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Well-trained bodies - July

Laura Corin

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Dd and I took the dogs to agility this morning, then I met up with a friend and we biked for 2 hours. We visited some waterfalls, and ended up in town at the best gelato place! I also found a super cute metal rooster at an antique shop that fit in my little backpack. Super fun! I'm resting now, and will play some tennis this evening.  

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Got in a really nice dog walk this morning, as well as a bike ride. Tennis was very fun last night! I'm playing tennis for the next 4 days, so I'm very happy to have a rest day today. 😉 

I keep seeing wildflowers on my dog walks that I want to share photos of with everyone, but my phone won't let me email them to myself anymore. I'll have to do some more tech exploration. I saw a pretty thistle in bloom this morning and it made me think of Scotland and Laura! ☺️

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I had trouble getting to this thread Saturday (dh needs to clean up my computer a bit I think)--all I did this weekend was some yoga. And I cleaned the top half of the kitchen really well too, but that doesn't count as exercise. It was my yearly get-all-the-grease-off-everything cleaning where I get the ladder out and tackle the tops of the cabinets.

30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. Maybe I'll get the lower cabinets cleaned today so I can mark the kitchen off my project list.

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Yesterday was a quiet day - dog walking, walk up the den, house work.

Today I'm back to work - lunchtime walk up the 'doomed cows track' (there's a field up there where every year they pasture dairy bull calves until they are slaughtered before the winter).  This evening, bizarrely, I'm going to do some yoga in a yurt, followed by sharing strawberries.  It's my new favourite teacher, so I'm really just going for the yoga.

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31 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Yesterday was a quiet day - dog walking, walk up the den, house work.

Today I'm back to work - lunchtime walk up the 'doomed cows track' (there's a field up there where every year they pasture dairy bull calves until they are slaughtered before the winter).  This evening, bizarrely, I'm going to do some yoga in a yurt, followed by sharing strawberries.  It's my new favourite teacher, so I'm really just going for the yoga.

Enjoy your yoga and strawberries (just in time for post-Wimbledon). ☺️

How big do the dairy bull calves get? That could be potentially a lot of testosterone flowing in one field! 😨

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20 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Enjoy your yoga and strawberries (just in time for post-Wimbledon). ☺️

How big do the dairy bull calves get? That could be potentially a lot of testosterone flowing in one field! 😨

Yes, highly hormonal.  There's no way I'm venturing in there.  Some look like calves still when they 'disappear' but the others have the hefty shoulders (etc!) of bulls.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Yes, highly hormonal.  There's no way I'm venturing in there.  Some look like calves still when they 'disappear' but the others have the hefty shoulders (etc!) of bulls.

They are definitely not the milder, smaller highland cattle, I'm assuming. I love those guys! So furry. The young calves are cute as a button!

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We are having air quality warnings again from the wildfires so nothing outside.   Had to head into work early and hang out for a while and forgot to take my allergy medicine and didn't have my inhaler so couldn't do much but some light yoga while waiting around. 

It's been a rough couple days.  Woke up to tornado alerts very early Sunday morning, and never quite felt like I got back on track.  Felt like I was half asleep all day.

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It was a busy day today, with weird air quality causing my allergy asthma to come out. Did a nice long dog walk, a bike ride to pick up some craft supplies, then played 2 hrs of fast-paced mixed doubles from 8 - 10pm. All this pushed my work team into first place for the summer fitness challenge! Yay team!! ☺️

The only drawback is that I also play tennis first thing tomorrow morning. When to shower? 🤔 Tonight, tomorrow or both?

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Yesterday (Tuesday) I did yoga in the morning. I was going to hike with friends but both had other things come up so I did 3 miles with my dog, but way too late in the day (too hot!). Then did a 15 min walk with dd when I visited her. Today was 30 min on the treadmill.

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Late start to my day as I slept in. I couldn't sleep last night. When my foggy brain cleared, and I got in enough hours of work, I took the dogs for a walk in the woods and then went on a nice bike ride to pick up a few items. I also tried to sit outside this evening and enjoy my waterfall, but the mosquitoes were hungry. I had to retreat back inside, and I ended up eating way too much ice cream. 😅

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Haven't done much for a couple days.   I was working on doing some clean up and fell off a step ladder a couple days ago.   Luckily I fell on a clear place on the floor, landed flat on my back.  But my lower back/butt is bruised and sore, plus a few other places.   It's getting better today but I've basically been sitting on a pillow with lots of epsom salts and advil for the past couple days.  I'm hoping to get back into some gentle yoga and maybe a walk today.  

