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Tackling Friday


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  • Quiet time
  • Journaling
  • Work on 1 Timothy 4 and 5 part of the paper
  • Make 4 more videos
  • Record 10 podcasts
  • Clean out other bedroom so I have somewhere to sleep tomorrow when my sister comes.
  • Text my sister about her flight information so I know where to pick her up
  • Help mom with finances..she has to pay her credit card today.. UGGh. 

Which this is just a vent. I get why my mom is starting feel like all of the internet stuff is overwhelming, sometimes I do as well. But I looked and until she got sick at the end of August, he check book was awesome. Completely up to date and balanced.  But first it was an issue with their email where that didn't work. Then the vault with her passwords was having an issue. Now it turns out her bank has been bought out. She normally pays her credit card online, but she doesn't want to do that until she has her checkbook up to date. But she can't figure out how to get into her bank account online anymore. UGGHH. This may take hours today. And she may get tired and not want to finish. But she did not pay her American Express bill in September.  May have missed October. I haven't seen a statement, only an overdue notice for September. Looking at her checkbook, she should have more than enough to pay a bill. Have been making the case for my stepbrother to take over the finances. With all the computer issues, I think I have them thinking about it, though my step-dad said he could do it. ( No, he cannot.) Mom said maybe she would show him and see how he does. (He has cognitive issues, and she knows that, and I think knows he couldn't handle it.) 

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@TexasProud, I'm so sorry you all are having to deal with even more at this time! Praying for you!

I am having a bad morning. I woke up during the night feeling like a panic attack or something, shaky, a little short of breath. I haven't had that feeling in quite awhile, so I was hoping some of my anxiety was getting behind me. Maybe worrying about going to the show triggered it again. 

I was hoping to sleep in, but that's not happening. 

  • took care of dh's breakfast and lunch
  • ate a banana (I've also had some GI stuff going on, so I thought I might need it)
  • wrote out some scripture
  • lesson plans for next week
  • pay bills/update checking
  • laundry
  • tidy house
  • pull out fall decorations and put some of them out
  • maybe see dd later today
  • dh has to work the game tonight, so I might end up being alone most of the day if dd can't get together 
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-Take kids for flu shots

-pick up dd10’s glasses

-Make the kid(s) who unplugged the garage fridge throw out the spoiled food!

-Have the boys put their warm weather clothes in the storage bin and cold weather clothes in their drawers

-Get the kids to try on snow gear from last year, see what is still fitting and in good condition 

-Finish calls to pay medical bills

-Do the math for baby quilt pattern

-Return call from RS president 

-Pick up my mom from the airport 

-Stop at kid store to get a breast pump

-Blood Pressure check at doctor

Edited by Condessa
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Good morning!

Having coffee and b’fast now.

Boy and donated books to school.

Camping prep!

Pack my bag, then my car. Grocery for a few items. Get propane tank filled.

In between all that, get Dd to/from tutorial classes.

Print and sign permission slip.

Print emergency plan. 

Print directions

Print map for Ds.

Leave for campout by 2:30?!

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Good morning!  I decided to take a shower with the AS dance music turned down low.  I then got dressed, etc and dh still a bit asleep.  He is taking a shower and will be saying "Fireball" all day because I have now turned the music up.

Breakfast, rest of meds

Betterhelp counseling session

schedule dh's 3rd COVID shot

call Roy Sleep Medicine and find out when dentist comes in so dh can get the new appliance that is like 2 or 3 years overdue

Find out who is coming for dinner= I need 2 more people- have invited dd1 and dsil1 but if not her will try dd2 and dsil2 and see if they want to have dinner.  Plan is dinner and then go see the new Bond movie.  I told my dh that I am all for seeing the new Dune movie but Bond comes first.  Live and Let Die was the first one I ever saw and I have been a huge fan ever since.  

Call non Tricare Health Advocate.  This is one that my dh's work gives us as a free benefit. 

Figure out if I am too late to lower house taxes this year, otherwise do the work of writing a document about how I am disabled.

Continue with clothes swap 



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Good morning!

The runny nose yesterday turned out to be nothing, so we went ahead and went to fencing, no issues, and it was so good to go. 

My day today:
....prep for/go work with the 5 yr old
....come home, prep for 1st Grade for Monday
....DS and I did all his stuff yesterday, so nothing there for me (he has a DH school day today)
....pick up Oldest's meds at HEB -- thank goodness his doctor called/got him in for a visit yesterday just before she closed. Yay! Love her. 
....find a therapist for middle DS, whose anxiety is amping up up up (hoping Oldest's therapist has an opening; she was great, but not sure she's taking new patients...)
....finish up the quilt project (well the part of it I'm working on)
....probably watch Dune tonight, maybe?? 
...anything I'm forgetting

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It will be dd1 and her husband to dinner and the Bond movie because the other two are going to a Jason Isbell concert tonight.  We did say that we would get together for a meal and Dune sometime else this weekend.

