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Let's Tackle Monday together


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Up too early, but feeling pretty good.  Hope you are all well today.


  • made coffee
  • Arixtra shot
  • ate part of breakfast because I was starving
  • other stuff I can't remember

To do

  • Lots of phone calls to do- from health care to ADT to Hawaii and hotels, etc
  • Get my glasses fixed and order sunglasses
  • find my good marinade recipe and marinade kabobs
  • Betterhelp counseling--I will be cancelling the service but I am paid up for a few weeks
  • schedule new counseling session for next week
  • online shopping and also looking for where I ordered something and it never came
  • hummingbird feeder - clean and refill
  • make definite transportation arrangements for tomorrow's injection


Edited by TravelingChris
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Good morning, Christina!

I am just home from dropping Ds at his first day of public high school. Nervous for him! Happy that the total time from out the door to back home was 15 minutes. Much better than fighting interstate traffic! 

Order shirts
Tutor 5 students -2 in the morning ✔️ and 3 after school.
Log sessions
Costco return ✔️ 
Buy a new mouth guard for Ds ✔️ 
Pick up Ds from football
AHG things ✔️ 

Dinner is? Leftovers? or grilled burgers? Dd is in charge bc Dh is out and Ds and I will not walk in the door until almost 7. 

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Good morning!

I'm hoping negotiations will end today over my kid's schedule.  Whatever this offer is will be the final offer- I'm done advocating to people who don't do their jobs properly.


  • Tutoring
  • Clean all the nasty laundry my kid brought home from camp.  For someone who only changed clothes 3 times, everything in his luggage is now filthy.
  • Figure out dinner
  • Work out in my failing garden
  • Help same kid start working through unpacking/cleaning the rest of his gear

It's a short list today with long tasks. I spent 5 hours yesterday driving to the camp and sitting through the ceremony.  It was hot, humid, and the first time I saw actual children faint while in formation.  For something minorly militaristic, they'd do well to adopt a flag warning system.  It was certainly a black flag day.  After the third child dropped several troops decided to sit through the rest of the ending ceremony until it was time to do pass and review.  I was glad that I thought to bring a few water bottles filled with ice, because it was certainly welcome when we got back in the car.

But that means today is clean up day at home, and teaching him how to take care of it as I watch.

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Good morning! 

Everyone else is still sleeping, so I'm trying to be quiet. 

  • medicine
  • email all my families about  reminders; classes start next week
  • coffee
  • make breakfast
  • get ready to go out
  • lunch out and do something with our guests
  • dinner
  • hang out with company
  • calcium
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Tutoring is done.

Laundry is being worked on.

I became supermom to people who had no idea what to have for lunch and make a quick shakshuka, rice, and lemon/mint yogurt.  The 12yo who had eaten nothing but camp cuisine for a week was grateful for "real food". 

I have no idea what I'll make for dinner.  Still. 

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Hmmm. Now one mom says she cancelled for the week, but that’s not what I understood. So now I don’t go into the office at all today. Last lesson is virtual.


Folded and put away laundry.
Updated my planner.
Discussed yearbook pics with Dd. 

Gonna read for a bit, since my lesson prep is done. 

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Home; had a good visit with my grandma, and a separate good visit with  my mom, and hit the quilt shop and bought some stuff. Skipped the lego shop b/c I delayed doing everything else so long, and DH said just come home so we'll go tomorrow instead. 

DH did not make smoked salmon for dinner as promised, waaah, but is making a yummy rice thing instead, so that's good. 

We still may or may not go to fencing, not sure. He wants a few extra sessions before his tournament on Saturday. 


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We had a late breakfast and all got ready to go out. 

We visited a huge game/comics store that has a free arcade room with lots of old games like Pacman, Frogger, and Space Invaders. We play games for awhile, and I bought special dice for one of my students. We bought a new game, Dice Forge. 

We went to eat a late lunch, which took quite awhile. It turned into an early dinner, so we don't want a full dinner like I was going to make. Thankfully, the chicken will keep until tomorrow. 

Everyone was relaxing or napping, so I just went through a student's practice SAT and worked out the problems he missed. 


