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Tackling Tuesday Together


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Good morning! I am glad you are close enough to help your Dd, Amy.

I have taken medication, fed the dog, made a lunch for Ds, cut up strawberries, fed the starter, and made coffee.


Boy to school ✔️ 

Trader Joe’s ✔️ 

Possibly bookstore or shopping for jeans while I’m over in that part of town. 

Cook my turkey ✔️ 

Pick up Ds ✔️ 

Dinner is leftovers ✔️ 


Edited by ScoutTN
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Unfortunately, I did not have a good evening or night.  My doctor's office did not call the Express Scripts Prior Authorization number I gave them- now granted this was a few minutes before they were closing.  As I said in the reply to your post on Monday, big daddy and greedy corporations suck.  Basically, what is my problem is that I need some Linzess and Express scripts even acknowledges there is no alternative drug available. So when I called my primary care last evening since it was still not approved---oh and the reason they or someone needs to call is that as is usually the case- I do not qualify- I think under their hoops and ladders prior authorization.  Now under the hoops and ladder PAs. I have qualified easily for Duplixent, all the arthritis biologics I have tried or now am using- Enbrel, and other drugs too.  Because the hoops and ladders PA do not cover every case at all.  In my case- my constipation is not due to opioids, or long term IBS, or none of that.  It is due to surgery where they moved my intestines and other internal body parts around plus that I can't move normally.  (How I know full well it is not due to opiods is that I was on a higher daily dose after my 1 week stay in the hospital in march and had no issues.  And I have never had any issues with them of this sort)>  

Well I called my doctor last evening and he told me that in the meantime, I should drink a bottle of magnesium citrate- which I did have in the house.  It was so awfully bitter and nasty.  Plus because of its incredibly acidity, it was really bothering all my mouth sores too.  And guess what?  It didn't work.  I am not needing to go back in the hospital yet because I have voided a bit but am so incredibly uncomfortable.

To do

I am going to call my primary and my surgeon's office as soon as they open or in the case of my primary= his answering service now

Oh and the GoodRX price for Linzess for a month is over 400.  I will ask the pharmacy if I can buy a pill or two.  I am hopefully recovering very soon with the internal stuff

Handle sheets. either have dh put them in the washer or the maid and the maid will redo the bed with clean sheets and already drycleaned winter comforter

Get proper light bulbs to cleaning service man (I have a husband and wife cleaning service) and let him give me more light

call our pest control service

Amazon order

CVS order?





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@TravelingChris, I hope they get the medicine sorted out; that sounds pretty annoying and uncomfortable.  And I agree, less Big Daddy Gov't please. :sigh: 


My day today is different:
....finish the last little bit of tidying up The Quilt
....plan the quilt for my grandma, start on it
....school with DS
....actually email my grandma and set up a time to go visit
....dinner -- more leftovers I think
....go grocery shopping b/c we never did yesterday 
....whatever I'm forgetting

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Several of us have Big Deals going on-praying for you today!! The sun is shining-that always makes things better. I need to do some planning/tweaking on Thanksgiving cooking. Ds won't be in until late Wednesday night. We have sandwiches and dessert with some of dh's family at 11 on Thanksgiving. I will serve a traditional meal for the three of us at my house. Both of these meals have to happen on Thursday because Dh goes back to work on Friday. Today's plans:

Cook what I can for Thursday's meals-boiled the eggs, decided on tomorrow and thursday for big cooking days

Send dh to the store for missing ingredients-ordered

Organize the lesson plans that I started on yesterday-done


Put the sheets back on the bed-just used a top sheet and blanket last night because I was too tired to do it right-done


Do some cleaning in my bedroom-done

Surely there's more-whatever else I find to do

Edited by math teacher
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Happy Tuesday, all.  It's a beautiful if cold day here.  A fairly good morning so far.

