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Well-trained bodies - October

Laura Corin

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thanks, ladies 

Not much exercise to report. Dd didn’t want to go on a walk Monday when I had her. Tuesday I got very distracted/didn’t get much done and never got around to exercise. Today I was hoping to deliver some magazines and pack my swimsuit to try to go to the pool tonight but I didn’t leave early enough. I did 25 min of a Get Fit with Rick video which bumped up my steps to 9k. Tomorrow I have dd after school and hope to pick up magazines in morning so that limits before/after work exercise time. Been having trouble waking up early enough to exercise in the morning. 

I hope this injury heals faster. I got a new flat ice pack in the mail I’ll try out. 

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My stomach felt better yesterday as the day went and fairly normal. Energy wasn't high due to waking at 3:30 but better than expected. I did end up getting in my upper body strength workout from yesterday morning and whacked the pickleball around some.

I slept all night for the first time in several days but my stomach is feeling off again. Not as bad so far. I'll just see how it goes. I'd planned to do my lower body strength work and pickleball this evening.

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Finished off yesterday's steps with a short walk around lunch time and another after work. 

Started today with about 4.25K walking and the same combo of videos I did Tuesday.

The dog has declined to join me on any walks the last couple of days. Yesterday, I made an appointment for her to see the vet this afternoon, because the lethargy combined with her loss of interest in eating and a general increased wobbliness had me extremely concerned. I slept in my office with her last night, because I didn't want to put her in her crate and be away from her. This morning, I panicked and called the vet and begged them to see her sooner. 

And, unfortunately, I was right to be worried. Her lab work suggests that either the kidney issue they found in May has progressed significantly or there is something else serious going on. They are keeping her for the afternoon to give her fluids and try to do some more diagnostics, but I then have to move her to the emergency vet to stay the night for observation. 

To say I am freaked out and upset is a massive understatement.

It may be a good thing that I have a ton of schoolwork to do (including reworking the prep for an assignment due tomorrow night that depended on my attending a meeting I missed while at the vet). I'm hoping it proves an effective distraction.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 465.7 of 600K
Walking Streak: 164 days

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Reporting in again after 6 weeks in my C25K plan.

When I started on Sept 1, I just managed a 2 mile walk at a 17:11 pace. Today I finished 3.59 miles at a 13:59 pace! I originally could barely jog for 1 minute. Now, I'm actually running! And for 5-7 minutes at a time. I only start walking now because my route has taken me up yet another hill.

I think the fact that I live in such a hilly town has helped. Yesterday's 4 mile jog was so hilly, my app noted that I had an elevation gain of 259 feet. 

Speaking of yesterday. I have a story...

I was walking up my driveway after finishing my 4 mile jog. I reached for my house keys in my waistband pocket but they weren't there! After searching every pocket, I realized I must have accidentally knocked them out when I was getting a snack. So, I had to retrace my steps. After about 1/5 mile I found them on the side of the road. They had been run over but the car opener thingy wasn't broken. Silly me. So, I suppose it was a way to get some extra steps in. 😉


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I hope your dog is ok @Jenny in Florida

@Harriet Vane what is wrong with that man lol 

@ericathemom so glad you got your keys 

@Soror I hope you feel better! My dd has an upset tummy right now, too so she didn’t come over or go to school today. 

@wintermom I hope things calm down soon and tennis goes well. 

@Ali in OR that’s good you’ve been consistent. I need to get back to mine 

I know I left a couple people out. I do better navigating from my desktop (2 monitors) vs phone. 

Today I delivered my magazines… something I wouldn’t have been able to do so soon after my first tailbone injury so that’s a good sign. I forgot my pedometer but between the magazines, some errands, and a quick detour at a flea market to get an item they didn’t even have (sweet potato fried pie that I rarely get since the business store front is so far away) I’m hoping my crappy fast food lunch balanced out. I got other fried pies for the kids and talked myself out of waiting in line for a high calorie $5 frozen lemonade. My lunch soda was bad enough lol I also drank the waters I packed for the car. 

