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Tackling Tuesday, 6/25


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Okay, here we go...

Today, I am playing Mom Taxi on my way to/from various things. DS's friends have realized we'll be gone for a little over a week (we leave Friday for summer nationals), and now want to hang out with him. He does have his license, but doesn't drive alone a lot yet (at all), so....Mom Taxi. 

Thus, my day looks like:
...do some electronic chores
...make sure kids are up on time
...go drop off DS (and maybe Middle?)
...go tutor
...pick up Middle (from either home or the hang-out w/DS)
...take Middle to his appt 
...come home
...DH is cooking dinner, so eat, see if there's anything I can get done in how much time I have 
...after dinner, go fencing again tonight after all b/c last night was fun, but not a lot of fencing
...come home, go to bed

Need to verify w/DS if it's okay for Middle to go w/him to hang out today, or better not, so I know where to pick up from, but otherwise pretty light day. 

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Good Morning

My cousin who was in the hospital passed away yesterday.  Praying her family finds peace and comfort

Todays list

take dog for exercise outside before it gets hot

Find light replacement for under cabinet above stove. I have a jennair stovetop that has a fan inside that blows down so I don’t have the overhead fan light combo.

call city to ask about building permit if needed for outbuilding repairs 

start clearing out shed if not too hot

tie up tomatoes in garden

water outside plants 

Clean birdbath

work on training pup so she doesn’t react when dogs & people walk by


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Good morning, everyone. My dad was taken to ER by the nursing home on Saturday, so I've been out of town for a couple days. Here's my day, I hope:

more coffee

water plants


continue organizing storage building

work on the wall to be painted

paint the wainscoting

clean the kitchen cabinets that didn't get done the other day

Bible and prayer

Kindle book

pick up prescription and some food I ordered


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Today is a light day.  It's not worth leaving the neighborhood because of detoured traffic down the one side.  I only hope our poor postal worker doesn't have to sit in that mess.

  • wash blankets/put them away for summer
  • lunch? have no idea.  Oops.
  • work on a game for next week.
  • vacuum up the c-rods that slipped under the entertainment center's one inch gap
  • violin
  • 10000 steps
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Good morning!

@history-fan, I'm so sorry! I pray for peace and comfort for all the family and friends. 

@math teacher, I'm sorry that happened with your dad and I pray the situation is greatly improved. 

I slept in this morning, and I took my shower already. 

Coffee is made, so that is next. 

  • coffee and devotion
  • dry hair and finish getting ready
  • meet with a student online
  • lunch
  • laundry
  • pay bills/update big budget book
  • work in my office (getting it organized for the coming school year)
  • ds still has some stuff he brought back in the guest room, so try to get him to go through it
  • after the laundry is done, work in there organizing it
  • dinner
  • go for a walk this evening if it is bearable before dark (high is 93 today)
  • watch something and relax


Edited by mom31257
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Did some electronic chores

Printed the fluency pages for my tutor kiddo

Ironed the skirt and got the pocket on, and tidied up the sewing room

Woke up Middle, who is coming with us to the hang-out with DS & his friend

Eating something/vegging out till time to go tutor

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  • finish getting dad's last 3 accounts into my name  (trip to the bank for medallion signatures, etc...)
  • make a list for ds to shop
  • order all last min. items
  • print out all documents
  • start packing
  • finish spreadsheet with financial info on it
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Blankets are washed and put away.

I cleaned out from under ds's bed.  Found 3 clean socks (no matches), a pair of shorts, and a ton of old school papers.  I did not find the book dh let him borrow and would like back.

I also updated my spreadsheet of lessons for my littlest student. 

Oh, and lunch ended up being pb&j.  The traffic has cleared out mostly now, but I really don't want to go to the store if I can help it.

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Survived taxiing the kids all around and am home. 

Heard back on an issue, in my favor, so that's good. Yay! 

Have not heard back, still, from the mom who has her kid in 2 of my classes next year. I am trying to confirm if she's doing work for both, or just the  one for her current age/grade level. Also trying to offer mom a discount, which still did not garner a reply. Ah, well. 

DH is very stressed with work; hopefully fencing tonight helps with that. 

He's cooking dinner, so not sure what the plan is....

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Poetry lecture was excellent! 

Ds called. 😊

I am SO ready to be home. One more day, one more night. Two training sessions and a fun social left. Three meals. My shuttle leaves for the airport at 5:00 am Thursday. 

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I'm so sorry, @history-fan

Spent day 2 working in the junk room as we lovingly call it. Got another shelf cleaned off and I am ready to tackle the camping stuff in the morning. 

It is amazing how messy the house can get while cleaning. 

Played some video games in the afternoon with the kiddos and a friend. Helped DH install the mud flaps on my vehicle. Got a few more rounds done of the Knitted knockers. DH and I started Bridgerton a week or so ago, so that is my knitting show now. 

Been texting SIL today as my brother is having surgery. They just are taking him back again since they don't like how the veins are working(or lack thereof) with the muscle repair they are doing.

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My day was thwarted again, so I haven't accomplished as much as I wanted. Dh realized our car needed work on the brakes, so we had to take it to the place and pick it back up. 

We finally got the financial award letter from the school, so ds and I discussed the coming year and what his responsibilities will be. My dad promised me to help some, so ds will not have to take out any student loans for this year. Woohoo! He has taken out small amounts the last three year and none with interest until after he graduates. 

My dad's financial advisor called on a conference call to go over some changes with my dad's account because one will mature next month on his birthday. 

I took a short nap that was interrupted by a door-to-door sales guy. 

We watched the latest episode of The Chosen tonight. 

I've been watching a cute Netflix series, Geek Girl. 

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