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If you sell on fb marketplace, please weigh in

Grace Hopper

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Late this afternoon I listed a piece of furniture that I feel sure will sell quickly. Great condition, well known brand, really good price - I typically underprice items so they will move fast because once I list something I want it out of the house. So, around 930 this evening, I get this message…

Is this still available?

them: yes, it’s available 

them: what day next week can I get it?

me (after significant groaning about how to respond): could you get it tomorrow? when is the soonest you could pick it up? 

them: Monday evening, I work all day tomorrow

me (after many conflicted thoughts and having previously dealing with folks who delay and delay and end up not completing a sale due to schedule problems): I was really hoping to move this piece before the end of the weekend. If it does not sell to someone tomorrow who can pick it up right away, I will hold it for you all day Monday. You could get it then if it hasn’t sold. 

them: okayyyy lmk


So tell me, did I handle this fairly? I really do my best to be fair online. In hindsight, I should have not responded to the message tonight, but waited til mid morning to see if any other messages came in (I feel sure I’ll get several inquiries in the morning for this particular item). If you would have handled it differently, tell me how? I really want to learn to be good at using fb marketplace in a way that is fair to both buyer and me as a seller. 

FYi two more inquiries have come in about this item as I have been typing this. At 11:15pm. 

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1 minute ago, happi duck said:

In the future could you put your deadline in the ad?  

That’s a good idea. I have learned that I have to add, along with measurements, “please make sure this will fit in your vehicle/that you have the ability to transport it before asking if it’s available.”

How would you word it - “Priority sale to anyone who can pick it up by end of xyz day”? What’s a good way to say that without sounding like I’ll also be willing to reduce the price. I mean, sometimes I might actually be willing to reduce the price, but not on a hot item recently listed. 

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I think it's fine to just say "it's available right now, but I've had a lot of interest, and I'm not able to hold it for anyone; I'll let you know if it's still available Monday." Not holding things is pretty standard practice on marketplace IME...and with good reason; SO many people don't show when they say they will. I've had several people offer to pay in advance for me to hold something, and I'll do that sometimes if they seem non-scammy.

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I admit there is more traffic on FB marketplace vs craigslist, but I'm also more likely to get scammers and flakes.  I think you were fine.   I have required a phone number to which I will text my address - that tends to scare off potential scammers.  I also include "give me a day and time when you can pick up."   I'm not doing a back and forth.  And sometimes - to whomever can pick up soonest.

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8 hours ago, Grace Hopper said:

That’s a good idea. I have learned that I have to add, along with measurements, “please make sure this will fit in your vehicle/that you have the ability to transport it before asking if it’s available.”

How would you word it - “Priority sale to anyone who can pick it up by end of xyz day”? What’s a good way to say that without sounding like I’ll also be willing to reduce the price. I mean, sometimes I might actually be willing to reduce the price, but not on a hot item recently listed. 

Good point about people possibly thinking you'll haggle because of a deadline.  Maybe it can't be in the listing easily.

Perhaps just always tell a little white lie that someone is coming for the item? "Is ABC available?" "Someone is coming to look at it but I'll call you if it falls through.  When would you pickup if it's available?"


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I have said first here with money gets it, bc you get so many flakey people.  I do make exceptions- like the guy buying  more $$ item that required a cashiers check.  Or a friend or friend of a friend that I may know.  I'm happy to hold it if someone is on their way, but otherwise, no.  

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Yeah, you were fine, although putting a first come first served or something might be helpful.

I recently listed a few items and the number of scammers was astounding.   

I have been following this guy on TikTok.   He cracks me up with REAL stories of FB Marketplace.   Maybe it will help you get a laugh.

Edited by DawnM
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Lol I feel like I have definitely had marketplace conversations that might qualify for that category! 😂

As expected, I had at least a half dozen more inquiries this morning. And going through the same when-can-you-pick-it-up rigamarole. And yes, one offer of “will you take xyz lower price for it if I can pick it up today.

I know for sure I did make one mistake - not allowing for NFL games. The Monday night gal might end up with it after all. Hope she still wants it!

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I am selling some of my excess acorn squash on fb. This was one of the questions asked-  I see some dirt on it.  Why is there dirt on it?  Because it grows on the ground……. 

Or I have no holds in bold.  I still get I know you say no holds but could you please put this aside for me? I could pick up in a week. Um no, person I have never met.  

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So the item did sell and has been picked up. Whew! I always like to come away feeling like the person left feeling they got a good deal, and I get a little clear square footage back in my home. Best part of selling the extra furniture for me is that it’s like somebody paid me to let them haul it away. 

@itsheresomewherethat‘s hilarious about the “dirty” squash. I hadn’t really thought about it, but some of my quarantine-era houseplants have gotten quite large and my kids were just telling me I could make money selling cuttings. So maybe I will try that. 

Thanks for all the input!

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44 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

So the item did sell and has been picked up. Whew! I always like to come away feeling like the person left feeling they got a good deal, and I get a little clear square footage back in my home. Best part of selling the extra furniture for me is that it’s like somebody paid me to let them haul it away. 

@itsheresomewherethat‘s hilarious about the “dirty” squash. I hadn’t really thought about it, but some of my quarantine-era houseplants have gotten quite large and my kids were just telling me I could make money selling cuttings. So maybe I will try that. 

Thanks for all the input!

Do it.  There is a lady near me who is selling her house plant cuttings and house plants she no longer wants. She does quite well with it. 

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