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What to get a 13 yo boy for a birthday gift


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My youngest turns 13 soon and I have no idea what to get him as a gift.  He doesn't want a party of any sort, not even taking his friends to a movie or something fun. He like building things -- we gave him the Mark Rober course for Christmas.  We don't do video games. I am out of ideas and he is no help.

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A good pocket knife or multi tool

Tools (some of his own even if 'household' tools are available) 

Random building materials 

A Gift in Holding (I did this a few times when my kids had no ideas; when you want something throughout the year, you have a gift waiting for you - - more fun than all money! and they found it easier to claim a gift than to spend money they already had, lol) [and I wrapped it]

My kids loved a ticket for lunch out; more effective if they don't get to eat out often already (also wrapped)

Fun snacks that he likes, like the giant carton of Goldfish or imported candy from World Market

Weird soda

"Get out of chores free" card, if he has regular chores 

Juggling set or hackysack or anything semi active he can do on his own

Fun lights for his room or around his basketball hoop, etc


Bluetooth speaker

Power bank

Fun water bottle






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Look and see what classes will be offered over the spring/summer -- our rec centers offer a wide variety of classes for kids.  Pottery, Computer Classes, Knitting, Gaming Classes, Karate, etc...

Do you have a Nerf War group in your area? If so, maybe he'd like to attend a a Nerf War or a LARPing event in your area.

A Make: Electronics set?

A painting set or drawing kit

Frisbee / Kite / Drone

A gift card to a home improvement store for building supplies or tools

A tool box

Sports equipment

A pocket knife


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3 hours ago, Hilltopmom said:

Lego Mindstorms set (robotics)


tent and camping gear

Backyard firepit


juggling sticks

Can jam set



I am sure he'd love Lego Mindstorm.  I'll have to look and see if there are some in decent price range.  I had forgotten about these.

2 hours ago, wendyroo said:

My oldest is turning 13 this weekend.

He is getting hiking boots and a pocket knife, a Fluxx card game, a stupid Lego set that he asked for that but will mostly likely get bored with after an hour, the Dungeons and Dragons monster book because he is going to a D&D summer camp, and Journal 29: Interactive Book Game.

I am thinking he'd like Fluxx, thanks!

2 hours ago, katilac said:

A good pocket knife or multi tool

Tools (some of his own even if 'household' tools are available) 

Random building materials 

A Gift in Holding (I did this a few times when my kids had no ideas; when you want something throughout the year, you have a gift waiting for you - - more fun than all money! and they found it easier to claim a gift than to spend money they already had, lol) [and I wrapped it]

My kids loved a ticket for lunch out; more effective if they don't get to eat out often already (also wrapped)

Fun snacks that he likes, like the giant carton of Goldfish or imported candy from World Market

Weird soda

"Get out of chores free" card, if he has regular chores 

Juggling set or hackysack or anything semi active he can do on his own

Fun lights for his room or around his basketball hoop, etc


Bluetooth speaker

Power bank

Fun water bottle






I like the Gift in Holding idea!  Very clever!

1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

Tool set,Ike a socket set. A good quality one. 13 is exactly the right age to start a lifelong collection of tools

 I agree with everyone else about a good quality pocket knife


He has tools and a pocket knife,  he does a ton of home repair and car repair with dad. 

59 minutes ago, skctgbrlis said:

Ultrastar frisbee 

He does like frisbee, I'll look this up!

38 minutes ago, mathmarm said:

Look and see what classes will be offered over the spring/summer -- our rec centers offer a wide variety of classes for kids.  Pottery, Computer Classes, Knitting, Gaming Classes, Karate, etc...

Do you have a Nerf War group in your area? If so, maybe he'd like to attend a a Nerf War or a LARPing event in your area.

A Make: Electronics set?

A painting set or drawing kit

Frisbee / Kite / Drone

A gift card to a home improvement store for building supplies or tools

A tool box

Sports equipment

A pocket knife


Ideally, I'd love to get him an activity, but other than basketball that we already do, he doesn't want to try anything.



Thanks everyone!

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My newly-15 year old is saving up for a kit to build a drone.  https://store.flitetest.com/ft-vcr-quad-value-bundle-kit/

Other small ideas:

Food/snacks - at Christmas I did a Rubbermaid tub full of random snacks for DS15.  For his birthday he told me a few specific more expensive treats he wanted (stroopwafels, fancy dark chocolate, mochi ice cream).  He also told me he wanted "interesting fruits" 😁

He has also liked interesting decks of playing cards, nice mechanical pencils, funny t-shirts, and dice (for role playing games).  We also almost always give a book for each birthday/Christmas, or an audiobook credit if they prefer. DS15 got "Humble Pi" by Matt Parker, about math mistakes in the real world for his bday. 

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laser cut wood puzzles, like this one: https://smile.amazon.com/Hands-Craft-Airship-Wooden-Puzzle/dp/B08GWV2NGQ/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3AJX9HMJTOF4P&keywords=laser%2Bcut%2Btoy&qid=1648100965&sprefix=laser%2Bcut%2Btoy%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-5&th=1

they can be quite difficult, though, so if your child has a low frustration tolerance, maybe choose a less complex puzzle.

Other games --




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Lego  (it's amazing what sets they have.  1dd once expressed interest in a Kenworth truck model because of it's complexity.  2ds has been forking out $$$ for sets for himself.  I now have a collection of LARGE star wars models on all the flat surfaces in my theater . . . Um, you know the snack bar is supposed to be for FOOD!!!!! - not a Millenium Falcon that even on it's side - because I bought him a stand for it - still takes up 15" x 36" of counter space!)


a roll of duct tape (not joking, I gave my sons duct tape one year so they'd leave ours alone.  it was very successful.)

electric circuits

chemistry set


I've seen some pretty cool wood "puzzles".  clocks, boxes, marble mazes, etc.  They build it, and have something when they're done.

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Nice, over-the-door basketball hoop

Lego set—for the older crowd. My oldest ds likes the technical, education, Star Wars, and recently The Stranger Things one. 

does he collect any kind of trading cards? My ds recently needed a new (larger) binder and more sleeves. (He has Pokémon, football, and Fortnite cards)

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