I was up in the wee hours doing this and that.  I ordered some Christmas stuff among other things.  I feel like I've done enough for my kids' Christmas, and I don't plan on doing much besides gift cards for other people.  The exception is my parents - I want to think of something nice for them ... something that isn't clutter on top of all the gifts they've received from their 6 kids over all these years.


  • Christmas orders and personal biz in the wee hours.
  • Slept some.
  • Kids driven to school.  I almost made them late with a car key mix-up, but we got lucky and didn't encounter the usual amount of traffic.
  • Walked the pup & other pup stuff.
  • Morning chat with the resident extrovert.  Save me!
  • Cleaned the kitchen.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media, and electronic school stuff.
  • A little bit of client work.

To do:

  • Lots of client work.
  • Kid2 to horse riding.
  • Kid1 to pick up Turkey Trot race packets.
  • Figure out visa for travel, if possible.
  • Some more exercise - "yoga etc.," pup game, maybe TKD form practice.
  • Some reading.
  • Make an appointment for booster?
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Working on the quilt planning for my grandma; almost done I think. I will need to go back in and do the rest of the other part that this project is coming from, but I think I'm officially bumping that to next year, instead of try and rush, and can work on my grandma's thing and get it done on time this way. 

Got sidetracked with texts from a parent -- she's withdrawing her student from my class at the semester so the student can get speech through the school district/enrolling them there, but wants to keep paying my tuition so she can still access the homework and get help/advice from me. I tried to have her pay less for that, but she's insisting, so....cool?  (I just feel so guilty for things like that.....I mean, it's their choice, but....)

I should just be grateful instead. 

Heading to the store with DH here shortly, before it gets too crazy (maybe). 

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This morning I have been working on cleaning up and rearranging some things in the kitchen. 

I'm on how to go pick up DD1  from school because she's not feeling well. 

I will keep working in the kitchen  up until the time I am going to leave to meet my aunt for lunch.  I will run a couple of errands when I am out, including  a trip to Goodwill.

My other for the days to cut up my dad's shirts for a memory quilt.  There are a lot. 

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@TravelingChris, I’m sorry for your health struggles. Praying for relief and help from your medical team! 

@LifeLovePassion, welcome to the tackle thread! I hope the  work on your dad’s shirts brings a lot of good memories. 

We got dd’s car to  a repair shop. We think there’s more going on than the battery. She is sleeping, and the shop will contact me about the repairs. 

We are on our way back home

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Turkey is in the oven! I am not hosting, but I usually get a pastured turkey from a local farm and make a few sides so that we have leftovers. That extra cooked turkey and the stock I make from the bones is great to have on hand in December when things are busy!

Next up:

Clean my son’s room. He kinda-sorta picks it up, but it needs to be clean and right now it’s just easier to do it than to argue with him about it. Sigh.

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@TravelingChris prayers that all of your meds get worked out! 

@mom31257 glad you were able to help your dd 

@ScoutTN I remember those days of cleaning the kids, I mean dd's gross room 😔 

Woke up super late, talked to dil she's dropping off my peanut early tomorrow morning, I'm ready! Bring me my granddaughter!! 

Cat puked, three people walked by it and ignored it...sigh. Must remind dh this is why kitty is on portion control, she'll eat until she barfs. 

Wash hair, clean the heck out of my house, youngest zoom therapy this afternoon 

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The boy’s room is clean AND I found the missing Firestick remote! Win for mom!

Moved the laundry.

Vacuumed living areas once over lightly.

Opened some windows and turned the HVAC fan on at the thermostat because Dh is painting Dd’s room. 

Next up:

Unload the dishwasher ✔️ 

Keep working on laundry ✔️ 

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Figured out exactly what I want to do for my grandma's quilt, printed up the pages for cutting, etc, and will start on that asap. I'm sooo happy with it! 

