all run to her and she would walk out to us in the cul-de-sac, arms wide open, smiling and saying "Hello, Darlings!" She always smelled of Burt's Bees. She wore overalls and sleeveless tanks in the summer, letting her bare and flabby, wrinkled arms be free. She was totally uninhibited, but such a lady. She was a grandma to my kids, and especially my daughter. She loved nature and art and she had several places in her large, wooded yard set up specifically to enjoy nature.


Oh, how I love this woman! I love her as dearly as I loved my grandmother. Even though my mother lives with me, I was closer to Katherine, my beloved neighbor.


We watched the ambulance come to get her on Tuesday morning last week. She had had a massive heart attack. She spent the next two days in intensive care, and her family have told me she was as bubbly as ever, and that she said, several times "I am ready to go!" She had had a lot of pain due to arthritis, osteoporosis, and other problems that had grown increasingly worse over the past year. She had lost 2" in height over the summer. It slowed her down some, but she always kept on, doing what she loved without apology.


I know I have to let her go.

I am having a very hard time knowing I will never see her again. I need some comfort, friends. I will be attending a celebration of her life this evening and don't know how I will get through it.

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I will be attending a celebration of her life this evening and don't know how I will get through it.


You will get through it by doing just that, celebrating her life! Talking to others who loved her, sharing stories about her that make you smile or laugh.

By remembering all the blessings she brought to your life, and to other's lives.


:grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful lady, and you were lucky to have had her in your life. Rejoice in the time you had w/ her, and try not to focus on what you have lost. :grouphug:

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I knew this was a great place to come to get support and I felt such a strong need to tell people all the ways that Katherine really mattered to me. She was loved by all who knew her. She was a founding member at what is now a huge church in the area, as well, and was so helpful to so many, including many in the Hispanic community there, which is rather large. She had such a giving spirit and loved to help people, but was never intrusive or overbearing. Even on her worst days, when she had a lot of pain, she never complained- only said "I've been better" in the most cheerful, laughing way.


I have been lucky to have her. I'm just going to miss her heartily. But, I know she can live on through me and the things I do to emulate her fine spirit during my lifetime.

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I knew this was a great place to come to get support and I felt such a strong need to tell people all the ways that Katherine really mattered to me. She was loved by all who knew her. She was a founding member at what is now a huge church in the area, as well, and was so helpful to so many, including many in the Hispanic community there, which is rather large. She had such a giving spirit and loved to help people, but was never intrusive or overbearing. Even on her worst days, when she had a lot of pain, she never complained- only said "I've been better" in the most cheerful, laughing way.


I have been lucky to have her. I'm just going to miss her heartily. But, I know she can live on through me and the things I do to emulate her fine spirit during my lifetime.


I only hope that one day, someone could say such things about me. (((HUGS))))

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She was the most vital 82 year-old woman. She was an ever-flowing well of love for me and my children. Whenever she was outside at her mailbox or in her yard and we saw her, we would all run to her and she would walk out to us in the cul-de-sac, arms wide open, smiling and saying "Hello, Darlings!" She always smelled of Burt's Bees. She wore overalls and sleeveless tanks in the summer, letting her bare and flabby, wrinkled arms be free. She was totally uninhibited, but such a lady. She was a grandma to my kids, and especially my daughter. She loved nature and art and she had several places in her large, wooded yard set up specifically to enjoy nature.


Oh, how I love this woman! I love her as dearly as I loved my grandmother.



Claire in NM

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She was a remarkable woman - a rare jewel in today's busy lives. How could you NOT miss her terribly!? But, I would like to encourage you to not think of it as having to let her go. Yes, you will have to think of her differently now that she has gone "behind the veil", but she can still be a part of your stories, your memories, and she can serve as an example of how you'd like to live your life as you age.


Having watched my father fade, wither and then die, and now seeing my 81 year old mother with so much vitality still in her, I can only hope that she will go in similar fashion to your friend. It will be impossibly hard for me, and I know I shall miss her for the rest of my days. But people like that *should* go out just that way. Bright and lively to the very end, and still alive, somehow, because of the way she lived.


Sending you understanding and compassion for yourself during this painful time, and sweet memories to last you a lifetime. I'm so sorry.

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We also had a wonderful neighbor, volunteered for everything, at 80, she was out there moving plants, painting her trim. I want to be like her when I grow up. You were absolutely blessed, huh? Carry on her legacy, love like she did, get involved like she did - at least in baby steps.


I want to love more this year, love really does cover a multitude of sins. I want to be able to have people say things about me, like you have said of her. What a blessing she was, what an inspiration. Take what she gave you and continue on, give it to others!


God bless you and your family - your world was enriched because of this one special lady. We should all have that one special lady in our lives!

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:grouphug: What a blessing to have had such a wonderful neighbor and friend! I am sorry for your loss.


It was hard for me to loose my neighbors as well. I had lived next door to them since I was five and I lost one of them when I was in college and the other one just a few years later. They watched me grow up. Rudy would always tell me to "stay away from the boys and keep my nose in a book"! So, I guess I am coming at it from the perspective of your kids. They will be feeling a loss as well, I am sure. :grouphug:

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Thank you all so much for sharing in my loss. I feel covered up.


Yes, she was an amazing person.


I've just returned from the celebration of her life. It was awesome. There were probably a couple of hundred people there. All races, all ages, from every walk of life. And, they all loved her. Many people got up and spoke. My daughter was among the first to go up and speak, all on her own. I was absolutely overwhelmed with emotion at what she said. She told about how the ambulance came to take Katherine last Tuesday and that she was "heartbroken. I really loved her a lot." And then, I was inspired to go up and talk myself. I told, as well as I could through tears, what I shared here about our hugs in the cul-de-sac, and a few other things. It was really cathartic, just being there.


Her daughter shared what her last words to her were, hours before she died. She gasped, and her eyes got wide with surprise- characteristically her, by the way- and she said: "I love so many people!"


And her daughter replied, "Mom, they love you too."


Thanks again for all the warmth. It's going to be okay.

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Wow. What a lady she sounds like she was. I am moved and convicted by her last words "I love so many people!" Perfect words for a lady who apparently gave herself away at every encounter. What an affect we, each of us, could have if we would take up that mantel and reach out to others as she did to you. I am inspired and pray that I might be able to love others better for having heard her impact on those she came in contact with.


Thank you for introducing us to your friend. I know your heart will ache in the days, weeks, months to come. May you find comfort as you remember her love for you.

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I had hoped that sharing about her here would have that effect (convicting and inspiring others). I hope I can continue to have that effect on others in my own way. It has been really healing, and I am forever changed because of her, and because of her death. Even the most painful things in our lives bring gifts, and I will be open to receiving them.

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