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Where do you keep your batteries?


Where do you keep your batteries?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. My husband and I are having a debate.

    • In your refrigerator meat drawer
    • Elsewhere in the refrigerator
    • Not in the refrigerator

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

why would I keep that in a fridge!!!! I have never heard of anyone keeping super glue in a fridge!!! no wonder you guys have massive sized fridges over there, to fit all the non food items 

 that would be extremely dangerous. It would be then accessible by my twins with disabilities who are extremely light fingered and have no impulse control. 

 nope Supper glue is hidden and I buy those single use tubes.

The person you quoted has her location as Australia so your continual putting down of Americans (as "you guys over there" ) is unwarranted. 

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

why would I keep that in a fridge!!!! I have never heard of anyone keeping super glue in a fridge!!! no wonder you guys have massive sized fridges over there, to fit all the non food items 

 that would be extremely dangerous. It would be then accessible by my twins with disabilities who are extremely light fingered and have no impulse control. 

 nope Supper glue is hidden and I buy those single use tubes.

According to google it increases the shelf life, but I do it just because that’s what I’ve always done. 

I thought it was an Australian wide thing, my parents (WA) did it and so did my husband’s (NSW), one of the few things that didn’t seem to change from coast to coast. Obviously you have additional considerations beyond just optimal storage conditions.



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46 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

The person you quoted has her location as Australia so your continual putting down of Americans (as "you guys over there" ) is unwarranted. 

sorry no offence intended. World wide it is known that American fridges are huge. the standard fridge here is what you guys refer to as a unit or flat fridge. I will delete  I really didn't mean to cause offence

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4 hours ago, AurieD said:

According to google it increases the shelf life,

What is that saying? If you found it on the internet…it must be true! 🤣

I’m doing this adulting thing all wrong apparently, though. I never heard of this. Even if true, I’m not sure I can bring myself to store glue in my fridge.

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:36 PM, Terabith said:

Yeah, years ago I decided that the fridge didn't actually preserve battery life, but because it's a weird location, and it's where we've always kept them, I don't lose them.  The junk drawer is where things go to get lost.  

I get the weird location so you can find things. We share a farm with the in-laws. For years fil had “the truck” when the girls got into Girl Scouts, I quickly became the fair float mom. Fair floats need staple guns, so I bought one on the way to our first fair float decorating event and dropped it into the door pocket of fil’s truck. I’m pretty sure the only time that staple gun gets used is at fair time, so it has been in the door pocket of the truck for 15 years. We acquired our own truck last year. A few days before the bitter cold last week, dh called while I was out shopping and asked if I would pick up a staple gun. I reminded him there was one in the door of his dads truck. He laughed and asked if I thought it was still there and I said of course! It’s been there over 10 years, where else would it be? I did buy a staple gun. When I got home he was stapling away and laughed and said incredulously it was in the door of dads truck! I laughed and said what do you want me to do with the one I just bought. He stopped and tipped his hat back and said I don’t know… so I opened the door of our truck and dropped it in the door pocket and said we’ll always know where it is. He laughed and laughed and the next time he went to his dads put that staple gun back into his truck. And that’s the story of how two families always know where the staple gun is, it’s in a weird place in the truck.

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:07 PM, stephanier.1765 said:

We keep them in the back of a kitchen cabinet in assorted Tupperware containers. I just shared throw link with the kids for dh, would make a great birthday present as he as an obsession with batteries and having some of every kind etc. Thanks!

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Haven't read all of the responses...

Rechargeable batteries lose charge more quickly in colder temperatures, so we store ours in the office, but I'm seriously considering moving them into the cellar-way where the (in-the-house) tools are kept.  I have purposely acquired over a few years a comfy number of nice Tenergy rechargeable 9V, AAA & AA, along with smart charging banks and C & D adapters.  They live in a decent battery case from Amazon when they are not either in use or charging.

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On 1/1/2023 at 6:25 PM, prairiewindmomma said:

That's very similar to the one we have

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12 hours ago, ikslo said:

What is that saying? If you found it on the internet…it must be true! 🤣

I’m doing this adulting thing all wrong apparently, though. I never heard of this. Even if true, I’m not sure I can bring myself to store glue in my fridge.

My version of adulting I just break stuff a lot so I don’t have to worry about super glue shelf life.  

Is that valid? 

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