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I'm now a K-drama addict...

Jann in TX

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24 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

One of the episodes had another autistic client that was very different than Attorney Woo and there was emphasis on autism being a spectrum.

That’s a good sign!  At least the production team did some research!

41 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

My understanding is the actress was hesitant because she wanted to do a respectful portrayal.

I know some people are very concerned about having Autistic actors play Autistic characters.  Me personally, I think it’s more important to have Autistic writers in the writing room.  Our experiences are human experiences, I think I could be portrayed by a neurotypical actor if they were given a good script!

9 minutes ago, KSera said:

 I do think your concerns may well be right on target, but that also it’s possible you could end up liking it anyway.

This is possible!  I ended up enjoying Atypical despite the fact that the lead was a stack of DSM criteria in a Trenchcoat instead of a real person.  Despite the flaws it was still fascinating to see Autistic experiences addressed on screen. 

21 minutes ago, KSera said:

I found it most helpful to have a better understanding of where S Korean society currently stands as regards autism, and in that context, I think the show has been positive for autistic Koreans

I read one Korean article that said it was “unrealistic” that an Autistic person could actually be a lawyer…. 🤦‍♀️

I guess any depiction at all of Autistic professionals is positive at this stage. (In Korea and the United States…)

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1 hour ago, Lawyer&Mom said:

As an Autistic lawyer, I’m sorta terrified to watch this.  But I keep hearing it’s amazing… Maybe I’ll take the plunge?

(I’m afraid she’s going to be portrayed as a unicorn savant, and I know way too many Autistic lawyers to think we are particularly remarkable…)

My oldest daughter is autistic-- chances are my grandson is too.  I also have a nephew who is autistic/odd.

There is a reason why autism is called a 'spectrum' disorder-- no 2 are alike! 

My daughter is high-functioning: she has 'learned' to pretend to make eye contact. She obsesses about reptiles and bugs-- more so than Attorney Woo's whale obsession! She was recently awarded the top manager AND top studio award for her company (major photography company) and will probably get top photographer too.-- DH and I never dreamed that dd would be 'successful' (so many people said she would always be dependent and would never go to college (she graduate with honors!!!)-- we learned a LOT along the way and just cherish her for who she is!!

With that said-- I feel that they did a pretty good job of representing a person with (Korean) autism.  Many of her mannerisms hit close to home for me-- it was neat to see another person see those as endearing (my dd's fiance is not bothered by dd's autism and even sees it as a POSITIVE trait!  He is a keeper just like Juno!)

I LOVED this show.

Edited by Jann in TX
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2 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:


With that said-- I feel that they did a pretty good job of representing a person with (Korean) autism.  Many of her mannerisms hit close to home for me-- it was neat to see another person see those as endearing (my dd's fiance is not bothered by dd's autism and even sees it as a POSITIVE trait!  He is a keeper just like Juno!)


I thought Attorney Woo’s relationship with her other attorney friend (the female attorney who was always opening her water bottles) was also really sweet. 

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23 minutes ago, KSera said:

I think the portrayal is a mix of good and bad. I’d say it’s very much a savant portrayal (and initially turned it off before even finishing the first episode before going back to it many weeks later) I found it most helpful to have a better understanding of where S Korean society currently stands as regards autism, and in that context, I think the show has been positive for autistic Koreans. I was annoyed by some things, but the main character is so likable that I got past the annoyances and really enjoyed it.  I do think your concerns may well be right on target, but that also it’s possible you could end up liking it anyway. It’s hard to explain.

The bold is where it is.  I don’t think she is a savant just because she is such a perfectionist that she memorizes law and cases. But I know many will disagree. Personally I think even portrayals of savants is way off. The 2 I’ve met sure aren’t as seen on Tv, antidotal though a sampling of 2 is. 🙂

She’s cute and beautiful, which most savants or spectrum aren’t lucky enough to be bc I’m sure that would help them gloss through some social snafus.

