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April Healthy Eating


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Breakfast--just a tiny bowl of low-sugar granola with nut milk, only enough to not be starving while exercising

Lunch--serving of fried/sauteed potatoes and a banana

Snack--popcorn with dh (planned for later tonight), dark chocolate

Dinner--green beans, sweet potato, salad, 1 small/thin pork chop (I'm trying to focus my plate on sides, with the main protein being a smaller size. So far so good.)

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Thursday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with nasturtiums and mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with snowcap beans (a new favorite), oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, kiwi, guava, pineapple, Galia melon, apple, longans, pomegranate, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, banana, fig, apricot, sour cherries, barberries, mango, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Mixed greens. Mashed edamame sandwich (got this idea from Vegan Michele on YouTube) - whole grain pita with edamame, spring onions, radishes, cucumber, carrots, sauerkraut, cashew mayo, mustard. A lemon poppyseed WellBean bar.

Dinner - Repeat of last night. Tacos (almond flour tortillas, mashed pinto beans, soy curls, onions, garlic, green chiles, Serrano peppers, avocado, cashew sour cream, salsa) plus Mexican buckwheat and rice.

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt 

lunch -  scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares of Dilettante dark chocolate with almonds 

dinner- zoodles in tomato pasta sauce, meatballs with pork, ground beef and mushrooms.  

two eggs before bedtime 

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Breakfast - enough coffee to create a force field around the planet. One bagel with peanut butter.

Lunch - two boiled eggs, too busy running around being driven bonkers by my mother in law

Dinner - Stopped on the road. We had my yummy veggie pasta salad, Clementine oranges, and hummus with veggies.

Y'all, she brought a huge suitcase, a carryon, two purses, a large backpack, and three shopping bags for five days! Just five days. This was only the beginning of the frustrations. If I end up reporting that I ate a one lb bag of peanut M&M's and drank enough long island iced tea to be pickled for a month, you will know what did me in. Be kind!

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So finally an update on the Lupini.

I let the soaking/rinsing cycle go a little longer than was probably necessary, but I finally called them "done" and have packed them in a jar in a light brine along with some fresh herbs from my garden (Rosemary, Syrian Oregano/Biblical Hyssop/Za'atar, and Thymbra spicata).

The Lupini are really good. Meaty and nutty. The texture still has some tooth. The flavor is mild, but it has something that's interesting.

The closest comparison (overall) is to Edamame, if you've had these fresh boiled soybeans. But the Lupini are significantly larger and somehow feel Italian rather than Asian (perhaps that's all mental?)

I first tried a sample plain, which were very good. I wanted more. So I had more. Then I still wanted more, so I seasoned afew with olive oil (EVO) and herbs. Wow! The Lupini carry the flavors. Starts getting to be an addictive snack.

One thing to mention, the skin of the Lupini is a bit tough. I developed an instant technique of popping the Lupini into my mouth using my teeth to pop off the skin and spitting out the remains. One could use a finger-pop. Mrs Spy Car--who was rushing out--felt no need for such prissiness and chopped them up whole. Good roughage.

Need to experiment more with seasonings. Smoked paprika might be a natural.

But was the "process" worth the end result? I'd say so. Definitely. Not only delicious, but supposedly about the most nutritious of beans.

Big thumbs up!


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19 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

The closest comparison (overall) is to Edamame, if you've had these fresh boiled soybeans. But the Lupini are significantly larger and somehow feel Italian rather than Asian (perhaps that's all mental?)


Edamame are so much simpler. 

Jean (who is lazy and prefers a ten minute recipe to a ten day one!)