I did rejoin Weight Watchers yesterday to hopefully get a handle on food.  I joined last year with some promotion, did it through the promotion and then thought I could stick to it on my own.  Did for a little while than drifted off.   So I'm going to try again, I did okay when I was on the plan.   Hardest part is starting Saturday every person in our house has a birthday in the next month.  

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50 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

Haven't done much for a couple days.   I was working on doing some clean up and fell off a step ladder a couple days ago.   Luckily I fell on a clear place on the floor, landed flat on my back.  But my lower back/butt is bruised and sore, plus a few other places.   It's getting better today but I've basically been sitting on a pillow with lots of epsom salts and advil for the past couple days.  I'm hoping to get back into some gentle yoga and maybe a walk today.  

I did rejoin Weight Watchers yesterday to hopefully get a handle on food.  I joined last year with some promotion, did it through the promotion and then thought I could stick to it on my own.  Did for a little while than drifted off.   So I'm going to try again, I did okay when I was on the plan.   Hardest part is starting Saturday every person in our house has a birthday in the next month.  

Sorry to hear about your fall.

@wintermom sugar is so often the 'cure' for a sleepless night.

I slept poorly the night before last and just ran some errands at lunchtime. Today is much better and I took a brisk in-town walk. The picture shows  star-flowered Ragwort, wild Mullein/Verbascum and orange Dock flowers.

I love Mullein  - it can grow six feet tall in almost no soil. I admire its ambition. Ragwort is dangerous to horses and other livestock but is also a good wildlife plant. Dock is a menace just because it spreads so easily and has such deep roots.


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I did my old Jessica Smith Dumbbell workout today because I wanted a 30 min workout with dumbbells that I could survive (the shorter Fitbymiks feel like they could be too much for 30 min but I don't know because I haven't tried a longer one of hers). Good workout--feeling it in the shoulders.

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So much walking yesterday. I took a pleasant zip around the block with dh when he paused for lunch, and then later I took a much longer walk while talking to a friend on the phone. We went to my niece's house for dinner and we all took a walk after dinner to the nearby lake--it was lovely as the sun was setting. 

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7 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

Haven't done much for a couple days.   I was working on doing some clean up and fell off a step ladder a couple days ago.   Luckily I fell on a clear place on the floor, landed flat on my back.  But my lower back/butt is bruised and sore, plus a few other places.   It's getting better today but I've basically been sitting on a pillow with lots of epsom salts and advil for the past couple days.  I'm hoping to get back into some gentle yoga and maybe a walk today.  

I did rejoin Weight Watchers yesterday to hopefully get a handle on food.  I joined last year with some promotion, did it through the promotion and then thought I could stick to it on my own.  Did for a little while than drifted off.   So I'm going to try again, I did okay when I was on the plan.   Hardest part is starting Saturday every person in our house has a birthday in the next month.  

Ouch! Hope you feel better soon. When I fall like that my neck muscles get really sore, too, but not enough that I noticed right away. You may want to include some gentle neck stretches in with our gentle yoga.

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I didn't sleep well or long enough last night. I'm managing to function enough to do my work, but I'll probably crash and need a nap this afternoon. I'm hoping to get a dog walk in before I crash. After a nice nap, I'm playing some singles tennis.

Mixed tennis was interesting - mixed good and bad. The couple dh and I played with are ulta competitive - especially the woman. It was more annoying than a nice friendly recreational match should be. There is a reason I don't play competitive anymore - I just want to have fun.

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I drove up into the Highlands and walked for eight steep miles. I wanted to reach a pass and look over into the next glen, but I suspected I was the last person on the trail today, and I didn't want to get over-tired and make a mistake, so I turned back a bit short of that.  Here's a view up the glen from where I had lunch.

Eta then a photo looking back down the glen, and finally Harebells.




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@Laura Corin Gorgeous photos, as always! What spectacular views! It must have been a wonderful hike. It's hard to get a true sense of how steep the mountains actually are without trees. How far a drive is it for you to reach the highlands?

@Harriet Vane Glad you had a nice canoe paddle. Was the water off-colour? Our waterways can get high algea as the summer heat rises. Fortunately, we've had a lot of rain to keep the water cool.