While she might be excellent at knowing the law, and memorizing case info, she really sucks at knowing what to DO with that information.  She almost left practicing entirely bc she worried that she couldn’t represent her clients due to prejudice against people with ASD affecting her in court.  And there’s a LOT of prejudice. Everyone presumes the guy interested in her is volunteering for charity work or worse maybe he’s a perv taking advantage of her. (It’s neither.) There’s a presumption she can understand someone far worse (? Lack of better wording) on the spectrum than her just because they both have ASD. 

She has lots of tics and quirks that make daily life difficult for those around her.  She is struggling a lot with figuring out how to show affection bc she knows others need/want that from her but it doesn’t come naturally to her. And at the same time, many presume she’s not capable of loving others and she actually cares a lot. This aspect really resonated with my personal dealings with the ASD loved ones I have.

So yeah. Good and bad. Kinda like ASD. 

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1 hour ago, Lawyer&Mom said:


I read one Korean article that said it was “unrealistic” that an Autistic person could actually be a lawyer…. 🤦‍♀️

I guess any depiction at all of Autistic professionals is positive at this stage. (In Korea and the United States…)

Does the writer think it's possible for an autistic person to become the richest man in the world?  (Bill Gates)
or an Academy Award winning actor?  (Anthony Hopkins)


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3 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

Does the writer think it's possible for an autistic person to become the richest man in the world?  (Bill Gates)
or an Academy Award winning actor?  (Anthony Hopkins)


Right!?!  People seem willing to imagine Autistics in tech, but law is somehow a step too far.  As if rule-followers with good memory, high attention to detail and tolerance for repetitive work wouldn’t be drawn to the law?


4 hours ago, Jann in TX said:

DH and I never dreamed that dd would be 'successful' (so many people said she would always be dependent and would never go to college (she graduate with honors!!!)-- we learned a LOT along the way and just cherish her for who she is!!

One advantage of being undiagnosed until adulthood is that no one ever questioned my ability to be successful.  They knew I was awkward and never seemed to reach my full potential, but it was just written off as “quirky gifted kid” issues.  I feel sorta bad for the 1990s generation of kids who got the newly expanded Autism label but didn’t have the role models because their Autistic elders were all undiagnosed.  (No one was diagnosing highly verbal girls in the 1980s!) 

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10 minutes ago, Lawyer&Mom said:

Right!?!  People seem willing to imagine Autistics in tech, but law is somehow a step too far.  As if rule-followers with good memory, high attention to detail and tolerance for repetitive work wouldn’t be drawn to the law?


One advantage of being undiagnosed until adulthood is that no one ever questioned my ability to be successful.  They knew I was awkward and never seemed to reach my full potential, but it was just written off as “quirky gifted kid” issues.  I feel sorta bad for the 1990s generation of kids who got the newly expanded Autism label but didn’t have the role models because their Autistic elders were all undiagnosed.  (No one was diagnosing highly verbal girls in the 1980s!) 

I've read articles by writers whining the tech industry is exploiting autistics . . methinks someone is unhappy with their salary compared to a techie.  And a lot of techies don't make 'the big bucks'.   

1dd was diagnosed in her 30s, so she was just the "quirky gifted kid".     They weren't diagnosing highly verbal boys either.  1ds was also diagnosed as an adult - while he was doing his MS.  His advisor was "oh, that explains things".)

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13 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

DD12 and I are about to finish up Flower Crew (it is on Netflix). I wasn't sure about it after the first episode and I wasn't loving the lead actress at first, but after the second episode we were hooked! We've really liked it. Of course I'm saying this prior to watching the final episode, but that's okay. Ha! 😂

Just wanted to come back and say…of the shows I’ve watched so far, Flower Crew has had the best ending! I’m still a newbie, so I don’t have a lot to compare it to, but we were happy with it. 👍

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished The Spies Who Loved Me (I watched it on Prime) and I really enjoyed it.

I started Doctor Cha (Netflix) with Dh and so far we are really liking it. 

