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Great first day back, anyone else have one?


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I've decided to go back to my "go with the flow" schedule and it was a great first day back. I got up about 0930 and my little guy got up just after me. I did a few chores had some breakfast with him and then went up to work out. While on the cycle my older 2 kids got up about 1030 or so. The older 2 ate breakfast and the little guy had 2nd breakfast (dh and I joke he's a hobbit because although he doesn't have hairy feet he eats 1st and 2nd breakfast, 1st and 2nd lunch and never seems to get any bigger LOL)


After that I got washed up and found my older son doing his TT lesson and my dd was doing some HOP cd rom stuff. We blazed through the rest of math, phonics, writing, penmanship, and geography. Then broke for lunch and some play time. I finished some chores (I'm following the Motivated Moms calendar) and then at 1415 we got back together and banged out Science (R.E.A.L. Science day 1 was a HUGE hit) History, Read Aloud time and Latin. I'm amazed. We actually got Latin done. We haven't been able to fit it in since starting school last summer.


I think it was partly that we were all excited about the new curriculum changes and that we all we're worried about the time.

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We had a great first day back! The kids were excited to get back to their studies and everything went very smoothly. My son, who had hit a wall in reading before our break, seemed much more relaxed during reading today.


After we were done with school, a friend who lives 2 hours away and has two kids adopted from where my kids were adopted from came to visit (she has five kids total!) and we had lunch and the kids played outside. It was lovely.


And to top it all off, I had a doctor's appointment with a new doctor and we were in and out in 25 minutes!! I think that was the highlight of the whole day!!



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Yes! We did! I'm amazed. I did not want to do any planning over break. My dh took vacation from work this past week...he & the kids played Lord of the Rings Online every morning, we all played D&D every afternoon, then went to the park, and he read a chapter of The Fellowship of the Ring every evening. It was the most delightful week ever.


But I finally got the kids schedules together in the last three days. And everyone finished everything cheerfully and in a timely manner. I even cleaned a bookshelf off and my overflowing kitchen island while they worked. Now we're heading the park for some sunshine and acting out of scenes from LOTR!


So :grouphug: to your little hobbit and :hurray: for a great start...

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My kids did not want to start back, so I'm surprised our day went well.

Dd did complain when it was time to do her 15 minute math drill(then she only got 60% on it~I think she rushed b/c she didn't want to do it).

The rest of the work went smoothly :001_smile:

One day down, 4 to go :D

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We had a great first day back. Little complaining and my older ds really impressed me with how much he remembered. His math was spot on today and he did AWESOME!


Little fella was not as thrilled to start back, but humored me for the hour it took to do his work. Of course, refusal to color was part of his punishment to me for making him do school. Drat. How punished I feel. LOL

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I was surprised at how well we transitioned back into a routine. Since my kids are little, over the break, I moved all of the kids toys into the school room, thinking the den should double as a school & play room. After a few hours back in our routine, I realized I HATE that! All the toys went back to their appropriate places and we now have a designated school room again. Ahhh.... :)

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You would think after 7 years it would be a no-brainer but honestly I was nervous. Teaching at three different levels is pretty tricky. I made some BIG changes.We had a lot planned and I am a scheduler so the whole box checking thing, got me a little scared:001_huh:.

Despite all my worries, we finished EVERYTHING, everyone thought we had a great day and my Human Body Lesson plans are a big hit so far, my 10 year old why we didn't use this kind of science curriculum before :D

I completely dropped ALL history curriculum and decided to go with a AO type approach using Oxford as our spine. My two oldest outlined Roman Education, from what they were reading and popped out a great couple paragraphs. I was so proud of them. They spent the last hour playing Professor Noggings Geography and now it's time to hang out with dh and eat. It was a great day!

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We had a great day back, too!


We added Spanish with La Pata Pita, it teaches Spanish with a syllabary. My daughter caught on quick. We'll watch a Spanish movie tonight as a treat (recommended from the Spanish section here, of course!)


We also switched from MUS to Singapore, my daughter likes it a lot better. She's good at math puzzles but not so quick at math facts, she really likes the Singapore Intensive Practice workbook, she had fun with math for the first time in a long time! (The last time was the shapes last year in MUS.)


We also did my son's "school" more formally, he got a schedule, too. My daughter had fun helping to teach him. She kept wanting to put smilies by each section of his school (AWANAS verse, counting, letters) but he's not motivated by smilies yet. She, on the other hand, can't wait to get the smilies!


Hopefully we won't crash on Tuesday.

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This was probably the best first day back I've had. Especially considering that we took a 3-week (rather than the planned 2 week) break.


B has a terrible time with transitions, and usually makes my life incredibly difficult after a break. He was fine today, except for a small melt-down over math (much better than normal--he expressed frustration with the new concept, but didn't scribble all over his book, toss it away, and vow never to do math again due to its "stupidness" :D) which was easily remedied by going over the material together. Once he figured it out (averages) he was literally laughing with glee as he finished up his page in record time. Woohoo! He also did extra grammar (which is pretty weird, as it's his most hated subject.)


We had a late start today, because we all slept in, and then had to get ready to take T to gymnastics (11-12). We came home, relaxed a bit, had lunch, and then got to work. We finished a little after 5, shortly before dh came home.


Now, the house is a wreck, and I didn't do any laundry today. However, I baked 4 loaves of french bread, and dinner's almost ready. And I cleaned the chicken's enclosure. So, a pretty good first day back. :001_smile:

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Does anyone else have this happen? The first day is great, but the NEXT day is when it all goes to pieces.


I can usually do Mondays just fine, but Tuesday seems to be melt-down day.




I used to relate to this. Now our homeschool group has gym day and library days on Tuesdays so we do one day, take a break on Tuesday, and then start again on Wednesday. I'm still trying to decide if I like the break or dread having a broken up week.:001_huh:

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Today was our first day after about 3 weeks off. And wouldn't you know morning sickness had to start setting in a few days ago?


So after I finally started moving about 10:30 we got Math, History, Science, and Phonics done. AND I managed to get everyone fed at lunch time. :)

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We took an extra long time off this break which is not normal for us since my kids do not do well without a schedule. I used that time to tweak(endless tweaker here) and plan out the next 6 months.


I went in expecting :banghead: but I got this instead :thumbup: . My dc both asked for more work when I said they were done. I need to check them tonight to make sure they are not aliens!


Now I am nervous for tomorrow!

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