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Tackling Thursday Together


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Good morning!! The temperature will hit close to 100 today, so probably not working outside. My plans include:

Take MIL to the doctor-done


Clean the fixtures in both bathrooms-done

Choose paint color now that I have all the choices narrowed down-done


Fill the holes in the living room walls so i can start painting

Clean out emails while waiting at the doctor's office with mil-done

Clean the refrigerator and dishwasher

Continue checking out the amazon sale on school supplies-done


Get some things ready to go to resale shop

Pick up a prescription while I am out with MIL-turns out her appt was on the other side of town-done

Edited by math teacher
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Good morning! 

I took an allergy pill last night because I've been sneezing and having some sinus stuff going on. Maybe it's my walking outside in the early mornings this week. Dh and I just got back from a walk, and I'm hoping the medicine will keep it from getting worse. 

  • put on velcro for visor in car that won't stay up
  • coffee 
  • meals (late breakfast and early dinner because ds goes to work at 5)
  • clean main areas of house today
  • update checking record
  • never got to review work this week, so I need to do that
  • read some in new book I got
  • watch something and relax


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Good morning!  @math teacher, have fun picking colors & painting! And also, thank you for mentioning the amazon school supply sale; I was unaware! 

My day today:

...supervise/care for neighbor's dogs
...2nd Quarter K Science prep stuff 
....check out this Amazon school supply sale...

....lunch with  my friend who's back from her Mexico home
.....look at fixing the glove for the fencer friend
...find "torn up jeans" for DS to wear tomorrow for a special D&D session they are having (fortunately for him, I toss all the outgrown jeans up onto a shelf in the laundry room, so he can pull a pair down and add whatever holes he wants)
...remember to add Lecture registration for my quilt/DC trip, so we can pick up my quilt after the exhibit instead of shipping it back
...dinner early, go to fencing

Have a great Thursday, everyone! 

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Morning. Kindy kid is doing his last math lesson of the school year (before evals), even though they'll both continue math and some other items through summer as we transition to year-round schooling. It's pointless to take a long break in summer in FL!

Animals and gardens are done ✔

Breakfast done✔

Finishing school✔

Put away dry groceries✔

Balance budget

Wash car today or tomorrow

Work 1.5 hours minimum ✔2 hrs

Laundry mountain✔

Scripture and prayer ✔

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Amy - DH's allergies have been worse than usual lately, so maybe that's it?

Paperwork for DD - apply to transfer universities so she'll consider it. (Her U only offers Chinese, but she really wants Korean and they aren't remotely similar.)
Get dressed to go
Apply sunblock (burned Monday)

Take kids swimming for an hour
Barton x 3
Gardening for a tiny bit

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Good Morning

Clean birdbath- needs power brush after all the high temps

water gardens and flower pots

drop off item sold

drop off a load of cardboard at recycle center

clean floors

sort homeschool books in subject categories to sell

sort non school books in categories to sell

list more items on bulletin board to sell




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Chaos and confusion trying to get Ds to football this morning! We did not have correct info, so he was not at the right place at the right time. Argh! Other boys were in the same fix, so I suspect the communication breakdown was not my son’s fault. After some calls, emails, texts, and help from another parent, I found out where they are and Dh is taking him. 

Cancelled my first student for all this. Now in to our regularly scheduled day….


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Howdie, happy Thursday!

6 more days until the Big Client Deadline.  And I have some other pressing items also.  And an online conference for most of the day.  Hoping for focus and productivity.


  • Slept between alarms until I got up about 5am.
  • Got some work done, sent it out for client review.
  • Kids' breakfast.
  • Picked up kids' friend and drove the 3 to camp.
  • Cleaned out my car.
  • Wordle (3), nerdle (3), quordle (8).
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, and social media.
  • Took Tylenol for my headache.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
    • Create wire transfer templates, get them approved, and make wire transfers.
    • Research, complete and send at least 8 more client reports.
    • Review and comment on various reports sent to me.
    • Deal with all the new stuff coming up all day.
    • Filing and such.
  • Participate in online conference in the background ... it should have already started, but nothing is happening.
  • Pick up the kids from camp.
  • Kids to dentist.
  • Pup duty.
  • Eat fruit, veggies, take vitamins, drink water.
  • Yoga etc.
  • Some reading.
  • Some laundry and cleaning.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Found 3 pair of DS's old jeans, with sufficient holes in them, for him to choose from for his character costume for tomorrow; he picked one, and put the rest back on the random laundry room shelf. 

Played a bit of my solo farm on Stardew while the guys finished their game & DH cooked. 

Eating dinner, will send the boys to tend the neighbor dogs, DH and I will head to fencing. 

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@ScoutTN, allergy pills make me have weird dreams that I remember more of, and I rarely remember anything about dreams. I have a couple dreams  that mean a lot to me. One was about a month after my grandmother died, and the other was the morning my mother died, Honestly, they both were like a chance to say goodbye since I wasn't there when either one died. 

Can I vent for a minute? I'm upset! I think I shared that ds is trying to fly to Wisconsin to see his gf. Her parents helped make the reservations because they can get the money back if it he can't get off and has to cancel. I didn't realize the flight has a connecting layover in DC. That is what is upsetting me. He has flown a few times, but they were only direct flights when he was by himself. He's never been in the DC airport. With all the flights getting cancelled, I'm afraid he'll end up stuck there by himself. I know things will probably be fine, but he's only 19. He feels totally confident to do this, and it is probably just me being a momma. I'm just upset about it and will be so worried until he arrives safely there. Why is letting kids grow up so hard? I miss the days of them being totally dependent on me for everything and me being in control of much more. 

Oh well, today: 

Decided to remove the entire visor because it was hanging by a thread. I'll take it somewhere tomorrow to get an estimate on replacing it. 

worked on review work and have a list of videos I need to make

met with new student and did an evaluation; need to look over state standards to see what else I can work on besides the skills I observed

watched Ms. Marvel with ds and dh before making dinner

made dinner (had some items from Costco that were a hit)

read some in the new books I got (Every Moment Holy and Emotionally Healthy Spirituality)

watched an episode of Little House on the Prairie and a couple episodes of Parks and Rec

took another walk

made breakfast plans with a friend next week 

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@mom31257 It is hard to let go. Mine are younger than yours, but I am feeling it too. I miss snuggling on the sofa for Read Alouds and trips to the zoo and sticky hugs and kisses. 

On the traveling. He will be fine. He has sense, a good brain, a phone and a debit or credit card. He’s fine. The worst that happens is he spends a night in a hotel and flys the next day. Travel is not always predictable; it’s ok. He’s young and adventures are good. Take it from one who did loads of cross country traveling (without a phone) much younger than 19! 

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I found out his flight is into Reagan airport, so that one is smaller. And the return flight is a direct flight. Both positives! 

I might need something stronger for my allergies. All I have is Claritin, and I don't feel it is doing much. I don't feel sick. I have no temperature, no headache, no body aches. Just a stuffy and runny nose and sneezing. Of course, I keep walking outside, so maybe I'm not letting it work. I want to walk, though! 

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