I stopped watching Yumi’s Cells (viki) because I felt it yanked at the end of season 1. Dd14 watched season 2 and it never got better.

Watched the movie (not a series) Kill Baksoon bc the lead actress was also the lead in Crash Course in Romance that we liked so much. The acting was great but I hated that it just suddenly stopped.

What’s everyone else enjoying?

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Well first, I just wanted to let you all know that DD12 is also now a true K-drama addict!! We watch together pretty much every night. 🤣 We’re still trying to convince DD14, but she’s always too busy for us. 😂 DH lived in Korea when he was a kid (military) so he’ll chat with us about stuff sometimes, but I don’t think we’ll convert him. 

Anywho, we recently finished Hometown Cha Cha Cha. It was really good. DD prefers dubbing (aaahhhh 😫), so we watched most of it that way. She allowed me to change it to subtitles on the last episode and I felt like I was watching a whole new show! There were a few cheeseball episodes in the middle, but for the most part we both liked it a lot.

Now we’re in the middle of The King’s Affection. Boy is it different from the last show! It started a little slow, but we’re liking it so far. We’re only on episode 7, so things haven’t picked up the pace just yet. 

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17 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

Well first, I just wanted to let you all know that DD12 is also now a true K-drama addict!! We watch together pretty much every night. 🤣 We’re still trying to convince DD14, but she’s always too busy for us. 😂 DH lived in Korea when he was a kid (military) so he’ll chat with us about stuff sometimes, but I don’t think we’ll convert him. 

Anywho, we recently finished Hometown Cha Cha Cha. It was really good. DD prefers dubbing (aaahhhh 😫), so we watched most of it that way. She allowed me to change it to subtitles on the last episode and I felt like I was watching a whole new show! There were a few cheeseball episodes in the middle, but for the most part we both liked it a lot.

Now we’re in the middle of The King’s Affection. Boy is it different from the last show! It started a little slow, but we’re liking it so far. We’re only on episode 7, so things haven’t picked up the pace just yet. 

I liked Hometown Cha Cha too.  I have yet to watch the kings affection though it’s in my queue.  My dd14 is currently watch Crash Course in Romance.  My other kids aren’t very interested.  My youngest two will watch with me sometimes though.  My ds11 is all about the food.  He’s like I want to camp like that and eat all the foods before anyone tells me what the food actually is.  LOL

And yes! Dubbing vs subtitles is like a whole different  experience! 

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I'm currently enjoying Our Blooming Youth.

I've been crocheting a lot lately (starting Christmas already!)-- so I've also been going back and re-watching some of my favorites... I cant read subtitles and crochet new patterns at the same time and I can't stand dubbing....  So stuff like:  Her Private Life, Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim, Hometown Cha Cha Cha, True Beauty...

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2 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

Well first, I just wanted to let you all know that DD12 is also now a true K-drama addict!! We watch together pretty much every night. 🤣 We’re still trying to convince DD14, but she’s always too busy for us. 😂 DH lived in Korea when he was a kid (military) so he’ll chat with us about stuff sometimes, but I don’t think we’ll convert him. 

Anywho, we recently finished Hometown Cha Cha Cha. It was really good. DD prefers dubbing (aaahhhh 😫), so we watched most of it that way. She allowed me to change it to subtitles on the last episode and I felt like I was watching a whole new show! There were a few cheeseball episodes in the middle, but for the most part we both liked it a lot.

Now we’re in the middle of The King’s Affection. Boy is it different from the last show! It started a little slow, but we’re liking it so far. We’re only on episode 7, so things haven’t picked up the pace just yet. 

my older sons are into anime.  It prompted them to start learning some Japanese so they could watch.  
I've been disappointed with the quality of dubbing on occasion - it's been clear something was left out/lost.


I loved The King's Affection.

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1 hour ago, Jann in TX said:

I'm currently enjoying Our Blooming Youth.

