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Tackling Friday Together


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Good morning! 

We are talking about walking to a restaurant for breakfast. We have several restaurants that are close by. 

  • get ready to go out
  • breakfast
  • errands out (bank, post office, insurance office)
  • go back to the doctor to discuss the sleep apnea options
  • lunch 
  • go see Thor
  • not sure what else we'll do 
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have a fun breakfast/day, Amy! 

My day today:

....start crock pot for dinner
...pick up friend, go to lunch, go see my grandma/her art gallery, come home
...sewing time, eat, ??? 
...OR make the kids go w/us to Nerd Night (movie night) at fencing (in which case, take the food there)
...if we stay home, figure out something to do instead (at home)

Hope it's a great day for everyone! 

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Good morning!! Today's plan:

Get Rx refilled for dh-done

Buy more caulk-done

Pick up some avocados-done

Shop for curtains-done

Work on walls/paint

Science plans




Water plants and birdbath




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Good morning! I was up early and had a long walk in a nearby park with a friend.

Had b’fast and making coffee now.

Oil change for my car. ✔️ 
Get gas ✔️ 
Emissions test? No longer required in my state!
Shower and pack
Update YNAB
Check with Dd on her to-do list
Drop Dd at a friend’s

Leave for overnight getaway with Dh this afternoon! This is a delayed 20th anniversary celebration. Our actual date is in May, which is crazy busy. 


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Good Morning

pick up produce and put away

make cranberry syrup for the Hawaiian ice

organize school books to sell

Wash towels

clean main bathroom

switch cell phone plans

cancel cable

harvest lettuce

clean and organize desk

finished alias find something else to watch at night



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Good morning!  I didn't realize it was Friday...  I haven't slept much in the past few days.  We are still waiting on a call regarding mom, estimated time she'll be at her current placement.  She was very tired when we visited yesterday.

ScoutTn, enjoy your getaway!

To do today:

  • coffee, breakfast shake
  • weights
  • go through bookshelf, pick my next few reads
  • find a small spill proof cup w/straw for mom's water...needs to be small and manageable, drop it off
  • finish laundry room cleaning
  • read, relax
  • pizza and salad for dinner
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5 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Good morning! I was up early and had a long walk in a nearby park with a friend.

Had b’fast and making coffee now.

Oil change for my car. ✔️ 
Get gas ✔️ 
Emissions test? No longer required in my state!
Shower and pack
Update YNAB
Check with Dd on her to-do list
Drop Dd at a friend’s

Leave for overnight getaway with Dh this afternoon! This is a delayed 20th anniversary celebration. Our actual date is in May, which is crazy busy. 


How exciting! Have fun!  We were originally having our 35th anniversary trip be a church group trip to Reformation Europe in 20?  They finally went in 22 but by then, I was could not do it physically.  So our 35th will be a 37th and in Hawaii in September 

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Home from my fun day out; my friend & I had shrimp for lunch, then we went to my Grandma's Art Gallery, visited for a while (including sitting out by the bay and just visiting), then came home. It's around an hour to/from, so my friend and I had plenty of time to chat/visit as well. 

DH got dinner going in the crockpot, so that's all set. 

Vegging out some while the guys play video games, then we'll eat, and then....???? 

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Very busy day.  We are on our way up to a resort state Park in the mountains.  I definitely overdid things because dh is in a super bad mood.  His depression is getting worse and he keeps putting off getting his sleep apnea dental appliance changed.  He is right back to the point before he had an appliance.  And I do blame military medicine for those years since they ignored his written complaints of depression.

I did do all my laundry and did pack. Also made appt w psych.

To do

Checking in

Unpack car

Go to dinner

Go to Botany and Geology camp fire talk


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Howdie, happy Friday!

Still recovering / mildly ill.  No motivation to do things that aren't urgent.  No appetite but I need to eat.  That sort of thing.

Glad the work day is over.  I didn't accomplish much, but I did get some work out.

I logged into the drivers' ed site at 3:30, which is the weekly time to book in-car lessons.  (I've had to cancel most of the ones I had booked due to conflicts that came up later.)  So I got 2 or 3 good dates, but the site bombed on me, and by the time I got back in, I only had time to snag one new session (for late August).  A bit annoying that my kid has been eligible for in-cars since May, and at the rate we're going it will be September before she finishes her training (if she's lucky).  And then I have the other kid!  (They only need 4 in-car lessons each.  Kid1's 1st lesson will probably be late July if we don't have to cancel it.)

The other thing I was trying to figure out was next week's sleep-away camp.  It's a new leadership camp just for kids ages 15-16.  When I signed up, it promised "more information soon," but more information never got posted, so I really don't know what's going on.  No agenda, no packing list etc.  After paying the $$$, of course work and health appointment conflicts came up, but the camp lady said I could drop them off late and pick them up early, which I'm sure my kids would prefer anyway.  Well then we got Covid this week, so I need to know their policies about that.  Another question is ... does the absolute cell phone ban apply to this group of campers?  (My kids are gonna LOOOOVE that.)  Nobody's answered my questions so far.  I probably should have asked sooner, but I was sick in bed so ....

The last thing I need to reschedule is my next blood donation.  Need to look up how soon I'm allowed to donate.

Friday dinner out is cancelled, yay!

Not much else going on.  My house is a mess kuz my kids are slobs & I am too tired to care.  Laundry is a week behind.  The kids are figuring out their own food, which is good for them to do anyway.  My pup is thrilled because most of us aren't leaving the house at all these days.

My grand plans for summer learning are definitely not where they were supposed to be right now, but oh well.  I still have dreams though.  In fact, I thought of some new ideas today.  I must be insane.

Anyhoo ... everyone enjoy Friday night.  😛

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@ScoutTN, enjoy your trip! 

@TravelingChris, enjoy yours, too! I'm sorry your dh is having a difficult time! 

@SKL, sorry for the scheduling and camp troubles! 

We saw Thor this afternoon, and I loved it! Dh thought it was okay. I am so much easier to please than my family members! 

I was told to come into the doctor's walk-in clinic to discuss my sleep test study, but I went in today, and they want me to see the doctor who ordered it. So I made an appointment for Monday morning. 

THEN....I get home to find that our insurance is dropping me. I tried to file an amendment to our dependents to add our dd when she lost coverage. She never got me the paperwork, and for some reason the computer picked up me as losing coverage and is dropping me. I called in a panic, and they are do an urgent update to get this resolved. I called to reschedule my appointment, but they told me to call first thing Monday in case they get it resolved before then. We didn't get an email this afternoon, so I'll need to change it. 

This is the second computer glitch with companies this week. Our homeowner's insurance somehow had the fire code changed from a 3 to a 9, which doubled our premium. We are maybe 1/2 mile from a fire station, not up on top of the mountain! The agent is trying to get it resolved, but we are looking at changing companies anyway. 

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