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Tutored last student

Got a call from the football trainer. Ds got hit hard in the chest, so she suggested x-rays to make sure it’s not a cracked rib. At urgent care now. X-rays happening as I type this.

Thankfully, Ds has no homework tonight. 

Hopefully soon:
Home for dinner

Ibuprofen and a movie for Ds after he’s eaten.


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Hi guys!

Crazy day here!  We had to move out of our house for 24 hours because they are doing some kind of ozone treatment (I don't know anything about that really other than it's toxic if we're there).  We had a reservation for a  nearby pet-friendly inn, but when we arrived there, they couldn't check us in because their HVAC was out.  They said come back at 2pm, so we went to our office (our pup's first time meeting folks there), and then back to the hotel.  Now they said it would be at least 6pm before we could check in.  So I went off with the pup to pick up the kids, and the aunties went around trying to find a place that would take us and our dog without a reservation.  We ended up in a Residence Inn, which turned out very nice.  Right now the kids and aunties are out shopping for snacks, and this is my first chance to get online for fun.  🙂


  • Basement purging in the wee hours.
  • Slept some.
  • Woke the kids.
  • Started my packing.
  • Took the dog out.
  • Made breakfast, lunch, coffees, etc.
  • Drove Kid1 to band camp.
  • Drove Kid2 to her zoo job.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (3 or 4), quordle (9).
  • Stopped at drugstore for my colonoscopy prep stuff.
  • Showered & finished packing.
  • More carrying up and down stairs.
  • Cleaned out the van.
  • Carried pup's crate to the van.
  • Packed the car and van with all our stuff.
  • Drove to the first inn.  Couldn't check in.
  • Drove to nearby city to work at our office building for an hour or so.
  • Transferred some luggage between the vehicles to make room for pup in my backseat.
  • Picked up Kid2 from band camp.  Drove back to first inn.  Still couldn't check in.
  • Figured out bathroom and water breaks for me, the kid, and the dog.
  • Picked up Kid1 from the zoo.
  • Kid1 short driving lesson.
  • Grabbed dinner at Subway.
  • Drove to the inn that finally allowed us to check in; unpacked and settled in.
  • Various other pup stuff etc.
  • Been starting to plan for tomorrow's fasting and prep.

Typing the list feels like I hardly did anything today.  So why do I feel so exhausted?  The heat/humidity?  Not having access to coffee most of the day?  Having to sit on my sore tailbone much of the day?  Having to listen to too many people talking all day?  All of the above?

The other four people in my household are in vacation mode.  I'm not.  I still have to get myself and my kids up in the morning for work / band camp, and then pack up etc.  I also have work that is supposed to be getting done (should have already been done, but I stalled by asking a couple questions of other team members, some of which have been answered this p.m.)

Anyhoo ... just another weird day in paradise.  I can't really complain.  One of my kids asked "are we homeless?" and I said "yep, pretty much, for the moment."

Gotta go, people are returning ....

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13 hours ago, TravelingChris said:


  • Lots of phone calls to do- from health care to ADT to Hawaii and hotels, etc
  • Get my glasses fixed and order sunglasses
  • find my good marinade recipe and marinade kabobs
  • Betterhelp counseling--I will be cancelling the service but I am paid up for a few weeks
  • schedule new counseling session for next week
  • online shopping and also looking for where I ordered something and it never came
  • hummingbird feeder - clean and refill
  • make definite transportation arrangements for tomorrow's injection


Did almost everything on my list but not online shopping.  My glasses couldn't be fixed right away but the super helpful clerk told le that ly lenses had sole chips, and do I am getting completely new glasses for free sincr I had insurance.  And she gave me a great discount on my sunglasses plus applied a credit I had.

Also, we stopped at our church on the way to the shopping.  I went inside to pick up my dh's church t shirt, and pick up the Tim Keller book and also discussion guide.  It was great seeing people I haven't seen for a while.  Also shopped at Fresh Market.  

Unfortunately by getting a lot done, ly bp got elevated.  

The kabobs were tasty and I had made orzo too.  

Relaxing znd watching tv now..  

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