I've been crocheting a lot lately (starting Christmas already!)-- so I've also been going back and re-watching some of my favorites... I cant read subtitles and crochet new patterns at the same time and I can't stand dubbing....  So stuff like:  Her Private Life, Whats Wrong with Secretary Kim, Hometown Cha Cha Cha, True Beauty...

Sigh. I haven’t picked up my knitting or crocheting in many months bc I can’t read subtitles at the same time either.  But that’s a good idea I might try!

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8 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

NOT discussing politics but I it was a little joy to know I’m not the only one watching the news and wondering is this reality or is this kdrama? Also, can’t wait to watch the next episode.  🍜 




I guess it was a way to 'lighten' the mood...

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On 4/27/2023 at 1:09 PM, Vintage81 said:

DH saw this article the other day. It doesn’t mention k-dramas specifically, just k-content, but I’m assuming k-dramas are included….


I’m meh on that. I’ve really liked some Netflix produced kdramas but they definitely have a different feel to them than viki or kocomo productions.  It’s a very westernized feel that I personally don’t prefer.

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Those of you who use Viki…can you tell me about it? Briefly looking at it, it seems like there is some free stuff available, but otherwise looks like I’ll need a subscription. Do you have the standard pass, or the plus? Anything else I should know? 

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28 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

Those of you who use Viki…can you tell me about it? Briefly looking at it, it seems like there is some free stuff available, but otherwise looks like I’ll need a subscription. Do you have the standard pass, or the plus? Anything else I should know? 

I have the free account because Netflix keeps us busy for now. If at anytime I run out of stuff on Netflix, or the amount of things I want to watch on Viki increases, then I'd probably get a subscription (and binge-watch like crazy)!

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12 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

Those of you who use Viki…can you tell me about it? Briefly looking at it, it seems like there is some free stuff available, but otherwise looks like I’ll need a subscription. Do you have the standard pass, or the plus? Anything else I should know? 

I’ve been a Viki subscriber ever since DramaFever went out of business. I watch mostly C-dramas these days and some K-dramas if there is something new added that interests me.  I think there is another app called Asian Crush, but I’ve only watched a couple shows there and not recently. I have the Viki Pass Plus, but I don’t recall the differences in the plans available, but watch enough to justify having a membership. 😊 I don’t have Netflix.

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@Vintage81 Viki is constantly adding new shows, so I always seem to find something new to watch or start while new episodes to shows are getting subtitled and added. They have good search features if you like specific genres. I always have shows waiting for me in my watchlist.

Edited by Mona
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I have Viki Plus-- it is worth it for me....

Also- Viki has Goblin (Guarding the Great and Lonely God)-- the BEST BEST BEST K-drama ever. PERIOD.

I have yearly pass-- but my sister has the monthly-- and will splurge on it every few months and do some binging!

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5 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:

I have Viki Plus-- it is worth it for me....

Also- Viki has Goblin (Guarding the Great and Lonely God)-- the BEST BEST BEST K-drama ever. PERIOD.

I have yearly pass-- but my sister has the monthly-- and will splurge on it every few months and do some binging!

What is the difference between the standard and plus? 

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Viki Plus gives you access to their Kocowa content.  (Kocowa is yet another streaming service.)  Kocowa is run by the major Korean networks and has professional subtitles instead of volunteer subtitles, and the subtitles are available sooner if you like watching shows that are currently broadcasting.  If you end up being a major KDrama consumer it can make sense to have Viki Standard and a separate Kocowa account.  It’s cheaper if you buy separately when they are on sale.

Some of the shows I’ve wanted to watch are only available on Tubi, which is free with ads.  I found the ad breaks to be fairly minimal and I would just mute and ignore.