@Brittany1116 Your vacation sounds lovely! I agree with you totally about golf and bowling. I would golf if it involved running to your ball, with someone else bringing the bag and clubs. 😉 

It's been a very active weekend, with some tummy issues dragging my down a little. I got out for some lovely dog walks, a kayak paddle with a friend, cycling and playing doubles tennis with my ds as a partner. He is so fun to play with, as he is young, tall and fast, and he can reach most of the balls on our side of the court. I can sit back and watch him go. 😅

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Gorgeous photos, as always! What spectacular views! It must have been a wonderful hike. It's hard to get a true sense of how steep the mountains actually are without trees. How far a drive is it for you to reach the highlands?

@Harriet Vane Glad you had a nice canoe paddle. Was the water off-colour? Our waterways can get high algea as the summer heat rises. Fortunately, we've had a lot of rain to keep the water cool.

@Brittany1116 Your vacation sounds lovely! I agree with you totally about golf and bowling. I would golf if it involved running to your ball, with someone else bringing the bag and clubs. 😉 

It's been a very active weekend, with some tummy issues dragging my down a little. I got out for some lovely dog walks, a kayak paddle with a friend, cycling and playing doubles tennis with my ds as a partner. He as so fun to play with, as he is young, tall and fast, and he can reach most of the balls on our side of the court. I can sit back and watch him go. 😅

Yes, sooooooo much thick algae. The water was greenish and murky with the algae on top. As the canoes paddled through they made an open path in the algae. It was not very appealing. I love canoeing and kept thinking it was just one patch or that it would get better around the bend but it never did. 

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We drove all day, so no exercise to speak of. This week will be crazy as I am working and also caretaking all week--first a couple days with a friend who has dementia and then a couple days with two very challenging teenagers. My friend enjoys walking, so planning on that. I'm hoping to take the teens to the zoo if the heat isn't too overwhelming.

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Gorgeous photos, as always! What spectacular views! It must have been a wonderful hike. It's hard to get a true sense of how steep the mountains actually are without trees. How far a drive is it for you to reach the highlands?

@Harriet Vane Glad you had a nice canoe paddle. Was the water off-colour? Our waterways can get high algea as the summer heat rises. Fortunately, we've had a lot of rain to keep the water cool.

@Brittany1116 Your vacation sounds lovely! I agree with you totally about golf and bowling. I would golf if it involved running to your ball, with someone else bringing the bag and clubs. 😉 

It's been a very active weekend, with some tummy issues dragging my down a little. I got out for some lovely dog walks, a kayak paddle with a friend, cycling and playing doubles tennis with my ds as a partner. He as so fun to play with, as he is young, tall and fast, and he can reach most of the balls on our side of the court. I can sit back and watch him go. 😅

Sorry about the tummy troubles.

It's about an  80 minute drive to that ranger station. The good thing about the Highlands is that you don't start hiking from a high plateau,  like in the Rockies in Colorado,  so the air is not thin   - the ranger station is at about 280m. I would estimate that my total walking elevation change was only about 300 metres, but it was pretty steep and rocky at the end. 

Sunday was quiet  - some light gardening, a walk up the den, family time.

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Hello ladies,

@wintermom sent me a message so I thought I'd pop in. I keep meaning to but as things go I keep forgetting it when I have the time. It was lovely to read up on everyone to see you all are doing.

It's been 6 months since my injury. I made it nearly 2 weeks off the gapapentin in May or June but then added it back. I then decided I need to wait until the pain is lessened enough to wean off the ibuprofen before I attempt it again. I'm now down to 2 ibuprofen a day. (At the highest I was at 9, then 8, then 5+ tylenol, 5+ decreasing doses of tylenol, 5 no tylenol, 3 ibuprofen, and now 2). 

My ROM continues to improve and my pain lessen. There are no huge strides, just tiny incremental improvements.

I'm trying to move more but have had a horrible time getting in the groove. Trying to figure out what I can do and then worrying I'll make things worse.

I *can* play pickleball now but there have been very few postings for games and I don't know any other people that play. Evidently, there is also a text chain for the group. I asked to be on the text chain- the lady said she added me but doesn't have my phone number (and when I said something about that she ignored me) and I've got no texts. It makes me not want to even try. They are all friendly to me on the rare occasion that they post on the FB group and I can go but apparently, I'm not good enough or whatever to make it on the text chain. 

I tried out a kickboxing class last week. Most of it felt fine (although I have to modify on my bad side for kicks- I cannot fully extend that leg). Punches are obviously fine. I should have skipped squats. They aggravate it- even going slow and easy with no weights. I think I'll try it again and modify more. It got my HR up,, there is a class the same time as the girls' TKD and they were welcoming. 

