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Tackling Tuesday - 11/28


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Good morning! DH is going in early this morning, which means I'm in charge of breakfast for the kids, so need to get a move-on on my stuff before I wake them up. 

So, my list:

....prep for PreK kiddo this morning
....get kids up & out on time (and fed breakfast)
....go tutor the PreK kid
....come home, prep for this afternoon's tutoring 
....tidy up around my desk
....make sure the kids do their game project final tidbits (personal reflection, other miscellany they have to submit about the project)
....make sure DS finds the SAT practice stuff and starts going through some of it
....go tutor the girls this afternoon
....come home, eat dinner, go to fencing tonight
....come home, go to bed

I think that's about it. Oh, no....look at hotels around San Antonio for my niece's graduation weekend. DH found some Airbnbs, but as we looked, they were all near identical wording, different host names, but supposedly all verified super hosts. But the wording in the listings (not the descriptions, but the info on the host and all) was identical between about 3 or so properties that we found (maybe more, we quit looking). Same co-hosts listed on them (and none being the names of the other hosts), etc. just....odd. So looking again for something different. 

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Howdy, happy Tuesday!

It should have been a snow day here, but it isn't.  The snow didn't really start until like 7am (school starts at 7:30) so all the buses would have been on the roads by then.  But then it came down so hard, traffic was stuck.  We tried driving to school but couldn't get up the hill.  May or may not try again later.  I heard someone has been stuck on the same road (near us) for an hour, so there's no point trying again now.

I have a dentist appointment later this morning, so we'll see how that goes.

I didn't hear my alarm this morning, so I didn't get up until 6:45.  I told the kids to set their alarms last night, but they weren't up either.  So of course then we had unnecessary comments and drama.  Certain people need to learn how to shut up.  😕

I have so much client work due and I don't know how I'm gonna make it happen.  Really stressed out right now.

Not much else to report.  Here's hoping for some wisdom, focus, and sensible road management.

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Good morning!

Ds is at school and that’s a win. 🙄 I have coffee, my heat works, and I don’t have any schedule until 4 this afternoon. 

My mom’s place called. Mom was acting crazy late last night, so they sent her to the ER. She has a UTI. Idk how fast the antibx work? Hopefully, she will be home and feeling better today.  

Work on Lego bins ✔️ 
Go see mom ✔️ 
Do more decorating? Nope
Library ✔️ 
Find a shoe repair place ✔️ 
Make dinner early - dragon noodles. ✔️ 
Make homework list ✔️ 
Tutor two students 

Read! Or listen to a podcast? 

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Well right after I made the above post, I was informed that our visitor dog took a massive dump on my housemate's bedroom carpet.

That's cleaned up.

I need to take a shower soon.  Currently planning to leave in about an hour to try dropping the kids at school & then go to the dentist.

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What a day you're having, @SKL I hope it gets better!



I had all the ornaments knitted and was just going to finish the tidying when my scissors slipped.  I now have one to reknit.

  • violin
  • laundry
  • fix the dishwasher
  • knit ornament
  • class
  • check ds's homework
  • dinner: beef flautas, corn, rice, pico and guac
  • activity night for ds*, bouncing from one to the other and eating second dinner in the car.
  • sit in on board while he's doing all the things.
  • change over the dishwasher, set up the coffee and things for the morning, climb into bed.




*It is still weird for me to have other parents come up to us this year and tell us how awesome he is as a group member and person.  He's slowly blossoming into his own.  I'm also wondering if I should give the one leader who apologized a head's up that he's looking at a similar situation this year.  Parents are compiling video evidence of abuse/railroading from one of the other leaders and if things don't change rapidly there will most likely be another inquiry.  We've already had more than a handful reach out to ask how it is "on the other side" (It's lovely) and considering a move.

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Well now we just noticed that the visitor dog "marked" in housemate's bedroom.

We're probably going to take the dog to my sister's house, which, I'm not sure how that's gonna go with Snowmageddon.  (Sister lives in the "Snow Belt."  Ugh.

The two housemates won't stop talking and obsessing about the poop which I guarantee is 1000% cleaned up.  All the talk is making me sicker.

First world problems!

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@SKL Sorry you are having such a rough morning!!

@HomeAgain So glad your Ds is flourishing in the better group! I hope there is an inquiry, but I know those processes are messy, long, and often incomplete. And by the time the system works, so much damage is already done. I hate to see what can be a great experience in a great program for kids be ruined by a bad leader! 