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I've been working on things... still good without coffee (because I don't like it without a lot of sugar). Mostly getting my rainbows by the end of lunch instead of needing every last ingredient for the day. Today I tried sauteeing vegetables for the soup without any oil. It worked all right--I just had to add a little broth a couple of times. I want to tweak my recipes to reduce oil. And I would like to start considering eggs effectively meat, which means only for Mondays or special occasions.

breakfast today: cooked buckwheat with cinnamon and pecans, topped with half a sliced banana, some blueberries, a sliced strawberry, and a sprinkle of hemp hearts.

lunch today: black bean soup with carrots, celery, peas, and corn (and onions, garlic, cumin and tomato paste for flavor) in homemade veggie broth from the freezer. (This message was made possible by... Food Prep: Cutting up all the vegetables yesterday for healthy meals today!) And for mine, I threw in some leftovers from the fridge--pinto beans, a slice of potato, tomato, and more corn.

looking ahead to dinner: gf pizza (crust made from a mix) with tomato sauce, a vegan mozz I'm gonna have to make myself since the store was out 🙄, and probably half canned pineapple, half spinach and tomato.

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7 minutes ago, 73349 said:

I've been working on things... still good without coffee (because I don't like it without a lot of sugar). Mostly getting my rainbows by the end of lunch instead of needing every last ingredient for the day. Today I tried sauteeing vegetables for the soup without any oil. It worked all right--I just had to add a little broth a couple of times. I want to tweak my recipes to reduce oil. And I would like to start considering eggs effectively meat, which means only for Mondays or special occasions.

Sounds like you are doing great! One of my favorite things about getting rid of oil (besides the pounds dh and I dropped after cutting out all those calories) is how clean my kitchen stays now. No more greasy splatters on the stovetop or in the oven, and no scrubbing needed for pots and pans. It’s a really nice perk!

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I think I seriously underplayed just how good (and how utterly addictive) Lupini are.

I made a batch earlier adding smoked Spanish sweet paprika to the olive oil and herbs, and that was a good call.

Then I started thinking a bit of Sherry vinegar would be the next perfect inclusion. But I thought I was out. Searched anyway. Tucked way in the back of a cabinet, I found a skinny little bottle of Spanish Sherry vinegar, with just a wee bit left. Heaven!

Not sure if an exclusive diet of coffee and Lupini counts as "healthy" eating, but if so...



Edited by Spy Car
Just how, not how just
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Friday - 

Breakfast - A sunflower fig WellBean bar while running errands. Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens and nasturtiums. Breakfast bowl with Blue Goose field peas, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, raspberries, blueberries, pomegranate, banana, kiwi, mango, longans, Galia melon, apple, pear, barberries, fig, sour cherries, apricot, dragon fruit, passion fruit, lemon and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Mixed greens. Ezekiel toast with avocado, edamame, roasted beets, garlic, sesame seeds, sriracha, cilantro microgreens. A Sumo orange.

Dinner - Homemade pizza night. Pizza #1 was our favorite Thai pizza (inspiration from Toni Okamoto at Plant Based on a Budget) with a delicious peanut sauce, baby garlic, red onion, crispy tofu, pineapple, carrot matchsticks, thinly sliced baby radishes. The second pizza had a tomato based sauce with baby garlic, red onion, artichoke hearts, green olives, grilled red and orange peppers, and roasted mushrooms.

I might make butter pecan banana nice cream if we have room for dessert.

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In case anyone thinks I might have been exaggerating.

Look at what I found. Just a spittle of Sherry vinegar in a skinny little bottle discovered in the darkest corner of the kitchen.

Purchased in which decade? Who knows. It is a Good Friday miracle!


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Not my best day. I woke up waaaaaay too early and have been so tired all day. Succumbed to hunger and craving to have some fast food fries while I was out and about. Didn't even occur to me to order a salad. I realized I had a banana in my bag I'd grabbed walking out the door, so I had that as well. The breakdown here was the combination of fatigue and not having a decent munchie bag along for the ride. 

Breakfast and lunch were fine, though, as was my midafternoon snack. For breakfast I ate a small sweet potato with two eggs, and for dinner I had chicken with quinoa and carrots. I had a handful of almonds and some dark chocolate mid-afternoon. 

