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Tackling Monday Together


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Good morning!

I'm off soon to get my mammogram. Because of my past history, the doctor wants a 3D type, and that is 35 minutes away using the hospital system that this doctor is with. 

Dd is coming later to play the Twilight Imperium game again. It took 10 hours last time, so I hope it won't be that long again. Well, it does mean we're all at the table together that long, so maybe I do! 

I doubt I'll have time for much else. 

Have a great day! 

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Good morning!

This is my week off from tutoring  to catch up on things I need to do at my church job, for my kids, and general get-ready-for-fall. And just to have a break. I had a few very light weeks, but no actual breaks since Christmas. 

This morning will be some list making and planning, then lots of desk/computer work.

Oil change for Dd’s car
Ds to football
Shopping with Dd? 

Dinner is chx alfredo, over pasta for kids, over zoodles for me and dh. Need a rotisserie chx and some cream. 

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Good morning. We are year-round schooling now, but rolling in a few more subjects this week since so many fell off in June. So it's something of a first day here, even though we did math and reading all summer. 

Older boy is in charge of dinners for 2 weeks. We shopped the freezer and pantry and he made a meal plan. Tonight is pork tenderloin, green beans and IDK what else he had listed.








Anything else is icing. (Painted toenails, watered garden, got to read, packed for tomorrow.)

Edited by Brittany1116
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Good morning! 

@mom31257, we've played that game once -- came in from Brazil to visit friends, ended up pulling a true all-nighter sitting there playing it, trying to keep my youngest (who was then around 2.5 or 3) from destroying the board at every turn.....the DH of the family we were visiting ended up handing him the "sacred" (ie, very off limits) dice box with ALLLLL the gaming dice and letting him just go to town. He (DS) ended up dropping dice one by one into their subwoofer speaker all night -- they said they were still finding dice in the speaker years later when they moved it. LOL!  Fun (but long and complex) game! 

My day today -- 

...prep for/go tutor (I just have to make some copies)
...come home, make The Master List for the next 2 weeks before school starts back up/I go back
...start working on said Master List
...***make sure I've sent all the necessary "send by Aug 1st" emails to everyone****
...compile DS's final math grade, add to his transcript
...clean up all my scattered "dumped all the bags/papers on the tables" stuff from our trip, grandma's, etc. 
...help with laundry as needed 

Dinner is assorted leftovers, so that's taken care of, thank goodness, and we have no evening things on Mondays, so a restful (but lots of probably computer stuff) day. 


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We had a day of bickering and arguing and fighting among the littlest three yesterday that was completely intolerable, so they get to stay in my sight today.  Not fun for them or me. 😕
DD coming today for boxes.
School because while we weren't starting this soon, we're going to spend the day together in each other's AO anyway. Sigh. Maybe Green Ember........
Wicked hot today so I'm thinking pool this afternoon.

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Howdie, happy Monday!

Why am I stressed out???

Well, probably because it's a deadline day and I don't have everything I need to do my reports & I don't really feel like doing it anyway!

Today's house project is guys starting the removal and replacement of our basement ceiling (tiles etc.).


  • Kids to band camp (school based).
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (4), quordle (7).
  • Pup care including ear cleaning / drops etc.
  • Pup to the Dog Whisperer for 3 or 4 days.
  • Some cleaning and laundry.
  • Paid some bills.
  • A little reading.
  • Ate fruit and did a little walking.
  • Back and forth with kid's boss (finally received the August calendar and it's not so great).
  • Back and forth with kid's therapist because my kid is schedule to work both of the days therapist had available appointments.
  • Followed up on a refund from the July camp my kids couldn't attend due to Covid.
  • Carried up more bags from the basement to the garage.  I was wrong when I said the basement was 100% purged.  Not sure why but they didn't remove everything they said they would.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, electronic school stuff.
  • A little client work.

To do:

  • Lots of client work, especially about 10 reports that are due today.
  • Pick up the kids from band camp.
  • Get Kid1 to try to adjust her work schedule to accommodate therapy sessions.
  • Take vitamins, eat veggies, drink water.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Later, take Kid1 for a driving lesson.
  • Lots of house cleaning.
  • Band forms.
  • Make the kids clean their rooms, practice their instruments, take their vitamins, and hopefully do some summer homework.
  • Whatever else gets done.


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Got both of Ds’ email accts to work on his phone.

Updated the visual schedules for me and Dd.

Ordered some school books for Dd.

Updated YNAB

Texted with my boss at my church job.

