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Well-trained bodies - September

Laura Corin

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1 hour ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I walked a little bit before my yoga class last night, did yoga, then came home and collected the dog for a longer walk to finish the day's steps. Yoga was a little more intense than usual, and I actually lost my balance and fell over while transitioning from a floor pose to standing. Fortunately, because I had started on the floor, I didn't have too far down to go.


Glad you didn't injure yourself on your fall.

I fell Monday morning during a game of tennis. No injury, and the play didn't even stop. I just got up and we kept on playing. I was happy for the clay surface, as I just dusted myself off and went on my merry way. I'm actually surprised that more falls don't occur, with all the quick movements and changes in direction we make out on the court. There are very few times partners collide during doubles, either. 

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Sipping mocha and will then do my dumbbell workout. Yesterday I ended up finding a Jessica Smith beginner's HIIT workout. I don't think I'm really a beginner but it was a good match for how hard I wanted to work (not very). The HI portions were like jumping jacks or jogging in place for a minute--I can do that.

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Went on morning walk. I’m still trying to figure out the best time to leave the house. 6 am too dark. I think I fell back asleep and left closer to 7. Maybe I can try 6:30. 

I met a woman walking and she told me about a park with a half mile trail and playground but I couldn’t find it. She pointed me in the right direction, there was a sign with arrow saying park… then I was led to a cross roads lol no more signs. I tried both ways and didn’t see anything. Met another woman and she said she thinks the sign is wrong and it’s through another stop sign. I’ll get in my car and look later. Small towns don’t show these things online so I never even know it existed. 

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Got in a good walk last night in between finishing work and doing some school stuff. Not a banner day for steps, but I slightly exceeded my goal.

Started this morning with about 4.25K of walking, followed by some slightly disorganized strength and stretching. We have an electrician coming today to do some things around the house, and my husband wanted to check in before I disappeared into my office. So, I ended up doing some counter push-ups and releves and mini-squats while we were talking, then going to my usual exercise area to use the weights for a few minutes.

Now that my knees are feeling stronger (and since I'm stressing them less by carrying less weight), I'm hoping to start incorporating brief jogging sprints when I can. So far, I've done that only in the house, when I don't have a dog attached to my wrist who is likely to run in front of and trip me and where the ground is even. So, more walking (and maybe a little jogging?) later.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 268.1 of 600K
Walking Streak: 143 days

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I took the dogs for several different short walks today. I was supposed to kayak or walk with my small group of friends, however the weather got really cold, windy and rainy, so we postponed until next week. I'm not a fan of the first day of autumn. I'd like a lot more heat. 😉 Come back, summer!

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Much better today on movement. PT first thing this morning, and we added some more exercises. She also gave me permission to try gyrotonics with certain restrictions. I was relieved--I know I have not been moving nearly enough and need to get the blood pumping. I went to a gyro session this afternoon and my much-beloved trainer (who also works as a PTA) customized beautifully for me. I walked out feeling much, much better. I've been sitting or laying down so much the last few weeks, and my posture right now is terrible, and the session relieved my aching lower back. Such a relief. I am planning a weekend away next week for bridal showers and I've been really worried about all the car time. Dh will come with and drive, but it's just a ton of bouncy, compressive car time. I think I'll try to fit in two gyro sessions next week since it's so helpful and hopefully that will help for the car ride, too.

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20 min dark dog walk this morning. Dh has an early morning meeting so I took Molly out. We got a call at 2:15am that dd was having seizures and they were giving her the emergency med. So I didn't sleep much after that. Hoping she got some good sleep and will be stable today. I can't get there before 4:00 but we'll bring her home for the weekend.

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9 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

20 min dark dog walk this morning. Dh has an early morning meeting so I took Molly out. We got a call at 2:15am that dd was having seizures and they were giving her the emergency med. So I didn't sleep much after that. Hoping she got some good sleep and will be stable today. I can't get there before 4:00 but we'll bring her home for the weekend.

Hope your dd is doing a lot better now. 

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18 minutes ago, wintermom said:

It's even colder this morning, and still wet. I'm going to have to get over it and just get out there. This transition period from summer to winter is always a struggle. 😉 

I couldn't find my long exercise pants so I went out in shorts and a t-shirt--definitely getting too cold for that!

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@Ali in OR I'm sorry to hear your daughter had a rough night 😞

@wintermom the temps dropped here, 20+ degrees from one day to the next. It's an adjustment and the annoying temps where I always find it difficult to figure out how much to wear to compensate for heat from exercise. Layers!


