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Friday Tackling, who's in? 12.1.23


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I am not ready for Christmas, but December is here anyway. 

I slept in, and I have a few things to do in the house. 

I'll get my shower and do some grocery shopping. 

Back home, I'll pack and leave for my older sister's house. Sister weekend will begin! 

Hope you all have a great day and weekend!

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Good morning, Amy! Good morning, all! It’s cool and rainy here. I am definitely not ready for Christmas, especially my house. I am ok on gifts; need to write everything down and have a conference with Dh. 

Housekeeping ✔️ 
Laundry. ✔️ 
Get scrapbooking boxes for Legos. ✔️ 
Call computer place ✔️ 
Get Dd’s passport out

Take mom to Costco for a hearing aid appt. We will likely cruise the store and get lunch there too.

Pick up Ds.
Discuss his work/bball conflict. ✔️ 

Pick up veggie box this afternoon.

Dinner is chili, cornbread, and salad. Meat is thawing. 

Make Dec reading list.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

Today we have a hodge-podge of stuff, and I'm still sorting what all parts I need to be involved in. The kids have a project due on Tuesday, a report due on Monday, a test to start studying for (the final is the 12th), another final to start studying for (that one is the 14th)....I'm hoping they can take ownership of most of that on their own???? :sigh:  

So, *my* list today:

....go tutor the 2 kiddos this morning (my friend's kids)
....check the Dec calendar w/their people and see when we stop for the break
....see if my friend wants to come w/me to do some shopping for the Christmas party (maybe? maybe she'll be too opinionated?)
....do the shopping for the party (the stuff, not the food yet)
....come home, get a nap hopefully
....see if Middle wants to do some other shopping w/me before we have an appt this afternoon;  if so, do that shopping (if not, will have to skip it)
....go to appt w/Middle this afternoon
....come home, go to DH's work party (and probably out after)
....go to bed

In the midst of all of that -- make sure DS & Middle start working on their group project, and probably type up their notes from the movie review; DH picked up a thing for dinner I think b/c Middle (our  normal "cooks when mom/dad can't" person) & I have the appt during cooking dinner time

Oh, and found out that the super great bday gift we got Oldest back in September......he already had. 😞 He just realized it himself, so I don't feel too bad (we got him a "new" we thought piece for his Lego winter village stuff; turns out, he got that one last year and already had it built, so when he & the boys went to set up the winter village stuff, oh, there it was.....oops. His is unopened so probably we can still exchange it). 


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Ugh. Dh is majorly grumpy. 

I forgot that my car is going to the mechanic today, to see if they can find the cause of the whine that happens in cold weather. But today isn’t cold enough to hear it and is super busy. I wish Dh would ask me and plan ahead in days to be down a vehicle. It must be back tonight bc we have to have two cars tomorrow. 

Adding to my list:

Bake pumpkin bread for Dh to take to choir tomorrow. 

Retrieve my car.

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Happy December!  I am not thrilled, but I am trying to talk myself into it!  'Tis the season!

The majority of my loan servicing duties are either overdue, due today, or due very soon.  So let's crank a lot out today!  I already sent out several invoices.  I'm taking a break because the next one requires more focus.  (Did that make any sense?)

Kids got to school on time, yay!  Also sent in the kids' cap & gown order (why do I have to pay for this?).  Been getting a lot of sass lately.  Not sure what's up with that.  Grades are looking better for the moment ... let's hope that momentum continues ....

I should call the vet and try to figure out that Chewy issue again.

Since it's Friday, I guess we'll probably go out to dinner tonight.  I don't remember whose turn it is to pick the restaurant.

I don't think there's anything else happening.  Just hoping to get caught up on client work before I get nastygrams, and keep the other things afloat.  Some cleaning, laundry, bills, ....

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End of trimester grading day. I'm working at home. Grades are done, working on prepping next week.

Will likely work on a few house things after I finish with school stuff, then dh and I will head out to a localish casino for a concert later in the afternoon. It's a little over an hour away. We will find a restaurant along the way. I will be up past my bedtime since the concert doesn't start until 8. 

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Got to mom’s place and she was still in bed. And still a bit disoriented. I should have done more to set support in place for her. Oh well, not the end of the world. Called Costco to cancel. Will reschedule soon.

Headed home to bake pumpkin bread and cornbread. I can use the free time today for sure! 

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Good almost-afternoon!

Already tackled:

  • finished my literary analysis.  Found out it's due next week, not today
  • went to class.  Professor was absent, 3 of us showed up and the rest Zoomed in.  All of us were shuffled into a q&a session with David Gergen, along with students from two other classes.  The three of us were rather participatory with insightful questions about his work after googling him, the fourth participant ended it on a note of being quite accusatory about the creation of Israel.
  • stopped by the store.  They had no pixie sticks.

Still to do:

  • lunch
  • yard clean up
  • email coach.  I forgot this one doesn't know I carry a box o' crap in my car (everything my kid has just outgrown along with things like a helmet repair kit.  It makes it less stressful during away games when one forgets, oh, a left glove on the bedroom floor.  Not that that has happened. More than once...
  • take ds to his exhibition game in Rhode Island.
  • dinner at the mall there.  Maybe I'll find pixie sticks.
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Pumpkin bread is done.

Picked up lego boxes. Will try tonight, hopefully.

Picked up Rx

Stuck in line to pick up Ds. Missed the high school and now have to wait for middle school dismissal to proceed.  Waste of 40 minutes.

Then veggie pick up.

Traffic, ugh!

Computer place is still unable to get Ds’ laptop working. 

Dinner will not likely be chili bc no time to cook it for 2 hrs. 
Frustrating day.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Got half of the inversion table put together.   I worked on it with my beagle and we can both safely say, it kicked our behinds.    Dh will have to help me put the actual thing you lay on on the top.  I can't hold it and put screws in at the same time.   He's grabbing supper.   I'll cook something tomorrow for the big game.   
ds22, who had his wisdom teeth out on Wednesday is probably going back to work tomorrow.  Other than swelling, he's fine!  I can't believe it.    This is a kid who has the worst time with any illnesses or health stuff, and somehow he got by unscathed with his wisdom teeth, thank you Jesus!

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Home briefly -- I tutored the girls, we're done until January! Yay!!!

Went shopping -- took  my friend/their grandma with me; we got all of the craft stuff, goody bag stuff, and paper goods for the party, and had lunch 

Came home, took a nap

Up, just in time to hop in the shower & head out with Middle for the appt this afternoon. 

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Ds forgot his phone at school. I got him close by and dropped him off. He was rude and mean in his speech and in texts, so he is walking home. Not helping people who are not civil. 

Got veggies.
Picked up my car
Going to start dinner. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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