I bought dog treats for the dogs by the park ha maybe I’ll see them tomorrow morning… if I can get up early. 

Was not practical to swim but my bag is all packed including travel shampoo/conditioner for next time lol 

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My workout yesterday was total crap but I did it anyway. I didn't use weights (lower body strength body weight only). I took lots of rest. I thought a few times I'll just quit and do it another day but I kept on. As the day went I felt better and fairly normal by the end of the day. Hoping that the feeling good stays around. I'm aiming for low fat and high carb.  My body and stomach are liking that right now.

Pickleball was rough last night. I think the wind was about 20 mph. I did not do well adjusting for it. Oh well.

Steps have been low this week due to not feeling well but hoping to recover some the next 2 days.

The health dept is doing a group C25K  so there are weekly practices and it is on a day I don't have plans. I'm not a runner but the thought of a running group that is all beginners is tempting me. I got a week or so left to sign up.


My workout schedule is messed up this week with missing Tuesday so I think I'll do a HIIT and 20ish min yoga today and full body strength tomorrow.

Taking girls swimming, may or may not get in pool depending on if friend stays to visit or drops her kid off.

@heartlikealion so glad to hear you are finally healing

@ericathemom that's wonderful progress on the running

@Jenny in FloridaI'm sorry to hear about your dog 😞

@wintermom sorry life is so crazy right now

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@Soror Pickleball sounds like it would be hard with wind for most people. 

I went on a morning walk. It was quite chilly. I tried to befriend the dogs but they were not having it. I held up the treats and tossed and they ignored them. The one closest to me kept showing its teeth and barking sending clear "get off my turf" signals and I left. The other dog was in a crate of some sort and may have been locked in. Later owners came outside and let him out but I just feel sorry for outdoor dogs. Stuck in heat and cold all the time. Any shelter those dogs have is minimal and drafty. 

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A good brisk sunset walk - sunset is at 6.15 at the moment.  A nice loop has opened up - the farmer has moved the horses and the gates are open. The gates have barbed wire on top and complicated fastenings, so even though I could legally walk through any time, I don't usually bother.  

Once home I used my weights before going to a concert.  I need to move back up to the heavier weights.

Flannel sheets tonight - yum.

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9 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

A good brisk sunset walk - sunset is at 6.15 at the moment.  A nice loop has opened up - the farmer has moved the horses and the gates are open. The gates have barbed wire on top and complicated fastenings, so even though I could legally walk through any time, I don't usually bother.  

Once home I used my weights before going to a concert.  I need to move back up to the heavier weights.

Flannel sheets tonight - yum.

No one in my house (besides me) likes them so I got rid of them lol the ones I had at the time only fit ds’ bed. 

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Tonight I did a little Get Fit with Rick and half assed my way through a HIIT video. Lots of modifications/picked other exercise to fill the time. I don’t like that video. I just am hoping it helps me burn calories. I should be down several more pounds by I haven’t kept up with exercise routine (some of which wasn’t practical). I want to lose like 30 more pounds so just frustrated. 

Today I walked around the store asking myself what can I buy as a snack?? I finally bought a bag of my skinny pop rice cakes but they are a rip off so I don’t buy as often. The blue corn chips I like are only available as the organic name brand version and the bag is mostly air. I haven’t found the knock off brand in months. Mostly I just eat stuff like a bowl of Greek yogurt/apple/walnuts but that’s more a meal than snack. I also eat peanut butter crackers. I run out of ideas. I’m so bored with my food. 

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I did the Peaceful Warrior video by Adriene this morning and it was a good fit.

I'm spending most every waking hour doing schoolwork, as are most of the people I work with. It's not healthy but I don't see a way to change it. I'll be writing a test this weekend, then creating 4 versions of the test to prevent cheating, then writing a review activity to prep for the test. And I need to write my goals as I meet with my supervisor this week, write lessons for Monday for all of my classes, grade homework, and contact parents of students who have D/F grades. Supposed to be in the 80's today--I'm ready for some cooler weather actually.