I'm sleeping terribly bad. Allergies plus hormonal time is a rough, rough combo. Yesterday I woke up at 3:30. Today it was 2:50 I think never could go back to sleep. I did get a nap yesterday and will today too. It is horrible because I want to be outside because it's cooled off but I pay for it. 

Cannot remember when I posted-

Thursday--- 40 min yin-gentle yoga////  2+ mile walk   /////  2 hrs pickleball

Wednesday-- Arms + Abs-- Strength training-- 45min/// 10 min yoga

Tuesday-- Lower body strength training-- 45 min/// 2 mile walk

By my 4th or 5th game of pickleball I didn't entirely stink. And I can get some decent rallies on the wall by myself.

Should have done my full body strength work this am but I was exhausted and dh stayed home so we're working outside. Hope to do that today but might not until tomorrow.

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17 hours ago, wintermom said:

 I'm not a fan of the first day of autumn. I'd like a lot more heat. 😉 Come back, summer!

Too funny, because everyone I know here in FL is nearly giddy with the change of season. All the folks I know who run or walk or do other outdoor stuff are talking constantly about how nice it is to  go outside now.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

@Ali in OR I'm sorry to hear your daughter had a rough night 😞

@wintermom the temps dropped here, 20+ degrees from one day to the next. It's an adjustment and the annoying temps where I always find it difficult to figure out how much to wear to compensate for heat from exercise. Layers!


I'm sleeping terribly bad. Allergies plus hormonal time is a rough, rough combo. Yesterday I woke up at 3:30. Today it was 2:50 I think never could go back to sleep. I did get a nap yesterday and will today too. It is horrible because I want to be outside because it's cooled off but I pay for it. 

Cannot remember when I posted-

Thursday--- 40 min yin-gentle yoga////  2+ mile walk   /////  2 hrs pickleball

Wednesday-- Arms + Abs-- Strength training-- 45min/// 10 min yoga

Tuesday-- Lower body strength training-- 45 min/// 2 mile walk

By my 4th or 5th game of pickleball I didn't entirely stink. And I can get some decent rallies on the wall by myself.

Should have done my full body strength work this am but I was exhausted and dh stayed home so we're working outside. Hope to do that today but might not until tomorrow.

So sorry you're having sleep troubles. I had horrible insomnia last fall due to allergies. I went to the dr in despriation, but nothing helped. Then the snow came and all the allergy issues disapeared and I could sleep again. I hope you get some relief much quicker than that! 

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1 minute ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Too funny, because everyone I know here in FL is nearly giddy with the change of season. All the folks I know who run or walk or do other outdoor stuff are talking constantly about how nice it is to  go outside now.

We had a week of the giddiness when the heat and humidity dropped. Then it dropped a lot more and then some more. Now I just want the heat back again because it'll take a year for it to be that warm again. 

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Got out for a nice walk early yesterday evening, which finished off the daily steps.

Started this morning with a good 4.5K walk -- during which I stopped to snap photos of a pretty sunrise -- followed by strength and stretching on the patio. All was going well, until I rolled over onto my back and tried to sit up .  . . at which point a wave of vertigo and nausea hit. I spent a few minutes sitting on the mat, just trying to get things together, but when I did finally stand up and try to walk away, I lost my balance and nearly fell. Sat down in a chair for a few minutes, then tried to lean over to pick up the weights and mat . . . got nauseated and nearly fell over again.

At that point, I just made my way carefully inside, asked my husband to make sure the cats were back inside and went to lie down. I was a little panicky, because I really can't afford to lose another two to three days of my life to this nonsense. However, I basically conked out and slept for a couple of hours, woke up craving sugar, shoved a piece of chocolate in my mouth and now seem to be more or less functional. 

Working theory: low blood sugar?

Anyway, I now have to squeeze as much work as possible into the few hours remaining of the work day and then shift gears to knock out school assignments before the end of the weekend. I have a couple of things on my "social calendar" that I don't want to miss this weekend, so I really need to get out ahead of the school stuff to make sure I have time available to go out.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 276.4 of 600K
Walking Streak: 144 days


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@Jenny in FloridaUgh, so sorry about the dizziness and nausea. Low blood sugar sounds plausible. I've had quite a bit of that from being on gabapentin the last few weeks--are you taking anything that might contribute to that effect?

@Soror So sorry about sleep difficulties. It's the pits. I hope you sleep long and deeply tonight.

@Ali in OR It's tough worrying about your dd and her needs. I hope you all sleep well tonight.


And a hearty YOU GO, GIRL to all the rest who are working so hard. 


