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Tackling Wednesday Together, 11.29.23


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Good morning!

Dh is off to work with his breakfast and lunch. 

I did some Bible study. (We are packing two weeks into one so this will be our last class of the semester.)

I put clothes in the dryer. 

I packed away all the Thanksgiving decorations that were covering the dining table. I put away the extra folding chairs and put the table back to its normal size and arrangement. 

I feel like that's a lot for just being up a little over an hour! LOL!

  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • possibly brother/sister duo today or tomorrow
  • coffee and snacks between classes
  • make chili for dinner
  • church
  • hopefully, watch the last episode of Bodies with dh (can't wait to see how it turns out!)


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Good morning!  Coffee and breakfast is done, now on to the rest:

  • sheets and towels day in the laundry
  • dissect a rat
  • take ds to skills workshop
  • dinner: the beef flautas everyone refused yesterday for various reasons
  • check over ds's homework/listen to him recite his poem
  • work on literature classwork/paper
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Good morning!

Very cold for us this morning, 22, though I know our temps are nothing compared to what some of y’all in the frozen Northland get. I was glad to have a good ski jacket and hat and gloves this morning to scrape frost off my car. 

I have coffee and am about to make some b’fast.

Tutor one student ✔️ 
Pick up milk ✔️ 
Costco ✔️ 
Bank ✔️ 

I need to make progress on The Great Lego Storage Project in order to decorate for Christmas. Right now, ALL the legos are in my LR! 😱😱😜🙄

Make dinner early. Chx cordon bleu casserole, rice, veggies, salad.

Homework list. 

Help with crowd control at children’s choir practice tonight. 



Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning Woke up at 9 w/ dh telling me to get going cause I have an appt ar Ortho for my neck ( had fusion surgery in Feb. this is follow-up).

appt w PA

Bloodwork at Quest

Shopping at Publix

Electrician never came bwcause floor needa ro be installed first.  Floor is being delivered today, out in tomorrow.

Take meds all day as needed.

Work on to do list





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Good Afternoon

Sitting in dentist office youngest ds is getting routine cleaning. 

Listed a few more items to sell

drop off sold item tomorrow 

trying to get gift ideas from oldest ds- he says anything he wants/needs is digital. I’m trying to come up with at least one thing to wrap and put under tree.




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Ds22 got his wisdom teeth pulled today.  It went really fast.   Like super fast!    He's in pain now, so please say a prayer for him.    I am nearly 2 hrs away so I can't be there.   His gf is taking care of him (and she does a good job, just wish I could be there).  
I put up my new Christmas tree today, it's not a regular one.  I'll post a pic when I get it decorated and figure out how to put lights on it.  
I feel really crappy.   I don't know what is going on, maybe a fibro flare-up?   But I feel like dog doo.    
glad they got blood, @TravelingChris!   Hope your day is better today @SKL!   

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DS's skills were cancelled after we got there, and it happened to be the very first day where he said "you can just drop me and and do your errands."  He has never been that comfortable in the past few years, always making sure there are cameras or eyes.  I did leave him, made it a block down the road and turned back. So......we'll see if it was a fleeting attempt at trust here or if he's branching out.

Exam is done.  I think I did well.


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16 minutes ago, history-fan said:

Ds is so excited that he doesn’t need to get his wisdom teeth removed. He has room. He was scared after watching what his bro is going through from his removal.

Oh gosh, how lucky for him!   My mom only had two wisdom teeth, so I consider her pretty lucky, too.   Getting my four out was horrible!  I’m hoping ds will just.follow.my.instructions. and hopefully not have any problems.  But he’s hard headed, so we’ll see… 

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And two of my kids are feeling sick today.  I am done.  I just want to stay home until March.  My throat is feeling a little off too. I just got over something about a day or two ago.  We have been sick everyday this month.  I am over it.  This is our first time not masking since Covid.  Some of the kids did not wear them over summer but some did at certain activities.  I knew this would happen when we stopped and I so was not in support of it, but I also know it is so hard to be the only one masking. 

We are doing all the things we can do.  Vaccines, washing hands, sleep, vitamins, hand sanitizer, eating fruits and veggies, nasal sanitizer.   I am just over it.  I thought we would get a month off after the last illness ran through the house. 

And I just had a whole pizza dump on the bottom of the oven and melt, because a piece broke off in my hands as I was putting it in.  

I am hating today. 

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Hi, happy Wednesday!

I guess today has been better than yesterday.  Nobody has pooped on the rug so far, anyways.  😛

The kids got to school on time, yay!  And so far, there hasn't been any excessive drama that I know of.  Well, my kid did say she had a run-in with her teacher that I wasn't very proud of.  Both kids are being stupid in a class that should be an easy A.  We'll see how that plays out going forward.

On the negative side, I have not been focusing and am again behind on my client work.  Hope to pull myself out of it and get caught up with what's left of today.

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