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I like viki standard quite a bit. There’s a lot to watch without paying extra for plus, though I have been tempted bc there’s some currently running shows on plus I’d like to watch. Most of the time, but not always, a few month after a new show is done airing, it switches from plus to standard.  I like that Viki doesn’t have ads or commercials and I’ve never had mature suggestions for viewing on it. (I’m sure they have some, but they don’t put it out there front and center like Netflix and Hulu do imo)

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6 minutes ago, Lawyer&Mom said:

Viki Plus gives you access to their Kocowa content.  (Kocowa is yet another streaming service.)  Kocowa is run by the major Korean networks and has professional subtitles instead of volunteer subtitles, and the subtitles are available sooner if you like watching shows that are currently broadcasting.  If you end up being a major KDrama consumer it can make sense to have Viki Standard and a separate Kocowa account.  It’s cheaper if you buy separately when they are on sale.

Some of the shows I’ve wanted to watch are only available on Tubi, which is free with ads.  I found the ad breaks to be fairly minimal and I would just mute and ignore.

😮 I did not know that!  When do they go on sale? I think it’s safe to say I’m a heavy kdrama consumer at this point. 😬😆

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5 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

😮 I did not know that!  When do they go on sale? I think it’s safe to say I’m a heavy kdrama consumer at this point. 😬😆

I think Viki goes on sale around Christmas and Kocowa in the summer, but don’t hold me to that!

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Just thought of another question…

So far I’ve noticed that the romance stuff has all been very PG…is this pretty common throughout all shows, or are there some that have more sexually explicit content? As I mentioned before, DD12 has been watching with me, so I just wanted to know what to watch out for. 

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2 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

Just thought of another question…

So far I’ve noticed that the romance stuff has all been very PG…is this pretty common throughout all shows, or are there some that have more sexually explicit content? As I mentioned before, DD12 has been watching with me, so I just wanted to know what to watch out for. 

Yes, there are some with more mature content-- on Netflix avoid 'Nevertheless'... there are also several that visit teen suicide (can open discussions but you/parent should have heads up).

There are several popular ones with some short but INTENSE kiss scenes (no skin or maybe just the guy's muscular chest)-- Business Proposal episode 7 (you'll never see glasses the same way!). 

Good news is there will be plenty that you can enjoy watching together!

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13 hours ago, Jann in TX said:

Yes, there are some with more mature content-- on Netflix avoid 'Nevertheless'... there are also several that visit teen suicide (can open discussions but you/parent should have heads up).

There are several popular ones with some short but INTENSE kiss scenes (no skin or maybe just the guy's muscular chest)-- Business Proposal episode 7 (you'll never see glasses the same way!). 

Good news is there will be plenty that you can enjoy watching together!

This is exactly our experience too. And note, it tends to happen more with Netflix, which I think definitely adds a heavy westernized flavor to the kdramas.

And LOL agreed on Business Proposal.

What Asian/Korean TV seems to call bullying most every American would call straight assault and battery. Which can be disturbing even though they rarely show the actual violence.  The latest example would be The Glory. (Which is absolutely more mature content and my kids didn’t watch it.)

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2 minutes ago, Murphy101 said:

What Asian/Korean TV seems to call bullying most every American would call straight assault and battery. Which can be disturbing even though they rarely show the actual violence.

I have found all the ones I’ve watched so far to have violence that was disturbing just due to how casual everyone was about it—parent to child, spouse to spouse, boss to subordinate. The level of violence wouldn’t be disturbing in other tv or movie contexts, but it is in the context of relationships where it just shouldn’t be happening at all. (Oh, and there was one show that had an extremely graphic car accident that was disturbing to me just in the level of graphic gore.) 

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11 minutes ago, KSera said:

I have found all the ones I’ve watched so far to have violence that was disturbing just due to how casual everyone was about it—parent to child, spouse to spouse, boss to subordinate. The level of violence wouldn’t be disturbing in other tv or movie contexts, but it is in the context of relationships where it just shouldn’t be happening at all. (Oh, and there was one show that had an extremely graphic car accident that was disturbing to me just in the level of graphic gore.) 

Right. Like a boss will be ticked off about something and will kick or slap their subordinate, especially if the subordinate is their son or daughter. Or a teacher to a student. And everyone in the room is just avoiding eye contact but totally think it’s just how things are done so oh well sucks to be that person today.

