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School starts back today!

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Okay, yesterday there were at least 3 threads started saying they weren't ready.


Today we "supposedly" start back to school.


"Not ready" does not even begin to quantify how NOT. READY. I am.


I have "nothing" ready for the kids. I mean my older guys, I could probably, quick, pull together a 1/2 schedule, but that's about it. And, for the younger two, I could probably find something "to do". . .


I think that's just going to have to be it this week. Which makes me feel like a failure. . .and I've only been up an hour today.



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I understand the "not ready" lament. However, since the dc didn't write their thank-you notes for Christmas gifts yet, that will be our language arts today. I think we'll play a math game to help everyone get back into the math facts, and no one here ever complains about reading science or history. A geography game is in order, too. Even though I haven't planned anything, I think easing back into the academic part of the day will go okay. It's the morning routine that is thrown off here. The dc are not at all used to getting up and moving quickly. That's going to be a challenge. Since I'm up early, I think I'll make a hot breakfast to entice them all to move more quickly - latecomers miss the bacon!

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Aww.. don't beat yourself up about it. How about having a math, reading and writing/drawing day for the kids while you use the time as a teacher workday. That's what I'm going to do!! I have been working full-time through last friday, but starting today my hours are reducing so I can get off at 1:00pm to do school with the kids. I was busy cleaning and shopping this weekend so didn't open a single book like I had planned to do.


Today the kids will start back in their math books, begin reading a new book of their choice (from our personal library shelf) and write a couple of pieces (a current event and a holiday essay).

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I think I am ready, I started my new schedule I made a la MOTH, which means that it is 5:55 am here and I have already had devotions, exercised, showered, switched the laundry and brewed a pot of coffee. I am getting the big kid up in 5 minutes to start our day. Fingers crossed this worked and they don't battle me too much on the work I planned out.

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Well, physically, we are ready. Right now, my older ds is doing his handwriting and has finished math. The little is watching Wall-E for the umpteenth time and I am putting off calling him in here to do school because I have to be one on one with him the whole time and I am just.not.ready to get back to the grind yet. Oh well...best quit putting it off and go get it done. *sigh*

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Okay, yesterday there were at least 3 threads started saying they weren't ready.


Today we "supposedly" start back to school.


"Not ready" does not even begin to quantify how NOT. READY. I am.


I have "nothing" ready for the kids. I mean my older guys, I could probably, quick, pull together a 1/2 schedule, but that's about it. And, for the younger two, I could probably find something "to do". . .


I think that's just going to have to be it this week. Which makes me feel like a failure. . .and I've only been up an hour today.



that was the plan here too, but then I got pulled in to all-day babysitting my 3 nephews for TWR of this week....gonna focus on laundry dishes, Christmas take-down, and the like today instead. Next week, sigh.

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Some of our materials didn't come in and I decided to change one program which I won't even be able to order for a week (because I have to get the credit back on the other first).


But we'll go ahead with what we have.



I ordered a new math program and haven't even ordered the new handwriting book we need. Hopefully dh can pick hw up on his lunch break. I also promised dd we would start Spanish. Hmmmm. I think we will be "winging it" in a few subjects. :001_huh:

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So far, we're doing pretty well. Oldest has completed all of his Language Arts for the day, working on math, then history, art and Latin... and we're done.


The K/1st grade are done with essentials for the day.


But like another mom here, mine didn't get a long break during the holidays (okay, the OLDEST didn't get a break!)

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My kids are zipping through schoolwork. I think they made another developmental jump. We've only had 1 "She's staring at me!" and 2 "She keeps hogging the couch/touching me!" issues. My oldest lamented that he hated Mondays, school, and that he's perpetually thirsty but other than that so far so good.

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We made it through. THe only things we didn't get to this morning was Spanish and Latin, otherwise we did Bible, History, Math, spelling, grammar, writing, cursive, phonics/vocabulary, and copywork. Izzy did totschool, Hunter did his Kindy. I am wiped out having been up since 5 am, but we made it through with only 1 fight about assigned work from ds when it came to writing. We are off to visit my sister after lunch which they are reading right now, then will do latin and spanish when we get back home. Now that we have dove right in it will get a bit easier each day to get back into routine.

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Back again! :001_smile: So far, so good! We are actually doing our regular stuff instead of the light day I had planned. The dc are moving faster than they have in weeks, school started on schedule at 8:15, almsot every subject has been done - Bible, science, exercise, piano, math, grammar, Spanish, history, and literature. All that's left is writing, and then finish math homework and do a little clean-up. I am psyched!!!!!!!!!! If I'd known it would be this easy to get it all done, I would have started back to school last week!

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It's 1:00 and I'm still trying to "Get Ready":lol:


But hey! We got up at 10 am today! That's a Whole hour earlier than yesterday (and the day before that, and the day before that. . . . :glare:)


We might just give up on today and start tomorrow. I'm getting a lot of work done, and the girls are playing nicely. I am such a perfectionist, I REALLY wanted to start today. But, with all the company we had, I think I was expecting a bit much. I had NO prep time even with the last 3 weeks "off," and I seriously NEED prep time between semesters. My 6 year old just came to me and said, "Mom, I'm sooo not ready for school. I need today to get back on schedule:lol:" I think her big sis put her up to it.



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We got through PE (Playing in the snow this morning), Bible, English and Math. DD made biscuits from scratch for supper, so that's gotta count as something! :)


I'm actually pleased with what we got accomplished, since it's hard to concentrate after a long break, and we did fairly well. I think we'll keep working our way toward full-time by the end of the week/beginning of next week.

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