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What is Covid looking like in your community now?


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11 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Ugh, I'm so sorry, y'all. Having lived through the big spike here months ago it is insane to be watching other places go through it now. All those places where people said, "well, but it isn't bad HERE" so they didn't need to take precautions/get vaccinated/etc are now repeating our crazy. Because hey, turns out they don't live in some magical land where Covid isn't a problem. It just hadn't hit there right then. 

I wish they had been able to learn from our deadly example. 

Yup. Michigan is the new Florida 😞

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9 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

re every single region has to personally touch the hot stove. Several times.

Imagine the horror, followed by slow burning rage, back in April 2020 when NYC/NJ/CT had health care workers working 18+ hour shifts were dropping down exhausted in hotels near the hospitals because the trains & subways were shut down and the couldn't otherwise get there; and pop-up COVID wards on one side of the parking lots, and truck morgues on the other side.

And SM memes circulated about how THEIR ER's were empty! and the nurses were lying about COVID cases because "they" were getting extra payments for each COVID patient (? this is while the sitting POTUS himself was saying the China Virus was NBD and anyways just inject bleach) and masks caused pneumonia.  And a person on this very board muses "must be nice, living it up in a hotel."  Yeah.  Enjoying the turn-down service with the mints.


Honestly, those weeks were so bad that no one I know here, literally no one whatever our other disagreements, discounts the reality of COVID.

 Did the person who said that about the hotels change their tune since then?

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28 minutes ago, Idalou said:

 Did the person who said that about the hotels change their tune since then?

Yes, and also: no.


It's been a nightmare for a whole lot of people, throughout America and throughout the rest of the world.  I have days wracked with compassion, acutely attuned to the mental health toll this has taken on us across every imaginable divide. Alternating with other days where the level best I can come up with is, vaya con Dios, y'all.




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9 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

This is horrifying to me (and makes me really concerned that a new variant is morphing). 

Is it concentrated in pockets that are less vaccinated (or other variables for that matter), or reasonably distributed across Scotland?

The UK is pretty fierce on tracking new variants. Eta latest info



Covid is fairly evenly spread across Scotland. I checked, and it doesn't vary much by deprivation index. It's roughly tracking double vaccination rates in different age groups - the children who aren't double jabbed yet and their parents who are in the adult group that is less likely to be vaccinated. Hospitalisation rates continue to fall because of the infection and inoculation patterns  - the ages being infected are those least likely to be seriously ill, and the double-jabbed usually aren't hospitalised. The boosters have been offered first to older people, health staff and the fragile.






Edited by Laura Corin
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It feels somewhat normal here. 74% of people ages 5+ are vaccinated. Positivity is 2.5% and there are 7 cases per 100k per seven day average. We no longer have a mask mandate as far as I know other than in school buildings and concert halls. I am triple vaccinated and don’t mask unless I am at a concert. 
I am very tired of this virus. I don’t know that this will ever end, and while I can live with boosters every six months if I need to, I refuse to go back living under more restrictions. 

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On 11/17/2021 at 12:49 PM, Syllieann said:

My county is at 52/100k per day with a little over 10% positivity.  My anti-vax branch of the family has multiple people sick.  My aunt's brother died last night and their mother is not expected to make it through tonight.  My anti-vax mil and step fil are supposed to come for Thanksgiving from out of state.  I want to tell them to stay home, but I know they will just say they want to see us and it's in God's hands.  I'm keep going back and forth between being sad and angry.

Well, to update:  aunt's mom is still alive but unresponsive.  there was no room at the hospital so they sent hospice to her home to give pain relief.  Aunt just tested positive too, which puts my cousins into quarantine.  ODS was supposed to go hunting with them this weekend.  I said no when I found out about exposure and none are testing.  They are just assuming they are ok if they don't have symptoms.  Ods is fully vaxxed, but the cabin is small and apparently the deer all have covid too.  they are ticked and think I'm silly.  Everyone is mad at each other and pointing fingers over whose fault the deaths are.

We asked mil and step fil to test before coming, which made them realize what a difficult situation they were putting us in.  They offered to reschedule instead, and just FaceTime for now.  I guess it will just be my triple modernad parents coming.

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31 minutes ago, Syllieann said:

Well, to update:  aunt's mom is still alive but unresponsive.  there was no room at the hospital so they sent hospice to her home to give pain relief.  Aunt just tested positive too, which puts my cousins into quarantine.  ODS was supposed to go hunting with them this weekend.  I said no when I found out about exposure and none are testing.  They are just assuming they are ok if they don't have symptoms.  Ods is fully vaxxed, but the cabin is small and apparently the deer all have covid too.  they are ticked and think I'm silly.  Everyone is mad at each other and pointing fingers over whose fault the deaths are.

We asked mil and step fil to test before coming, which made them realize what a difficult situation they were putting us in.  They offered to reschedule instead, and just FaceTime for now.  I guess it will just be my triple modernad parents coming.

Sending some hugs.  I am glad your Ods didn't go hunting.  I am so sorry about your aunt's mom and brother.  So heartbreaking.  

I am glad you don't have to deal with the stress of having your IL's come over.  That is good they realized that.  I am sorry that you can't all get together for the holidays again this year.    This is so hard.

You are not silly, I am sorry they are making you feel that way.

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