Today when I went to the PT she could tell the gyrotonics yesterday broke up a lot of gridlock for me. I'm not out of the woods by a long shot, but the session yesterday helped sooooooo much. The PT added in some more exercises, and I also spent some time running on the elliptical. It felt so good to be moving more. I scheduled an extra gyrotonics session for tomorrow. If I can get some momentum going I hope I can knock out the continuing nerve pain on my left side.

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55 minutes ago, Harriet Vane said:

@Jenny in FloridaUgh, so sorry about the dizziness and nausea. Low blood sugar sounds plausible. I've had quite a bit of that from being on gabapentin the last few weeks--are you taking anything that might contribute to that effect?

Oh, I'm on gabapentin, too, and I do know that it hits me hard each time I increase dosage until I adjust. (I also accidentally double-dosed myself once -- It wasn't pretty.) I've been doing well on the current dosage, though.

I am also insulin resistant and take a couple of meds for that. And I have a history of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). So, yeah, anything is possible.

I see my endocrinologist in a week or two and will mention it to him, although my recent blood tests came back pretty much spot on in everything except my thyroid (which was a little high, logically since we haven't adjusted my dosage since I've lost weight). 

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I did the lower back yoga again today. I think I did it a couple of weeks ago too. Moves were easier this time.

Dd did not have any more seizures yesterday--very good news. Every once in awhile, like two or three times per year, she is already having seizures when I go in to wake her up. Those are always bad days with emergency med use and often leading to 2 or 3 days of seizure issues. In her foster home, they will check on her and change her diaper during the night (we don't interrupt sleep at home). That's when the caregiver saw her seizures. I wonder if her catching it much earlier than I would have avoided a bad seizure day. We have dd for the weekend. Should be a lovely one in the low 80's--hope she stays stable for us.

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quick check in--- 

rested all day yesterday--- well light work outside and in but no exercise

I did 50 min full body strength training and will do short yoga and hopefully walk later.

My period came yesterday, 3-6 days early. 22 flipping days. But I actually slept last night. Thank goodness I was so exhausted.

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Walked yesterday evening as usual, but under threat of rain. Plus, the dog was not excited to be outside. So, I cut the walk a little short and ended up pacing the living room/entryway to finish off the last of my steps for the day.

Got out this morning for about 2K with the dog, then got myself together and headed to the nature preserve for the seasonal meditative hike/yoga session. We did a brief meditation near the lake (where we sighted a good-sized gator swimming by), then wandered along trails for a couple of miles before finishing with some yoga under the shade of a large tree. 

The preserve is also having its NatureFest event today, featuring booths with assorted nature-focused organizations and some vendors, so I browsed there for a bit before heading home. 

All told, I'm already over 10,000 steps for the day.

Now, it's time to park myself in a chair and do my assigned reading.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 285.9 of 600K
Walking Streak: 145 days


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Coaxed the dog outside with me for a short ramble last night to top off the day's steps. She wasn't entirely thrilled with the experience, but I am appreciating the cooler weather. (Now, if we can just avoid getting hit by a hurricane this week . . .)

Headed out again this morning. I was aiming at 5K, but the dog got pretty determined to drag me home at some point, and we made it only 4.8.

I am leaving in just a few minutes, though, to meet up with a friend to walk and talk (and maybe have lunch). 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 293.5 of 600K
Walking Streak: 146 days

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@Jenny in Florida I hope you can avoid the vertigo or low blood sugar and hurricane. 

@Ali in OR that sounds hard. I’m glad everyone is doing well to meet your dd’s needs. 

@Harriet Vane I’m glad you got some relief and hope you continue to. Hope the car ride is manageable 

@Soror yes periods can be annoying with their timing ugh 

@wintermom glad you got nice weather for tennis. 

@hshibley indoor pool? 

I haven’t had much exercise routine but other things have taken priority and I’m still trying to balance it all. I’m down 25 lbs total and wore a top to church I haven’t worn in forever (it’s snug). My waist and love handles aren’t ideal yet but I’ll get there. Slacks I wore today fit better and the ones I bought in May (bigger size) are kinda too big. 

I went on a walk early this morning before church. This afternoon I’m helping at German Fest for a few hours but it sounds like it’s going to storm so I don’t know what will happen. I donated a Sandkuchen (German pound cake). I guess I won’t get to buy a slice since they decided to sell it whole. 

Dd and I found the park and at one point it had an operational splash pad. I need to call the city and find out if they plan to repair it. The park had outdoor exercise equipment. I couldn’t figure out one of them. Looked ot it was just to stretch your back?? It didn’t actually move. 

There were 3 platforms of exercise equipment. The one that I thought was a rowing machine isn’t. You lift your whole body up when you pull the handles! 