Started the stained comforter in the wash at the laundromat.

Currently in line to get the oil changed in Dd’ car.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Went to tutoring - that went well, and we have the last 1.5 sessions scheduled and then we're done

Came home, ate lunch, took a short nap 

Answered a few emails that are not *the* emails, so need to go in and do that

Need to make my master list - a friend offered to come help, and I think I'll see if she wants to be my hole punch/assemble person when I do the timelines; she likes to get out and feel useful, and we like to visit, so this would be good

Gotta get to work....

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Oil change took forever!

Chocolate stain did not come out, but others did. Thankfully, it is on the underside, not the top. Comforter is in the dryer. 

The stick for the turn signals in Dd’s car broke when I was doing the lights check at the oil change. Totally jagged break, not a joint or whole piece. Weird! Hoping Dh can figure out a jury-rig with super glue and duct tape!1B7F61F7-F49D-4117-922D-A92F0864EF54.thumb.jpeg.61a9be918257a2ab8cd7f50a4557b8cd.jpeg

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That's wild, Scout! How strange. 


Okay - I cleaned all my "dump here for now" stuff, now I can think. 

Sorting registrations, updated my attendance sheets. Will wait to print until after Orientation in case of last minute registrations (happens every year). 

Messaged a friend, she's going to come help tomorrow with printing the timelines & assembling them, and whatever else we can get done. Yikes! Need to make more of a list for her to help with. 

Emailed a family that asked me to hold a spot, but then I never heard from them, so checking in. fingers crossed they register! This would be little brother to a girl I had for 3 years, she's leaving to go elsewhere, but I know they were planning to keep little brother with me. Hopefully they didn't change their minds. 

Going through the computer stuff now....sending the emails, etc. 

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Stopping there for today - 

--printed the science experiment "teacher notes" pages I made earlier this summer
--double checked all the "print with the timeline" stuff, to be sure it's ready to go
--updated the 1st six weeks of assignment sheets to the correct science, so those are ready to go (will print/file those tomorrow w/my friend)

In the morning, I will:
--update the Orientation letter/handout
--update the contact list by grade level (to send home in week 1)
--figure out anything else I need to put in the week 1/1st day folders

Fingers crossed I have enough ink for all the printing tomorrow! (I should head out this afternoon and see if someone has one in stock, just in case...)

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Well we have another change in plans regarding the house purge/clean/fixup.  The ceiling guys say the job is going to take longer than originally expected (new completion time estimated as next Tuesday instead of this Thursday).  This means we have to move other stuff further into the future.  And we'll probably get our pup back tomorrow since it's too much to board him away for more than a week when we don't really have to.  (Which means he'll be doing a lot of barking come Wednesday etc....).

I sent out a pile of reports.  There's only one remaining report that really needs to go out tonight, and then I have a bunch that I promised over the next couple days.

Still not really feeling it.

I slept very little last night, so that could be a factor.  If I take a nap now, will I regret it???

The nice thing is that with our pup out of the house, I can putz around the common areas without waking him up all night.

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Bugged Dd to get some stuff done. She's in lazy do nothing mode and cannot really afford to be...
Did some laundry
Got chx and cream at the grocery
Watched a YT video of AHG's founder being interviewed on Focus on the Family last week
Sent some emails.


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Picked up a box of regular paper, and a box of the bright/heavier paper that I need for school

Dropped off used cartridges at Office Depot for recycling rewards and picked up the new one

Picked up DH's new smoker and such

Came home, cooking dinner (heating up leftover sausages with brussels sprouts, then leftover potato salad on the side, and pretzels w/cheese dip)

Kids are having some issue with the computer/minecraft, so hopefully will figure that out.....oye. 

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What I planned to do changed mid morning

researched and called places to find part for toilet and order. I know  exciting. 

spent time on phone with kitchen faucet people getting replacement parts and replacing what we did have

Cleaned kitchen after taking faucet apart. 
organized freezer

order groceries 

watch another episode of For All Mankind


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Well I did take a nap.  Now I have a little more than an hour to finish and send out a couple reports.  I don't expect this to be difficult (but knowing my luck ...).

I need to switch out the laundry so it doesn't get mildewy.

I wasted the opportunity to clean house and make my kids start their summer math.  😕  Well there's always tomorrow.

Last thing I need to do is move my car from the street to the driveway.  I will get a ticket if I park on the road overnight.  Need to park strategically as we have an electrician coming at 7am, and I have to drive Kid1 to work in the morning.

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