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50 minutes ago, Spy Car said:

In case anyone thinks I might have been exaggerating.

Look at what I found. Just a spittle of Sherry vinegar in a skinny little bottle discovered in the darkest corner of the kitchen.

Purchased in which decade? Who knows. It is a Good Friday miracle!


Hey Bill, you neglected to attach your evidence.


Here it is:



That's it in the raggedly labeled skinny bottle on the right. Looks pretty good for its age.


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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt 

lunch -  scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares of Dilettante dark chocolate with almonds 

dinner- Cheeseburger on an Udi’s gf bun, salad with greens, cucumber, tomato, honey mustard dressing 

two eggs before bedtime 

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Saturday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens and nasturtiums. Breakfast bowl with soybeans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, pineapple, nectarine, pluot, kiwi, longans, apple, pear, barberries, fig, sour cherries, blueberries, pomegranate, dragon fruit, passion fruit, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens and microgreens, seaweed, cucumber, tomato, tofu, radishes, baby garlic, edamame, zucchini, Brazil nuts, beets, mushrooms, spicy peanut dressing. A Sumo orange.

Dinner - I made Monkey & Me’s Creamy Cauliflower Bean Soup - super easy and tasty. I used Borlotti and butter beans and threw in some roasted mushrooms, too. Served it over the last of the leftover Mexican barley and rice.

Dessert - We were too full for the butter pecan banana nice cream yesterday, but it is happening tonight.

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Breakfast: tofu scramble with ezekiel toast and avocado, smoothie with banana, frozen strawberries, dragon fruit and coconut water

Lunch: hamburger patty with tomato, onion and pickle

Dinner: Healing Brocolli Soup, Dandy blend, dried figs and later some coffee

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My trip report so far:

Friday we had enough coffee to win War of the Worlds, and send the aliens packing back to wherever with their green tails between their weasely legs! We ate breakfast at the hotel, scrambled eggs and GF cheerios. My mil piled her plate full of sausage and eggs and then put three packets of salt on the pile! You know, the woman on four BP meds and kidneys functioning at 32%. Today she ate an entire grapefruit immediately following the ingestion of her morning meds. 😠😠😠😱💀 But I digress.

At lunch we stopped for a picnic, and had bagels with peanuts butter, my yummy veggie and pasta salad, and hummus with veggie sticks. Mil complained about the fare, and then when we got to niece's, waxed poetical about my wonderful picnic lunch. 🙄🙄🙄

Dinner - niece made a wonderful vegetable stew, cheese board, and fruit. We enjoyed it a lot.

Today, Saturday:

Breakfast - scrambled eggs, toast, and oranges. Niece had GF bread for me.

Lunch - She took us to a lodge. The menu looked marvelous, but on the lunch menu it turned out they had only one item that was gluten free. I had the side salad. Very small. But that was fine. I don't need to eat heavy.

Snack - niece brought out chips and dip. But, I felt like I needed something healthier, and grabbed the leftover hummus and celery.

Dinner - We had buffalo chicken Quesadillas and veggies. It was a food splurge but yet not a bad one.

I fear tomorrow. Niece booked us for an Easter brunch. You all may end up putting me in food jail.

Edited by Faith-manor
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Yesterday I indulged in a couple of Reese's dark chocolate thins and a few pieces from dd3's Easter hunt. 

Today so far:

Soy yogurt/ raspberries and blueberries/ soy milk and homemade muesli/ granola with assorted nuts, seeds, Cocoa nibs, and unsweetened coconut and gf oats 

Greens smoothie- 3 cups spinach/ 1 cup mixed cherries and strawberries/ 3/4 cup soy milk/ 3 T flax and water

Spring rolls- carrot, cucumber, wild green onion, red pepper, and cilantro with homemade peanut sauce 

Planned for latter-

Matcha balls- matcha powder, pecans, walnuts, pepitas, hemp, dates, cocoa nibs

Grapefruit or some other fruit

Easter dinner - baked ham, roasted baby potato medley, asparagus.

