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Ramblings about an article someone told me about “All parents have a favorite child”

Indigo Blue

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I don’t have a favorite at all. And I don’t think I could. I feel a responsibility to them all that completely overrides all my other evaluations of them.

So, I might have a kid I’m having an easier time with, or even a kid I currently respect/like more as a person. But it just doesn’t change that I couldn’t have a favorite.

At our most dysfunctional, DH had a favorite. I don’t think he does anymore. It was screwed up. 

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I don’t have a favorite now, but I did have a favorite baby. One of mine was just a darn perfect baby and the other 3 were not good sleepers, so I can understand having a favorite- some are just easier (that particular one is probably my hardest currently).

I also think the stage they are in can make a difference. My youngest is my only one who isn’t a teen/tween and honestly I am a little more fond of him. All my kids are great, but he still gets really excited to see me, hugs me, etc. The others love me, but they are more teen boy about it.

My husband would say my oldest might be my favorite, and it is true that I worry about him the most, but I think that is normal because everything with him is new. 

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7 hours ago, Kidlit said:

I, too, think the title of the article is clickbait. 🙄

I used to tell my kids when they were little, "You're my favorite (insert kid's name here) in the world," and it's true.  

I'm a fairly self-aware person, and in my heart of hearts I really don't think I have a favorite child. 

I tell my kids this, too. :)

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I don't think that I have a favorite child.

However, I prefer cooking with one over the others.

And I prefer watching movies with a different child.

And watching sports with yet another.

And I have a favorite travel companion...

It just depends on the situation, but overall I don't think I have a "favorite" child.

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

I don't think that I have a favorite child.

However, I prefer cooking with one over the others.

And I prefer watching movies with a different child.

And watching sports with yet another.

And I have a favorite travel companion...

It just depends on the situation, but overall I don't think I have a "favorite" child.

Gosh, yes. This. 

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3 hours ago, Kassia said:

I think anxiety is where it started. DH would travel and I'd be left with small children and no one around to help (we were the only home for miles at the time) and I didn't know what I would do if we needed to get out of the house quickly.  

A friend of mine had to do this. She had 4 small children when their garage caught on fire and she was home alone. It was fully engulfed when she noticed and the house was close by.

She got the youngest two out, ran back in to get the older two out. Was going to run back in to get her car keys but the neighbors stopped her.

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3 hours ago, vonfirmath said:

A friend of mine had to do this. She had 4 small children when their garage caught on fire and she was home alone. It was fully engulfed when she noticed and the house was close by.

She got the youngest two out, ran back in to get the older two out. Was going to run back in to get her car keys but the neighbors stopped her.

Wow, that's terrifying.  So glad she got the kids out and everyone was okay.  

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I don't have a favorite. 

I agree with the people who said that there are times one kid needs you more or circumstances are such that you are closer to that child but I think that different than having a favorite or loving on more.  I think it often changes who you feel closer to though. My oldest is very similar to me and we used to be closer due to both being big readers and sharing a lot of interests. We're still close but he's in college now and he's not a big talker so the relationship has definitely shifted. My second son was very hard to homeschool and that caused more conflict between us when he was younger.  But he's also had a rough few years the past few years and that has meant we've grown closer in a lot of ways as we've had to have hard conversations and deal with some tough things. And now we've spent a lot more time one on one and have more new shared interests. And my daughter is my only daughter which has always meant that we have sort of a special relationship different from her brothers. 

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