@TheReader Do you ever do VRBO? We have had better lick with them than AirBnB.

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Another first world problem, since I seem to be on a roll this morning ....

My dog is a picky eater.  The vet prescribed a certain dog food for gastrointestinal issues.  I've been ordering it through the vet, but this is not efficient for several reasons.  So I tried ordering it from Chewy.com.

Chewy says you can upload your vet's "order," or they will reach out to your vet.  I don't have the order, so I waited for them to clear it with the vet.  They said they tried but the vet isn't answering.  So I called the vet and asked about it.  The vet says, tell them to re-fax the order because we didn't get it.  (I should have asked for their fax number, which is not listed on their website anywhere.  I left a voicemail this morning and haven't heard back.)

I called Chewy to ask them what number they're faxing the request to.  After a LONG delay, they told me oops, they actually didn't request it.  They say the vet told them to stop contact them directly for orders; the pet owner has to come and get the order and then send it to Chewy.

Well, they both can't be right.  UGH.  And I'm not about to try driving to the vet any time soon in this snow.

In other news, I just got two phone calls saying my kids are truant today.  I called 2 hours ago explaining why they weren't there (had to leave a message; I'm guessing we're not the only ones!).

OK now I really need to get a shower.

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@SKL,, I really hope your day improves! Soon! First world problems, sure, but all piling on at once still makes them a LOT to deal with in one day. Big hugs! 


@ScoutTN, oh! thanks for the reminder; we have before, but not in a while. I'll check there. 


In other news, kids actually still got up & out on time, with food eaten, even though I woke them 5 mins late. Whew! (they are walking out the door now)

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18 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:


@HomeAgain So glad your Ds is flourishing in the better group! I hope there is an inquiry, but I know those processes are messy, long, and often incomplete. And by the time the system works, so much damage is already done. I hate to see what can be a great experience in a great program for kids be ruined by a bad leader! 

See, and that's my internal debate.  There's still time to change it and nip it in the bud, giving these kids a better half a year together.  The inquiry would take place toward the end.  After our complaint, ds was reassigned the next year, they changed the structure, added a level of accountability and removed one person's dominance over the whole program. It is a good thing for normal groups.  When you add in a layer of very intertwined family trees and a willingness to let things slide because "it's just the way that person is", it starts to get murky real quick. 

On the other hand, if they didn't learn the first time, who am I to try to pull them out of the fire they started?  I'd like to see them burn with their shocked Pikachu faces.  I just don't want the kids to burn with them.

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Laundry is ready to switch over.

Dishwasher is fixed. By the time we buy a new one we will have replaced nearly everything.  Today it was the door spring mechanism.  $15 for a set of 2 on Amazon, which is much better than $80 for the repairman to come out initially and then $75/hour + parts.  It was 20 minutes, most of which was Youtube, Amazon, and taking a screwdriver to the two screws holding the machine in the counter.

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@SKL, really hope your day improves!! Sorry it has been so rough. 

3 Zoom sessions are already done, and I only have 1 more today. Dh is keeping the clock for the games, so he won't be home until late. 

That means I have the afternoon and evening to myself. I texted a friend to see if she might want to get dinner, but I haven't heard from her. 

  • 1 more Zoom session
  • laundry
  • Bible study
  • school prep
  • Christmas decorating
  • meals just for me 
  • pay bills/update checking
  • find a new series to watch
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@ScoutTNhope your Mom gets well soon @SKL hope your day starts getting better

dog gate ordered came broken so it is waiting to be picked up 

tried out new egg pan works great

dishwasher going

edited some items on eBay 

one meeting today

dental hygienist apt this afternoon 

when at the grocery store yesterday took photo of their aisle list. The store just remodeled and I obviously think different than the person who does aisles. They list the food alphabetically  on their chart and I am rearranging it by aisle so I can make my list and shop more efficiently. I hope.

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Made progress on my list, plus did some housekeeping, got a shower, and ate. Got the Wordle in 3. 

Reminded Dh about Dd’s rental application. And that he has the after school pickup today.

To do:
Pack a snack. ✔️ 
Boots to repair shop for estimate ✔️ 
Craft store ✔️ 
Tutor ✔️ 


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Home from PreK; worked out the calendar for Christmas/December/January, so that's good. 