Might make some gf rolls we'll see how much I feel like cooking. 

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Easter Sunday:

I had coffee and a bagel at 7:00 am.

Niece took us to Sunday brunch at 11 am. I am so proud of myself. I exercised serious restraint. I had a lovely salad of spring greens, broccoli, and carrots with a nice lemon dressing, and that was a good 1/4-1/3 of my dinner plate. I had a small piece of chicken breast with mushroom sauce, and a little taste of smoked trout. I had a serving of roast baby red, herbed potatoes, a little roasted cauliflower, and a stuffed mushroom that so was assured was gluten free, and given how good I feel, they were accurate. I did not eat a single thing off the dessert buffet which was incredibly beautiful and lavish, but since there was not a single GF thing except fruit which was scattered around piles of gorgeous gluten laden pastries, I shied away in horror and did not eat any berries. I did not have seconds of any of the other food I liked. Poor niece. I am fairly certain she paid a pretty penny for that brunch, and I didn't exactly eat her money's worth. But, while everyone else was experiencing food comas, demanding naps, and now feel somewhat lethargic. I am absolutely fine and went for a walk in the sunshine. Yay for me. And it was tough, because I really WANTED another helping of the roasted potatoes and the stuffed mushroom.

Edited by Faith-manor
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Well, it's Easter.

Breakfast: carrot smoothie, peanut butter & banana bowl.

Morning: once piece of lemon candy.

Lunch: vegan lasagna, and a bit of the peanut butter cup trifle I made.  I didn't particularly like it and am not tempted to have more.

I've been editing my recipe app so that salads, vegetarian main courses and lunches, and soups all show up on top. Less-awesome foods are at the bottom. And I took oil out of some things and reduced it in others.

Dinner will be raw veggies, some more lasagna, and a Free2B chocolate mint cup.

Could be worse. ETA: My digestive system was offended, though.

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Happy Easter!🐰🐣

Sunday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with scarlet runner beans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, chokeberries, elderberries, mango, guava, longans, apple, pear, banana, blueberries, blackberries, pomegranate, fig, sour cherries, barberries, orange and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, seaweed, tofu, edamame, tomato, beets, cucumber, baby radishes, garlic, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, spicy peanut dressing.

Dinner - Sushi (nori, tofu, brown rice, avocado, daikon radish, carrots, red cabbage, collard greens, radicchio, panko, black sesame seeds).

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt 

lunch -  half of a “lite” size salad- greens, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, steak pieces, honey mustard dressing;  toasted potato skins  

snack- a couple pieces of chocolate covered dried mangoes 

Dinner- other half of a “lite” size salad- greens, onions, tomatoes, green peppers, steak pieces, honey mustard dressing;  toasted potato skins

two eggs before bedtime 

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Easter was carb intensive. I was really swollen and achy last night—I’m not sure if the corn-intensive carbs caused this or I think it’s possible that the chocolate I assumed to be safe (did not read ingredients to my shame) might have contained milk. Saturday I  had had a carb-intensive dinner with friends (tamales). I was never diagnosed with any sensitivity to corn and tend to rely on corn tortillas 1-3 times per week, but this might be something to explore. Or possibly the wine contributed—I had a small glass (maybe a third full?) of Moscato and an even smaller serving of a Malaysian mead one of dh’s co-workers had given him. Maybe all of the above. 

I thought at the time that I had done pretty well skirting the line between participation and managing well what to eat. Was discouraged to be so swollen.

Breakfast—Hit the road at 6am and had deviled eggs in the car (mixed the yolks with  a high-quality, safe mayo and Dijon mustard). Tea (NS). Later, at ds’ home I had 2 oat bran muffins (homemade, that I rely on regularly) that I had brought specifically to nibble while the others had pancakes.

