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Wherein the Lord led me to stop at the liquor store for bourbon. ;-D

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Last evening I unfolded myself from my fetal-position, stood by the wood stove to warm up, and ventured out into the Arctic winds for a concert. This was our third and final performance of The Messiah, taking place at a lovely, old Episcopal church down the road a half hour. I normally just drive that way on a straight shot from our house. Last night, though, I was compelled to first stop up in town ~ at the liquor store of all places. Sure, I was running late (I always am). Sure, I should've just gone directly to the church. But after writing here about the cold temps and hot toddies, the need for bourbon overcame me. I was so looking forward to that warm drink, post-concert, and a bottle of Courvoisier was calling to me from the liquor store shelf. So I listened to that inner voice, then proceeded to drive on to the church via a different route.


No sooner had I left the liqour store than my car suddenly died on me. Just up and died while I was driving! I was going on a little downhill slope, past a grocery store, so I pulled right in and parked the dead bus. (The car has been acting very weird. I've had to jump-start it several times recently and there was a brand new battery in there. I think it's an alternator-related issue.) I used the phone at the store, got a ride to the concert, and sneaked in just a few minutes before starting time, so all was good in that respect.


Had I driven my normal route, I would've been on the side of the road with no cell phone, walking on a narrow shoulder in the pitch black (wearing my concert black attire), through brutally cold wind. But the bourbon run was my saviour! Hallelujah, indeed! Now, if that isn't a God thing, I don't know what is.:D:D:D

Edited by Colleen
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But the bourbon run was my saviour! Hallelujah, indeed! Now, if that isn't a God thing, I don't know what is.:D:D:D


This reminds me of that joke about the hitchhiker who notices a bottle of whiskey next to the driver and she mentions that she got it for her husband. "That was nice of you" says the hitchhiker.

"Yeah, I think the woman who has my husband now got a steal of a deal."


(and there is the one where the woman wants to get a gun for her husband and the store owner asks if he knows she's getting a gun for him, and she says no "he doesn't even know I'm going to shoot him.")


((And THAT reminds me of the saying that no woman ever shot her husband while he was doing the dishes))


(((AND THAT reminds me of the line "Love begins with a woman sinking into a man's arms, and ends with a woman with her arms in a man's sink.)))

Edited by kalanamak
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No sooner had I left the liqour store than my car suddenly died on me. Just up and died while I was driving! I was going on a little downhill slope, past a grocery store, so I pulled right in and parked the dead bus. (The car has been acting very weird. I've had to jump-start it several times recently and there was a brand new battery in there. I think it's an alternator-related issue.) I used the phone at the store, got a ride to the concert, and sneaked in just a few minutes before starting time, so all was good in that respect.


Had I driven my normal route, I would've been on the side of the road with no cell phone, walking on a narrow shoulder in the pitch black (wearing my concert black attire), through brutally cold wind. But the bourbon run was my saviour! Hallelujah, indeed! Now, if that isn't a God thing, I don't know what is.:D:D:D


LOL, Colleen, what a great story!


[ironically, I, too, went out for bourbon last night. I didn't notice that my car was OUT of gas, but did manage to just barely coast it in on fumes :) ]


And the lesson in this ladies is......If you find yourself going out for bourbon please take your jumper cables and double check the gas gauge before your leave the house. :lol::lol:


I love this board for all of the valuable life lessons I have learned.

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