I don’t think I mentioned it on this thread? We secured a deal at work and done employees are getting a yr YMCA family membership. None of the locations are close to me but I’ll make sure to go sometimes. It goes into effect in October and one has an indoor pool! I probably need to buy swim shoes. 


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Tennis this morning was really fun. I played 2 hrs of doubles, followed by 1 hr of singles. I was really worried my arms and shoulders were be very sore, but they were ok during the playing. The strange thing is that now (5 hrs later) I have almost no pain at all. I'm guessing that my joints prefer more activity than inactivity. Who knows? I'm just thrilled that I  played well and will be able to play doubles tomorrow, too. 

@heartlikealion A huge congratulations on your weight loss!! That's phenomenal! Such a long, challenging journey, but you're doing wonderfully! Great photos, too!

@Jenny in Florida Nice photo! Glad you and your dh had a good time at the nature reserve!

@Harriet Vane That's terrific your gyro exercises are helping you out so much!

@Ali in OR Hope you have a nice weekend with your dd. Great job keeing up with your yoga, etc!

@Laura Corin I hope you're doing well and that work has calmed down. Hope your weather hasn't turned to cold yet.

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My feet are aching. We stood the whole time. The shifts are short, but it’s just too rough on my body. I was there like 2-5:30. They ran out of pretzels and that’s all I wanted. Why don’t they order more?? I was told they sell out fast. I couldn’t remember if volunteers got a free meal but they get free drink coupons so I redeemed for 2 waters and tried to stay hydrated. 

I don’t know why I get tired so easily. I’m in bed already. My pedometer says I’m a few steps away from 10k. I’ve been watching Udemy courses on the TV (air cast from my app) but I’m too exhausted to watch much. Im looking into getting certificates (SEO and Adobe) when I’m done but that’s another step. I found the testing facility online but have to call for pricing. It will probably be several weeks before I get that far. 

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Today I did not exercise. I’ve been scratching away at a work-related project for a friend and the deadline is tomorrow. I did, however, try the tilt-table. It was scary and weird but I think it actually helped. I will definitely try again tomorrow.

The fear just about did me in, though. It wasn’t something I thought in words before or even during. Rather, as it tilted and I felt the pull against my ankles, I was suffused with real fear. I could only stand it for about five minutes and felt fragile/shaky afterwards. That’s not really a normal response for me—I am quite pragmatic about medical therapies. 

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@Harriet Vane if you hate the tilt board, maybe it's not for you. Maybe there are other methods? Have you tried using a roller? Some look better than others. I don't know if that would address the same things in the back, though.

The sign to the park wasn't exactly wrong so much as confusing because it lacks a second sign to tell you to turn down a side street... which I didn't even notice the first day. It has no street sign. They really ought to put a street sign and "park this way" sign there. I walked to the park and used the walking trail. Two other ladies arrived. A couple people have suggested I carry a stick for stray dogs, which I know is good in theory but also sounds miserable. I don't want to have to walk with a stick lol. I already am carrying my thermos in one hand. A dog did start to approach her at the track and she tapped the stick and pointed it toward the dog. The dog decided to go away. Had it been me, I probably would have tried to befriend the dog (lol). It actually didn't look scary to me. But I know you can't do that with all dogs. There was one that was aggressively barking at me a few days ago but it was on a chain or leash in its driveway and the owner came out and told it to knock it off. I joked to myself I'd rather carry a dog treat in my pocket than a whole stick. But I know you shouldn't randomly feed people's dogs, either or rely on that as a deterrent for a crazy dog. 

6k steps done this morning. That's good for me. Hope to do more exercise later. 

Oh regarding the weather... I'm in Mississippi so the drop in temp has made going outside possible. It was just too hot before. It was actually a little cooler than I would have liked but I would take this over the heat and humidity. My finger tips were cold. I might wear a hoodie and/or gloves next time. 

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@heartlikealion - That pound cake looks yummy!

Also, I do see people carrying sticks and whatnot while walking, presumably to ward off dogs. Even when I don't have my own dog with me, I have never bothered carrying anything. Thus far (and I've been doing this intentional, go-outside-and-walk-for-exercise walking for several years, now), I have always managed to either avoid or befriend any beasties I encounter along the way.


I did a little less walking than planned with my friend yesterday, but it was still nice to see her and get out of my own neighborhood for a while. After that and some storm-prep shopping, the dog and I went out for a ramble to clock my remaining steps for the day.

Walked about 4.5K this morning (earning myself a new digital badge in the process) and then did about 25 minutes of strength and stretching out on the patio. 