Lunch and dinner—I had the wine I mentioned with the family lunch. The family had baked feta pasta. I made myself a df, gf equivalent, and here’s where I think the problem may have occurred? I used a pasta I do not usually have, made from corn and rice—perhaps this brand is not reliable? Added fresh, oven-roasted tomatoes, fresh basil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and finally some Kite Hill df “cream cheese.” I have not had anything remotely like a cheesy pasta in years—this tasted lovely, especially with the fresh tomatoes and basil, so I ate it for both lunch and dinner. Portion size was totally reasonable and moderate. Also had fruit salad—just plain honeydew, grapes, and pineapple.

Snacked on dark chocolate. It was a little more than I might have on a regular day but not overly much. 

Am resolved to stick with veg/fruit and plain protein today—the swelling eased overnight but I think it’s a good idea to stick with some super-healthy basics to clear the system. 

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2 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Easter was carb intensive. I was really swollen and achy last night—I’m not sure if the corn-intensive carbs caused this or I think it’s possible that the chocolate I assumed to be safe (did not read ingredients to my shame) might have contained milk. Saturday I  had had a carb-intensive dinner with friends (tamales). I was never diagnosed with any sensitivity to corn and tend to rely on corn tortillas 1-3 times per week, but this might be something to explore. Or possibly the wine contributed—I had a small glass (maybe a third full?) of Moscato and an even smaller serving of a Malaysian mead one of dh’s co-workers had given him. Maybe all of the above. 

I thought at the time that I had done pretty well skirting the line between participation and managing well what to eat. Was discouraged to be so swollen.

Breakfast—Hit the road at 6am and had deviled eggs in the car (mixed the yolks with  a high-quality, safe mayo and Dijon mustard). Tea (NS). Later, at ds’ home I had 2 oat bran muffins (homemade, that I rely on regularly) that I had brought specifically to nibble while the others had pancakes.

Lunch and dinner—I had the wine I mentioned with the family lunch. The family had baked feta pasta. I made myself a df, gf equivalent, and here’s where I think the problem may have occurred? I used a pasta I do not usually have, made from corn and rice—perhaps this brand is not reliable? Added fresh, oven-roasted tomatoes, fresh basil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and finally some Kite Hill df “cream cheese.” I have not had anything remotely like a cheesy pasta in years—this tasted lovely, especially with the fresh tomatoes and basil, so I ate it for both lunch and dinner. Portion size was totally reasonable and moderate. Also had fruit salad—just plain honeydew, grapes, and pineapple.

Snacked on dark chocolate. It was a little more than I might have on a regular day but not overly much. 

Am resolved to stick with veg/fruit and plain protein today—the swelling eased overnight but I think it’s a good idea to stick with some super-healthy basics to clear the system. 

I am so sorry to hear you had trouble. Maybe it is a combo of unusual things like the pasta and the wine/mead, and the chocolate a sort of trifecta of abnormal things that lead your body to go, "Hey, what are you doing to me?" Sometimes mine can tolerate one change or splurge, maybe even two, but three is often a bridge too far.

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4 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Easter was carb intensive. I was really swollen and achy last night—I’m not sure if the corn-intensive carbs caused this or I think it’s possible that the chocolate I assumed to be safe (did not read ingredients to my shame) might have contained milk. Saturday I  had had a carb-intensive dinner with friends (tamales). I was never diagnosed with any sensitivity to corn and tend to rely on corn tortillas 1-3 times per week, but this might be something to explore. Or possibly the wine contributed—I had a small glass (maybe a third full?) of Moscato and an even smaller serving of a Malaysian mead one of dh’s co-workers had given him. Maybe all of the above. 

I thought at the time that I had done pretty well skirting the line between participation and managing well what to eat. Was discouraged to be so swollen.

Breakfast—Hit the road at 6am and had deviled eggs in the car (mixed the yolks with  a high-quality, safe mayo and Dijon mustard). Tea (NS). Later, at ds’ home I had 2 oat bran muffins (homemade, that I rely on regularly) that I had brought specifically to nibble while the others had pancakes.