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6 minutes ago, KSera said:

I have found all the ones I’ve watched so far to have violence that was disturbing just due to how casual everyone was about it—parent to child, spouse to spouse, boss to subordinate. The level of violence wouldn’t be disturbing in other tv or movie contexts, but it is in the context of relationships where it just shouldn’t be happening at all. (Oh, and there was one show that had an extremely graphic car accident that was disturbing to me just in the level of graphic gore.) 

I always read reviews before watching.  Their 'violence'  is different than American 'violence' (you will rarely see guns used).  I passed on Squid Game -- but DH and 2 of my dd's  loved it.

Still there are so many great shows that are family (teen) friendly.


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Just now, Murphy101 said:

Right. Like a boss will be ticked off about something and will kick or slap their subordinate, especially if the subordinate is their son or daughter. Or a teacher to a student. And everyone in the room is just avoiding eye contact but totally think it’s just how things are done so oh well sucks to be that person today.

Yes-- we have to remember that these K-dramas are a glimpse into another culture-- we can easily judge them for this-- but they can turn around and judge US for how disrespectful our younger generations are to others-- especially elders...  it goes both ways.  

I have noticed that the 'hitting' has lessened in recent years and is not considered the norm any more--  I think having the dramas highlight how disturbing it is has helped change what is acceptable.

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8 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:

Yes-- we have to remember that these K-dramas are a glimpse into another culture-- we can easily judge them for this-- but they can turn around and judge US for how disrespectful our younger generations are to others-- especially elders...  it goes both ways.  

I have noticed that the 'hitting' has lessened in recent years and is not considered the norm any more--  I think having the dramas highlight how disturbing it is has helped change what is acceptable.

Oh yes. I’m not judging per se just saying this is common in the kdrama and Korean cultural attitudes. Idk if it’s bc of dramas highlighting it so much as public rude behavior has always been a huge no no and this falls in that line to most Koreans.  I wouldn’t presume to think this glimpse into another culture art form (film) is a glimpse into their actual daily reality. 

I’m currently watching Young lady and Gentleman, which I cannot recommend bc I was just beyond annoyed with how over the top it is.  But you know what it reminded me of? DYNASTY! And Falcon Crest!! Does anyone else remember those American soaps?! My mom loved them.  I wonder if foreigners watching that thought American women with too much money were always b-slapping and hair-pulling as they fell into luxurious pools or driveway water fountains? Surely I’m not the only kid who grew up thinking amnesia was going to be a way more common risk in life than it is?😆

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16 hours ago, Jann in TX said:

Yes, there are some with more mature content-- on Netflix avoid 'Nevertheless'... there are also several that visit teen suicide (can open discussions but you/parent should have heads up).

There are several popular ones with some short but INTENSE kiss scenes (no skin or maybe just the guy's muscular chest)-- Business Proposal episode 7 (you'll never see glasses the same way!). 

Good news is there will be plenty that you can enjoy watching together!

Thanks for the heads up…we were thinking about starting Business Proposal next actually. If it’s just kissing, that should be ok, but I’ll have to think about it. 

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27 minutes ago, Vintage81 said:

Thanks for the heads up…we were thinking about starting Business Proposal next actually. If it’s just kissing, that should be ok, but I’ll have to think about it. 

Besides the kiss scene in episode 7 (all other action is off camera) there is one more INTENSE kiss scene in one of the last episodes-- and it cuts out as clothes start to come off (but nothing is shown you just KNOW what is going to happen and it is INTENSE) : )  You can actually google ' Business Proposal kiss scenes' and pre-view them-- it would be out of context but you can see what we mean by 'intense' 

Fun show-- but maybe 15+ for my semi-conservative family.

I've been re-watching some of my old favorites while knitting this week-- tonight I finish "Heirs" or the Inheritors-- this is a teen 'first love'  with rich boy meeting poor girl... it does touch on bullying but most is upper class/lower class issues.  So many of the top current actors/actresses are in this one...  I would have let my dd's see it at 12. 

