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Facebook pros and cons?

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Dd, 26, wants to set me up with a Facebook account? Page? I am not sure this is something I want to do. I would set up a poll, but I am rather clueless.


It has benefits. You only have to allow access to those you choose and it is a fine way to share pictures and other info with family and friends scattered near and far.


My long lost sister recently found me via Facebook.

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Dh and I both have accounts. I started my page because the company I work for was joining an online community through Facebook. I visit only rarely, but have found it useful for locating people you know, but have lost contact with.


One thing that concerns me is the information that I post, and how it may appear to the people I work with.


Erica in OR

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Oh dear, I am afraid that Facebook could take up more of my time and energy. I am already addicted to kids, coffee, sugar, reading, old movies, etc......


yes, it can be a big time suck if you're not mindful- that's the only downside for me! other than that, it's a fun diversion for touching base with a large circle of friends, family, and acquaintances.

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I like having it, once hubby saw all the friends I was in contact with, and his family-he got an account, too. You can set the security very high, and even choose certain things to not appear on your friend's view. You can choose to have your contents only viewable to the friends you permit. You can even choose to not be search-able. so far, we give it a thumbs up.

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I have it set at the highest security. People can see my full name, including maiden name, a face-shot I posted (the same one I use here) and they can see social groups that I added (City, university I graduated from, highschool) All information that they could easily obtain from the phone book or by going through school websites. They cannot see anything else, until I approve them as a friend.


The above information doesn't have to be shown, but that's how you find people. I have found several people that I was aquaintances with, that I hadn't seen in almost 15 years. I also use it to keep track of people that have moved or that attend a church that we no longer attend. They apply to be your friend or you apply to be their friend. Once you approve them, they can see any pictures that you post or any posts that you make to other people. You can private message people.


I liken it to having a conversation at a social gathering, when you post publicly. It's general and chatty and you don't say things that you don't want general friends to know. If there's something personal, you private message. Since you do have to approve people, I feel like I can post recent pics of the kids, use their first names, and just generally keep people informed on what our life is like. I know which of my friends went to see Santa with the kids, who went to see the Rockettes, who has the sickies in their house and stuff like that. One friend whose dad has a tumor has been keeping everyone informed via facebook.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Didn't have time to read all the replies yet.....but let me give out a warning!!!



I am a facebook lover and have been using it for a while. Most of my family is actually on facebook and since we all live so far apart it's wonderful to stay in touch. My 13 is also on and it hasn't been a problem until recently. He has joined many of the fan sites. On your own page you can have many safety measures that I feel keep you safe. My son only has friends that we know. It isn't the same on the fan sites. Fan sites for things like movies and cartoons can have anyone post pictures for everyone to see. The other day when he visited a fan site for a kids cartoon he loves there was a pornographic picture posted. And not a mild one....this was a disgusting porn act for all to see. I did report it and it was removed but he still caught a glimpse. I was glad that we were right there when he saw it so we could ask him to leave the computer and we could explain if need be. He didn't seem to see it as clearly as my husband and I did.


So I just think people should be aware that porn does get on there. We are not a prudish family by far, and my son does know about sex, but this pic was way beyond explaining. We discuss lots of things with him and are an open family about this stuff, but this went too far.


So for now we still use facebook, but no fan sites at all.

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I looked into one, but it looked liked joining made your page accessible to all other members of the group (and this fan group was LARGE)??? Maybe I was wrong about that, but that's not why I joined facebook. I'm not interested in meeting people there, even if we might have similar interests. I just want to stay in touch with people I already know. I've even quit doing the "Christmas present under your tree" and "throw a snowball at someone" applications. I didn't see the point.


So for now we still use facebook, but no fan sites at all.
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I looked into one, but it looked liked joining made your page accessible to all other members of the group (and this fan group was LARGE)??? Maybe I was wrong about that, but that's not why I joined facebook. I'm not interested in meeting people there, even if we might have similar interests. I just want to stay in touch with people I already know. I've even quit doing the "Christmas present under your tree" and "throw a snowball at someone" applications. I didn't see the point.



It didn't seem to make the page accessible. He only joined the fan site because it had a message board feel for him to discuss his favorite cartoon. Kind of like we do here on the boards. No weird activity on his page though. None of us were looking for new friends so that wasn't the issue. That's why I told him that he can just stick to communicating with his friends that he knows and stay off of the groups or fan sites.

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I joined to keep up with my (much) younger siblings. I have ended up using it to connect with long-lost friends from high school, college, and even to keep up-to-date with other homeschoolers I only see sporadically. It requires only as much time as you want to put into it, so don't let that hold you back. You can keep your page and updates very minimal and still reap benefits.

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Another caution... Viruses! Serious, ugly viruses.

Someone's account gets hacked and the ugly virus writers send out emails to everyone in your address book. The emails include links. If you click on the link, you get the virus. Twice in the past month or so I have received the emails, but I didn't click on them. My son just said yesterday that he had a virus, and in checking it out he figured it came thru Facebook..he didn't explain further.

Just be ware it's out there.

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Pro - You can stay in touch easily and upload pictures. There are several applications that make uploading pics a breeze. We use it in our church to get info out quickly and invite people to our events.


Cons - You can stay in touch easily and it takes lots of time. I have to budget my time there but I have to do the same here. When I feel myself getting on the obsessive side, I log off for a couple of days.


Bottom line - If you can self-discipline yourself, go for it. It's a fun place to be.

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facebook *is* the premier communications medium of your dd's generation...


I would not let my youngers sign up, but when my oldest goes off to college, I imagine I will get myself a page then. A friend of mine, whose oldest went last fall, says it is the best way to keep in regular contact with her newly independent son.

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Love Facebook, except for the fact that my MIL and BIL are on it and want to be my friends. Argh.


I've enjoyed reconnecting with people I haven't spoken with in ages, seeing pictures of their kids, finding out what they're up to. I've been in touch with high school friends with whom I'd lost touch and discovered they're just as nice as ever. I've also been in touch with my SIL, whom I like but never see or speak with, and I feel like we're both happy to have more contact with each other. The last few months have been very difficult here at home, and these renewed contacts have been helpful to me.

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Dd lives in Germany and we usually share photos in emails, on Photobucket, and we now both have blogs, but really share many more photos and conversations on Yahoo instant messenger. She made me a MySpace page a couple of years ago, but I deleted it after receiving inappropriate forwardings from a contact that would send stuff to every friend they had without thought to my kids reading it. I couldn't very well block this family contact, so I closed the entire thing. Dd tells me that Facebook is where her friends are all at and our niece living in Honduras is there, too. I want to stay in touch, but I think I am feeling "stretched." The very real idea of computer viruses isn't too appealing either. Thanks for all the wonderful input Hive !

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