Lunch and dinner—I had the wine I mentioned with the family lunch. The family had baked feta pasta. I made myself a df, gf equivalent, and here’s where I think the problem may have occurred? I used a pasta I do not usually have, made from corn and rice—perhaps this brand is not reliable? Added fresh, oven-roasted tomatoes, fresh basil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and finally some Kite Hill df “cream cheese.” I have not had anything remotely like a cheesy pasta in years—this tasted lovely, especially with the fresh tomatoes and basil, so I ate it for both lunch and dinner. Portion size was totally reasonable and moderate. Also had fruit salad—just plain honeydew, grapes, and pineapple.

Snacked on dark chocolate. It was a little more than I might have on a regular day but not overly much. 

Am resolved to stick with veg/fruit and plain protein today—the swelling eased overnight but I think it’s a good idea to stick with some super-healthy basics to clear the system. 

Do you get inflammation from nightshades?  I do, and the oven baked tomatoes (as tasty as I would find them) would contribute to inflammation for me. Also alcohol can be inflammatory though the resveratol (sp?) is sometimes said to be anti inflammatory. 

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1 hour ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Do you get inflammation from nightshades?  I do, and the oven baked tomatoes (as tasty as I would find them) would contribute to inflammation for me. Also alcohol can be inflammatory though the resveratol (sp?) is sometimes said to be anti inflammatory. 

I have not noticed an effect from nightshades. I eat peppers pretty frequently and have tomatoes on salad quite a lot as well. Vegetables generally are always good—when I am stiff and swollen often I revert to big salads and rice-free stirfry. 

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Monday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with Mayocoba beans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, nectarine, pluot, kiwi, guava, longans, banana, blueberries, blackberries, barberries, pomegranate, sour cherry, fig, apricot, passion fruit, dragon fruit, pineapple, lemon and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, edamame, tomato, cucumber, beets, carrot, radishes, tiger nuts, garlic, spicy peanut dressing. A blood orange and a lemon poppyseed WellBean bar.

Dinner - Leftover tofu/veggie sushi. Galia melon.

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 

snack- a flaxseed brownie bite


Tonight I made the world’s ugliest spring rolls (which I cut in half to make them easier to eat. ). Ingredients:  grilled chicken, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, various colored bell peppers in a spring roll wrapper. Thai peanut sauce for dipping. 


2 eggs before bed

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12 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:


breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 

snack- a flaxseed brownie bite


Tonight I made the world’s ugliest spring rolls (which I cut in half to make them easier to eat. ). Ingredients:  grilled chicken, cucumber, carrots, cabbage, various colored bell peppers in a spring roll wrapper. Thai peanut sauce for dipping. 


2 eggs before bed

LOL love the spring rolls. I'm still not the best at wrapping them but am slowly getting better. They still taste the same!

@Harriet Vane I'm sorry you are feeling yucky 😞

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I goofed and forgot you can't use fresh pineapple juice on ham so our Easter ham was mostly inedible. I'm pretty certain I've done this before because as soon as I checked it popped in my head. Doh. I salvaged off what I could and the animals feasted on the rest. The enzymes in fresh pineapple make it very, very mushy. 

I should have made something else to go with it but I just didn't want to so my supper was pretty paltry- a bit of asparagus, a few roasted potatoes, and a few bites of ham. I ended up eating 2 squares of homemade rice crispies and a Reese's Dark Thin. I should have just some fruit instead.


rasp and blueberries/homemade granola-muesli with asstd nuts+ seeds/ soy yogurt/ soy milk

2 corn tortillas// black beans/ jicama salad (red pepper, jicama, lime juice, spices, orange, avocado, cilantro, red onion) (From Simple REcipes)

2 matcha energy balls (dates, asstd seeds + nuts and matcha powder (from Run Fast. Cook Fast. Eat slow.)

