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Wanna Tackle Wednesday?


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Not really, but I woke up when Dh got up at 5 something and couldn’t go back to sleep.

I’ve checked my blood sugar, had coffee, and enjoyed the early morning sunlight.

To Do:
Tutor two students ✔️ , need to prep for the first one.

Drop veggies by a friend’s house ✔️ 
Costco? ✔️ 

Make a list for Dd ✔️ 
AHG things 
Call the bank Too late now. Thursday...

Figure out dinner. Stir fry, possibly.

Not sure what else.

Have a great day! 

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Good morning! 

We go to my sister's tonight so we are closer to the airport. We drop ds off very early tomorrow morning because he is going to Wisconsin to see his gf. He has a layover in DC, so I'm hoping both the flights go as planned. 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • started a load of laundry
  • check on size toiletries ds can take
  • meals
  • prep for afternoon student 
  • prep for 2 students tomorrow
  • record review video this morning
  • post the review homework I have completed in Google classrooms
  • invite students to new Google classrooms
  • get ds to look through toiletries and see if we need to buy anything
  • tutor student
  • pack
  • go to my sister's house 



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Good morning! 

Today I need to:

....go tutor
....investigate our electric bill, figure out why it went up so much 
...help DH figure out picking up a t-shirt order
....fold the last load of clothes from yesterday
...2nd Quarter of 1st Grade Science stuff

...sew some more quilt blocks (?)
...figure out dinner/plan for the week
....cook, eat, drop DS at church, DH & I have dance private lesson
....come home, veg out

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Good morning, everyone. I just have to share that I weighed less than 200 pounds for the first time in a lot of years!! Bath and Body Works will be my treat!! Today's plan:




Clean the floors-done


Skin tag and age spot treatment

Call my dad for his birthday-done

Find 2 things to do on my summer list

Go by the school on my way to church to get a textbook

Shop for curtains and pillows



Research Class dojo



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Still sick.  About the same as yesterday.  No exciting plans.


  • Personal hygiene.
  • Checked on my kids & pup.
  • Drank orange juice (kuz it's easier than eating an orange), ate cereal, took vitamins and Tylenol, made coffee.
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (4), quordle (8).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media.

To do:

  • Sleep more.
  • Night pup duty.
  • The rest depends on how I feel.
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Good morning!  

Math Teacher, Congrats!  What a great feeling...  SKL, I hope you feel better soon.  Amy, curious about what you use to record your video lessons? 

We are waiting on word about mom...they are going to transfer her to a skilled nursing facility to monitor IV antibiotics for an extended time.  Apparently this bacterial infection is quite involved considering her age, etc. She has to be monitored 24/7 in case of reactions.  She is able to go back to the same place she was at after her surgery in November, so the staff knows her, has already called us to discuss her care.

Done so far:

coffee, breakfast shake, kitchen clean up

To do:

mail boxes off to siblings, make more space in garage


Costco for basics

workout, weights

work on reading journal, finish last bit of current book

waiting on visiting information for mom so we can take clothes, snacks, etc.

not sure about dinner, probably grill something, salad

Have a great day!



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@readinmom, I record them in a Zoom meeting by myself. By doing Zoom I can share my screen or the whiteboard easily. I use my laptop and do it in our bathroom at the vanity seat. I have great light in there, and the sound does well. I record it to my computer instead of the cloud. Then I upload to YouTube as unlisted. The only people who can view it are the people that I give the link. I place that link on a Google doc that has a link to homework pages as well. Would you like me to send you a link to one of them?

@SKL, hope you are better quickly! 

I got my shower and got ready.

I recorded the video and uploaded it. 

I made some lunch for us. 

My student will be here soon. 

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Having a super sucky day=== no one does their job.  American Express s*cks and I have been with them for almost 32 years and will be dropping them.  

Plumber who is probably around our age did his job very, very well.

As to almost everyone else, NO.

To do

keep calling, emailing, etc and doing everyone else's job for them


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Finished with my student. He and his mom are super nice people! 

I packed for our overnight trip, including games because my sister LOVES them as much as me! 

We will leave within the hour and stop at Cracker Barrel for dinner. We have a few gift cards we have never used. 


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Took a break to watch TV - in the ongoing saga of perimenopause, today has been a day of cravings and baby migraine, so have medicated, napped, and now vegged out. The headache is gone, the tired remains, and I should probably make a juice rather than keep eating cheddar pretzel pieces. My appt is in 2 weeks....

also, @math teacher, I realized I didn't congratulate you -- that is a huge accomplishment, and you should be very proud! I hope you enjoy your reward! Treating yourself like that is such a smart plan! 

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Getting some scattered t-storms. Not enough to un-drought our condition, but we’ll take whatever we can get right now.

Checked in with Dd on what she got done today.  Grrr, not nearly enough...the fall is gonna be rough for her...
Prepped dinner
Ground coffee
Got a snack
Read the mail. Yikes! Stock market is terrible - shouldn't have looked at the retirement acct summaries. 
Logged session summaries from today's students.

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Oh - electric bill. So, since the war in Russia, Texas is exporting our natural gas to Europe and places. Which is causing a shortage here in Texas, which is driving prices up some. 

Then, since the winter storm fiasco 2 yrs ago, ERCOT is no longer prioritizing cheap energy over all else, and is requiring companies/generators to be online at all times, which means paying them steadily, which is increasing our prices. 

And then, since the prices went insane during the storm, and none of the providers could pay it, they were granted a thing (bonds?) to be able to spread the cost over several years to consumers, thus adding small surcharges to everyone's bills for the foreseeable future, which is....increasing prices. 

Apparently, our patio cover has actually saved us money even though our bill is higher -- our increase was "only" 20% to 30%, whereas statewide it's more like 50% to 70% higher than this time last year.  (so, likely our rate is equally higher, but our usage lower, thus the difference....). We're still going to look if one of the recognizable providers has a better rate/option (some offer things like free weekends or evenings, for instance), but....it could be (much) worse. :sigh:  Yay? 


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4 hours ago, mom31257 said:

@readinmom, I record them in a Zoom meeting by myself. By doing Zoom I can share my screen or the whiteboard easily. I use my laptop and do it in our bathroom at the vanity seat. I have great light in there, and the sound does well. I record it to my computer instead of the cloud. Then I upload to YouTube as unlisted. The only people who can view it are the people that I give the link. I place that link on a Google doc that has a link to homework pages as well. Would you like me to send you a link to one of them?

 Yes, please!  I would appreciate that.  I wondered about posting link to YouTube, good to know only certain people would have access.


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Well, I was definitely in a purging state of mind.  We dropped off a lot of stuff at Goodwill!  I was going to donate all of our used curriculum to library, but now second-guessing whether or not to post it on the curriculum board. Sometimes it's easier to be done with it but some extra cash would be nice.  I just remember being thankful at finding some treasures at the library bookstore that were mentioned in the Well Trained Mind. 

I'm off to visit my mom, make sure transfer goes smoothly.  

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Got more news- my rheumatologist has Cov8d so mh Friday appt is canceled.  Still can't get through to neurologist office.   And I am in a lot of nerve pain too.

Good things did happen later.  Dh wentbto Trader Joe's which is near the bank he had to visit as treasurer of the von Braun Astronomical Society.  He brought home dark chocolate cqramels and dark chocolate peanut butter cups. Then we watched Catching Smugglers ( and also illegal aliens) while dh cooked dinner. Now watching recorded Tour de France 

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