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The weather cleared this afternoon and - while Blondie was being clipped - I walked a brisk and hilly 4 miles along the estuary. Then this evening I started using my 3kg weights.

This is a photo I took a few days ago. I'm very fond of rowans. The stepped gable on the building behind is characteristic of this area - it was borrowed from the Netherlands,  which was a big trading partner. Mary, Queen of Scots is said to have stayed in the building behind this one, but she ia said to have stayed in so many places...


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Barely did anything today exercise wise but squeezed in some dance/stepping with YouTube. I didn’t wear my pedometer today as I was baking and it is pretty bulky/didn’t want to get flour etc on it. 

I made 3 kinds of cookies today and only cared for one kind. Intention is to sell at upcoming vendor booth at fall fest but now I’m rethinking what to bring. Still need to sew items for booth. Finished section 4 of Udemy course. I’m following along with program now.  

Those mini rice cakes lasted Friday night to Sat noon. I gotta find more affordable snacks I like. Maybe I need to buy or make hummus again. I can at least pair that with veggies. 

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Rest day for me too. 
Still trying to motivate myself to sew and bake for fall fest. Profit not worth the trouble on the baked goods but I’ll finish what I started to round out my table? Cat attacked me because I was holding her when she was threatened by neighbor cat (accidentally left my door open going to carport for laundry and I picked her up and let them meet… oops). Now I’m wearing 4 band aids. 

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Another one for a delightful rest day. I'm finally feeling rested, rather than exhausted and sore. The mixed doubles tennis really zapped my energy yesterday. Dh and I played our good friends, who are both younger and hit the ball hard. My body was so sore and tired after 2 hours, but it was really fun to play. Dh and I walked the dogs on the trails this morning, and I've been a slug for the remainer of the day. I play ladies doubles tomorrow after work, then I'll have a 2 week break from whacking tennis balls. Dd and I are flying out to visit my mom next weekend. It will be great to see mom's new apartment! 

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I'm getting better and so far this morning (only 4:45 to be fair) my stomach isn't hurting, usually it is worse in the am.

I did my HIIT workout Friday but with modifications it was more moderate to slow intensity. I didn't have enough umph to do more and when I tried I felt icky. I also did 45 min of slow- stretchy yoga (ya me)!. Saturday morning I did my full body strength-- more energy but still not 100%.

I'm really hoping that my workout today goes well and feels normalish- today I start week 8 of Epic 3-- 

upper body/lower body/upper body/full body strength + 1 HIIT

This weekend we worked on the siding. We got far more done than we hoped. Dh had extra time as he just had mid-terms and it was fall break. It took a while to get everything set up- lasering and lots of measurements to get it lined up but after that it went well. 

We can finally start to see the end of this. After we get siding on (and a few small pieces of trim left) and painted those sides are done. DONE! It has felt like step after step on this but finally we get to see we are at the end of the steps, at least on 2 sides. We *think* we'll be able to finish them in another 2 weekends (not counting paint time but that is dependent on the temps and getting the back of the shop finished is a higher priority). The top half of the front will be tricky as we are doing it on a diagonal, like our house. Also, the rest of the siding we have to use ladders for, which slows things down but we're getting it. Our garage doors are supposed to be installed Nov 1, they've been on back order for over 3 months now. 


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Sunday is always a rest day for me. Now I'm sipping my mocha waiting until 6:00 to get on the treadmill. Dh prefers to get up at 6:15 but I miss the treadmill so I'm "compromising" and waiting a bit before I wake him up.

Saturday was in the 80's, then yesterday was the first day that started to feel like a hint of fall. I don't think it got out of the 60's. And the trees are gorgeous now.

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Sorry I dropped off the face of the earth for a couple of days. As I know some of you read (and posted sweet messages on -- Thank you) my other thread, we made the awful decision to euthanize my beloved Tilda on Saturday. She's been my walking companion pretty much forever, and for the first little while, I just kind of couldn't face going for a walk without her. I have also been dreading the inevitable conversations I will have to have with people in the neighborhood who are used to seeing her walking with me and are bound to ask where she is. 