Some suggestions (all on Netflix) I think would be fine for a 12yo with parent: 

Kings Affection

Falling into your Smile (C-drama with gaming)

100 Days My Prince

Rookie Historian

Cinderella and the Four Knights

Touch Your Heart

there are plenty more--

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Of those, we have watched Cinderella and 4 Knights and Touch your heart as a family. 

let’s see scrolling through my viewed Netflix list….

King the eternal monarch was fine for my crowd.

I would let my crew watch Hometown Cha cha, when the Camillia Bloom, and Crash Course in Romance - the last 2 I really enjoyed. My 14 yr old really like Crash Course in Romance too.

Love Alarm was really good and an interesting concept.  There’s some kissing but nothing intense.

mystic Pop-up bar was really enjoyed by all of us (it’s one of dh’s favs) but has some sexual harassment and a woman commit suicide while in early pregnancy.  None of this would keep me from watching it *with* my crew though.  

her private life - clean, recommend. 

boys over flowers

I enjoyed Alchemy of Souls, but my under 13 crowd would be a pass on this one bc of the demons. 

I enjoyed Love to Hate You. There’s kissing and iirc, there’s some scenes of them in bed together and you know something was going on, but no actual sex scenes. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Related off topic …

Does anyone know if there are Korean children’s shows I could stream? Something like our PBS children’s programs?

I’ve seen pogoro and the little penguin, but those are a bit too young.  I’m thinking something in the 4-7 year old target audience. 

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On 5/4/2023 at 2:03 PM, Jann in TX said:


Some suggestions (all on Netflix) I think would be fine for a 12yo with parent: 

Kings Affection

Falling into your Smile (C-drama with gaming)

100 Days My Prince

Rookie Historian

Cinderella and the Four Knights

Touch Your Heart

there are plenty more--

Business proposal also has some slapstick (something I find painful).  I enjoyed it, fast-forwarded through the intense bits - Maybe I'm too jaded about how bad western produced dramas can get.

Others along the lines of the above (I enjoyed most of the ones above, only two I haven't seen)
Flower Crew: josen marriage agency

for something really different -  Live up to your name.  Time travel, modern/josen, medical,  they left the door open for a sequel . . . yes please.


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6 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Related off topic …

Does anyone know if there are Korean children’s shows I could stream? Something like our PBS children’s programs?

I’ve seen pogoro and the little penguin, but those are a bit too young.  I’m thinking something in the 4-7 year old target audience. 

We have enjoyed Porroro, Tayo the Little Bus which is Dubbed now, and Robocar Poli.

We have all the little bus toys for Tayo. It was such an adorable show.

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Just a quick update…DD and I have finished a few shows:

The King’s Affection - We liked this one, but didn’t love it. I really liked the two lead actors, but I’m not sure I liked them together. The series was also 20 episodes and at times it felt too long. One other thing that bothered me was I think the “big secret” should have been shared a little sooner with a few people because it just didn’t seem right. But overall, we still enjoyed mostly everything. 

A Love So Beautiful (the 2020 Netflix version…I think there is a different one on Viki?) - This one was just ok. I liked the supporting characters more than the main couple. I didn’t care for the lead male character (the actor was fine, just not his part). He was really selfish and it was kind of off-putting. 

Business Proposal - Thanks for all the heads up on the spicy scenes. I googled them beforehand (thanks @Jann in TX) and I just fast forwarded thru that scene in episode 11. This show has been one of our favorites so I’m glad we watched it. It was so funny, and I really liked all of the relationships in this one…the couples, friends, parents, etc. 

We’re currently watching 100 Days My Prince. I think we have about 4 episodes left and so far, so good. 

I keep seeing Doctor Cha recommended on Netflix, so I’ve added that to my list, but I don’t think all of the episodes are out. It looks interesting, so can’t wait to check that one out. 😊 I hope all of you are watching good stuff! 

