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Freaky occurrence, in a good way.


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@dsmith, very cool! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I have a few stories as well.

The first story needs some background. My grandma (one of my favorite people in the whole world) was a heavy smoker. Whenever we went somewhere in the car, she had Tic Tacs or gum in her purse instead of cigarettes and would always offer them to us. "Want a Tic Tac?" was a phrase that all of us heard often. 🙂

At the time my grandma died, my mom had been planning an overnight trip with my sister and her family. They postponed it and went a week or two later. While in the hotel, my mom was lying awake in the middle of night thinking of her mom. She prayed something like, "Please, God, send me a sign to let me know Mom is okay." She got up to go to the bathroom. Sitting right on top of her open purse was a container of Tic Tacs. Her first thought was, "Why in the world did my husband go out and buy me Tic Tacs in the middle of the night?" She woke Dad and he knew nothing about it. Miraculous Tic Tacs. 🙂

Another hotel story! My mom and dad were on another trip with my sister and her family. My grandpa had passed away not long before. My sister woke my mom up at 6 AM, frantic, saying that she couldn't find her one-year-old son. My BIL was supposed to be watching him, but, as toddlers do, my nephew had managed to open the door by pulling the lever and slipped out. They found him one floor down, trotting along the hotel hallway. Thank God. He'd gone down a cement flight of stairs.

When my parents got home from the trip, my mom checked her answering machine. She pressed play and heard my grandpa's voice. She was so shocked she didn't even listen to the message, but ran to the garage and said, "DH, my dad's voice is on the answering machine!!" They came back in and listened together. My dad agreed that it was my grandpa's voice. There was static, then Grandpa said, "Is he alright? Is he inside?" I guess he was concerned for his great-grandson, too. ❤️

My mom also finds dimes from my grandpa. One instance: my grandparents' house had been all cleaned in preparation for being shown to prospective buyers. Everything was out of the house, carpet swept, etc. My mom showed up at the house and unlocked the door to wait for the realtor. Right in the middle of the empty hallway was a dime. She also often found white feathers in odd places with no explanation in the few years right after her parents died.

Another story: my grandparents were famous for saying "Call and let it ring twice when you get home" when anyone left their house. After my grandpa died, my mom was praying for a sign that he was okay. She was lying on the couch in the living room late at night. The phone rang and she got up to get it. It cut off after the second ring. She laid back down and didn't think anything of it. It rang again, twice, and stopped again. Then she was like, "Oh! Okay, Dad." 🙂 She did whatever you do to trace the number on a landline phone (is it *69?) The number was from Aurora, IL, and was out of service. My grandpa was from Chicago and often told the story about how he and the neighbor kids once saw the aurora borealis and thought aliens were invading. (Also, Aurora is only about 45 minutes from Chicago.) 

Edited by MercyA
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4 hours ago, MercyA said:

@dsmith, very cool! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I have a few stories as well.

The first story needs some background. My grandma (one of my favorite people in the whole world) was a heavy smoker. Whenever we went somewhere in the car, she had Tic Tacs or gum in her purse instead of cigarettes and would always offer them to us. "Want a Tic Tac?" was a phrase that all of us heard often. 🙂

At the time my grandma died, my mom had been planning an overnight trip with my sister and her family. They postponed it and went a week or two later. While in the hotel, my mom was lying awake in the middle of night thinking of her mom. She prayed something like, "Please, God, send me a sign to let me know Mom is okay." She got up to go to the bathroom. Sitting right on top of her open purse was a container of Tic Tacs. Her first thought was, "Why in the world did my husband go out and buy me Tic Tacs in the middle of the night?" She woke Dad and he knew nothing about it. Miraculous Tic Tacs. 🙂

Another hotel story! My mom and dad were on another trip with my sister and her family. My grandpa had passed away not long before. My sister woke my mom up at 6 AM, frantic, saying that she couldn't find her one-year-old son. My BIL was supposed to be watching him, but, as toddlers do, my nephew had managed to open the door by pulling the lever and slipped out. They found him one floor down, trotting along the hotel hallway. Thank God. He'd gone down a cement flight of stairs.

When my parents got home from the trip, my mom checked her answering machine. She pressed play and heard my grandpa's voice. She was so shocked she didn't even listen to the message, but ran to the garage and said, "DH, my dad's voice is on the answering machine!!" They came back in and listened together. My dad agreed that it was my grandpa's voice. There was static, then Grandpa said, "Is he alright? Is he inside?" I guess he was concerned for my nephew, too. ❤️

My mom also finds dimes from my grandpa. One instance: my grandparents' house had been all cleaned in preparation for being shown to prospective buyers. Everything was out of the house, carpet swept, etc. My mom showed up at the house and unlocked the door to wait for the realtor. Right in the middle of the empty hallway was a dime. She also often found white feathers in odd places with no explanation in the few years right after her parents died.

Another story: my grandparents were famous for saying "Call and let it ring twice when you get home" when anyone left their house. After my grandpa died, my mom was praying for a sign that he was okay. She was lying on the couch in the living room late at night. The phone rang and she got up to get it. It cut off after the second ring. She laid back down and didn't think anything of it. It rang again, twice, and stopped again. Then she was like, "Oh! Okay, Dad." 🙂 She did whatever you do to trace the number on a landline phone (is it *69?) The number was from Aurora, IL, and was out of service. My grandpa was from Chicago and often told the story about how he and the neighbor kids in Chicago once saw the aurora borealis and thought aliens were invading. (Also, Aurora is only about 45 minutes from Chicago.) 

I loved reading these stories, thanks for sharing! 

I personally associate squirrels with my mom. When I was driving to the funeral home to meet my family to handle her arrangements there must have been about 12 squirrels running out onto the road (not all at once) forcing me to slow down. I had been wishing there was some way she could let me know she's ok before I left to meet everyone. Now I always slow down when there is more than the usual squirrel activity in case she's warning me of danger ahead. My sister knows this story, so we were joking about what my reaction would have been if she dropped a squirrel on the counter lol. 

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My sister is always finding pennies, and I am always finding dimes! I think the pennies are from my grandmother, who was very frugal, and the dimes are from my grandfather because he would always give a dime to the neighborhood kids when they came to visit. 

Since I have moved in with my sister we have been finding pennies and dimes together. I take great comfort in them. 

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