I did walk yesterday morning, but I intentionally chose a route on which I had never taken her and on which I knew the odds of running into any of my neighbors were extremely slim. Last night, I rode the stationary bike, rather than venture outside, to get my steps. 

I got out to walk early this morning, 4.5K. Did the usual strength and stretching on the patio, except I had to use the lighter weights. I'm tired and sore all over, especially in my arms, for some reason. I upped the number of repetitions to try and balance out the lighter weights.

I'll do something else this evening to log the remaining steps.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 498.2 of 600K
Walking Streak: 3 days

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@Jenny in Florida-- again--- I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure it was very hard to face going out alone.

@Harriet Vanelol--- go big or go home--- Go for it 🙂

@wintermom ya for indoor tennis, is this the first time playing indoors?

@Ali in OR we are having a cool snap here, earlier than usual. Record lows expected early this week. Trees are looking pretty though.

@heartlikealion I'm glad to hear it isn't too bad


For the first time since last Saturday I felt normal yesterday. My workout felt fine. My stomach wasn't off. Energy was normal all day (it really helps that I slept the night before).

Dh took off early and we got the rest of the siding done on the (future) carport side.The wind had such a bite it was really unpleasant working outside but we were so motivated to get it done we worked anyway.  

Pickleball is supposed to be this evening but as its outside I'm thinking it will be cancelled with the combo of cooler temps and wind but we'll see. If they have it I"ll go.

This am--- lower body strength


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Thanks for all the kind words. I was telling my husband the other day that I don't remember ever before feeling this purely sad. Every loss I've faced before has been more complicated, mixed up with other emotions and baggage. This one is just unadulterated, solid sadness. Not saying she didn't occasionally make life challenging and wasn't every now and then a pain in the butt, but she was overwhelmingly a positive in my life, and I just plain miss her. 

I told my husband last night that I really just want to run away from home, because there is no part of this house or the neighborhood that isn't an emotional landmine for me. 

In any case, I'm trying to keep moving through the days.

I took a quick break from work yesterday afternoon and rode the stationary bike while re-watching an episode of Superstore (my current mindless indulgence). 

I waffled, but did get myself outside for a walk in the evening, about 3.5K, to finish off the steps.

It was hard to get out of bed this morning (lack of sleep and lack of dog), but I ended up walking a little over 4K. After that, I did one of my preferred 20-minute upper body workout videos (with the light weights) and an additional 10-minute stretching video.

No yoga tonight. I'm actually supposed to go to a planning committee meeting for an animal rescue organization's fundraiser. That has the potential to be a gut punch, but I volunteered to run an activity at the event, so I really should be there. At some point, before and/or after, I'll walk or bike for the remaining steps for today.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 512.4 of 600K
Walking Streak: 4 days

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I bailed on tennis yesterday and asked my dh to take my place. My whole body was sore and exhausted, and dh was keen to play. I'm relieved I passed as my body feels much better now, but I'm also sad to miss out. It's hard to rest, but I guess my body is telling me loud and clear that it's required. I should listen up. 😉 

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Yesterday between work, a dental appt., and several stops to get things from different stores (I try to make the most of my trips to the city), my day disappeared and I had to bake off as many cookies as I could manage last night so the dough didn't sit in the fridge too long. Then I cooled and froze them. I called it quits after 1am and still have some more dough in the fridge to bake off today. I was way too tired to get up early and exercise today and this evening I have a meeting with my priest to follow up on my annulment process so I just don't know what I'll fit in when. Yesterday I didn't eat much til after the dentist when I gave in and got fast food. But I think it all evened out. My weight has been slowly creeping down. 

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I'm away in the Scottish countryside for three days. It's the edge of the Highlands,  you could say. I walked a brisk seven miles along a disused-railway path. I decided 7 miles was about right if I hoped to walk for three days without my knee giving out. I started from a Victorian resort town in blazing sunshine and had lunch by a river in spate.



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@Laura Corin Enjoy your hiking! The scenery is beautiful! Great thinking to pace yourself. 

