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Tackling Saturday Together


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Good morning!

It's cold this morning, but it looks like it will be another beautiful day. 

  • breakfast and lunch here, dinner out with dd
  • tidy house
  • shower and get ready to go out
  • going to Chattanooga to do some shopping with dd
  • make the Thanksgiving meal plan and a shopping list
  • make a list of things to do before ds and gf get here for Thanksgiving break
  • watch something and relax
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So, I didn't get things done yesterday afternoon-today's list will look like yesterday's. The plan:

Go to Barnes and Noble with dh-we like to hang out and numbers are low and may come back up after Thanksgiving. By the way, I used to work in a grocery store-you can almost pinpoint the exact hour that things get really busy for Thanksgiving grocery shopping. It's 3:00 on Monday. I intend to get all my shopping done before then!!

Make breakfast for dh-done

Clean the bathrooms

Clean the floors

Make list for cooking and shopping


Reorganize cabinet with bowls

Call to check on meloxicam- I am out and hurting-done

Wash my hair

Lotion up

Clip nails-done

Remove facial hair

Whatever else gets done

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Good morning everyone! 

DH did, as expected, come and apologize pretty quickly last night, and we talked and all is well.  We ended up watching Shang-Chi & the 10 Rings which was fun.  Then watched the end of a college football game. 

So, today:
....D&D gang comes
....painter comes to finish painting the house (outside)
....maybe I will get to finish quilting; we are doing some prep and stuff for tomorrow
....tonight DS goes with friends to a movie at a movie theater for friend's bday
....we pick him up at....??? so do that
....anything else that needs doing that I'm forgetting
(oh, ha, coffee.....so much coffee.....)

Have a good day! 

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Good morning! 

Get my turkey and a few other items at the Farmers’ Market. ✔️ 

Have kids get food back from neighbor’s fridge and freezer and into our new one.

Ds to a flag football game ✔️ 

Go to a meeting ✔️ 

Dd to piano rehearsal ✔️ 

Meal plan ✔️ and grocery shop? ✔️ 

Make soup ✔️ 

Take Dd to a friend’s for a book club and bonfire. 

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Hi all. I had my surgery on Thursday and though my surgeon came in for a minute before surgery and told me I I could go home that day but of course I couldn't.  I needed to be off the catheter, able to walk around, nd was still on IV antibiotics until 3am Friday.

I am doing okay. I came home around 2  pm.  I saw dd2 and her husband here at home and dd1 kept visiting at hospital and also brought the flowers she bought me home.

To do 

Call pharmacy at 9am and see if they have my clonidine patches.  If not,  have them call me other Publix pharmacies so dh can get it for me.

After I get it, I can take my first shower since before the surgery. But I need dh to be home to help me.

Figure out seating stuff.

Have someone fix my computer

Watch college football and track who are so beating the odds- I am not a gambler but really enjoy seeing how correct the gambling companies and sport reporters.

I am not supposed to be doing much as I don't know what else.












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@TravelingChris, so glad the surgery went well. I pray you have a quick and easy recovery. 

@TheReader, glad all is well with dh. We still haven't watched Shang-Chi, but I think we will check with ds and see if they want to watch it together. They saw it in the theaters.  I'm going to message you a quilt question. 

I made breakfast for us. I loaded the dishwasher and it's going. 


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 Shang-Chi was a great movie, we may watch a second time. Hawkeye series starts Thursday and it looks great.

I posted a few items on dh's work bulletin for sale and a couple Mukluk slippers that are new were sold-yeah. I have a friend that kept sending me footwear as gifts-I have never been a slipper person. I will have to post more things on the bulletin.

Washing sheets- hopefully will hang outside to dry. Sort through the linen closet and organize all the bedding.

I've watched the current Great British Bakeoff and have people in the house requesting cookies/bars so may need to make my cranberry white chocolate bars today.


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I am having a very bad day unfortunately.  In a lot of pain, very tired, and dh is in as  bad mood.  I didn't have the right kind of probiotics at home. I had to rewrite the shopping list twice and he didn't like it that the second time I wrote it on a regular size paper.

I took my anxiety pill.  Looking forward to my shower and then eating my Chik Fil A salad my dd1 brought me yesterday at the hospital but at almost the same time, my hospital lunch came.


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Paid the bills 

Did my definitions 

Dd is on her way home 

Dh is still napping 

Realized I'm on my last chapter in criminal law! After tomorrow, I have one paper, one exam and my big huge test to prove I learned! I'm seriously considering buying my graduation necklace now because it's on clearance...it's a wonder woman necklace. My mom always called me wonder woman when I was taking care of her, homeschooling youngest, taking care of my " band" children including my daughter, and of course dealing with my oldest!! And dh lol she would buy me Wonder woman coffee mugs and prints and stuff

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@MooCow, you should definitely go ahead and buy your necklace! What a precious memory and way to celebrate your accomplishment! 


D&D kids are gone, quilt is almost done (all the free motion part is done, working on some automatic monogram stitching for the rest of the quilting....maybe; having 2nd thoughts on how to do that)

DH is ready to make the pie for tomorrow (his mom/sister are coming for Fake-Thanksgiving), so probably going to hang out with him for a bit and mull over my ideas. 


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Very happy Al won the football game Dh is making dinner - pork chops,spaetzle, and green beans

Really wish my body was working better. I fell down too and hurt my upper right arm.

My computer mist likely has a loose Ethernet connector.  If that is what it is,  we could potentially work it out by adding a USB connector that you could put Ethernet connector.

Dinner is ready and will write more later



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I have to laugh at myself for always always overestimating what I can get done in a day.  I did it again today.  I thought I was going to clean and reorganize the laundry room & my bedroom in addition to the usual stuff.  I thought that was pretty light stuff.  Ha!

Well I did get some things done ... and it's still today, LOL.


  • Kid2 to horse riding.
  • Took pup for a long walk.
  • Caught up on emails, news, and social media.
  • Had long phone calls with both of my sisters.
  • Charged and played with the leaf blower.  My pup was not amused.
  • Broke down and disposed of a bunch of boxes etc. in the garage.
  • Cleaned my late bird's cage.
  • Did a donation run to the pet shelter - bird and puppy stuff.
  • Did a donation run to a thrift shop place - housewares, shoes, books.
  • 3 loads of laundry so far.
  • Cleaned and reorganized the laundry room, including building a new storage thingy to hopefully use space better.  (Not sure it accomplished what I hoped, but it's there now.)

To do:

  • Call my mom after this post is done.
  • More laundry & pup stuff.
  • Hopefully clean my room and maybe pack boxes of hand-me-downs for my nieces.
  • Get my calendar up to date.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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@TravelingChris, I'm sorry you are in a lot of pain and that you fell! Praying for you to get good rest and feel better!

@math teacher, I'm sorry about your leg. I pray it isn't anything serious and will heal quickly!

I left the house a little later than I planned and stayed longer with dd, too. But it was good to be with her.

I shopped at Whole Foods and Trader Joes and found some things to help me with gluten free dishes. 

Dh's team won their tournament game and played really well. It was a long day for him, though. 

My new friend's sister with Covid pneumonia has improved some, so thanks for praying for her! 


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