green smoothie- cherries and strawberries/spinach/soy milk/ water/ cocoa/ flax + chia

quinoa+ brown rice pasta w/ broccoli, tomatoes, chickpeas, fresh basil, a bit of chicken, and parmesan and drizzle of evoo

mini snickers + mini Reese's+ 2 fruit chews

Today I had the same for breakfast. For lunch, I think I'll do scrambled eggs w/ turkey bacon, a giant pile of broccoli and grapefruit. Afternoon snack a smoothie and matcha balls again. Dinner I'll do my black bean tacos when the family has enchiladas. I'll probably have 1 or 2 Snickers minis in there.

I am doing better than usual with sweets around. Not entirely resisting but not going crazy, we'll call it a win.

I'm aiming for only meat at one meal, usually dinner, and accomplish that goal most days. For breakfast, I've been eating the same variation or some variation for over a year and want to try something new this week. I hope to find a recipe today.

Finishing off jicama and black bean taco fixings today. Plan to prep Thai Peanut Salad (with edamame, red cabbage, peppers, quinoa, cilantro and I don't remember what else) for lunches the rest of the week as I'll have some time today (ya!!!).


Edited by Soror
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Tuesday - 

Breakfast - A sunflower fig WellBean bar before an early vet visit. Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with beluga lentils, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, papaya, chokeberries, elderberries, barberries, kiwi, apple, pear, longans, pineapple, Galia melon, mango, banana, guava, fig, sour cherries, lemon and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, seaweed, eggplant, tomato, cucumber, baby radishes, dry roasted edamame, beets, carrot, jungle peanuts, spicy peanut dressing. A Sumo orange.

Dinner - A bowl of leftover cauliflower bean soup and pizza (whole wheat crust with artichoke hearts, grilled peppers, red onions, and garlic).

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 

snack- a flaxseed brownie bite


Black bean soup with black beans, broccoli, carrots, onions, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, bok choy, sugar snap peas, cabbage, bell peppers, topped with chopped avocado 

2 eggs before bed

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I've been gone for a bit, please consider all your posts "liked" and your great selves supported!

No rice, no corn, no wheat has been going well, my digestion likes it better.  I'm going to pick a wild greens salad this morning as the rain and sun have turned the yard from deep winter to tentative spring.

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Wednesday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens. Breakfast bowl with snowcap beans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, blueberries, strawberries, pomegranate, fig, nectarine, pluot, sour cherries, kiwi, guava, longans, banana, passion fruit, dragon fruit, lemon and lime zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, peaches, pineapple, canary melon, walnuts, flax, chia hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with kale, mixed microgreens, tofu, spaghetti squash, asparagus, tomato, mushrooms, baby radishes, garlic, beets, sesame seeds, pistachios, spicy peanut dressing. A walnut chocolate chip WellBean bar.

Dinner - A spinach/kale/arugula burger and half a black bean burger. Roasted Jerusalem artichokes and baby potatoes with garlic and herbs. Steamed asparagus.

Dessert - Butter pecan banana nice cream (our new favorite - Dr. Fuhrman’s recipe!).

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 


A gf cauliflower crust pizza with tomato sauce, cheese and uncured pepperoni  I also added mushrooms, onions and mixed greens to the top before baking for added nutrition  

2 eggs before bed

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Thursday - 

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens and coriander blossoms. Breakfast bowl with papa de rola beans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, apricot kernels, strawberries, blueberries, pomegranate, pineapple, kiwi, mango, longans, banana, pear, fig, elderberries, chokeberries, barberries, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, passion fruit, dragon fruit, lemon and lime zest, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - It was farrier day and I was rushed, so I just grabbed a black bean patty from the fridge, a clamshell of mixed microgreens, and a few pieces of canary melon.