Looks like we're likely to start getting some pretty serious rain by this evening, so the rest of my steps today may happen via pacing the house and/or riding the stationary bike. 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 300.1 of 600K
Walking Streak: 147 days

Walk the Year.png

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@heartlikealion Thanks for your encouragement . I do have rollers (one foam and one like a rolling pin with big wooden beads). They do help with muscle tension. My back problems are due to disc compression and bone spurs, so the tilt table literally puts some more space between the vertebrae. It’s well worth trying to get used to it if it helps drive away the numbness and pins/needles. I just didn’t expect such a fearful response, lol.

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Just now, Harriet Vane said:

@heartlikealion Thanks for your encouragement . I do have rollers (one foam and one like a rolling pin with big wooden beads). They do help with muscle tension. My back problems are due to disc compression and bone spurs, so the tilt table literally puts some more space between the vertebrae. It’s well worth trying to get used to it if it helps drive away the numbness and pins/needles. I just didn’t expect such a fearful response, lol.

When I was a kid my dad had one in the garage. I’d see him hanging on it.  I don’t think I ever heard of them in media etc til many years later and didn’t know the name. My dad always has some weird device lol he lent me a chi machine I need to use. It helps oxygen flow. 

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Trying to defuse a somewhat stressful work day yesterday, I went out for a 30-minute walk in the early afternoon. (Also figured I'd better get in as much outside time as I can for the next day or so before the storm arrives.) Once I finally logged off the work laptop, I dragged the dog out for another walk, which ended up exceeding my step goal for the day. 

Started this morning with 4.6K and 25 minutes of strength and stretching.

Assuming the storm doesn't do anything unexpected and we have just "normal" thunderstorms tonight, I'll have yoga class after work. And I'll clock the remaining steps for the day via pacing/jogging indoors or riding the stationary bike, if necessary.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 309.8 of 600K
Walking Streak: 148 days

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I am trying to finish a Udemy course quickly (I got a preliminary call about a job so I'm trying to mentally prepare if I get an interview. The course is very helpful) so I watched it on the TV while I rode the bike this morning for 35 min. Then I really wanted some fresh air so I went outside but didn't walk long because of work. I never know if my phone will start blowing up or I need to begin something at 8. The course says it's 15 sections long with quizzes along the way. I've finished two sections and done a quiz, but there's a lot more time left. I wore sweat pants, a sweatshirt, and gloves today. My nose started running so I guess I need to bring tissue next time. 

Last night I didn't get any more exercise in, but my overall step count for the day was good. I was upset I didn't drop any weight. I know diet is 80%, but I think I've been eating well overall. I didn't actually read the calorie count on the tortilla soup so maybe it was more than I thought, but worth it. I don't want to agonize over calories; I haven't counted them in weeks. I just try to eat better foods overall and exercise more. 

Last night I painted primer around the windows. I want to get the painting finished up within the next couple days. After I finish that area I'll know if I have enough left over paint to do a second coat on the outside table I started to paint. I stopped painting the table for fear I'd run out of paint for inside. I'm trying to stretch the rest of the can. 

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I did all the PT stuff yesterday and also the tilt table. Scared again, but once all the way down I was able to relax into it. I think one thing that helped was wearing boots—they absorb and diffuse the tension from the ankle holder.

Today I went to PT early and hopped right onto the elliptical. I am so thankful for a machine that enables me to run without bouncing and jolting!!! I did a ton of things with the PT and I also have gyrotonics later this afternoon. I’m just desperate to release my left hand from the nerve impact and get off gabapentin so I’m doing All The Things. 

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Tonight I went on a short walk then pushed myself to do a HIIT video. I don't know if I'm motivated enough to finish that program ugh. It's 12 weeks total. 3 HIIT exercises per week. Just not enjoying it much and not counting the weeks missed, I'm on week 3 of phase 2? I can't find my exercise log. It could be that phase 3 is more enjoyable, though. 

Painted one coat around the blinds tonight. 

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@heartlikealion - I keep forgetting to ask: What Udemy course are you taking?


Yoga was cancelled last night because the room where we meet was being used to store pool furniture and other items belonging to the community. I did get out to walk, though, in only a relatively light drizzle, and log my steps. 

It was raining for real when I got up this morning, so the best I could do was get the dog outside long enough to relieve herself. Then I walked a couple of miles with Leslie  and followed that with a Silver Sneakers 10-minute walking cardio workout. Part of our screened patio is covered, which allowed me to still get out there for strength and stretching. 

We'll just have to see what happens later today and tomorrow, storm-wise. 



Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 317.0 of 600K
Walking Streak: 149 days

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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