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Tackling Sunday Together, 10.8.23


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Good morning!

Long day today...

  • shower and get ready
  • grab something to eat
  • host class with dh 
  • church
  • quick lunch
  • collect quilts, including meeting our guest artist and seeing her work
  • run home and change clothes
  • big women's event at church, which includes dinner
  • do precalculus
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Figure out if we are putting a subfloor in the basement. Look at family photo clothes options. 

Go with eldest to an activity they have so they can learn the route to drive solo for future meetings. Helps alleviate anxiety when having to go to an unknown part of the metro. DH and I may then hit up a brewery while waiting for the activity to finish. 

Possibly bring kayaks to SILs for winter storage in her garage. 

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Finishing up yesterday's list -- 

have had coffee, and started on the closet stuff (tackling the stuff on the shelves); am about halfway through but taking a break for food. 

DH is outside doing yard stuff, planting some plants we bought (into pots, b/c they won't winter in the ground) and cleaning up stuff. 

Once I finish the closet, if there's time, I'll sew the strips and then this afternoon DH & I are going to nephew's bday party for a bit. 

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Howdie, happy Sunday!

Today I need to be the hag.  Grades and housework and character issues.  I am not good at this part of being a mom.  I already caved on one thing before my first sip of coffee.

Other than that ... basically everything I was supposed to do yesterday ... plus a few bigger things.


  • Woke up, yay me.
  • Confiscated 2 phones while the kids were asleep; one woke up and begged for "just one hour" so I gave hers back for now ... which was probably a mistake!
  • Personal hygiene for the day, played chase with the dog.
  • Ate a fruit, took vitamins, had to talk about important things before my coffee, got a headache, took Tylenol.
  • Caught up on personal and work emails.
  • Emailed kid about unfinished homework.  Hoping we don't fight all day.  (Why didn't I advise her to take easier courses this year??)

To do:

  • Yoga etc.
  • Get Kid2 to do some things before she has to go to work.
  • Keep tabs on Kid1's homework progress.
  • Populate new calendar.
  • Some personal accounting / financial things.
    • Pay bills.
    • Make donations.
    • Tax info for CPA.
    • Compute and settle household IOUs.
    • Update automatic cash transfers.
  • Catch up on reading news and similar stuff from the past week.
  • Get some client work done; try to put a significant dent in my work inbox.
  • All of the laundry.
  • Walk the dog?  And various other pup duties.
  • Complete my parents' tax return.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Plugging away on the closet -- almost done. Papers that we took out of our too-small-safe, but really shouldn't be just lying around, are organized and stowed in the (new to us, from FIL) big safe now. 

Photos, from far flung corners of the closet, are all in one giant tote. Not ideal, but will do for now. Also, calendars from 2006 to 2022, missing only years 2012 and 2013. I wonder where those are? those were big years....(we write *everything* on the wall calendar, so these are sort of a family diary/log book of sorts). 

Unearthed a box of VHS tapes. Checked online if anyone still even converts them - found a local guy. Culled the ones that were obviously not worth anything (Friends-ER Premier, anyone?), have the rest in a box on the shelf and will contact the guy sometime stealthily and arrange conversion to digital; his prices are reasonable, and he doesn't charge if an unlabeled tape turns out to be an old TV show or something you clearly don't want saved. Will make a fantastic gift for DH for Christmas/Bday. 

Need to go move the trashbags to the big trash bin outside, figure out where/what to do with a box of empty frames, filled frames we took down, etc. - can DH put it back on a shelf? Attic? Under the bed? Find places to hang the things? 

Refilling the water, will do that, and then lunch/nap before we have to go to the party, probably. 

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2nd load is in the washer.

Did a little cleaning in kid's room.  Her birthday is this week & I bought her a little corner storage unit.  But (or because) the corner is full of cluttery stuff.  I need to get my kid to go through the gajillion cosmetic items in that mess and probably throw most of it out.  But, I got a start by moving stuff I'm sure she won't care about.

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Good Afternoon 

checked out what’s left of woodpile. Looks more manageable to load rest to compost sight. Would like to get done before snows so unwanted critters can be evicted.

replace batteries in solar light

wash towels and bedding

help ds revise resume

update one of online stores

outdoor cement deer need spot painting touch ups where squirrels chewed paint off 


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Won't do the kayaks today... Did go get insulated subfloor panels... That should solve the egress height thing the inspector got hung up on. He didn't really look at anything else and made a big deal about an inch when we didn't have flooring in (because that was not requirement for the final inspection). Once that is in, it will be more than fine 

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Visited mom. She is doing ok. Got her ipad on the wifi and a football game on the tv. Didn’t much like the hospitalist, but whatever. Mom is probably headed to rehab on Tuesday 

Quick grocery trip for two things. 

Rice is cooking. Coconut curry shrimp for dinner.

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you all, I know I haven't been on here, but i have a prayer request.

My youngest is getting SLP therapy which we really can't afford. There is a program in our state where you can get certain things paid for if you have an IEP with the school district. I am having a horrible time connecting with an advocate. I think I finally have found one who could possibly help. If we can't get the IEP, I need to find a job, and start looking immediately. Please pray that there would be clarity on this.  In general I am feeling very stressed about the idea of finding a job since my youngest still needs me a lot for school and my parents have had seasons of really needing my help very recently. It's just complicated and hard. 

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@cintinative, I have been missing you. I'm sorry you are facing hard decisions, and I will be praying!

@math teacher, yikes! I'm allergic to fire ants, so I don't do yard work as a general rule. We had our entire yard professionally treated last year, and so far they haven't come back. I do wear rubber rain boots when I need to do stuff. 

@mommyoffive, did they go well? I hope you can get some rest now!

We have 70 quilts for the show unless more come in this week. In the morning, we start what I think will be the hardest part...deciding which goes on the walls and which goes on the big racks in the middle of the gallery. 

The women's event was good, but the afterparty was planned for outside. It was colder than I thought it would be. 

I've done several precalculus problems, and I'm going to watch a little something to settle down. 




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I ended up doing more cleaning / reorganizing / purging in the kids' rooms, not that the results will last!

I finished all the laundry, including putting everything away before the kids went to bed.  Usually I intend to do that but fall short, so I'm glad I don't have any loose ends as far as laundry.

I paid the bills, made a donation, and figured out how to do an online city tax payment for a business.  So many steps ....

I got through everything in my personal email inbox (though there are some things I'm leaving in there as "reminders.")

I really didn't putz much today, and yet there are so many things I didn't get to.  😕

But, I just realized that all the banks are closed tomorrow, so hopefully that means most of my clients won't be up my butt.  Yay!

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