Went by Target after, to get some of the Christmas shopping done for DH -- got the Pyrex food storage stuff, couldn't find the CD he wants, but came up with another idea while there and realized I can go to Half Price Books &/or Barnes & Noble for both of those items. This way, it keeps it all off our shared Amazon at least. And I can hide his stuff up in my sewing room closet. 

Also picked up Christmas gifts (books) for my tutoring kiddos -- Target had oversized coloring books which I grabbed for the 2 PreK kids, and Christmas themed story books I got for the older girls, all in the $1, $3, $5 spot (these were $3 for the coloring books and $1 ea for the books). 

Having lunch and then figuring out what's next. 

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The kids ended up staying home all day, because they didn't get ready in time for me to drive them before my dentist appointment.

My dentist appointment ended up being long and painful.  Possibly the most painful part was the quote for the crown they want me to get.  Or was it the discussion about insurance?  (Am I really that dumb, or is insurance stupid?)

The dogs are getting along, now that we decided we're gonna send one away.  😛

I have received a couple mild nasty-grams from clients who are reminding me that it's almost December.  Holy crap.

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11 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Insurance really is that dumb; you are not.  Especially dentist insurance stuff. Ours always ends up under-estimating what insurance will pay, so we pay a ton, then get some back. still ouchy. 

I'm debating whether or not it would be helpful to ask about something on here.

Remember when I accidentally discovered that medical insurance is now required to include dental for kids?  So I asked my dentist to run my kids' bills through both our medical and dental insurance, hoping it would save me a few bucks ... since we're obviously paying for these "benefits" whether we use them or not.

The dentist's policy is that if you add your medical insurer, the medical insurer has to be primary, and your dental insurer is secondary.  Worse, they insist that the medical insurer has to be primary for the parent also ... even though the medical insurer covers zero for adults.  Because my kids are linked to me, my insurance has to be whatever theirs is.  I said, what if I were divorced and they were on their dad's insurance?  Well then their dad would have an account there and the kids would be linked to the dad's, not mine.  Apparently there is nobody else on the planet who has different coverage for their kids vs. at least one parent.

I can't prove it yet, but I think I'm ending up with less overall coverage because they are calling my dental insurance "secondary."  But I'm still paying the same premiums I always did.  But is it the insurance that is screwing me, or is the dental office confused, or am I just hallucinating?

It's just so illogical, and I haven't had time to dig deeply into this.

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That sounds crazy. I second "talk to HR" -- they are always a huge help for us when we have questions on stuff like this. (do you have HR? Or you are self-employeed? I kind of can't tell from how you talk about your job....)

If you don't have HR, you can call your customer service number on the insurance provider card, and get them to walk you through it; they've also always been  helpful for me when I"ve needed that. 

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cleaned up around my desk

cleaned up my computer desktop, moving old downloads into the right files (this brought on by the fact I couldn't find stuff I knew I had)

ate lunch

checked grades - DS got a 90 on his term paper!!!! (had he managed to submit a rough draft, it would have gained him 10 extra points) *AND* a random assignment, which the prof had originally listed as its own thing, she moved back into the "assignments" category, which is *very* good. The assignment hit during the week of all the things (term paper, exam, project), and me, thinking it was "one of a zillion assignments, of which DS has 100 on all of them, and which combine to make 10% of the grade" had him go ahead and turn it in incomplete rather than waste studying time/term paper time/project time on tediously sketching caves. 

But then she'd listed it as its own thing, worth 10% by itself, and I was just sick over it (b/c his exam grade leaves no room for anything like that). So seeing it moved *back* to where it belongs, as one of the many assignments, whew!!! Huge relief. 

Texting the tutor mom to see if she has spelling lists yet.....(will take blank papers otherwise)

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31 minutes ago, TheReader said:

oh, found some new math stuff for the 4th grader, focused practice on multiplication facts. She knows *how* to do math, but the post-Covid years  have meant she doesn't have *any* facts memorized at all. at all. 

My kids liked wrap-ups for a tactile memorizing activity. 

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10 hours ago, TheReader said:

Good morning! DH is going in early this morning, which means I'm in charge of breakfast for the kids, so need to get a move-on on my stuff before I wake them up. 