 Where I'm at currently. Trying to keep my steps up and trying out some different upper-body strength stuff twice a week. We'll see for this week I've currently got a virus of some sort. Covid test was negative but I've been really exhausted this weekend, tummy slightly off, and a bit stuffy. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Hello ladies,

@wintermom sent me a message so I thought I'd pop in. I keep meaning to but as things go I keep forgetting it when I have the time. It was lovely to read up on everyone to see you all are doing.

It's been 6 months since my injury. I made it nearly 2 weeks off the gapapentin in May or June but then added it back. I then decided I need to wait until the pain is lessened enough to wean off the ibuprofen before I attempt it again. I'm now down to 2 ibuprofen a day. (At the highest I was at 9, then 8, then 5+ tylenol, 5+ decreasing doses of tylenol, 5 no tylenol, 3 ibuprofen, and now 2). 

My ROM continues to improve and my pain lessen. There are no huge strides, just tiny incremental improvements.

I'm trying to move more but have had a horrible time getting in the groove. Trying to figure out what I can do and then worrying I'll make things worse.

I *can* play pickleball now but there have been very few postings for games and I don't know any other people that play. Evidently, there is also a text chain for the group. I asked to be on the text chain- the lady said she added me but doesn't have my phone number (and when I said something about that she ignored me) and I've got no texts. It makes me not want to even try. They are all friendly to me on the rare occasion that they post on the FB group and I can go but apparently, I'm not good enough or whatever to make it on the text chain. 

I tried out a kickboxing class last week. Most of it felt fine (although I have to modify on my bad side for kicks- I cannot fully extend that leg). Punches are obviously fine. I should have skipped squats. They aggravate it- even going slow and easy with no weights. I think I'll try it again and modify more. It got my HR up,, there is a class the same time as the girls' TKD and they were welcoming. 

 Where I'm at currently. Trying to keep my steps up and trying out some different upper-body strength stuff twice a week. We'll see for this week I've currently got a virus of some sort. Covid test was negative but I've been really exhausted this weekend, tummy slightly off, and a bit stuffy. 

Thanks so much for popping in!! It is always great to see you. So glad that your injury recovery has come so far. That is fantastic! Sorry there is still lingering pain and reduced ROM. 

Also sorry that the pickleball people are being less accessible. My only guess is that with the huge popularily of this activity, and court limitations, it's simply that they are overwhelmed with the people that are already coming. 

I truly admire your willingness to get out there and try new activities, such as kick-boxing! That's so inspiring, as it shows great flexibility and courage to try something new, and begin at stage one in the learning process. It's going to be incredible for your mind and body, pushing yourself to make new connections and synopsis! Kick-boxing is way more cool and a better work-out than pickleball anyway! 😉  My favourite part of Taekwon-do training was when we did kicking and punching drills. I felt so powerful and alive! 

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9 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Yes, sooooooo much thick algae. The water was greenish and murky with the algae on top. As the canoes paddled through they made an open path in the algae. It was not very appealing. I love canoeing and kept thinking it was just one patch or that it would get better around the bend but it never did. 

I totally agree with you - not fun. Hope you can find alternative water to paddling in, or at the very least, have time to paddle in the fall when temps cool and the algae dies of. Canoeing and kayaking are such amazing activities!

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@Soror Good to hear from you and hope the healing progress continues.

30 min on the treadmill this morning. We have middle dd here for most of this week--yes, that did involve a midnight airport run. No exercise yesterday--day of rest (very literally after getting home at 2:00am).

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I got a really nice surprise this morning - I'd forgotten that I was playing ladies doubles tennis with some fantastic women. It was a lot of fun, and we are playing again next week! I got in a nice dog walk, then a nice long walk with my dd and the dog she is dog sitting. I'm hoping my legs aren't too sore tonight. I've already had a nice long bath with epson salts. 

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Morning.  Did yoga and under desk elliptical the past two days.  The rest of this week I'm going to be involved in our 4H fair.  First set up, then running activities so I won't have much time.   It's also going to be super hot - heat index of 105 on Friday - so will be limiting activity.  

Doing yoga yesterday, my butt still hurts from when I fell.  I can't really lie down flat without pain.

@Laura Corin I love the pictures from your hikes and walks.   What a beautiful area.   How long does it take you to walk 8 or 10 miles?

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6 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

@Laura Corin I love the pictures from your hikes and walks.   What a beautiful area.   How long does it take you to walk 8 or 10 miles?

I'm sorry you are still sore.