Dh and I took the dogs for 2 walks in the woods to make up for the rainy day earlier this week. My legs are feeling fine, but I'm getting this exhasuted feeling mid-afternoon and then it goes away after laying down for an hour or so. I'm thinking it's some weird environmental allergy, because I wake up in good health in the morning. 

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@Laura Corin - Gorgeous photos. I'm envious of the hiking getaway. It's the kind of thing I often fantasize about doing. I hope you enjoy it and that your knee cooperates.


I did not make my step goal yesterday. Combination of factors -- having the projects that my now-fired friend was supposed to be managing land back in my lap, me losing ground because of the dog-related brain fog, a new "we-need-it-now" task cropping up -- led to me needing to work extra hours the last couple of days, and I had an outside-the-house meeting last night. I'm also finding that, without the dog to remind me to stand up and take her outside a few times a day, I spend a lot more of each day just planted in my desk chair. So, I reached the time when I had to leave for my meeting with a good 7,500 steps still to do, then got home and had to go right back to work. I finally passed off the project at about 11:00pm. 

I felt both too restless to sleep and too worn out to do anything terribly ambitious, so I settled for riding the stationary bike for a while.

Predictably, I'm feeling pretty draggy this morning, but managed just over 4K of walking and about 25 minutes of strength and stretching.

We'll see how the rest of the day goes. Now that my work crisis is (fingers crossed) passed, I need to spend the next couple of evenings on schoolwork. I have an assignment due on Friday night that I haven't even started and a midterm I need to take, also.



Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 527.8 of 600K
Walking Streak: 5

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6 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

@Laura Corin I adore the photos and I love it when you use the word mizzling. It's in the original version of Emma, by Jane Austen, but on one of the reprints a later editor changed it to drizzle. So some copies have mizzle and some drizzle, and I have always been charmed and enchanted with mizzle.😏

It's a dialect word that I grew up hearing my mother use. She spent her childhood in Devon. 

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@Soror was pickleball canceled that day? 

@wintermom how is your arm?

@Laura Corinthank you for sharing the beautiful photos! 

@Harriet Vane I hope your headcold has gone away. 

@Jenny in Floridait sounds like you need a break. I hope you can get everything done.

@Ali in OR I can't remember if you'd said... do you follow a particular video/channel for the bodyweight circuit? I just looked it up because I really didn't know what it was. 

I just felt so stressed and overwhelmed I took part of today off. I took a nap, went on an outdoor walk, showered and now I'm going to work on my sewing for my vendor booth. The event is tomorrow. I still have cupcakes to bake and frosting to make. I told them I'm taking tomorrow off, too. 

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Dumbbell workout today.

@heartlikealionMy bodyweight circuit is just something I clipped from a magazine years ago:

50 jumping jacks
25 squats
15 push-ups (mine are on my knees)
15 lunges (30 total--right left, 15 each leg)
30 crunches
1 minute plank

Then I repeat. Takes 15-16 min, then I do a 10-15 min yoga.

My video workouts like today's dumbbell session are usually Jessica Smith on YouTube. My yoga is all Yoga with Adriene on YouTube.

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Another late night yesterday. Husband and I made a big Target run for assorted Halloween stuff (costume accessories for me, candy to hand out here, treats and costumes to donate to one of our favorite local non-profits) and a few groceries, which netted me some steps. Then I had to plop right back down at my desk, though, and work on school stuff until about 11:00. I went ahead and rode the stationary bike for about 45 minutes, which finished off the day's step goal.

Walked about 4.6K this morning, then did my new Tuesday/Thursday usual of a 20-minute seated upper body workout video followed by a 10-minute seated stretching video.

I'm hoping to sequester myself in my office tonight while my husband has his RPG group so I can tackle that midterm. That leaves me tomorrow evening to polish and submit the discussion post I drafted last night.

And, at some point before bedtime, I will try to walk or bike.

Back to yoga at the lake tomorrow morning, which will be nice. I should also make time this weekend for a long walk to make sure I'm prepped for the first runDisney 10K coming up next month. 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 546.1 of 600K
Walking Streak: 6

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