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Dr. Hive: DH's weird toe thing (warning, just-a-bit-gross toe picture inside)


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So DH has a weird toe thing. It doesn't hurt, and even though the surrounding skin is red, it's not warm to the touch. It's happened once before, same place, and we thought it was a spider bite - then we didn't - and then it drained and went away. He gets athlete's foot occasionally, just on that toe, too. Poor toe. Can athlete's foot cause... what to even call it... a boil? You can't really tell from the picture, but the whitish part (pus? ew?!) is not raised above the skin like a blister, it's more like a deep pimple (skin is flat and smooth, not raised). 

If it were me, I'd drain that sucker but he's not a draining kind of guy. 

I've wondered about yeast problems with him generally... he bloats up from too many carbs/high fiber things, has eczema sometimes on his elbows (we've never figured that out, either). He thinks doctors are useless with problems like bloating and eczema, so he won't go (at least I haven't convinced him yet) 😞



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30 minutes ago, ktgrok said:


I wish. No, it's definitely some kind of pus/liquid expanding under there. It looks a tiny bit bigger each day. Last time, it was there about a week before it drained on its own in the night (sorry, so gross!). 

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A few ideas

It kinda looks like a friction blister that is kept damp. Does he keep shoes/socks on, or is the type to let his feet air out each day? Does he wear pointed shoes or shoes that are too narrow?

Does it hurt? Not everyone realizes, you can get cold sores in locations other than the face. It is possible to get them on your toes. If it hurts, blisters, crusts and heals it is a possibility.

If it turns yellow/pussy/crusty it could be impetigo. 

If he is around material that splinters (wood, metal, mulch etc) it could be a splinter working its way out. 

Folliculitis is often a white bump. It can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. 

Fungal infection 

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10 hours ago, Tap said:

A few ideas

It kinda looks like a friction blister that is kept damp. Does he keep shoes/socks on, or is the type to let his feet air out each day? Does he wear pointed shoes or shoes that are too narrow?

Does it hurt? Not everyone realizes, you can get cold sores in locations other than the face. It is possible to get them on your toes. If it hurts, blisters, crusts and heals it is a possibility.

If it turns yellow/pussy/crusty it could be impetigo. 

If he is around material that splinters (wood, metal, mulch etc) it could be a splinter working its way out. 

Folliculitis is often a white bump. It can be caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. 

Fungal infection 

He does get sweaty feet, so the friction blister could be right. I've just never seen a blister that looks white (pussy?) on the inside before. It looks "deeper" than a blister, if that makes sense. No pain or itching though.

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9 hours ago, Annie G said:

Looks similar to oldest grand’s issue, which is always the same toe, and not itchy. Her rheumatologist says chilblains or dyshidrosis.

Oh wow! That looks just like it. So the doc isn't even sure what it is? That's not encouraging...

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6 hours ago, AbcdeDooDah said:

Dyshidrotic eczema would be my guess. I have that and it is always on the same couple of toes.

That makes me a little sad. 😞 Is eczema an autoimmune thing? And does yours hurt/itch? His doesn't.

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1 hour ago, Kanin said:

Oh wow! That looks just like it. So the doc isn't even sure what it is? That's not encouraging...

No, it’s not encouraging. The pediatrician brushes it off, the rheumatologist says two totally different things but also brushes it off...and it keeps happening. Hope your dh finds an answer!

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44 minutes ago, Annie G said:

No, it’s not encouraging. The pediatrician brushes it off, the rheumatologist says two totally different things but also brushes it off...and it keeps happening. Hope your dh finds an answer!

I hate it when that happens. Obviously something is up, so it's frustrating to be brushed off. I'm sorry. Hope you find answers, too! Thanks for sharing your experience though. At least I know it happens to other people. 

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