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Tackling Sunday Together, 10.29.23


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Today is a long day with church stuff. 

  • shower and get ready
  • breakfast/coffee
  • class in the first service, attend the second service
  • quick lunch
  • make two more treats for this evening
  • do some grading
  • attend the gathering with church people tonight
  • do any last-minute school prep left
  • watch something and relax
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I am still sick.   I slept a lot yesterday.  I am laying low today but will need to do the following:

1. Laundry

2. getting Halloween party stuff together

3. Get ready for work for tomorrow (need to send a few emails)

4. Order dog food (or figure out one to buy at the store)


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Good morning! Warm and gray here. The predicted and needed rain never seems to come.

Church ✔️ 
Rest and relax ✔️ 
Drop off something ✔️ 
Get gas ✔️ 

Barn dance? Not sure if we’re going? 

Think about the coming week. ✔️ 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Oh, my list is still long today, because after I took care of mother in law, I goofed off the rest of the day...so here goes!!

clean the bathrooms

more laundry

mail and shred

church checks

more coffee

buy yogurt and take to mother in law, visit with her-done


grade and record-done



Edited by math teacher
addition and update
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2 hours ago, DawnM said:

I am still sick.   I slept a lot yesterday.  I am laying low today but will need to do the following:

1. Laundry

2. getting Halloween party stuff together

3. Get ready for work for tomorrow (need to send a few emails)

4. Order dog food (or figure out one to buy at the store)


I am sorry you are still sick.  I hope you can get tons of rest today and feel better soon.

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25 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

I am sorry you are still sick.  I hope you can get tons of rest today and feel better soon.

Thanks, I am already better than yesterday.   I think if I lay low, I will feel well enough tomorrow to tackle work.

I am going on vacation in a week, so I can push myself this week to get things done.

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1 hour ago, DawnM said:

Thanks, I am already better than yesterday.   I think if I lay low, I will feel well enough tomorrow to tackle work.

I am going on vacation in a week, so I can push myself this week to get things done.

That is great you are feeling better already. Oh fun to have a vacation coming up.  Where are you going?

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Howdie, happy Sunday!

Missed yesterday's thread - we did our first (and probably only) official "college visit."  It wasn't that exciting, but felt like a rite of passage somehow.  I hope it got my kids thinking more about the importance of doing their best and working toward goals.

Today, Kid1 and I ran our 2nd fall 5K.  It was a cute idea - they had ghosts who would make you stop and do some exercises if they caught you.  Being one of the oldest women there, and not particularly fit, I was mostly walking alone and got caught a lot.  😛  But it was fun.  The weather was perfect for a "run."

The kids have to finish a bunch of school work since it's almost time for Q1 to end.  Kid2 in particular has a lot of backlog, due to her concussion.  So nobody is allowed to ask to go anywhere with friends etc.  Kid2 asked that we get Guatemalan carry-out, which I plan to facilitate for dinner.

I have my last load of laundry in the washer.  Did a bunch of minor cleaning, reading, etc.

Other than the above, I think my main focus today is to catch up on client work and decrease the size of my inbox.

I also need to update my monthly subscriptions and order coffee on Amazon.  And maybe make a donation or two.

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Good afternoon! I slept 13 hours and that wasn’t good. Took shower and got dressed and we met ds, ddil, dgd1, dgd2, and dgs who turned 2 today at brunch.  Dgs liked brunch- particularly the mushrooms from my steak and mushroom omelet. Dgd2 was not behaving well.

To do

fold laundry

Try to reserve access bus foro Tuesday

Land's End Return

Duplixent shot

not  sure what else

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@DawnM, sorry you are sick! I pray you get all better and get things done for a nice vacation!

@TravelingChris, happy birthday to your dgs! 

@mommyoffive, glad your back is better! Maybe you need to sleep in late! 

@SKL, I agree that the first college visit does feel like a rite of passage. I hope any others go well and will motivate them!

The treats are all made. 

I did some more grading and even did a quick Zoom session with a student needing some extra help. 

I'm about to get dressed  for the evening and start cutting up the treats and packaging them. 


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Good Afternoon

Made 2 apple strudel using puff pastry worked out good both ds liked it

I've noticed a sick looking squirrel in the yard the past couple days sent a photo of it to the wildlife person in the area. I was concerned it would be mange and if the pup would get it, and if they wanted to rehab it. The wildlife person said it was squirrel pox and nothing can cure it and it is not contagious. When I went back outside to see where it went it had passed, poor thing. Well now we all know what squirrel pox is.

Time training pup, working on the leash and walking. It's funny how pups can be so "brave" and then when a new thing is introduced be so scared. Yesterday she overcame her initial fear of the rake when she helped rake the leaves. She isn't barking at the vacuum anymore and just ignores it so that is great.  

Make a list of do now and to do. Find my house fall list that has all the chores to do before snow.

bring in all the shepherds hooks from flowers

I asked a friend of mine who is a master gardener about if I should cut back my plants cause we had a drought all summer. She suggested not to. So glad that chore is a no go this year. But will be an extra clean up in the spring.


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