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All I want for Christmas is A DAUGHTER

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YES this thread is from two years ago almost to the day.


I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I typed it. I can still remember exactly how I felt when I typed it. Heart-sick. Despondent. Absolutely sure I would never have a daughter.


One year and two days later she was born. God has such amazing timing. I mean, she could have been born any day of the year. But I made a christmas wish for a daughter and one year later ON CHRISTMAS ....He granted it.


And it is now one year AFTER He granted me my heart's desire. She turns one year old next weekend...on christmas. And today I went to a bakery and ordered the biggest, pinkest, girliest, most flowery birthday cake they could make for her party!!


When I read that thread from two years ago...it is eery how prophetic it is...right down to the way she came into our lives...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was meant for me. She is a miracle...an answer to prayer...


She is my DAUGHTER. :001_wub:



I remember this. Yes, eerily prophetic... and a wonderful record of His goodness.


Thank you for bumping this up, Heather. Merry Christmas.

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I know how you feel. I love my sons more than anything, but I had such a longing for a daughter. I know a big part of that is because my own relationship with my mother has always been so close and I have so many memories of the wonderful things we shared. Now that I have a daughter, I will say that I don't love her more than my sons, but it really is different to have a daughter.


WOW! I now see this thread was from two years ago and your daughter has joined your family. What a wonderful manifestation of your hopes and dreams! And how precious to be able to have this record to remember the time before she joined you and how much you wanted her.

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I remember this thread vividly. I remember telling so many people about it when your wishes were granted from a loving and powerful God.


Wishing you the best pink and flowery birthday party ever!!!


Your post gives me such hope for my own situation.


Thank you God for your wonderful blessings!

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I remember this thread and I remember when you got your little girl. What a wonderful story. God provided me with a daughter in a miraculous way, too. She was a Safe Surrender Baby. We picked her up from the hospital when she was 2 days old. She is the joy of my life. God is good!

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Heather, is your family the one who adopted in another country but cannot bring the child here because our country is not granting entry to the child? If so, is it your second son who is not allowed in at this point? Perhaps I have you mixed up with another person.


Anyway, as the mother of a daughter via adoption, I can tell you it's a wonderful, wonderful thing and worth every piece of paper, every background check, every visit with the social worker, and every. single. penny. She is more than I ever could hope for. I'm sure you know the feeling since you already have two wonderful children.


ETA: Wow! Apparently, I should have read through the entire thread before posting. I didn't notice the original post date. And now you have your daughter? So, so wonderful! Wishes do come true!

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Heather, I just can't tell you how happy I am for you and your precious family. Through tears I type this. You have been such a good friend to me and I long for the day we can meet in person. Your family is a testimony of God's never ending goodness and love. He wants to give us the desires of our heart. He amazes me every day with His goodness. Thanks for bumping this thread. Merry wonderful Christmas and Happy Birthday to sweet Natalie! Make sure you share pictures of her party!! Love you!

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Thank you all so much for your wonderful words and kind wishes. I actually had forgotten I wrote that thread until Nakia reminded me a few weeks ago. Now I am printing it out and saving it for my daughter when she grows up so she can see just how desperately she was wanted.


It is also a testimony to the power of God. Who am I that He would care to know me and answer my prayers...and do it so creatively! I woke up this morning and got a good giggle out of this picture I had in my head.... I pictured God up there watching me receive this miraculous gift He gave me for christmas last year and laughing and saying "Top THAT Santa Claus". :lol::lol::lol:


It truly has been a remarkable two years. Since that post 2 years ago, God moved us to Malaysia where we have had some of the most incredible experiences. And God healed my dh after he broke his neck in a motorcycle accident 6 months agos and the doctors are flabbergasted at his recovery. And he gave us a daughter when we thought it would never happen. My prayer is that my story of answered prayer gives hope and increases faith in our amazing God this christmas.


Merry christmas and glory to God on highest.

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Edited to add:

I didn't realize this was such an old post! I should have read the replies first. haha Congrats to getting your daughter! I read your blog before - and saw pictures of your daughter. She is so precious. Congrats to you!


Original post:

I was just going to post something similar to this. Glad I read the last few pages of posts first!


I have five boys. The last three of my boys we were trying for a girl. However, we of course love our boys very much and wouldn't trade them for the world. Its just that...I still want a daughter.


I know that our time is starting to "run out". I wish we could be the family to keep having kids as long as God gives them to us. Then I wouldn't have to worry about having a daughter, because I'm sure after 12 kids, chances are one of them would be a girl. ;)


What are the chances that out of six kids, none will be girls? It happens. I've had plenty of people tell me their stories of some neighbor's cousin's sister's friend who has six or even as much as EIGHT of all boys, no girls.


So we've thought about adoption. I'd LOVE to adopt. More then having a biological child again. However, the more kids you have -the harder it is to adopt. Pretty much our only option is foster/adopt (unless we want to spend a lot internationally, which we don't have). I'd love to foster/adopt too. However, my DH says he's just not ready for that right now - it may be too much to take on (talking about court appts, and so on) with all that we are also doing right now (me going back to school, just started homeschooling the boys, etc etc).


So we're TTC again. I've been off birth control for three months now. I thought about doing some "timing techniques" for swaying for a certain gender. However, I'm just not patient enough. lol Its hard to get the timing just right, and more often then not we're way off so that I totally miss my fertile window. I think we'll just see what happens instead. Which will probably mean a sixth boy. lol


*luck* for both of us!!

Edited by snipsnsnailsx5
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ETA, I did not read responses before posting either. (sorry, blush blush).


I have three boys and no girl desires, but if you have those desires, I would imagine it is the Lord pulling at your heart strings creating the desire so that you can raise a daughter who would otherwise not have such a wonderful home. GO FOR IT!

Edited by SnowWhite
Didn't read responses first, blush.
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YES this thread is from two years ago almost to the day.


I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I typed it. I can still remember exactly how I felt when I typed it. Heart-sick. Despondent. Absolutely sure I would never have a daughter.


One year and two days later she was born. God has such amazing timing. I mean, she could have been born any day of the year. But I made a christmas wish for a daughter and one year later ON CHRISTMAS ....He granted it.


And it is now one year AFTER He granted me my heart's desire. She turns one year old next weekend...on christmas. And today I went to a bakery and ordered the biggest, pinkest, girliest, most flowery birthday cake they could make for her party!!


When I read that thread from two years ago...it is eery how prophetic it is...right down to the way she came into our lives...and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was meant for me. She is a miracle...an answer to prayer...


She is my DAUGHTER. :001_wub:


Oh Heather! That is just so awesome! I'm so happy for you. Enjoy your beautiful girl. :grouphug:

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