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Tackling Tuesday Together


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@TravelingChris, have a safe drive! 

Good morning, everyone! 

We had a great time playing the game! @TheReader, it is very complex. Honestly, it's a bit much for me, but I managed. Ds and I formed an alliance even though I knew it would help him win. He had red pieces, and I had green ones, so he named us Team Christmas and bragged about our mother-son bond. It was fun! He kept his word on everything he said he would do, and that's what mattered most to me. 

We finished in time to watch a movie, so we watched The Gray Man, which was a good choice to watch together.  Dd decided to stay and sleep here, but she'll have to go back and get ready for work later today. 

I have a lot to do before Friday evening. That is when the first of our company arrives starting our week of being a B&B. We love it!

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • meals
  • call about APAP (Still haven't got a call from the company they sent the order to)
  • finish driver course
  • rejoin Melaleuca and contact a couple of friends if they want to place orders with me
  • tutor a student this afternoon online (SAT prep)
  • make a new master list of getting ready for company to be done by Friday evening
  • work on things on that list
  • relax and watch something
  • calcium
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Clean up my closet/purge old clothes. Move art supplies in (their temporary home during upcoming construction). 

Maybe hit up the farmer's market this afternoon...hopefully they have some tomatoes and we can make fresh pasta for supper with some veggies. 

Work on canvas decorations for my classroom. 

Work on supply order and project list for each class. Plan first week activities. 


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Good morning! Safe travels, Chris! 

Amy, that's how I felt about that game, too. We didn't actually finish when we played, but I eventually was able to build the mega weapon/station/thing/whatever that is like the Death Star so we declared me the winner, LOL! (I had zero clue what I was actually doing, and "won" mainly because the serious players all kind of ignored me...). 

My day today got rearranged -- the friend who was going to come just found out she was Covid exposed, tomorrow is day 5 so she can test, she had the booster shot yesterday and feels terrible, so....we're waiting just in case the "booster reaction" is really covid. 

So, for me today:

...plan 1st Day activities
...continue working down the master list
...go with DH to get his haircut 
...go tutor today's kid -- remember to check the calendar, see how many we've done, I *think* today is the last one she's paid for, so let her know this is it, I need the rest of the month to work on school (and hopefully extricate myself from being all tied up with this kid)
...go to the movies with the family/DS's friends
...dinner out, maybe, or home (possibly eat out regardless of whether the friends join or not)
...home, veg out, bed 


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Good Morning

I have already taken the dog on her walk this am


water indoor plants

pu groceries clean produce

water outdoor plants

research ancestry dates for bil and send to him

Begin writing article for hx society

watch another episode of “For All Mankind” Both ds and I watch 1 episode a night. It’s so good doing only 1 episode is self control.


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Good morning, all. Slow start here. I’ve had coffee, made the bed, had my quiet time, checked my email, joined a GroupMe text chain, and turned on my laptop.

I hope your appt goes well,@TravelingChris When you are here, do you just come and go, or hang out to do something fun too? Sometime when you’re headed up, if the timing works, maybe we can meet for lunch?

About to sit down and work on college stuff. Need a master timeline of all the deadlines!

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16 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Good morning, all. Slow start here. I’ve had coffee, made the bed, had my quiet time, checked my email, joined a GroupMe text chain, and turned on my laptop.

I hope your appt goes well,@TravelingChris When you are here, do you just come and go, or hang out to do something fun too? Sometime when you’re headed up, if the timing works, maybe we can meet for lunch?

About to sit down and work on college stuff. Need a master timeline of all the deadlines!

Yes, we need to do that.  We are having breakfast at Big Bad Breakfast.

And yes, my appt went fine.

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Spent a couple of hours thoroughly investigating one university. Good website. Not sure it's the place for Dd, but we will visit and she will likely apply. 

Next up: 
Check out another college/uni online.

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I finished the driving course online. 

I made food for dd after she woke up and before heading back home to get ready for work. 

Made the other meals, too. 

My SAT prep student is going to take another practice test and us go over it tonight because he starts school tomorrow and my schedule is busy this weekend.  He's trying to take the next test and wants as much help as possible before it. 

I talked to a homeschool mom I know about possibly tutoring her daughter. I have heard the same story so many times in the last few months. The kids are behind because the students get behind from not doing their work every day. Why aren't the parents holding them accountable? Math should not be done at the whim of the student.  Some of these families go to CC, so I know they surely get their work done for that. It really baffles me how math cannot be seen as too essential to let go like that. 


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Got dates and info for two other schools. Booked visits. 
Dropped Ds at football
Picked up CSA box
Got a few things at the grocery
Visited with neighbors, took one a tomato from our box

About to make dinner: chx stir fry and pot stickers. I'm tired and I'd rather go out with dh, but it's not in the budget. 


