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What things do you call by weird names because of your children?

Drama Llama

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One of mine from childhood—gunched (meaning all gone—mainly used with food) was so entrenched bc dh lived it and also used it that dd20 was embarrassed and astounded to find out that it wasn’t a real word. She said she’d always been surprised no one knew what it meant lol. 

The one of my children’s that most used still is to-member ( meaning remember.) youngest went through a stage where she replaced most prefixes with to (including words like forget—to get). So we often to-member things from their childhood around here. 

The one I wished had lasted was in-plit (for outlet) because it makes more sense from a child’s point of view. 

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Dub Dub is Christmas.

When my son was about two and a half, I put up the Christmas tree while he was napping. When he came downstairs and saw it he started jumping up and down and yelling "DUB DUB!!!!"  We don't know how he came up with that one, but that year EVERYTHING to do with Christmas was Dub Dub . . . lights, decorations, trees, Santas.  All of it. 😆 He had more words the next year when he was three.

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1 hour ago, lynn said:

When navy kids was 4 he called he'd call gloves ,"glubs".  I  still have a sweet memory of him saying,  "I got my glubs mama.". . even 20 years later I catch my self saying " glubs"

Mine called them "mittens with fingers".  The first year he was old enough to understand asking Santa for things, all he wanted was "mittens with fingers".  

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When my nephew was really young my sister had a picture of Abraham Lincoln in their dining room. After she hung it up my nephew was trying to eat his breakfast but kept suspiciously looking over his shoulder at the picture -- it was obvious he was a bit freaked by it. Then he said to my sister "Who is that guy?" and my sister said "That is the guy who wants you to finish your breakfast!"

So now Abraham Lincoln is not a former president or anything, he is the man who wants you to finish your food!


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Our now 14 yr old started calling off by calling an “umbrella” a “rainbrella.” All 4 kids and now both DH and I say rainbrella. Our youngest says “prayground” instead of “playground.” So far I have resisted falling into that pronunciation, though I did hear one of the other kids calling it a “prayground.”

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On 11/29/2023 at 3:40 PM, Teaching3bears said:

My youngest called birds of prey “dangerbirdies”

He was excited to go to Costco because they give out “examples” to taste.  

i thought these were smart!

That’s funny. At our house the Costco samples are “stampers,” courtesy of our now 8 yr old.

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