On the flat or on gentle hills, I normally walk at around three miles an hour on long walks.  I took a lot of rests, though, on that steeper hike on Saturday.  Overall (including lunch and rests) that walk took 3 1/2 hours.

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I went for a short walk with a friend yesterday. I've been caring for a friend who has dementia for a couple days while her husband is teaching at a conference. Her stamina isn't what it used to be, but we did get in about a half mile. Today is just a rest day for me as I'm pretty sleep deprived at this point. 

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Not great sleep here, either. The dogs persuaded me to take them for their morning walk even though I wasn't really up for it. They dragged me along, and I did feel more alive afterwards. They are great physical trainers and therapists! ☺️

I'm scheduled to play some singles tennis this evening, so hopefully the coffee will kick in soon and I'll be more awake. Wish I could get my sleep more consistent. 

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Lots of short walks today. I'm getting over a mysterious ankle pain that came on a couple of days ago - it was caused by nothing at all that I could discern. What my husband calls an old-age present.

In better fitness news - I  have my new NHS hearing aids. The world is a bit startling at present,  but I know my brain will adapt. 

Husband is taking Hobbes down to England on Sunday to help him move, so I need to work out a public transport Sunday hike,  as we only have one car.

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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Lots of short walks today. I'm getting over a mysterious ankle pain that came on a couple of days ago - it was caused by nothing at all that I could discern. What my husband calls an old-age present.

In better fitness news - I  have my new NHS hearing aids. The world is a bit startling at present,  but I know my brain will adapt. 

Husband is taking Hobbes down to England on Sunday to help him move, so I need to work out a public transport Sunday hike,  as we only have one car.

I get those weird "injuries while I sleep" as well. Gottal love getting old! 😅

Good for you to get used to hearing aids while you are young and avoid spending years struggling through without (like certain parents of mine who shall remain nameless). All the best adjusting to then!

Can you take a bus out onto the Moor, like in "Heartbeat" and hike back home? 😉  I've taken a train up onto a mountain plateau in Norway and skied into the country side in the winter or hiked in the spring/summer/fall. Pretty neat experience! Cant' really be done in Canada. We don't have that kind of infrastructure, sadly.

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6 hours ago, wintermom said:

I get those weird "injuries while I sleep" as well. Gottal love getting old! 😅

Good for you to get used to hearing aids while you are young and avoid spending years struggling through without (like certain parents of mine who shall remain nameless). All the best adjusting to then!

Can you take a bus out onto the Moor, like in "Heartbeat" and hike back home? 😉  I've taken a train up onto a mountain plateau in Norway and skied into the country side in the winter or hiked in the spring/summer/fall. Pretty neat experience! Cant' really be done in Canada. We don't have that kind of infrastructure, sadly.

My husband has had hearing aids for years, so I have a good coach. My mum could not hear anything at the end of her life and had lost her tolerance for hearing aids during the isolation of the pandemic - it was hard.

My walk to the sea is as you describe  - I either walk then bus back, or vice versa. However, last night I found a leaflet from the local Ramblers Association that includes a nine-mile loop that passes close to home. I've been curious about walks in that direction so I think I'll do that if it's not too muddy.

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5 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

My husband has had hearing aids for years, so I have a good coach. My mum could not hear anything at the end of her life and had lost her tolerance for hearing aids during the isolation of the pandemic - it was hard.

My walk to the sea is as you describe  - I either walk then bus back, or vice versa. However, last night I found a leaflet from the local Ramblers Association that includes a nine-mile loop that passes close to home. I've been curious about walks in that direction so I think I'll do that if it's not too muddy.

Good luck, Rambling woman! ☺️ Hope you have a great time!

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Today I did a 15 min Fitbymik dumbbell workout followed by a 15 min Fitbymik cardio workout. Note to self: do not be fooled by "lightweight dumbbells" in the title and think it is easy! Should have guessed that one would be tough on shoulders.

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I got in a nice dog walk in the rain this morning before heading to Quebec to see ds' graduation from the first leg of his officer training course. We were able to take him out to dinner after the ceremony, then we walked around the old town, by a lovely canal, and shopped in a vinyl record store. It was really fun to see the good old record covers from my youth, along with a couple surprises of new albums. I didn't know that it was a modern practice for music artists to created vinyl copies of their new albums. We were able to stay in an officer's room on the base, and there was a guest book in the room. It was really fun to see all the people who have stayed here over the last couple decades. I learned a lot of military acronyms reading through the book. 😄

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