Dinner - Tofu scrambles - I used Shane & Simple’s recipe and added in some extras (roasted mushrooms, yellow bell pepper, Anaheim pepper, onions). WFPB breakfast “sausage” from Nutcase Vegan - so good. Seitan “bacon” (got this in my produce box and gave it a try - pretty good). Steamed broccoli and cauliflower.

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 


Funny exchange with Sandra the friendly but pushy butcher:

“You don’t want that chicken. You want this instead because it’s buy-one-get-one-free.”

Me:  “but that’s flavorless chicken breast. I want thighs. “

She actually found me some bogo chicken thighs. 

Then she roots through my shopping cart. “You’re getting expensive cashews?  You don't want those. You want these pecans that are on clearance!”  

Me:  “no, I really do need cashews. “

Sandra-  “what about these chocolate covered nuts on sale?”

Me- “Sandra/ I’m making cashew chicken!  I need my cashews!  “

She let me have them…

Cashew chicken with chicken, cashews, broccoli, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, sugar snap peas, zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers of various colors, cabbage, bok choy; brown rice 

2 eggs before bed

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Friday -

Breakfast - Watercress with mixed greens and microgreens and coriander blossoms. Breakfast bowl with black ayocote beans, oats, barley flakes, wheat flakes, kiwi, longans, pineapple, canary melon, blueberries, pomegranate, dragon fruit, passion fruit, fig, nectarine, pluot, sour cherries, lemon and orange zest, mulberries, goji berries, goldenberries, walnuts, flax, chia, hemp, sunflower & pumpkin seeds, soy milk.

Lunch - Big salad with mixed greens, seaweed, tofu, edamame, tomato, carrot, beets, mushrooms, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, spicy peanut dressing. A few slices of apple and pear.

Dinner - A steamed artichoke and a bowl of French Country Cabbage Lentil Soup from Monkey & Me. First time I’ve made this recipe and it is a nice one - besides the cabbage and lentils, it has onions, carrots, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes. I skipped the red wine and added mushrooms and kale. Definitely a keeper!

Dessert - Dr. Fuhrman’s butter pecan banana nice cream, again. I usually make nice cream about 2x/week and rotate between a few of our favorite flavors, but this one is so good that it’s on repeat.

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It has been CRAZY! I won't regale you. Suffice it to say, mom in law.

Anyway, I am ready to get back to accountability, but it should be noted that I have been eating healthy food while the crazy was happening.

This morning, a bran muffin that I made GF. Uhm. Not tasty. Very healthy but will not be making them again. Coffee of gargantuan proportions.

Lunch - small salad, and a little pasta with marinara sauce.

Dinner - I threw two small pieces of chicken breast on the grill. Saute mushrooms, yum yum yum. I made a sheet pan of cubed potatoes, diced carrots, and broccoli tossed with garlic, onion, thyme, and rosemary, and sunflower oil. Roasted it all. Absolutely delicious. 

No snacking tonight.

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breakfast- keto blueberry cinnamon crunch granola with coconut yogurt. 

lunch- scrambled eggs with onions, mushrooms and mixed greens; 1/2 flaxseed muffin, 2 squares chocolate 

dinner- rice bowl salad (Romaine lettuce, diced green bell pepper, black beans, diced tomatoes, cheddar cheese, grilled chicken over a bed of rice, topped with cilantro avocado-ranch lime dressing.)

2 eggs before bed

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Mid-month check-in time. I have rainbows every day this month, average number of entries per day up from about 9 to 15. Any given food can only be counted once per day, so although I had carrots twice today, they only counted once.

DH bought me chips today when he stopped at a store; I ate them. (They're a kind he and DS hate.) But then I asked him not to buy more. He bought a brownie to offer me, too, but I will let DS have it tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be my first coffee occasion of the month. (ICYMI, I only like coffee with a generous tablespoon of sugar and several ounces of oat milk.) Might have more with MIL when she visits the week after next.

I have sweet potatoes cooked and frozen for a couple of easy breakfasts.

I've hit my water goal 12 days out of 15.

Edited by 73349
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