Very annoyed that counseling session isn't happening as it should.  We were messaging yesterday about openings yesterday and I told her that I had scheduled for 9am this morning and it was on the betterhelp scheduling.  She left me a message at 7:47 about do I still want 9?  I didn't answer until 8:47 yes,  and then I went on there at 9 spent a few messages with the last being contact me when the session will actually start.  

I have a new giant problem-- Google fiber gave us really bad new remotes- it makes it better, you know.  I didn't like them because they were too small and also because you were supposed to do almost everything on screen.  Well I had been wondering why my bedroom tv wasn\t working and what happened to the control there.  Today, as we are eating breakfast, the remote stops working almost completely.  We can turn the tv on and off but only can use the idiotic Google Assistant who wouldn't play our recorded tv news from last night.  We can;t control anything on the screen because the remote stopped being able to move in 3 out of 4 directions.  Then I found out that dh had to swap the bedroom remote to the living room last month because the living room one had overheated and actually could have caused a fire. Since my counselor isn't messaging, I will now call Google Fiber and demand they give us better remotes.  Oh and the connector device in the living room also cuts out at times either just the sound or gives us a black screen for a few seconds.

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@TravelingChris, that must be so frustrating! Technology...love it/hate it. It goes back and forth all the time! Dh wants to see Dune with dd Sunday. 

I feel better than I did this morning. 

Dd is doing errands this morning and getting her booster. She is going to get in touch with me later. We might get together to do something and have dinner.  

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The kids are off school today as it's the last day of the quarter.  So we all slept in!

I've been ridiculously lazy!  Just pushed my kids a little, did a wee bit of pup stuff, and started a bit of client work so far.

The kids have to finish 3 online CERT classes, but so far they are avoiding the issue, and it's still too early for a fight.

My kid is cooking what should be a delicious dinner.

Technically it's my turn to choose a restaurant, but I don't want to go out.  I would rather sit at home and eat the meal my kid is cooking.  If anyone nags me about it, I'm going to say we can't go unless the CERT classes are done first.

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Chris, I hope the remotes get sorted! And the counseling. (((hugs))

SKL, you should definitely stay home and eat the food your kid is cooking. Can't you say "I choose Casa de SKL's Kid, which will be serving Super Yummy Food this evening" and leave it at that?  

Amy, glad you are feeling better!




Went and worked with the 5 yr old, and chatted with her grandma. Once again, they so don't need me for Fridays. 

Came home, ate lunch, took a nap. 

Pharmacy/grocery run, then home for the rest of the list. 

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Just feeling "off" today. 

Cleaned the kitchen, about to make dinner. 

Got almost all Christmas shopping done. Except youngest. Still need stocking stuffers for all the boys and dgd. 

Must finish school, has to be tomorrow since I have dgd Sunday night until Monday morning...

Avoiding DS calls, he's been annoying me. Actually they all are. The males are all irritating me. Pfft

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41 minutes ago, MooCow said:

My poor daughter is working a very hard, long day and drive today. The company that employs both of my older children are tackling a very sad sensitive topic today with the utmost sincerity. Very draining for my daughter.

Big hugs & prayers for your kiddos. 

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did school with DS -- was supposed to not have stuff, but then got the email report of his math, and he had really struggled with some bad grades. Went up and looked over all the lessons where he scored below a 70, and aside from one thing he wasn't understanding (which he was by the end of it), it's all just vocabulary issues. Geometry proofs....he can do the proof and understand what's going on, but mixes up the names for what rule goes where. so I'm not actually super concerned about that; we'll make some flash cards and get that sorted. Whew. 

Did the grocery/pharmacy run, got that put away, and DH came up with a recipe for dinner. 

Need to start laundry. 


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Dinner is done and eaten.  I cleaned the kitchen.  This day is feeling nostalgic.  It reminds me of when I was like 10yo in my parents' house.  The combination of cooking smells throughout the house, the Buck Rogers theme on the TV (the kids got the series for Christmas), and not having anywhere to go.  They say it's also nostalgic for them, since they used to binge watch Buck Rogers while sitting at my sister's house with her dogs (she is the breeder for our Kai).

The kids are supposed to be doing their CERT classes, but I'm hearing a lot of laughing down there ....

My eldest wants me to take her for a driving lesson tonight (I took her sister last night).  I said we need to wait until there's nobody around in that parking lot.  😛

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@SKL, good luck with the driving lessons!

@MooCow, praying it went well for your kids on their jobs.

@TheReader, geometry was my least favorite subject in high school (part of it may have been the teacher!), but I like it a lot more now that I've taught it so much. I have used the Holt Geometry course for the last 5 years with 14 students. 

I went to Chattanooga to spend the rest of the day with dd. We went shopping for a new mattress for her bedroom. I think she got a good one. We went to dinner and then spent some time together before I came home. 