So, my list:

....prep for PreK kiddo this morning
....get kids up & out on time (and fed breakfast)
....go tutor the PreK kid
....come home, prep for this afternoon's tutoring 
....tidy up around my desk
....make sure the kids do their game project final tidbits (personal reflection, other miscellany they have to submit about the project)
....make sure DS finds the SAT practice stuff and starts going through some of it
....go tutor the girls this afternoon
....come home, eat dinner, go to fencing tonight
....come home, go to bed

I think that's about it. Oh, no....look at hotels around San Antonio for my niece's graduation weekend. DH found some Airbnbs, but as we looked, they were all near identical wording, different host names, but supposedly all verified super hosts. But the wording in the listings (not the descriptions, but the info on the host and all) was identical between about 3 or so properties that we found (maybe more, we quit looking). Same co-hosts listed on them (and none being the names of the other hosts), etc. just....odd. So looking again for something different. 

Check out vrbo

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Home from tutoring the girls -- one said mom is in the hospital? I texted mom for spelling lists, and she didn't say anything, so....??? (I'm assuming a miscommunication/misunderstanding by the girls)

DH is cooking, then we'll get ready for/go to fencing

Middle got a 100 on his paper!! I forgot he had turned in an outline when the rough draft was due (which she did *not* indicate was part of the grade of the paper itself, but whatever) I'm very grateful, b/c the rubric made it seem *very* hard to get full credit, and even *I* was not certain either of them answered the questions completely for the paper, b/c I could not make sense of it. 

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@HomeAgain what ornament pattern are you knitting?

My day was busy. 2 teachers and my principal were gone today, there are only 7 teachers total, so it was just busy. Went smoothly in spite of that. 

Put up the new Christmas tree. I feel underwhelmed. It is so small compared to the one we had (still have but decided to downsize since it is so wide). I was going to put on lights, but I'm not feeling it. New tree is nice for what it is, but I'm still working it out in my head. 

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My kid decided to cook fetuccini alfredo for dinner - surprise!  Her first try and it was delicious.  And I'm not just saying that because I'm her mom.  😛

I got some work out, made some more promises ... need to finish the things I promised "by today."

It feels so late, but it's only 7pm.  5 more hours in the day!

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@SKL, I hope you can get some answers and get better coverage figured out. 

@TheReader, I'd love to see what you found. I have a couple who need more facts memorized, too. 

@TravelingChris, I'm sorry! I hope you feel better and can get some rest. 

After my classes, I went out to do some errands. 

I did my Bible study. 

I watched an episode of Transatlantic, and I liked it enough to watch it. 

I've done a good bit of prep for tomorrow, but I have some homework still to come in this evening. 

A load of laundry is in the dryer and a second one is washing. 

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@mom31257 - here's the link to the main one I found at TPT, for multiplication facts. It's how to + practice + memorization; it's meant to be set up like a "station" for kids to use independently (could be good when families want "homework" from the tutor), but it just looked so *thorough* vs just doing drills. 



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@TheReader, that looks interesting! I feel like some kids still need the drills to memorize them, but having something different is always good. 

Here is a practice sheet I made for parents to use when they want to do some drills to memorize a fact family. They can put any number they want to practice in the X _____ spot in each set. 

I like to use a set of Skipbo cards to practice facts because the cards are 1-12. I take out one card and shuffle all the rest to be multiplied by that one card (or added for addition facts practice). 



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Went to a restaurant for dinner.  The couple who own this place had a food truck for many years that we loved to go to.  I had the piggy burger-tasty bacon, pulled pork, vingar cabbage slaw, tasty burger alk on a tasty bun, some of dh's french fries, and iced tea.

Back home, watching Jeopardy w dh and drinking mocha and then later milk so my gums don't hurt.  I have no idea why my right side gums hurt.  I go to the dentist next week and need to write this down so I don’t forget.

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Cleaned up the kitchen so I could make dinner, then cleaned up again after some cooking. Dinner was tomato soup and grilled cheese.

Remade Ds’ bed. He fell asleep after school with a bowl full of dragon noodles in his hands and it spilled. Thankful for a good mattress pad!  

Reminded Ds to do homework. He did, with minimal pushback. 

Texted with Dd. ❤️

Next up:

Listen to a podcast, then read. 

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11 hours ago, LifeLovePassion said:

@HomeAgain what ornament pattern are you knitting?

It's one I created.  It's a hockey sock to match the team, but in one of the larger stripes is each kid's number.  Most are done identical on each side, but there are two kids who are in special circumstances. Theirs are split front/back, with one team sock on each to show that they belong to both.  Thankfully it wasn't one of those two that I nicked!  It's much faster to knit in the round.

It's a tradition I do for my kid every year (and now a few others).  I fill them with winter candy and he brings them in for the last game during overlap of Hanukkah and Christmas.

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