Need to quick-quilt a quilt top I have, for my mom to give my aunt to take to my cousin, who has cancer, who made a comment about no one making *her* a cancer quilt (b/c I guess someone made my other aunt one....?), and "why didn't Reader make me one...?" (b/c Reader does not just in general randomly make cancer quilts for cousins that she loves, but hasn't talked to in decades, not b/c she doesn't like the cousin, but b/c "make Cousin a Cancer Quilt" just is not something on Reader's radar, at all, b/c her brain just doesn't work that way......:sigh:)  But I do love this cousin, she's a dear, and I have quilt tops sitting around, with backing, and batting, just waiting to be quilted and have *something* done with them, so, problem solved. 

*(not that I will quilt it all today, but need to pull it out, pin it, etc, so it's ready; her mom will be in town for about a week-ish or something)

Need to go up and do school with youngest. 

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1 hour ago, MooCow said:

You have superpowers!! I can never remember all of it! 

You would have laughed at me, stopping every 10 steps to run down the list in my head and make sure. I can't run through the list while walking, so every new aisle I'd stop, start all over "turkey, Susan's salad, carrots, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pie....do we need bread??...." and poor sweet DH would just pause and wait on me. (I still had to double back all the way across the store from dairy to produce, b/c I forgot celery the first time....)

It's just the 5 of us this year, so nothing huge, but everyone has their favorites, so....

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Turkey is carved. First crock pot of stock is on. Three to go. 14 cups of turkey frozen, plus a large plate of sliced white meat for this week. 

I had leftover chili, with chips and guac, for dinner. 

Two loads of laundry left to fold and put away, but I’m done. They can wait on the sofa til tomorrow. 

Very happy that my starter is alive and well after months in the fridge! It only bubbled a bit the first two feedings, but the third one has it really rising.

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Did school with DS

Went to the quilt shop, and showed them the quilt even though I'm not done with the tidying-up part yet (they loved it)

Had dinner

thought of a perfect gift for DH, but has to be from all of us, so talked to the 2/3 of the kids who are here, looked online, it was already selling out all over, so skipped talking to kid #3 who will hopefully be fine with our joint (w/o him) decision. Went to the store, got the thing. Came back, ordered an accessory for it.  Yay!!! DH shopping is done!!!  (we got him a Kitchenaid, with the sifter/food scale attachment)

Now going to veg out and relax. 

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I didn't get to cutting up the shirts today, but I did get all of the cabinets cleaned out and rearranged that I was hoping to.  Tomorrow I will have to pick up the pieces and take care of a few leftover items. 

DH and I are both off tomorrow so we may go for a walk depending on the temperature outside and continue working on a few cleanup projects.  I also need to make my pecan pie cheesecake tomorrow so it will have time to chill. 

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Tried the new restaurant before dh's therapy appointment, and it was fabulous. It is a 30 minute drive but well worth it! I see it becoming a regular for us. We love middle eastern food!

We got home right before ds and his gf got here. Gf and I went to the grocery store together. She is so nice, and I really like being around her. 

We all watched Shang-Chi together. I really liked it. 

I marked and ironed some of the fabric for my quilt block and sewed a little, too. 

About to get ready for bed. 

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Hope the ones that are dealing with health issues continue to feel better. Its so hard not being able to do what you want to do.

Today went by fast, zoom conference done, laundry loads done,  tried to replace the doorbells but need to work on the installation more, washed out the recycle bin and the garbage can, Sorting through mail, replaced the broken tab things on the outside front windows, organized freezer,

there has been a stray cat around-saw it hanging around the neighbors and they said they were going to give it a home nobody claimed it. The cat follows behind the mother and child when they walk around the block like a puppy. I guess the cat adopted them. Glad it found a home. 

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After putting the pup to bed, I took out the garbage tonight.  Tomorrow morning I have hopes of sleeping in, since the girls don't have school.  Now here's hoping no critters bust into the garbage cans overnight.

Heading to my bedroom at 11pm, I was asked to review/revise a work document.  😕  Well, at least it was only a page long.

Hoping to wind down tonight without any new surprises.

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