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Tackling Saturday Together


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Good morning! 

Another night of waking often. I may not wait until January to go to the doctor. I need to see what this is I suppose. Now to figure out what good doctors there are in the area.

Dd is coming down sometime mid to late morning. 

  • devotion and write scripture 
  • medicine
  • meals (not sure if I'll cook or we'll go out when dd is here)
  • work more on lesson plans
  • visit with her, play some games
  • get out and take care of some leaves
  • make a list of things to do before Christmas with my family and our immediate family
  • tackle something on that list
  • maybe take some melatonin before bed



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Good morning all. @mom31257sorry about your night. Hope you get the answers and relief you need. My vote is to go ahead to the doctor sooner rather than later. 

I'm listing my weekend plans instead of just today's.


Decorate the house (running behind)

Laundry including changing sheets


Wash my hair -done

Clean the floors

Clean the bathrooms

Write lesson plans 

Grade papers-done

Work in my classroom

Pray and read my Bible-done

Mail and shred-done


Church x 2

Mega shop at dollar general-I have several coupons-$5 off of $25. My classroom needs kleenex and I'll also get their Christmas gifts.-Done, only had two coupons after all, but got two more for next Saturday

Buy an ornament for the ornament exchange-done

Contact amazon about a package that was not delivered, but they say it was

Call my parents-done

Check on dh's uncle-cut his leg real bad last night-done

Probably more to add later.

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Good morning! Warm and drizzly here. I am enjoying the last of my coffee alone in the house, with some lovely choral Christmas music on.

B’fast and coffee
Started dishwasher 
Dd to SAT
Some general tidying

To do:

  • Lights on tree
  • Amazon return 
  • Order some gifts
  • Shower! ✔️ 
  • Meeting ✔️ 
  • Pick up Dd? ✔️ 
  • Library ✔️ 
  • Meal planning and quick grocery trip. What do we want to eat this week? Dinner will be leftovers.
  • Make sure bathrooms get cleaned. ✔️ 
  • Possibly a quick trip to the thrift shop?
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Good morning!

My weekend plans: 

...finish school prep for Monday
....go to the store for school stuff and regular groceries
....watch UH play Cincinnati today -- sorry, @TravelingChris, I shall be rooting for the Cougars today, although I acknowledge it's a long-shot, and if y'all do win, I hope that means "they" really do let y'all play in the college football playoffs, a system of which makes zero sense to me at all
....finish the tidying up of the big quilt project and get that finished
...work on other sewing/quilting things?
...finish up the laundry now that the water pressure is back
...pamper the kitty and hope she eats -- she is not a normal cat who will scarf tuna, etc, so we have really nothing special to tempt her with, just pray she regains her appetite and stays fed & hydrated
...maybe finish any indoor decorating, I'm just not feeling it this year
....talk with DH and see if we do or don't want to do the fencing club's secret santa thing, let our coach know
....whatever I am forgetting

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I texted with dd about possibly coming tomorrow because she'll have more time to stay. We don't have plans beyond church, so that works for us. 

We're going to our new favorite Mediterranean restaurant for a late lunch. 

I finalized the Geometry test. 

I made the list of things to do before the holidays.

I paid a bill and updated the checking records.


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Yet again I woke up early and then fell back to sleep. I really need to stop doing that. 

Right now coffee then get cleaned up 

Vacuum downstairs

Clean up grandbabies room area 

Have my granddaughter today and overnight until tomorrow noonish! 

Still have lots of school after she goes home tomorrow LOL 

Eta: cleaned lots of leaves that were in my garage and on my driveway. Still need to rake the ones in the yard. This was done yesterday. 


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Dgd got her a bit early, so no clean up for me lol. 

She has perfected some animal sounds: sheep, horse, duck, dog, cow and cat! We have been playing w/the see and say for like an hour 😂  she is now dancing to Rapunzel 💕 oh my goodness, she is so amazing 😍!!

Eta: she did not like my lunch of turkey meatballs and green beans, but ate 2 applesauce 

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Walked the dog ds decided to walk with us. Unboxing the Christmas ornaments, realize I have more ornaments than tree so deciding which ones to use. 
Worked on website for my  group.

Looking online for battery powered window candles. Also looking for comfortable compression socks-lol don’t know if that’s possible.

Need to clean the bathrooms, do laundry, sort through more items in the basement, kitchen floor, clean the doggie nose prints off the LR windows.

Zoom meeting later.

Find a fun movie to watch tonight.




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The leaves are taken care of, and we had a neighbor's help. I had met the husband but not the wife. She saw us out working and told him to come help us with his mega-powerful backpack blower. We were using rakes in an area our plug-in blower won't reach, so I think she felt sorry for us. LOL! They are very nice people. We exchanged numbers, so I hope we'll become friends. 

I had a protein drink and half a banana. 

Dd is coming tomorrow afternoon and will stay for dinner. She's requested a stir fry, so that will be easy. 



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Picked up my Rx.


Bribed Ds to put the lights on the tree. He did, but grudgingly .

Argh!!!! Why are my kids so bad at doing chores? We have patiently shown them and taught them for years. One is just lazy and the other is scatterbrained.

Set bread to rise and fed starter.

Making ginger lemon tea.


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1 hour ago, mom31257 said:

Did you see my post last night about Finding You on Amazon? It's set in Ireland, so the potential scenery drew me to it. 

Thanks! I just watched the trailer and it looks great. When I was in college I went on the London-Dublin study abroad program. Ireland was one of my favorite countries.

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Exhausted. She is the most adorable human being ever! She is so talkative, yet quite a bit I can't understand.Boohiss for them moving too far away. She gobbled down her dinner, took her bath, finished a movie w/gpa. Did a fake cry when I laid her down...reading the board, about to eat more cookies "we" baked. No walk tonight. Then bed and hoping she sleeps through the night.  

@ScoutTN my adult daughter paid her little brother to move all the boxes in our front room to her room....she moved back home in May I think, possibly June....I have to bribe my kids all the time ugh

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Hi guys, happy Saturday!

Today is my kid's "hangout" at our house. I started writing this post about 10 hours ago, but didn't get a chance to finish it until now.


  • Slept in, yay!
  • Started the laundry.  Or, I thought I did.  It stopped at some point, so I had to re-run it later.  Right now the 2nd load is in.  2 more to go.
  • Drove kid to horse barn.
  • Got gas.
  • Grocery, birthday, and Christmas shopping.
  • Pup stuff.
  • Installed the replacement bathroom vanity light.  My first electrical project, and it was a success!  So far nobody has thanked me.  😕
  • Some cleaning in my kids' rooms, though that is pretty hopeless.
  • Caught up on news, emails, social media.
  • Packed boxes with hand-me-downs for nieces.
  • Packed boxes with donations.
  • Cleared everything else out of the upstairs hallway.
  • Cleaned the girls' bathroom and the common upstairs bathroom.
  • Cleaning and vacuuming on the first floor.
  • Showered.
  • Packed the pup and took him for his overnight at friend's house.  Ended up chatting for at least an hour over there.
  • Stopped at craft store for kid's last minute request.
  • Stopped at Chipotle for the kids' dinner.
  • Back home, ate, got the mail, and a few other things.
  • Talked to the parents of the kids who have left already.
  • Contemplating lying down!  Everything hurts!

Now the kids are in the jacuzzi after doing whatever all crafts and candy making etc.  It's 10:30 and I don't know how much longer.

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