Tonight, I'm thankful for my daughter. We had challenges in our relationship through the teen years, but I feel we are in a good place now. 

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Driving lesson successful.  Then I drove the kids to the grocery store for some pads.  They decided to buy some hair color.  Currently I'm told that Kid1 is in the process of coloring one half of Kid2's hair blue.  Can't wait to see the results.  😮

Tonight I'm grateful for slow days and living in the moment.

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@SKL remember those driving days, 2 kids fondly, one not so much, Buck Rodgers, LOL, I haven't thought about that campy tv show in ages. 

@mom31257 Isn't it fun to enjoy you adult daughter! So glad your relationship has improved.

@MooCow  hope your daughter is ok emotionally after yesterday

@TravelingChris so frustrating about the remotes, but even more so about the counseling. GRRR.  So, did you go see the Bond movie last night?? We want to so much. If it is still at theaters when I get home next week, hubby, son and I may try to find a first showing somewhere in the middle of the afternoon when it won't be crowded to go see it.  If you saw it, did you like it?

@TheReader sounds like you had a decent day. Hope you got the counseling stuff worked out.

I took the stuff to a mission organization that we took out of the house. I did do my laundry, but other than that I did not work on school at all, but was really lazy, dozing in and out on the couch. I did end up calling my son and chatting and called my husband as I just could not take anymore MSNBC. The way they just go on, and on, and on about an issue. And I know that is all news channels. I wish we could ban them all on all sides. I wish news was like the old days where you just got it at 5 or through your once a day newspaper. Do we really need news more than that? 

I am ready to go home. Mom has been much better the last couple of days. She paid credit cards. Issue with her bank was that they completely changed the website. She thought it was a scam because of the the giant ad for the apps. Once she was on, she went to town.



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14 hours ago, MooCow said:

My poor daughter is working a very hard, long day and drive today. The company that employs both of my older children are tackling a very sad sensitive topic today with the utmost sincerity. Very draining for my daughter.

I am sorry.  Praying that both your children have more peace this weekend.

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9 hours ago, SKL said:

Driving lesson successful.  Then I drove the kids to the grocery store for some pads.  They decided to buy some hair color.  Currently I'm told that Kid1 is in the process of coloring one half of Kid2's hair blue.  Can't wait to see the results.  😮

Tonight I'm grateful for slow days and living in the moment.

MY dd2, who has gorgeous red hair- one of the beautiful reds, cause I don't like all of them, occasionally colors part of her hair blue. I was very skeptical about the whole idea before she did it but it turned out great.  The blue contrasts very well with the bright red hair.  Also, a lady in my online quarantine book club, has black hair with some gray and she turned it blue and it did look very nice.  Hope your dd's hair came out good.

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2 hours ago, TexasProud said:


@TravelingChris so frustrating about the remotes, but even more so about the counseling. GRRR. Oh no it wasn't more frustrating with the counselor-- that turned out to be technical issues w/hosting platform. my phone, her computer, etc- We did eventually overcome the issues and I had a good session and will have another on Monday. So, did you go see the Bond movie last night?? We want to so much. If it is still at theaters when I get home next week, hubby, son and I may try to find a first showing somewhere in the middle of the afternoon when it won't be crowded to go see it.  If you saw it, did you like it? I liked it more than the last Bond and I can't remember how many others  I didn't like as much recently-  I will remember this one easily.  The last one, none of us (dh, dd1, dsil1, nor me) remembered almost any of it.  I actually remembered a bit of it. During the dinner, which I was so grateful for dd1's help, we tried several summaries of the last movie to be played as video or the final one, which was much more detailed, which dd read.  When she read that summary, I totally remembered.  This one had a much easier  story to follow.  Plenty of action too.


I took the stuff to a mission organization that we took out of the house. I did do my laundry, but other than that I did not work on school at all, but was really lazy, dozing in and out on the couch. I did end up calling my son and chatting and called my husband asI just could not take anymore MSNBC. The way they just go on, and on, and on about an issue. And I know that is all news channels. I wish we could ban them all on all sides. I wish news was like the old days where you just got it at 5 or through your once a day newspaper. Do we really need news more than that? agree about the annoyance with people on tv droning on and on. I also hate it.  And not only issue discussions like on MNBC, CNN, FOX, but I have also had issues with being in a waiting room and having loud repeated videos of how to take care of your health, or lets make pumpkin pie, etc.  As to home, I had a minor dispute with dh this week because he was watching Tucker Carlson and I just wanted to watch something that had nothing to do with current problems in the world- like North Woods Law (wildlife rangers giving tickets and fines to poachers, etc), maybe some vet like the woman in Alaska, maybe some game show, etc.  

I am ready to go home. Mom has been much better the last couple of days. She paid credit cards. Issue with her bank was that they completely changed the website. She thought it was a scam because of the the giant ad for the apps. Once she was on, she went to town.




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