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Tackling Friday Together, 12.8.23


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I slept in today, woohoo!

  • shower
  • get dressed
  • laundry (lots to do today)
  • 3 Zoom sessions with students who have been struggling with the latest concepts
  • lunch out with a friend
  • tidy house
  • pay bills/update checking
  • dinner 
  • see if I can talk the guys into playing a game with me
  • continue watching a movie I started, Northanger Abbey
Edited by mom31257
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Good morning! 

Today we head out to San Antonio; I'm packed, will wake kids up shortly, and debating if I want to go mail the packages/drop off a gift while everyone else gets up and such. I'm driving most of the way today so DH can help the kids study, and so he can work as needed, so do I want to be running around in the car extra??? Not sure.  Although then I could gas up while out & about, and save that time later. Hmmm. 

Anyway, other than maybe that, it's coffee, breakfast, head out. Back late late tomorrow, and Sunday we fence here. 

Have a good weekend, all! 

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Good morning! 

My cold/sinus infection does not seem to be getting worse. I feel ok if I keep up with the ibuprofen. Forgot my vitamins last night. 

Even though what I want to to is stay home and write Christmas cards, I really need to check on my mom today and make sure she is getting proper care. 

To do:

Find POA ✔️ 
Bills and budget ✔️ 
Call nursing director at mom’s place. No answer

Visit mom ✔️ 

Dinner is poppyseed chx or something similar. With garlicky spinach and another veggie side. ✔️ 

Remember to put in time off at work for Ds for winter camp! 

Talk with Dh about setting up Ds’ laptop before we give it back to him. ✔️ Might need to revisit this to have it actually happen.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Howdie, happy Friday!

I really can't believe it's Friday.

I sent out one of the most stress-inducing client things this morning, but I have at least 3 more due ASAP today.  I already have all of them partly done, so I hope I can crank them out and then breathe.

I'm confused about whether or not our maid is coming today.  I was told maybe, then yes, but now it's back to maybe.  While it was yes, I the time to do some things that I should not have done if she's not coming.  For example, I had a lot of Christmas presents on my dresser, and I moved them to my bed so she can dust the dresser.  Now I will have to move them back to the dresser so I can sleep.  Rather than go through the same thing tomorrow, I will just dust off the dresser myself.  Not the biggest thing, but when added to all the other similar things, it's annoying.  (First world problems, sorry.)

My kids were tardy today.  This time it was Kid2's fault, and since she's usually the prompt one, I am not going to say anything about it.  Life goes on.  But it's annoying to me.  😕  No excuse.  I can't wait for high school to be over ... but I suspect they won't be much better in college.  😕

Other than that, I think it's been a good day so far.


  • Laundry in the wee hours.
  • Slept!  Woke up!  Yay!
  • Kids to school "almost" on time.  😕
  • Walked the dog.
  • Cleaned for the maid.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins.
  • Dealt with some construction stuff.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • Sent out some client work.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Yoga etc.
  • A little reading.
  • Eat veggies, drink water.
  • Process the laundry that is in the washer & dryer.
  • Probably dinner out.
  • Pay bills and other personal stuff.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Good afternoon!

doing laundry, as always, it seems.  Went to Walmart for an order pickup.  Ds wants to do Christmas on Sunday, so I needed a couple more things.   Ds and his gf got engaged this week, so yay!!  Wedding maybe next year.   They already live together.   Did some outside stuff, loved on one of the cats who doesn’t spontaneously forget who I am half the time, lol.  Cats are crazy.  
got to get some vacuuming done.  And I really want to take some time to read today.  I’ve been slipping! 

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I decided to just find a good "hiding spot" for all those Christmas presents rather than put them back on the dresser.  I mean, we're way past the Santa stage, but let's pretend some of the gifts will be a surprise, right??  So anyhoo ... no need to keep moving those boxes around.  I did dust the dresser anyway.

Now that those gifts are "out of sight, out of mind," I need a reminder to order some additional gifts.  Maybe I'll get that order out tonight.

I missed the window to schedule Chiro appointments again (they close early on Fridays - I always forget).  Maybe I will remember tomorrow.

I did a little reading on a short work break.

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Loads of electronic chores done.

Chatted with Dd. So fun to have her home! 

Discussed gifts with Dh. He changed what he was going to get for Ds to something less expensive and that we know he really, really wants. Win-win. Plus it comes from Amazon, so no driving or hassle.

Returned library books

Texted with my sibling to get advice on mom’s situation. Packed snacks and a book, in case we end up at the hospital. Headed to mom’s now.

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Mom is ok. Nursing staff responded to my inquiries, not by returning my call, but by getting on the ball and doing their job. Assisted living is ok, but it makes a world of difference for the resident to have an advocate physically present to check up on the services. PT came while I was there and he was excellent.

VERY glad not to need an excursion to the ER today!!!

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Ds and dh are watching the Mario movie, and I didn't care to. 

I met with all the students. 

Lunch with my friend was nice. 

The last load of laundry is in the dryer. 

I finished the movie. 

I'm going to do more schoolwork and then find something to watch, hopefully, a series of some kind. 

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Tree is up. A little skinnier than I prefer, but still nice, and within the budget parameters. We’ll decorate tomorrow and Sunday.

Got whapped in the back of the head by the attic stairs when getting the tree stand down. Headache, despite ibuprofen. Will alternate with Tylenol later. 

Set an alarm for tomorrow and made some oatmeal. Ds has to be at work early. No sleeping in. 😕

Gonna try to read a bit. 

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