Edited by Vintage81
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I finished 'Our Blooming Youth'-- it was fun

I recently watched 'The Biggest Hit' (I really liked this one and it would be OK for tween) and followed the lead in that to 'Its Beautiful Now'-- this one is 50! 1hr episodes long-- lots of family dynamics (the main moms are a bit too emotional for me at times but that it what the skip ahead button is for!)-- but I've laughed and cried... still have 12 episodes to go.

I'm starting to put together a watch list for this summer (I have one more week of classes!).  I have lots of knitting/crocheting to do!  

Let me know if you (anyone!) has watched any of the newer 2022-2023 dramas that they would recommend or even some of the older ones that have not been mentioned yet.

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22 minutes ago, Jann in TX said:

I finished 'Our Blooming Youth'-- it was fun

I recently watched 'The Biggest Hit' (I really liked this one and it would be OK for tween) and followed the lead in that to 'Its Beautiful Now'-- this one is 50! 1hr episodes long-- lots of family dynamics (the main moms are a bit too emotional for me at times but that it what the skip ahead button is for!)-- but I've laughed and cried... still have 12 episodes to go.

I'm starting to put together a watch list for this summer (I have one more week of classes!).  I have lots of knitting/crocheting to do!  

Let me know if you (anyone!) has watched any of the newer 2022-2023 dramas that they would recommend or even some of the older ones that have not been mentioned yet.

Holy crap!!! And here I thought 20 was long. 🤣

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8 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

Just a quick update…DD and I have finished a few shows:

The King’s Affection - We liked this one, but didn’t love it. I really liked the two lead actors, but I’m not sure I liked them together. The series was also 20 episodes and at times it felt too long. One other thing that bothered me was I think the “big secret” should have been shared a little sooner with a few people because it just didn’t seem right. But overall, we still enjoyed mostly everything. 

my 14 yr old really likes Lee Min Ho. And we enjoyed this even this it isn’t one of his best imo. We both disliked the ending.

We liked Legend of the Blue Sea more. (2016)

Which reminds me that idk what was going on that year, but for some reason 2016 kdramas were amazing.

8 hours ago, Vintage81 said:

I keep seeing Doctor Cha recommended on Netflix, so I’ve added that to my list, but I don’t think all of the episodes are out. It looks interesting, so can’t wait to check that one out. 😊 I hope all of you are watching good stuff! 

I’m current in Dr Cha and while I’m loving it - I gotta admit my teens would have a hard time watching it.  I don’t want to spoil it for others - but there’s a lot of adultery fallout and the emotional trauma is visceral.

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Currently watching:

The Real Has Come (kocowa or viki+) (haven’t finished so verdict out on teen viewing)

Dr Cha (Netflix) (No for my teens)

Tale of the Nine-tailed S2 (prime, S1 is on Viki)

Hwarang (kocowa) (so far this is fun but I’m not done with the series yet so don’t know if I’d let my teens watch it)

Dr Romantic S2 (S1-3 are on Viki) (It’s a medical show. Think like ER. I’d let them watch S1, verdict not out on S2)

It’s Okay, that’s love (this deals with domestic violence and childhood trauma in an adult with mental illness, it was really good but not for my teens.) finished this one  happy ending.

True to Love (prime) Teens is a no. There’s cussing and flipping off and frankly I almost hate the FL at this point bc I just can’t fathom any woman in her 40s handling any breakup like this. I doubt I’ll finish watching it.

22/23 releases:

Alchemy of Souls was really good and I’d watch with my teens 

We loved Crash Course in Romance (teen approved here)

i loved The Glory, but it was too explicit for teens imo

I’m waiting until Good Bad Mother finishes before I decide to start it or not.


Edited by Murphy101
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I had surgery Friday and it’s reduced my life goals to napping and ice packs on my face. So I’ve had some extra dramas time!

I liked She Was Pretty more than I thought I would.  I don’t really like the over the top hiding in embarrassment kind of female acting.  But once that was out of the way I enjoyed it.

I am really enjoying My Secret, Terrius.  It’s cute and fun.

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