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Student had to help his parents with something, so he can't take the test until tonight. We think we can both meet Thursday evening to go over it. 

Dh and I watched an episode of Handmaid's Tale. 

I need to make that get ready for company master list. 

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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

Thank you! Is it on any other streaming service than Apple TV? We don't have that, and that is what is coming up when I search online. 

Oh, yes it’s on appletv. My dh signed up for the free trial then got into watching severance so he bought a couple months, and that’s how we found for all mankind. 

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So we drove to Walgreen's and picked up a thermometer for ds and family- some of whom have COVID.  Then we picked up their order from Krogers and brought all of it to their house.  Now when we left our house, our Subaru was saying we had 30 miles left till we ran out of gas.  But although we went no more than 10 miles total, it started showing we were out right before we got to their house.  Then the first gas station we tried, had no gas.  Fortunately, there was another just down the road that did have gas and we never ran out.

Then we went to dinner at a local German restaurant because dh didn't want to cook after driving over 200 miles today and doing these errands for them.  We had had such a good breakfast that neither of us finished our dinners so we have food for lunch tomorrow.

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I didn't make the master list. I decide to make a meal plan and grocery list. I went to the grocery store, and everything is put away. 

My student sent me his math practice test, and I just scored it. He made a 660. His best score he had before we started was 560, so I'm pleased he is improving these practice scores after just meeting 3 times. 

I need to go over the ones he missed and look for strategies to teach him. 

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Cleaned up dinner. 

Got the milk cooler ready for tomorrow. 

Argued with Dh about how much screen time Ds should have during the school year. 😐😡

Ordered tickets for Hadestown.
Dd will be SO excited! She has been wanting to see this show, a retelling of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, for a year or so. My MIL’s gift to us. And a friend of my mom’s who has season tickets got us good seats before they go on sale to the general public. Show is not til early November, so after the main flurry of fall crazy-busy. 

About to start getting ready for bed. Dd should be home from work soon. 

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Hi guys, I'm very late again today.

I was SO busy today.

Today's home projects / sub-projects were:

  • Electrician in to quote re-doing our basement electricity, which was originally done unsafely by a hack (before we moved in).
  • Day 2 of getting the basement ceiling replaced.
  • Cleaning off the front porch to make room for:
  • Receiving some porch / patio furniture.
  • Taking about 8 boxes of donations to a donation drop-off location.
  • Painter lady in to quote painting the basement walls.
  • Bringing an old desk up out of the basement.
  • Taking said desk and a bunch of chairs, sports equipment, etc. to the treelawn for the garbage pickers.

My day (to the extent I remember):

  • Slept!
  • Made kid1's breakfast & lunch & my coffee.
  • Drove kid1 to her job.  Sent her some reminder texts regarding things she needed to communicate re her schedule.
  • Wordle (5), nerdle (3), quordle (9).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media.
  • Filled my car's backseat with donation boxes.
  • Cleaned & swept the porch & some other minor cleaning jobs.
  • Showered.
  • Kid2 to take her test for her temporary driving permit (she passed).
  • Kid2 to get her temporary driving permit (different location / wait line etc.).
  • Dropped off donation boxes.
  • Mailed some items.
  • Ate fruit & veggies, drank water.  (Forgot to take my vitamins.)  Ate a can of something from the cupboard (I'm trying to clear old stuff out of there).
  • Found kids' guitar bag so I could give my kids' old half size guitar to the Dog Whisperer's grandkid.
  • Signed to purchase new insurance.
  • A little client work, including a conference call while driving.
  • Picked up Kid1 from work.
  • Both kids to vision check-up.  Ordered a year's supply of contact lenses.
  • Grabbed Panda Express at Kid2's request.
  • Kid1's driving lesson.
  • Kid2's driving lesson.
  • Cleaned out my car, including some nasty unwrapped chocolate that some kid stuffed in the pocket behind my seat.  (My kids blame their friend.)
  • Walked the pup.
  • A little reading.
  • Sent an email re one of my sponsored students.
  • Lots of talk about upcoming house projects, pup sleepovers, and a trip the kids want to make to see Kid1's boyfriend.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Carried a bunch of things to the treelawn for the garbage pickers.
  • Emailed kids' band director re Kid1's work schedule vs. band camp schedule.
  • Filled out kids' band forms & wrote check.
  • Got the kids to get off their phones and go to bed.

Tomorrow I think we have the plumber as well as the basement ceiling guys coming.  My morning will begin with moving my car to the road, taking the pup out, taking the garbage out, driving Kid2 to band camp and Kid1 to her job.  So here's hoping we all hear our alarms and wake up!

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